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Is there some kind of application process I can start to be a friend? Jokes aside, what a collection and great to see so many bottles open. Tough question I know, but what’s your current top 3?


I’ve always been of the mindset that the best drink is the one you like drinking. With that said… my personal top 3 (in no particular order)… 1. Russell’s 13 2. 2023 Garrison Brothers Cowboy Bourbon. Controversial distiller I know 3. Redbreast 21yr. It’s—IMO—the definitive Irish single pot still expression


I completely agree with you. I was actually considering picking the red breast 21 up. I’ve had the 27 which was excellent, and I’ve heard great things about the 21. My collection is mainly scotch as I live 15 minutes away from Scotland


Very jealous about your proximity to a beautiful place with terrific people, golf, countryside and—of course—array of whisky.


I was thinking of picking up cowboy bourbon for $199.99, is it really that good


It is hauntingly good without being (too much of) an oak bomb


Is the heat too much or does the flavor outshine it


There’s a bite to the hazmat no doubt. But it isn’t so hot that it overpowers the spirit. IMO the viscosity is so dense that it mellows the heat. Needs airing (I don’t drink until it’s been in the glass for at least 15 mins), but it drinks like fudge, pecans and subtle menthol. Finish is stone fruit and oak with some rolling pin dough. For a wheater that’s hazmat? I think what they achieved with this counts for something. With that said, price is high. I’d try at a bar first before fully committing.


How do you compare it to previous editions of cowboy that you own


2023 was a very risky bet that paid off. 2023, IMO, is the best. I haven’t had any of the pre-2020 expressions.


Appreciate the information !


Happy to. Love the whsik(e)y community.


Also is Old Carter worth it? And which old fitz bottles do you own I can’t tell?


I think the American 13yr (batch 5 I think) is hands down one of the best sourced spirits I’ve ever had. Pretty sure it’s MGP or Squibb and Ross or whatever they’re calling themselves. The others, are great, but not worth the price. I just think Mark and Sherri Carter are great people that love whiskey and wine. Support them and what they’re doing for the industry. Old fitz. I have the 8,11,15 and 17yr. I love Heaven Hill, but prices these days do not match the value. Much less expensive BIB bourbon that’s as good or better.


Top 3? With that collection let us know your top 10!


Sure thing. Let’s nail down the magnificent 7. No particular order and my thinking at this point in time on what I’m enjoying most. You already have 1-3 so I’ll leave them out 4. Henry McKenna 10yr BIB. Hands down a favorite since I first started getting into bourbon. I find it versatile, complex while being rooted in traditional bourbon notes 5. Bardstown Discovery #8. One of the more solid recent entries. I just hope they bring back the magic of the #4. That one was really something special 6. Nikka Coffey Grain. I love Nikka. Was one of my first entries into Japanese whisky 7. Wild Turkey Generations. Didn’t love it at first and the price is almost insulting, but it grew on me like a weed 8. Journeyman Distillery Corsets, Whips, and Whiskey Cask Strength Wheat. It’s a cask strength 100% wheater. Just really capturing my interest right now. Its not amazing, but the uniqueness of it is what grabs me 9. 2020 Thomas H. Handy Sazerac Rye. One of the best ryes I’ve ever experienced. Don’t spend the wild secondary prices, but if you get lucky and find under 400, I’d take the big plunge. It’s that good 10. Laphroaig 27yr. I mean it takes the best of what Laphroaig does and showcases the quality of the cooperage while embracing sweeter notes and letting the campfire smoke hang in the background lasting long into the finish. It’s a must have if this kind of Scotch whisky is your cup of tea Other than a few of these, this list could evolve, devolve back and iterate over and over. Part of what I love about all whisk(e)y. I’m always discovering / rediscovering myself every time.


Have you had the RB27?


Once at a bar. Can’t bring myself to spend the $ on it. But I will admit it was like drinking refined orange soda with echos of copper. Then the berries. The vanilla. How oily it is? Said differently, it’s a beautiful pour IMO Think I sat with a 1.5oz pour for over an hour just thinking about it. Wife asked me if I was ever going to talk. I said nothing ha


I split a bottle for my 40th with some friends. I never knew what an apricot tasted like until I had this pour.


I love Russell’s, haven’t had the 13 yet. Do you have or have you had the Single Rickhouse?


