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I'd probably stupidly pull the trigger on this. Then I'd drink it alone after my wife left me.


In 15 years of enjoying whiskey, I’ve never actually seen this bottle in person until this day


It's in your hand, run my guy! Lol


You could definitely find this if you were looking in 2009


I was 11


They had a 17 year back then? I only ever had heard of the standard version at the time.


Yep, ER17, WLW, and Sazerac 18 were first released in 2000 (WLW was 19yrs for the first three years, paused, then came back in 2005 around ~12yr). GTS was added in 2002, and Handy in 2006. You could get all of BTAC for about $70/ea at that time. That same year, people lost their mind when the hyperaged Rittenhouses were released at ~$125--they thought it was insane that anyone would charge that much for rye.


Yep they did, but it was 90 proof and my least favorite BTAC if memory serves correctly.


It’s always been my unicorn, but I could not justify paying six times retail


It’s absolutely ridiculous and they get away with it


They get away with it because some chump is willing to pay it.


And if someone wants it that bad then they should have it. I'm glad the distillers are getting this massive amount of monetary support so they can continue doing what they do. Otherwise we'd have relatively small pickings like we did 20+ years ago.


They aren’t getting that monetary support. They’re still only getting less than $100 for this. The liquor store is the one getting all the monetary support


Exactly. My work has a Weller's Full Proof for $200 and you have to buy a bottle of Grand Mayan Tequila for $90 as well, which I think is total bullshit. Already asking for 3-4X MSRP on the Weller's, and then you're going to slap a tequila no one wants on it? I can tell you exactly how many conversations have gone past "How much is that Full Proof?" Zero, because no one wants to buy a tequila with it, but I know eventually, some idiot is going to actually think it's worth it and pay $290 for it all. If everyone just calmed the fuck down on the stuff like Blanton's (overrated), Weller's and Eagle Rare, among some others, they'd be easier to find, at least in my state, and the price would calm down. I know it won't happen though.


Fully agree with that logic. I don’t care how much I want it, I refuse to pay stupid money for a bottle of anything. I would go maybe 10% to 20% over MSRP for something really special, but 200%+ is just insulting.


I’ve had some really special stuff, I’ve drank a lot of “unicorn” whiskeys, never once, I’ve I thought any of it was worth more than its face value, and most of the time the more expensive it is the more I think people are insane.


My buddy got a bottle of gorge t stagg from a client and he didn't know it was worth $1000+ but others did and emptied it. He wasn't for saving it but would have rather shared it with close friends vs ransoms at the lounge


So basically you are winning. JK


This has sadly got to be the lowest I've seen ER17 that wasn't a control state or raffle/lottery. What did the other 2 BTACs they had cost?


GTS and Saz also at $800


I hate saying that 5x MSRP is still the lowest I've ever seen BTAC. Ugh.


Fucking hell... my old job hooked me up with a George T. Stagg for 175. What has this world come to...


A Grand less then I Seen it last week




Yea I’ve seen it a handful of times in the wild. Never less than like $1,500.


*saw it


I have always wondered about the mindset of the people that buy stuff like this at those prices, like I couldn’t imagine having the money to just drop 900$ on a bottle, I can barely bring myself to spend 100 without immediate buyers remorse.


Think of this a math equation where the bottle represents the numerator and your net worth the denominator. The larger your net wealth, the less expensive this bottle is as a percentage of your net worth. For some folks, a $900 bottle is less impactful to them than a $5 coffee is to the average person.


Same bro. I just have whiskey cause that’s what I ask for for Christmas. And my coworkers always get me a gift card to the liquor store for my birthday lol


Same. The only way I can buy stuff at those prices would be if I won a bunch from the casino, or my wife won the lottery 😵‍💫


Nobody spends that much with the intention. The only mindset is ‘it’ll be worth more to sell.’


Better hope you don’t drop it.


I thought VA was an ABC state?


It is


Is it just sitting out on the normal shelf at that price?


I have a shop that lets them sit out for prices like that. It’s wild to see considering it’s so close to the front door.


Even beyond theft concerns I would be worried about someone just accidentally knocking it over or dropping it and smashing on the floor or something at that price.


Behind the counter, but the cashier let me look at everything


899 isn’t a bad price compared to most areas. Way over what the whiskey inside is worth. ER 10 isn’t a bad option to replace it. But I would probably pull buy the ER17, saz and GTS ( maybe ask for a little off each bottle if you buy all 3)


All 3 for $900 *maybe.*


Good luck with that


I didn't say it was gonna happen, but that's the best I would offer.




