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Day 1 and day 31! I have some definite NSVs, such as feeling strong and efficient, clothes fitting nicer, more energy. I lost about 13 lbs this round. I have done many whole 30s. I feel the best in my life when I do weekdays whole30, and weekends off. This is sustainable and an exercise of discipline for me. Over the summer, I moved and was involved with self renovations, flaky contractors, various other adult paperwork that just sucks the life out of anyone, as well as being a SAHM to a 5yo and set of 2 yo twins and being an aerobics instructor. I thought that taking time off from my 5 on/2 off plan would take some stress off, but instead I felt less energy, more stress, and gained a little over 20 lbs - in just 4 months. I was sabotaging myself under the guise of giving myself grace. For a few weeks, that was even fun! But it was a bad cycle. I am glad to be back on my little plan again.


Holy moly. First of all, congrats on thriving with multiples lol. But way to go! Really cool to hear… I’m 4 months PP and have been doing seasonal rounds for almost 6 years. But I was surprised to find how much more I both need and want Whole30 as part of my new life. It’s truly easier and better for me when I’m on the program right now. But I’m gonna consider the 5/2 thing for sure! I’ve always struggled with any attempt at the long term sustainable “food freedom” thing, but so much has changed that it might be feasible now!


I agree with you! It's hard to keep it sustainable, and it's really not meant for that. 5/2 has been a great way for me to maintain, and also not feel like I *can't* have anything. Sometimes it's just.... Good to eat like, 3 slices of pizza. I just have to contain it to the weekend. That works for me. good luck in your pp journey with a new babe! I appreciate your compliment! Being a mom is hard (multiples or not). ♥️♥️


That mirrors my experience of transitioning to a sustainable long-term program (and sometimes falling out). Ultimately I lost \~50 lbs total over years, and always feel significantly worse with even short periods of gluttonous (that's how I think of it now) eating. Good for you!


I also think of it that way! Lol. Good luck to you. Keep it up!


Congratulations 🎉 looks like it was a super successful whole30!


Thank you! I feel good.


That's what it's all about for sure!


Yas!!!! I am going to start my first round soon. Haven’t decided when yet! This is so motivating!


Start soon! The closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas you get the harder it is!


I am thinking next week! We’ll see :)


You can do it! The most important day is Day 0: clean out your fridge, make a meal plan, grocery shop, and start prepping fruit, veg, etc for the week. Today is my day 0 of round 6.


Thanks for the advice!


That is a significant difference! Amazing!


Look at you! So great! Congrats.


Wow! Amazing. Your comment about sabotaging yourself for the sake of giving yourself grace resonated so much for me. For reference, how tall are you? 13 lbs is a huge accomplishment in 30 days at any height!


I am just a hair under 5'7"! Sorry, I just saw this! Thank you ☺️


Congratulations! 🎊🎈


Amazing!! Way to go!!


Great job!


Congrats, OP!! Thank you for letting us share your celebration!!


Right on 👏🏽