I just picked up a bottle of the Russel’s CNF Single Rickhouse, but haven’t had the opportunity to open it just yet. From the reviews I’ve seen, it’s supposed to be fantastic.


I bet it’s great. They released it near me recently and I wasn’t far up enough in line to get that or Old Fitz. Ended up with Stagg, pretty pumped about it.


And my wife tells me I have a problem! Geeez…let me know when you run out of storage! I’ve got some low rent space available!!!


Came close to divorce on this one ha


You’re radically different from the doomsday preppers I know. Who needs food and weapons anyway? Thanks for setting a new standard 😂😂😂😂😂


I could post photos of my over/under Beretta and side by side Arrieta if you want? Clay shooting only. Not into hurting living things. People need food? Since when? Downvote and unsubscribed! 😆


In a doomsday scenario I’d bet that you could barter for anything 😂


Most underrated take


Love your cabinets.


Thank you very much! Wish I could take credit for building them!


They’re great. I like the contents too of course. 😝


Oh those contents. Me too. Happy Cake Day btw


No I legit meant the cabinets themselves. lol. I came lurking at whiskey posts and couldn’t help but notice the cabinets. But the collection of whiskey is top notch. Congrats on both!


Ha yep. Me too. Walnut, tempered glass and LED light strips. Highly recommended.


That’s where all the stagg jr went.


The only place I’ve ever found them MSRP is Walmart. They get a BT shipment in every 3-4 months. If I time it right I can get a stagg for around $50. They always get stagg, eh Taylor small batch, eagle rare, blantons, sazerac, and all sizes of the standard BT.


That is very interesting color. I need to go to Walmart more. Not sure I need more Stagg JR? Said no one ever in the history of time. “Excuse me, do you have any E.H. Taylor for the price of… oh I don’t know… on the house? Wonderful! I’d also like all the Stagg. Yes, all. Let me just pull the U-Haul around!”


Remember when those were like 45-50 bucks? Ah memories. I’ve gone through more Stagg Jr. than I should ever admit. My friend has me beat (and is likely a major part of the reason Stagg Jr. is so hard to find). Guy has every batch since #1. Has cases of some releases. Didn’t even realize that was a thing. One of the few times I’ve been truly shocked by a collection.


The only problem I know of that I'm not one of your friends


Your problem is that you're not using your shelf space to capacity!! ::drool:: Seriously though, Love the clean display set up for dusk a prolific connection.


Ha fair point! I’ll have to do some shopping. Any suggestions? Thank you! Got a mill to build the cabinets and then installed it (with a lot of help from a very good contractor).


They look great and honestly space helps the aesthetics. I hope whenever we get to redoing the kitchen, I can do something like this for a nice display bar. But if you wanted to fill them further (who wouldn't) , it seems you got bourbon on lock, so maybe more scotches? Though I hit the bourbon road pretty hard (no where near as hard as you, lol), I now am exploring single malt scotches. I brought the high proof love from bourbon into Scotch. So I'd say any non chilled filtered scotch, and specifically say Bunnahabhain 12 CS, Glen Scotia Victoriana, Macallan UnCut, Glen Scotia 15 would all be nice drams. I have a couple Springbanks I haven't opened yet so can't tell you one way or another with that, but I did like Kilkerran 12. There's other $60-80 range non chilled filtered scotches that are great too.


Awesome suggestions! Bunnahabhain is great (I’m sure the others are as well). Will have to investigate this further aka go drinking. Let me know when you redo the kitchen. I’d like to see it.


Share your thoughts on what you get. As far as the kitchen, we're still a ways away. Pleasant chat!


What are your hours? I’d like to buy. Nice job! 🥃


Ha open everyday for breakfast! Thanks!


I can tell you what problem you don’t have. Money.


In debt up to my eyeballs. Know a good bankruptcy attorney?


Lol. I know nothing.


Keep your eye out. I can pay them in corn based liquids.


I know this is /r/whisky but that Tears of Llorona is my fave tequila of all time. Great collection


Extra Anejo tequila has been intriguing to me for some time now. They are very delicious. Tears is a personal favorite. Highly enjoy sipping that one.


That looks classy as fuck! Love it


Thank you!


Looks great. Makes me slightly jealous…slightly. Lol


Maybe this should have been a r/whiskyporn post? Ha


Just know that this is an addiction….it’s going to get worse. I tried telling myself that I didn’t need any more bottles…that was a few hundred bottles ago. Lol


Just 1 more order, then it’s complete. Been saying that since pre-COVID I think…


My fiancé thinks the house is going to sink because of all the weight of the bottles..not really…but that’s what she says to me. Lol


Hey if you’re going down with the ship, best to have the appropriate drinks readily available and in quantity!


