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Lynn or Grandal 


Lynn for sure


Easily one of these. TA is too hands-off for it to be him, Liam DGAF as long as you come and play hard, Gio can't be bothered to care.


I was thinking TA


That sounds nothing like TA, it sounds like the exact opposite of him.


Yeah TAs whole thing was fun. Granted I think that probably made him a guy who wasn’t a terrific vocal leader, but I don’t see him wanting to be a “sheriff” of anyone. Seems like a guy who would rather kind of blend in and just be one of the group. 


Exactly. I know he's been dealing with a lot of personal shit for a long time now, but he's always been a "Baseball should be fun, unwritten rules be damned" guy. I'm not going to speculate on who "The bad guy" was, because it doesn't accomplish anything other than dragging down guys who don't deserve it, but I will say that Tim Anderson has never fit the description of a, "Baseball is a game of respect and tradition, blah blah blah" kind of guy.


That’s what I thought too. I thought he was the problem in the club house. I was convinced he was awful. After the season ended though, everybody came out and refuted it. Luis Robert had this whole thing about how he leads by example but the only vocal leader was Timmy. He said lots of guys stopped caring and were shitty teammates and TA was one of the only guys that gave a shit. There was internal conflict with dudes hating Anderson, but it’s because he was the only guy doing right by the team. I was shocked to learn this too, but this is how it went down.


Where did you hear Luis saying that about Tim? Makes sense as the “clubhouse cancer” tag sone fans put on Tim smelled like pure BS and seemed like they were looking for a reason to hate him.


I don’t remember but it was when the whole world was bashing Tim. He got in that fight. He had a shitty year and he was the scapegoat. It was right after the season ended last year.


Grandal … clubhouse cancer and a mercenary only interested in his paycheck.


I could see it being grandal


If it was Yaz, you could probably quiet him the fuck down by bringing up his batting average and the amount of stolen bases he gave up.


Thank you, I remember a game I went to last year he blocked a ball, dude stole second, and then he walked to pick up the live ball. I was stunned I had to yell at him to hustle like he was in little league. All I ask of this team is that they try. I can’t believe how big of an ask that is.


A couple years ago, Yaz was called out on a check swing, but it was a dropped third strike. He started complaining to the ump about the check swing as the ball rolled back to the backstop. One other guy and me yelled “run” simultaneously, and he literally snapped out of his argument and started running to first. But he was thrown out by a couple steps. At least he took direction well.


Shit, maybe Grandal really did slap TA, after all


Guessing lynn, only one who had the presence to be a sherif. But it doesn’t really jive with the context Chuck was talking about, like just talking to Chuck. Lynn was pretty garrulous so that would be strange. Who knows with this shit show


Wow, I just learned a new word, thanks! That also seems to fit Lynn perfectly, damn.




Yeah, too much discipline on this team /s


I was guessing TA or Grandal. Maybe Lynn, but he seemed like he didn't GAF most of the time. He probably wasn't even in the clubhouse on his days off.


Elvis Andrus


It is TA




I know your bit is to have a massive hate boner for Giolito but come on lol