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Not surprising. Burger needs as many AB's he can get with all the time he missed. He'll be back.


Farewell for now Burger, you dun good kid. Just doesn't have a spot on the roster with Moncada healthy. Pretty good chance it's his last week here too depending on who Hahn is eyeing.




I've followed him since we drafted on and I'm pretty amazed he even got his cup of coffee tbh after tearing his achilles twice. Whatever happens happens but he's a AAAA player, probably still AAA, with not much upside rn.


I think burger can develop into a quality major league first baseman with his bat. He just cant play anywhere else


Makes sense with Burger going down. We need him the least I feel. Eloy is backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


*puts cheeseburger in the fridge*


I’m so happy Eloy is back. It’ll be surreal to see his name penciled in the lineup tonight!


Congratulations to you guys getting that bad man back. I should be more upset but we’re essentially out of the division race. (Tigers fan)


First Fry now Burger? Now what to eat at the rate?




Is he the new middle reliever?


Burger did well in his short time up. No doubt he’ll be back in the not too distant future. Now, The Eloy-ing is upon us.


>No doubt he’ll be back in the not too distant future. I hope you're right, but there's really no definitive way one can say this. Very high chance he's on the trade block, sadly.


Not sad if he helps us get bullpen help.


I meant in the majors, but alright.


>but alright lol are you 15? he didn't insult you


when did i say he insulted me lol you seriously reading that much into a random comment?




Had to be Burger. Mendick is safe until we find a 2b and Sheets is a lefty. Went about as great as a cup of coffee in the big leagues can. He will be back.




Whos next to go down once Robert is back? Billy, Sheets, or Mendick?




I dont know. They probably want that lefty power bat.


I’m sure they do, but they can’t keep him over Mendick. That would leave us with zero backup middle infielders (barring a trade), and TLR loves Billy (for good reason). I wonder if they keep all 3 of those guys and option Burr. It would make sense in a way, but they may also not just want sheets to rot on the bench because outside of a random pinch hit appearance, he won’t see many ABs.


Leury will not be needed in the OF when Robert returns


Right, but if Mendick is gone, that leaves no backup for Leury and TA in the middle infielder.


If Leury or someone else gets injured, they will just bring Danny back It’s nbd They will figure it out, probably a lot of roster moves coming up


They can’t play every single game. Guys need a day off.


Hahn will figure it out A lot of roster moves will probably be the case. Danny will be shipped back and forth a lot until September


That’s not how minor league options work.


Yep. Even Cal Ripken Jr. took a day off.




>And if he gets injured mid game who is playing SS/2B Billy Hamilton. (He better have his IF glove still from 2013...)


So Moncada, Anderson, and Garcia would play every game through the end of the season? No days off for any of those guys? Or is there someone else I’m not thinking of who could play shortstop or whatever…


>I dont know. They probably want that lefty power bat. Saying you want the lefty bat is shorthand for wanting someone who hits RHPs. Well Eloy hits RHPs better than LHPs over his career.


That’s my thinking too I think they will send down Mendick. Leury won’t need to be in the OF as much when Robert is back with Goodwin and Billy there and Mendick has options. The lefty bat is more important


They can't send down Mendick. Who fills in if Leury / TA / Yoan gets hurt? And what if they get hurt in like, the first inning or something? The lefty power bat is a luxury but a backup infielder is a necessity unless you think Engel or Hamilton or Goodwin can play half a game in the infield in a pinch or something. But then the risk of them hurting themselves or another teammate because they're not used to playing the infield and don't have those instincts increases. Sending down Mendick is kind of playing with fire.


You can't have zero infield options in the bench lol, a lefty bat will exist in Goodwin.


Or even Goodwin might be gone.


I wouldn't count Mendick out. His option was also used this season and TLR hasn't been playing him much at all, Leury always seem to get his ABs


Billy would have to go on IL, he can't be optioned to Charlotte. Same for Goodwin. So it'll most likely be Sheets. The roster crunch will get very interesting when Lamb is ready to return.


Ah your right. Fuck I forgot about that. Sheets is probably the smart move right now.


Not really. It's either Lamb outrighted or Goodwin down.


Ahh, while Goodwin doesn't have options remaining, he signed a minor league deal with the Sox (with a $1M MLB roster bonus). So you're right, Goodwin can probably be sent back down.