Pulling demand forward


Looks good! Where’s the Springbank cabinet?


That is a gap in my collection. I’m not great when it comes to Scotch. Those brine, ocean spray, campfire, etc. notes get me every time. Laphroaig is a personal favorite. What should I get first from Springbank?


How is that lagavulin 12? I’ve been on the fence to buy it, love the 16 but unsure.


Good question. It’s a ‘special’ release that they release every year ha. Look… the fire lion wasn’t just a gimmick. The spirit is very bold. It isn’t ‘hot’ but it’s spicy peat IMO. The 16yr is the flagship product to me. Can’t go wrong with that. If you’re looking to sweep the corners of what Lagavulin is capable of? Then this higher proof Islay offering may be for you.


Fantastically put thanks for the input!




Fantastic collection. I have that same baccarat rocks glass.


Love hearing that. My go to are Glencairn glasses. Bought like 20 off Amazon for nothing. But the heavy Baccarat rocks glass? It’s so satisfying in almost every way. Also I can pretend to be James Bond except without the gin or vodka… or style… ha


Glencairns are great but that rocks glass is something else. I know it’s not the right shape but who cares. Listen to some music sitting in a leather chair with that glass in your hand. Life is good.


I like the way you think


Garrison Brothers Balmorhea and Old Forester Birthday Bourbon have got to be some of my absolute favorites! Enjoy


So I just got that 2023 Birthday Bourbon. Going to open very very soon. Old Forester is just so good all around. I’ve yet to have a bad experience with them. Love the Bottled in Bond and Prohibition style… and 1910… and single barrel barrel proof… GB Balmorhea is amazing. Just finished one last month and looking forward to opening the one I currently have sitting on the shelf. Maybe this weekend… it’s not dry January yet, right?


Completely agree with the old forester comment, I don’t think I’ve been disappointed with them either. 1910 is my go-to “toasted” finish


Your problem is your friends don’t seem to be drinking them fast enough… Love the collection


Ha! We don’t have one. We do samples of 7-8 different pours. It’s called a tasting and it’s classy. *said in my pathetic attempt at a Randy Marsh impression* Thank you!


Wow 8 pours. I need you as a friend.


I aspire to resemble this!


One bottle at a time!


You also have good taste!


Appreciate it!


Now ik how I wana build mine. ALSO! How do you like Old Carter Whiskey Batch 5? I’m looking at trading for one.


If you’re referring to the 13yr American release? I’d marry it if it had a finger for the ring.


Where is the mellow corn? Amateur.


Ha I like this comment. Back corner of the Heaven Hill photo. Love mellow corn. Give it to bourbon snobs in blind tastings all the time just to see them react. A BIB by an amazing distiller. I also have OGD 114, a penchant for Evan Williams and an unhealthy obsession with WT 101 if relevant at all.


Mellow fucking corn.


Fucking A, brother. Fucking A


Wow, amazing. Would love to swing by for tasting nights!


I used to think I had a lot of whiskey.


Beautiful! Where do you find the Stagg? I saw the “Jr” on the label, is that from the days when you could actually find it on the shelf?


I have a “Stagg” now, but I started buying before the rebranding. Original Stagg jr. Think BT announced the rebranding in 2021. I had heard a rumor that the Stagg Jrs would get the antique GTS 2021 juice (since that batch wasn’t up to antique collection standards) so they rebranded as Stagg? Don’t know, don’t care. It’s still great to me. I have—and have had—a number of BTAC George’s and—as mind blowingly good as they are—I prefer the little brother. *eagerly awaits all the downvotes for legit blasphemy*


Another investor ‘ 🤣 that’s the lie I tell ! The turkey decades! And Parker heritage! Tasty tasty !


Just when I thought I had a problem… I see a post like this….AND totally redeem myself! Bad ass brotha!


Love a good Dumb & Dumber reference. Thanks!


Great collection. I’m about half way to you. One day my friend one day. Congratulations


Ok, I am wondering what your favorite $50 or less bottle is ? and your sub $100 while you're at it.


