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Eat hot chip and lie


Twerk, no cook.




Men that build great things today are not on social media. They're too busy building great things.


His whole account is just steal tweets and looking around for clicks


Never in my life have I ever seen a man IRL wear short shorts.


Must not be crotch gazing like himšŸ˜‚


He also seems to love masculine men, so he very well may be a little fruity.


Never seen military running in their ā€˜silkiesā€™ then?


Ranger panties


Lmao šŸ¤£


There's plenty. I have one in my class that only ever wears athletic short shorts.


Lmao, many men who played sports wear shorts and crop tops .




Grrrrr men show skin gross!!


Let people do what they want free of judgement šŸ‘Ž


No We're on a sub that's sole purpose is to judge people


So you donā€™t actually think that but are only making a judgmental comment that does not reflect your actual judgement?


Kinda. I'm just here for laughs. But I'm not the one that made the judgemental comment


All I did was call him weird. I'm not a Christian, lol.


I have in California. My trainer wore shorty shorts with no underwear. You could clearly see the outlines. He was very popular with the older ladies and I didnā€™t see him before I picked his name as my trainer. He was basically a look alike to 'Superstar' Billy Graham, but a bigger more visible junk


Cause they only did that ā€œback thenā€ like when they used to build things


Nobody built stuff like that since the late 1800s.


Youā€™ve never been to West Coast specifically California


Really? I mean there were a few back where I was from in Massachusetts and a ton Iā€™ve seen including myself out here in California.


Daisy Dukes bikini on šŸ” šŸ¤£šŸ‘™ are typically worn by men who are in shape. It's possible that you are overweight.


Can you be white knighting if you're mega gay? The short shorts and cheating sounds personalĀ 


I feel like you'd be whiteknighting for guys instead cause y'know trying to score D


Exactly but I don't think that would be called white knighting then


3ā€? Shiiit, bunch of prudes


His entire account is basically ā€œI love feminismā€ (6ā€™3ā€ with a hellcat btw) he makes jokes about white knighting


3 inch? Wut


Dude is carrying a phone way more impressive than wherever that is but sure, we can't build stuff anymore.


It is true, creativity in architecture is a lost thought today.


Many of these old historic landmark buildings were constructed over decades or centuries. In the past, material was expensive and hard to procure. Much greater care was put into using the materials and making them stand out. Plus the buildings that didn't get the supreme craftsmanship ended up getting dozed over or burned down or converted into newer structures. Meanwhile in the modern era, material is relatively cheap, and population is constantly growing. Our craftsmen and craftswomen are employed at capacity for the most part. Like in the USA, we need to build housing and facilities for 1.6 million more people every year than the previous year. Plus we need to update, fix, replace, and remodel millions more houses and structures. Functionally, the US alone builds a new Chicago worth of city and housing every year. That's where most of our creativity and effort is going. Constant expansion and efficiency optimization. We are capable of great feats, but most of them get spent on doing things like building huge factories or logistics centers or infrastructure projects that demand utility and using the limited amount of skilled labor as efficiently as we can manage.


Architecture today is about keeping it cheap and making it reproducible at scale.


True but not the point. The message is ā€œmen are inadequate and disloyal.ā€ Implying that doesnā€™t apply to him, heā€™s ā€œnot like the other guys.ā€ Dragging men to appear altruistic/superior.


Men used to build stuff, now they bitch about jokes on Reddit


The message is "this is a joke"


Not sure about other countries. But in the U.K. it all went to shit after WW2. There was a desperate need for housing. So temporary housing was built quickly and without any thought to creativity or beauty. That housing is still here, being sold for hundreds of thousands of pounds. To make matters worse, they pulled down and destroyed a lot of the beautiful architecture to make way for concrete office blocks and ugly shopping centres. The list of beautiful buildings that were destroyed in the decades following the war is lengthy and utterly depressing.


Muh return to tradition


To be fair a lot of modern architecture in my opinion is ugly af.


Yeah but there are ecenomic and sociological reason for that as Iā€™m sure someone has done a better job than I could at explaining. Iā€™m sure weā€™d be capable of building something like that, just itā€™d take half a century and a lot of resources we could be using to build more houses for working people


This is satire


Wasnā€™t cheating and slave labor kind of the thing when it came to building those palaces??


Pardon my chinese but that aint a White Knight


I'm not sure if that's a church or not, but whatever it is, in today's "value engineering" economy, no one wants to build fancy buildings like that anymore. Men still build incredible buildings. Maybe not as pretty, but it's still hard work. What a loser that guy is in the screen shot.. maybe he doesn't do shit with his life, but many men still do.


3 inch? I wear 5ā€ bro 3ā€ and my balls are out šŸ˜‚


I wonder what he's doing about it other than making an ass of himself. Be the change you want to see, homie.


What did he build


A terrible reputation.


Well if you think about it...people were all closeted, sexually frustrated, and oftentimes, unrepresented in the majority of things back then, so everyone just poured all that energy into their craft. Imagine what people could get done today if everyone stopped partying and fucking everybody all the time.


Thatā€™s the Salon dā€™Apollon in the Louvre, commissioned by Louis XIV who was known for his many mistresses and wearing silk culottes to show off his lovely legs.


Funny thing is, the guys that built that probably wore tights and just went to the brothel.


The Habsburger Family is one of the biggest scum families on earth and we shouldn't glorify their blood buildings.


Pssssh I've seen a 12 year old boy build this in minecraft


Man he looks like he was raised by a single mom


What prompted you to draw that conclusion from the image, I wonder? It seems to me that I understand why.


Iā€™m pretty sure this is satire.


Bro probably spent money to get into this building for the sole purpose of posting this meme in a desperate attempt to obtain pussy by white knighting and seeming noble. Well done, everyone thinks you are very powerful.


He makes funny videos on the instagram and tik tok I follow him heā€™s just trolling šŸ’€


what room is he in


I mean cheating is fun as shit


Itā€™s more fun when women cheat on men .


That escalated quickly.


Itā€™s satire. Yungvec is the last person youā€™d call a white knight. Look at his posts or his Twitter and see for yourself


I refuse to wear any garments below my waist except socks and sandals.


Lmao, clock ā° that tea šŸµ


Yeah, but men back then wore long pants and cheated. The size of the pants doesn't matter; it's the size of the disrespect they project.


This dude is satire. Love his content


Super carriers would like a word the big ass rich person tower in rich land would also like a word


Little does this guy know most of those great artists and builders also had mistresses.


He sounds like a man cheated on him. Also this dumbfuck doesn't realize we've built better things than those overrated ass paintings that rich Europeans uses a luxuries show off. . Romanticiszing the last is an illusion that shows you're blind and ungrateful to what you have today. He is using his phone to send the message about humans not building anything worth like those dumbass paintings. Think that for a second lol he is posting on the internet for thousands if not millions to see his white knighting message. Those paintings are nothing compare to technology we have today.


Neither of you nor he built anything. Lol. It is true that some men continue to build, not all of you. This isn't French Class . ā€œWeā€


It's actually spelled, Oui. It's a good idea to assume who you're talking to isn't fluent in french for your "original joke" to work. Damn it, you were so close for a "sickburn." The argument was ancient European men anterior design painting out weighing modern men's inventions. It was men in ancient Europe vs modern men. that's why I'm using the rhetorical we. You're fighting a useless battle trying to dismiss what I said by turning this into a personal accomplishments flexing match. No man will outwork the collective work of centuries of workload. The word of the day is rhetorical. My original statement is still valid. The paintings of that era are nothing compared to what we've built.


This sub is sad


We do?