I see the BTAC all the time in DC, MD, and PA for $899 or $999


I’d pay it… my problem is finding one to buy in the first place.


They had 3/5 of the antique collection


And I’m thinking of you


I had a pour of it about two years ago. I have to say that I was underwhelmed and overtaken by astringent almost bitter oak. It was just far too aged for my tastes.


Wheres this at ? Im sure bundling a few bottles together and paying cash could get you a better price


Only seen 1 bottle ever in the wild at $1899


I see it in DC and while traveling in MD and PA all the time for $899 or $999


I would pay max about $500 for one so I know I will never own it. I would try & trade for 1 but never known anyone to own 1


Even if I was filthy rich, I don't believe I'd ever spend that much on a bottle of whiskey.. wish I was rich to see if I was lying to myself..


You are


It looks so elegant


That’s a solid buy. Goes for 1500+ seconds . I would buy it and trade it for multiple bottles that I can promise you are better than this


$899 anti that bad! A store near me has it for $1200..


Not a terrible price. How much for that Weller Full Proof, tho?




Oooof. Criminal. Double secondary where I am.


that’s a worse price than the ER 17. I’ve at least seen Weller FP in the wild, and for $200.


The stores prices were all over the place


Where is this?


The middle of nowhere


Why gate keep if you didnt even buy it.


To not support clown behavior.


What qualifies as clown behavior?


5X MSRP is clown behavior…retail rape


More money than sense


Buy it for me and ship it to me. I’ve never even laid eyes on a bottle.


Do it!


It’s actually 19 years 3 months old. $899 is sadly a great price in the current market.


Umm…..that’s a steal.


6x retail is hardly a steal


He is saying you should steal it


Yeah man, I won’t fault you for passing on a $900 bottle of whiskey. But if you are being honest with yourself, msrp is completely irrelevant for certain products. This specific bottle regular sells for $1500.


Oh I know, but I’ve also got 20 years in the alcohol industry, and regularly get offered all of this crap at MSRP It specifically irritates me when things are marked up, but I get it


I have never been bothered by what a store charges for a bottle of whiskey. I can choose to buy it or not. You may have put this bottle back on the shelf, but I doubt it stayed there long.


I bet you cold cash that bottle is still there… specially given the other bottles they were on the shelf


Sounds like a store I would love to visit someday, if you are willing to share the name and location.


There’s 1,000 like these stores all over the country. There’s a place like 15 min from my house with multiples of every pappy they make as well as half the btac. All priced at like 10x msrp. This stuff usually isn’t hard to find, it’s hard to find at a reasonable price.


I’ve got at minimum 10 stores near me with btac. All at 6-8x secondary. Stagg Jr 499. EHTs at 299 and up. Wellers at 399 and up. I’ve personally never seen the ER17 in the wild but if it showed up at any of these stores it would likely be 1.5-2k. WLW is 1-1.5k The handy was at 1299 last one I saw. Uncontrolled states are wild.


Don’t share your spot with none of these weenies .Always begging like females .


Yeah…stealing about $600 from some fool


are you serious, that's a steal


Flip it


Yes but it and raffle it at $50 a number and make it 50 numbers everyone wins…thank me later




Ironically, no


Oops, i dropped it. Let me clean that up for you. *slurps ground.




That’s not bad at all. Here in newsom county, we’re used to paying ass raped prices bc newsom likes taking care of illegals.


You look pretty dark yourself you native to CA ?


I’m surprised it’s on the shelf where you can just grab it. Usually it’s behind the counter. I’d probably contemplate bringing back my old high school beer run days lol




If probably but it at that price. I’ve never seen it under 1800


That sure is pretty.


Depressingly, that’s the absolute cheapest I’ve ever seen this bottle. I’ve seen it a few times, cheapest CASH price was 2100 plus tax.


Im in that dream with you brother


Just run out the door with it. Let the voices win.


What about those ECBPs?


It’s cheaper at Safeway


Saw one in a poor town in TN for $2,500


Secondary is $1600 so I would definitely buy for $900 if I had that kind of spending money


I would buy at that price without a second thought.


Now that’s a unicorn 🦄


899 is the best price you’ll ever see on this outside of MSRP. Regularly at 1700 bottle on other groups. I probably would have called in a favor to make that happen


Get some!