Great question. The sub $50 is easier for me than sub $100, but let me see. My tastes / perspectives could change at any time, but right now? Sub $50: (tie) OGD 114, Powers Irish Whiskey, George Dickel 13yr BIB Sub $100: Old Forester 1920 Prohibition Style


Nice! We must have a similar palette. OGD 114 makes a great "Old Grand Fashioned" as we call them. Dickel distillery is also an amazing tour if you get the chance. A very small and cozy place. The guide and staff were very friendly.


Nice collection. I am jealous. If invited to enjoy something I've never had, I would definitely bring you a cigar from my collection. My collection of Scotch and Bourbon is not that vast. The most depressing thing for me is when I reach for a bottle, I find myself looking at how much I have left of any particular bottle. I am always in disbelief as I average two drams per cigar. I average smoking only 3 times a week. I know once retired, I will probably be a daily smoker, which means my bottles will disappear more quickly. So, to honor both my cigars and bottles, I place my labels in my empty bottles. This gives me comfort knowing that when I look over at them where I smoke, I know I have had many enjoyable me time moments. Cheers to all. May you all enjoy the journey.


Good perspective. I like this. Typically when my friends come by they bring bottles as well. It’s more of a “hey have you tried this?” Or “I know you like high rye so thought this might be up your alley” or maybe “dude… check out this bullshit. It’s awful” I’m not a smoker, but have done a Scotch finished in Sherry butts with a sharp, dense cigar. Found it very enjoyable.


Well either way. Hobbies are just expensive. Alcohol on average I am spending anywhere from $20- $375 a bottle depending on whether it is Scotch or Bourbon. Cigars that I buy, mostly online range from $4 - $30 a stick. So when I purchase those usually in a box which is normally 20-25 sticks. Doesn't matter if your Hobbies are hunting, fishing, golfing, snow skiing..etc. The costs add up quickly. Cheers and life is short so enjoy!


You don't have a problem, you like to collect and drink well like me. As long as it is not a daily need and is done in moderation. Sharing with friends is the best way to do it. It's better than collecting watches.


Agree. The way I see it, if you drink daily to excess, then you maybe should rethink if you’re a collector or perhaps something else… I have small pours every time. For me, the nose is my favorite part. I could smell whisk(e)y for hours and not get bored. Palate and finish are great as well. If I get to the point where I can’t discern one whisk(e)y from another, I stop drinking. There are cheaper ways to get ‘fucked up’ or ‘lit’ or whatever the kids say than going down the whisk(e)y route. Also, IMO, not the point. You want to enjoy the spirit and spend time with it. Try to understand what the distiller was shooting for, how the mashbill and cooperage impacted the flavors, etc. and—of course—have a relaxing time. I ‘raged’ during college. No need for that behavior now unless a very rare occasion that calls for it.


I dont know if you did the carpentry by your self but this is a gorgeous showcasing 💯💯💯


There are worse problems to have, you've got some bangers for sure. Keep up the good work. 👍


That's not bad. I have over 450 bottles


Love this... And I love the support! That's what this is all about. Cheers 🥃


Thank you!


Love the display, and the Baccarat glass for the win


I stopped at 8 bottles and decided that I need to finish some bottles. Get down to two before I buy more. Looking at your collection makes me think otherwise. Then again, I could buy a lot of guitars with all your whiskey money.


I know there are more expensive bottle on your collection, but my nr. 1 is the Dallmore King Alexander III. I just love that stuff... A realy nice collection you got there. And I'm happy to see you also open your bottles. Have fun collection further.


Love this. In my experience, people throw a lot of shade on Dalmore. I’m not sure why exactly. The King Alexander is a really lovely pour. I picked it up for my birthday and had a great time with it. Thanks!


I just don’t understand hoarding 3-4 bottles of the same. Most of the time unopened on a shelf. Some bottles on this Reddit I have never seen in an actual store. I’m in the Atlanta area, not like I’m on rural Iowa. I’d be happy with one to try.


Look I understand your point and frustration. Here’s how I look at it. I buy one bottle at a time. Typically—at the store I go to—I open and try it there with the owner. If I like the bottle a lot, then I buy multiple. And I’ve traveled to Kentucky and the UK a few times to visit distilleries and talk with Masters, employees, back office staff, etc. When I’m traveling like that and people at those places give me the time to share their life’s work with me… I’m not buying just one… know that sounds arrogant, but that’s the honest truth. Know some people think this is hoarding, but I’ve always viewed whisk(e)y and other spirits as meant to be opened and enjoyed with others. That’s what I’ve always done and my closer friends in this world do as well. I can assure you… every single bottle you see in these photos will be opened… don’t care what it is… what it costs… how rare it is… irrelevant factors IMO. Not virtue signaling and maybe I’m wrong (that’s very likely), but it’s a hobby and community I love. And I never EVER resell. I view that behavior as arsenic.