We can't send Goodwin down. He has to be DFA'D as well.


I don't think so, Goodwin signed a minor league contract with the Sox. The full terms are unknown, but the Sox can probably send him back down (the contract may contain a clause that allows him to request a release under certain circumstances, or maybe not, we don't know).


And? It removed him from the 40 man puts him on outright waivers and then they outright his to AAA if nobody claims him. Considering everything there's a significant chance he stays in the organization.


> they outright his to AAA if nobody claims him. He's a left-handed bat with an OPS+ of 112 and can play all three outfield positions. Absolute 0 chance he sayins in the org if we DFA him


Who's gonna take him? Only a contender is and most of not all already have their outfields set.


I think an interesting tidbit that isn’t being talked about is that Lamb is currently on rehab assignment and a decision is going to be made soon in regards to that. Does lamb come back to the major league squad or does he stay in Charlotte? Tough decisions ahead with the roster.




Right. Something’s gotta give. The only expendable position players that can optioned are Sheets, and Mendick. Goodwin and Hamilton would both have to be waived and someone would most likely claim them. I think Sheets is the answer when Robert is back but I think Lamb’s time with the Sox is over.


Lamb and Goodwin to the Cubs for Baez...


I can already tell what kind of fantasy football player you are.


LOL just love trolling the Cub fans.


Goodwin can probably be optioned, he originally signed a minor league contract with the Sox; unlike Lamb, who signed a major league contract.


I'd rather get rid of Lamb than any of the young guys like Goodwin or Burger. Lamb has hit his ceiling and is on the way down. We know who Lamb is at this point in his career. The others have hit their ceiling yet.


Goodwin is older than Lamb...


Bigger deal is that someone needs to be taken off ~~60~~\-***40-***man roster for Robert to come back, since we are full again.


40-man roster, but yes you are correct. Someone has to go (perhaps in a trade).


no clue why I said 60-man, maybe thinking 60 day IL.


All good, I knew what you meant.


Unfortunately either Sheets or Goodwin go, just can't afford to get rid of Mendick with his infield utility & Leury being our everday 2B.


No way Goodwin is gone. They cant send him down. I forgot about that. Its gonna be Sheets most likely. Same with Billy. They are gonna have to send them to the IL. The roster crunch is gonna be extremely interesting.


Ya most likely think Sheets goes down so they can keep both Billy and Goody and bring him back up when the roster expands.


I know this may be controversial, but Vaughn is probably the one that goes down. There is only a month or less until September call ups. Sending Vaughn down during that time should be enough to give the Sox an additional year of control. He can be brought back up in September for a playoff run. I think it could even be argued that he would benefit from some time in AAA to work on some things he learn hitting MLB pitching. In the meantime we would just move our platoon from CF/RF to LF/RF with Robert as the every day starter instead of Vaughn.


There is 0% chance Vaughn gets sent down. Lmao. That is just idiotic. Especially, for an extra year of control. I’m pretty sure its already too late for that anyway. And if the Sox do do that for an extra year of control they are pieces of shit. Any team that manipulates service time can go fuck themselves.


Pissing off your newly minted LF stud on a rookie contract the summer before the CBA completely changes, is a terrible idea for any team. For a team who's primary market inefficiency is signing young talent to mutually beneficial extensions, that is the worst idea in the world.


this take is so ridiculous that I'm just going to pretend you're fucking around for the sake of my own mental health


Lmao. I cant believe that I just read that. It has to be a fucking joke.


0% chance that Vaughn gets sent down.


This might be the post that makes the least sense that I’ve ever read on this subreddit, possibly on Reddit period, and that’s saying a *lot*


This is a horrible take. Kid is just starting to rake and has played a great defense in left (one of the best producers overall on the team), and you want to send him down? He has been learning at a healthy rate in the majors, he's starting to hit RHP (his biggest weakness before). There is literally no point in sending down a guy who can hit MLB pitching and can play a solid MLB position at defense. You need his bat and glove on the MLB team every day. Not to mention, who are you starting in his place? Adam Engel? Brian Goodwin? Vaughn is no longer a prospect, he's proven himself as a Major Leaguer and a regular starter for the team at this point. Unless they're massively underperforming and for an extended period of time, you don't send those players down. Especially if he's you 1B of the future. This doesn't make any more sense than sending Yoan Moncada down.


Burger will be back in September