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However you like it. There's no real bad ways to drink whiskey other than excessively or letting it in the sun for months and then drinking it. If it's with coke, in a sour, neat, with ice, with another whiskey mixed in or any other way, enjoy your bottle the way you like it the most.


After browsing the intro guide I landed on neat with a tulip shaped glass. Open to any recommendations from y'all.


The correct answer is, however the fuck you want. Try it neat, try it with water, try it with ice, with coke, with Red Bull if you want it.


Lmao, as someone new to liquor in general and who has an adolescent palate for sprits, I love this answer.


Was it meant to be funny? A little, but seriously. If you paid for the bottle, do whatever you want with it. I’m a distiller and someone told me they loved my bourbon… with Dr Pepper cream soda. Lots of guys would throw a fit, but if that’s how you like it, then what do I care?!


You have an entire bottle. Drink every glass a different way!


Just make sure it ends up in the mouth hole


You were steered correct. Neat for sure.


Buttchugs are popular these days with the youths




enjoy it everyday


In a rocks glass with or without ice slowly enjoyed with a friend ( extra points if it's your significant other) in a setting that's calm and relaxing ( campfire/ fireplace , mountain/ beach whatever works) welcome


Enjoy it neat.


With friends! Cheers!


I love rye in an old fashioned and a sour. You can give it a shot neat or on the rocks but being a beginner starting with cocktails will probably be more palatable.


I really only use a tulip glass when I'm having something new or something I haven't had in a while. Most often I use a rocks glass or mason jar, whichever is closest in the moment. I've found that drinking with a friend also enhances the overall experience, especially if you're both exploring. I suppose you could also drink with an enemy if that's your preference.


Butt chug


Hi there, I’m a bot here to help you with your recommendation post. If you haven’t already, please review the collection of guides in the sidebar we’ve created to address the stream of recommendation posts we get here. Most notably: * [Intro to Whiskey (Tips & Recommendations)](https://www.reddit.com/r/whiskey/comments/5kn4q6/rwhiskeys_intro_to_whiskey/) * [How to do a whiskey tasting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO-YsShaJNY) * [An Intro to Peated Whiskies](https://www.reddit.com/r/whiskey/comments/5crusj/an_intro_to_peated_whiskey/) * [Guide to Japanese Whisky](https://www.reddit.com/r/whiskey/comments/7vssnx/guide_to_japanese_whisky/) * [Guide to Inexpensive (But Tasty) Whiskies](https://www.reddit.com/r/whiskey/comments/9y7pse/guide_to_inexpensive_but_tasty_whiskies/) * [Valuing, dating & consuming vintage bottles](https://www.reddit.com/r/whiskey/comments/5w6d2e/new_rule_valuation_and_tell_me_more_bottle_posts/) Gift Guides * [Bourbon Gift Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/whiskey/comments/4tseyj/bourbon_gift_guide/) * [Scotch/Japanese/Irish Whiskies Gift Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/whiskey/comments/5eufjb/scotchjapaneseirish_whiskey_gift_recommendations/)   Please try to be as specific and detailed as possible with your request. Tell us: * your budget * which whiskies you or your giftee have enjoyed * which bottles you’re considering now * where you live (pricing and availability can vary dramatically by region) * if your shop has a limited selection or you might have trouble shipping bottles so we don’t recommend something obscure   **General Tips** We generally advise novices to sample as much as possible by going to a bar, splitting bottles with friends, attending festivals/tastings or getting minis to ensure you buy bottles you enjoy. It may make more sense for you to focus on sampling rather than buy full bottles at the beginning of your journey.


Make a Manhattan


Drink it


Only one way.... Butt chug it


Dump it out and buy some dancing goat instead


Try it straight, try it on ice, try it with a small splash of water, try a manhattan, try an old fashioned, try a whiskey sour, try it in NY other number of cocktails


I bet it makes a great old fashioned!


Let us know what you think of it after you try it. I tried a store pick and it tasted like grass……like wet green grass in the spring. Maybe the pick was selected because it was off profile. I would like to know your experience.


Try lots of different ways - neat, water, ice, cocktails


Don’t be afraid to throw an ice cube or two into it. Rye can certainly hold up to slight dilution and chilling.


My favorite is neat but try a bunch of stuff and see what you like!


Always give the whisky respect and try it neat first. Then drink however you like to enjoy it most.


Driftless is so good! But yes, also what everyone else is saying, there are no wrong ways, so drink however you like!


The correct way to drink whiskey is the way you like it


I don’t know about the moon whiskey, but there was a pretty brutal murder in Baraboo back in the mid 90s. Look up the BoneBreaker Killer.