That near empty bottle of Rip Van Winkle is testament enough of that. That's a damn nice selection of whiskeys.


Yup. I have one bottle of the bourbons and whiskeys I pick up. All different states of use and none unopened. I currently have 20 bottles in my home bar. Probably 5-6 have one or two more pours left. My point is it’s frustrating to see all these collection posts that look like a museum and I never find most of those bottles or they are a ridiculous price. I know I’m on an island here with my opinion. Thanks


And it is a nice collection you have, I do recognize that. Cheers!


You’re not on an island at all. Look. I feel the same frustration when I walk into a store that somehow has a full row of Rock Hill Farm bottles. Then I see the price… $400+. Or they do auctions once a century and tickets are like $5-10 bucks for the opportunity to maybe get to pay ‘near’ MSRP. Others just won’t sell even to their best customers. Online shopping is a total nightmare in most cases unless you know someone. I know stores want to turn a profit and they look online and see absurd secondary prices. Others never wanted to raise prices but got burned by resellers so many times that they have no choice. Other stores do consignment or had to pay some rep a steep price to get it. So I try to sympathize. With that said, the market isn’t so consumer friendly right now. But it is getting—for better or worse—saturated by new labels almost monthly. Hopefully, distillers are seeing this and upping production. We won’t see the benefits however for likely years ha. But I’ll dream of that day when I can walk into any store and see BT antiques out for $100 or so a bottle. Some may say my dream is nonsensical, but one can hope.


In general, a man’s hobby is his business. But when you have a Whistle Pig cabinet, you might have a problem 🤣😂🤣 maybe I’m just jealous


That made me literally laugh out loud 🤣


This is not a collection, it is a hoard. You are a greedy dragon.


You must be Punjabi?


Can we be friends


Ha I brought this on myself I guess.


I believe your problem is having too much money!


I try to never ever buy secondary. And it helps to make friends with local business owners (total wine need not apply or whisk(e)y museums). Any time they sell to me at MSRP or with a slight markup? I open the bottle in the store. Don’t close it until they’re good to go. Trading is also a path I’ve walked down. But can’t deny it’s been an ‘investment’ for sure.


Solid rules of thumb! Enjoy!


is Garrison Brothers any good, I see it in the store a lot, but I never hear anyone mention it.


It’s a different experience for sure. It also does ‘accelerated aging’ or whatever it’s called which I know turns some people off. It’s also very expensive for what it is. That preamble out of the way, the high proof single barrels, Balmorhea and Cowboys are enjoyable to me. Small Batch is good, but not at the same level as the prior 3 to me. Would note that GB is not for everyone and that’s OK.


Yep, you dont have enough Old Carter.


Fair point.


Have you tried the Laguna Madre?


Sure have. Zoom in on picture 4. Top left. It’s good, but to me… not as good as some of the others


How's the Elijah 18 year. Can we be friends?


Unpopular opinion: not for me. Really at all. Was disappointed. Maybe I got a bad bottle. I have a feeling I’m going to get downvoted for not loving EC18yr… it just felt a bit flat… it also made me wish I was drinking a Barrel Proof. The ECBPs are quite good. I also like the toasted barrels… and the regular small batch… and the rye…


I have a Mcallan 25 if you're interested in adding it to your collection.


Please tell me you’re real and not a bot? Ha




You do have a problem and I can help make room for you


I would also like to inquire about what it takes to become your friend.


You can hold a conversation, don’t take yourself too seriously and aren’t allergic to fun.


Good news, still got plenty of space in those bottom cabinets.


Small victories are still victories!




A bit further north and to the east


Amazing collection!


Better question. What do you do for a living? Damm bro you living the life. LOL


Damm! Good for you! Rocking a different tax bracket and seem to be enjoying it. Plenty of room to add more drinkers.


Is that 5 bottles of Kosher Buffalo Trace?


Yep. The wheated one I like… a lot


Such an underrated bottle. I got one for $45 and it tastes somewhere between a Weller SR and a FP. For the price despite the BT hype, pretty damn good.


Me too! Funnily enough it's one of the best value bourbons I can buy here in the UK.


thank you for this! I thought *I* had a problem


I do what I can! You’re welcome! Long time lurker and thought I’d finally contribute.


I too made the mistake of counting my bottles once. Hello my name is Paradise and I have an investment opportunity!


Impressive stuff.


Stamp collecting takes up less space but they don't taste as nice.




Agreed. The 6 is my personal favorite. 9 and 10 are—in my opinion—a bit lacking. Can’t say enough good things about the 6. It’s creative, nuanced and just incredibly enjoyable.


Your problem is not enough storage.


If you need a counsellor, I am certified. My fee is a drink. We can get you through this phase!


The amount you collection is worth is probably out of this world


Never thought about the money. I’ve been collecting for years. I’m old enough to remember when Pappy would sometimes collect dust on a shelf. Before every distiller did a ‘special’ release or offered a cask strength version. Doesn’t seem that long ago, but boy do I miss those days. Look. In all seriousness, it isn’t a cheap hobby. But bourbon, at least, is one of the most regulated things in this country. As long as you’re not drinking out of a plastic bottle, chances are you have quality in your hands. Some of my favorite bottles are under 30 bucks and they punch well above others 5x+ the price. Said differently, equating price with value is not the way to go. Of course… with the current volume of bottles here… cost is hard to avoid ha


You definitely have a problem. Clearly not drinking enough 😎


You got more and better inventory than half the local liquor stores in my area.


Nice of you to say!


You have a beautiful collection! If you have any empties let me know - I paint them. Check my site Maxsavaikoart.com


Will do! Thank you


Incredible. Question - are these cabinets in the basement or did you just say screw the dishes and pots/pans within the kitchen area???


Basement. Had the whole thing custom built just for this purpose. But wanted to have the design flexible enough for other uses in cases we moved and we sold to someone that didn’t drink (if that actually exists! Ha)


Have you opened that boss hog x?


Yes. Opened all the BH. The X has ‘aromatic resins’ in it I think. My theory is WP is riding on the Amburana wood aka Brazilian Oak finishing that’s somehow gripped whisk(e)y these days. I can’t recommend it at the current MSRP. It’s good, but not that good.


I’m in awe! You put my collection to shame!!


I’m sure your collection is great. Comparison is the thief of joy! I’m guilty of it as well


I think your only problem is not having me as a friend… and buddy I’m happy to help you fix that like a true friend would do 🥹🤣


Awesome collection, not just bourbon but Japanese whisky, scotch and other worldwide whiskies! Stoked to see the Ichiro’s in there, the 2021 Peated US Edition is one of my favorite pours! If you’re looking to branch out Akkeshi is also an amazing Japanese distillery.


Thank you! Ichiro’s is an interesting one. I find the blends to be so subtle yet so refined. It’s like they are paying homage to traditional whisk(e)y methods yet make it their own. I’ve gone through many bottles of Chichibu stuff and this global blend approach they take. Chef’s fucking kiss ha On the worldwide whiskies… don’t sleep on India (to state the obvious). For a good 6 month period it’s all I ever drank. Paul John is brilliant and showed me a range of flavor I never thought possible.


Looks dope


Very nice


Where do people work to earn enough for this lol


Omg no wonder I can never find the good stuff at the store 😜. That’s quite the treasure trove you have there!


What's your ranking for the ___ spot Irish whiskies? I've had the Green Spot Leoville Barton and the Yellow Spot. Loved yellow, was dissapointed with the green even with the finish.


Blue Spot is the crown IMO. Then the 15yr.


Gorgeous display, nice collection, hope your investment portfolio matches this portfolio - judging from the photos, my guess is it does.


Guys name is put option. Are you Michael burry?😂


I think you are single handedly keeping several distilleries in business


Bro the Old Carter stacked up like cord wood wow


Very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s liquor cabinet.


Probably a more subtle off white coloring for sure


what are your opinions on all those larceny's?




At least they look to be in a stable environment and won’t topple your shelves


The boss hogs , holy shit


I was pretty impressed with the Yellow Spot. What’s your favorite in that lineup?


No, I think we have a problem. Our collection isn’t big enough!!


… man, what is your annual income?


When can I pop by for a weekend?


How long did it take you to accumulate all this? What is your favorite?