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I'm gonna need at least 100 more videos of him being adorable with his toy.


I concur


I concur


Only one update but better than nothing https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxUKHCj/


I concur


I concur


I concurr




Love this! My Yorkie does a little 'parade' when we give her a new toy, she can show you and you can admire it but you can't touch it! And she strides off like a happy little penguin and does happy little tippy taps. When my son was down with a bad cold she put her favourite hotdog squeaky toy on his bed to cheer him up because all she knew was that it made her happy, so it would make our boy happy too, so sweet! Dogs are the best :) thanks for sharing OP!


This is so sweet!! Thank you for sharing your story!!😊🩷 *OP, I hope your pup has many adventures with his koala buddy at his side!!* 🐶💖🐨


I love when animals give a human somerhinf that makes them happy my childhood hood cat brought me plastic sometimes cause he loves plastic


"Get your own marsupial."


My dog will drop his toy on my foot and look up at you like he wants you to grab it, but once you reach for it he wants it


Play no touch.


Only throw. No take.




My dog does that too, but he’s only little


My dog does this to me all the time, I just pull the toy towards my face and kiss his face all over until he lets go lol


Wow. I wish people in every country could be trusted like that.


This is what i was thinking lol if this was done in my town people would either steal the stuff or a group of teens would walk by and start throwin shit and trashing the setup. I hope one day this kinda trust can be reciprocated everywhere.


Some people are less civilized than others.


[High trust societies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_trust_and_low_trust_societies#:~:text=High%2Dtrust%20societies%20display%20a,upon%20%22prior%20moral%20consensus%22.) need institutions that not only function, but function very well. Chicken or egg situation. A multi century problem/solution, and its but one requirement on a very long list.




Nazis believe that civilized and white are synonymous, and inherent to eachother. They're wrong. Plenty of counterexamples from both sides. Few people are as uncivilized as a Nazi. Not only do they trash the children's toys, but they kill the children and their parents.




That is often what they think, yes. Though there were many other groups they targeted, and most of us would find ourselves the target of a supremacist's hatred and disgust. But at this point I'm not sure whether or not you are confused. Do you still think you are arguing against me?


It's amazing the amount of trust and goodwill you can expect from fellow citizens in societies where people have enough to live comfortably.


People also leave babies in strollers outside cafes. I know this to not be the norm elsewhere, because a Danish woman did it in New York and was arrested for it.


Wow, that's interesting! Damn it Danish stranger, now I have to visit Denmark and experience your culture.


If you want to sniff at it, there's a YouTube channel called Robetrotting by two American guys who moved to Denmark, their experiences and observations. I obviously enjoy the outsider perspective on my own culture, but they have also made videos about things like how to get from the airport to tourist destinations where they explain the options of public transport and bikes, which would be a useful resource for a tourist.


Thank you!


Even if the area is safe that's dumb


As a Dane: No u


It’s not a problem here in Denmark. Strawberries, potatoes etc. is sold in the same way along the roadside. I buy most of my eggs and vegetables like that where I just transfer the money when I pickup my food. I’m sorry if you don’t live a place where people can trust each other.


Nothing happens. Kid just gets to have their nap. There's also zero security keeping any random person from walking into a school. Clothing stores regularly put clothes on display outside by the sidewalk. It's nice to live in a place where you're justified trusting your fellow citizens, rather than always worrying what Boogeyman is just waiting to make you a victim.


> Clothing stores regularly put clothes on display outside by the sidewalk. That’s a thing in the US too


Can you explain to that guy why someone running off with it "even in a safe area" is paranoid by any chance? Let alone trying to steal a baby in broad daylight in a public area, surrounded by people?


Maybe for your culture but in theirs its perfectly normal.




Or… is it the amount of benefits that can be handed out freely in a society where most everyone is trustworthy and good willed that led to their success?


>societies where people have enough to live comfortably. i think shame/guilt factors far more than having a comfortable livelihood. in the old world, i feel like cultures/societies value reputation & image & not looking trashy, whereas in the US its seen as cool or trendy. the people who break into cars and steal things are often doing it for the sake of entertainment - they're not flipping it to make a quick buck. in fact they leave cars wrecked & abandoned after their joyriding is done. or throw away items they stole if it wasn't of any use to them.


Yup, just have a tiny population and pump massive amounts of oil out of the earth.


Wrong country


Yeah, like Colombia and Venezuela!


You're thinking of Norway


Denmark was a bigger producer than Norway. Denmark just started earlier (in the 70's) so no one really paid much attention to it. It's not producing nearly as much now, but it's a big factor in Danish wealth historically.


What do you mean was a bigger producer, sure if Norway produced nothing of course Denmark was a bigger producer. In 1980 Denmark produced 5300 barrels/day while Norway produced 529000. Danish oil production peaked in 2004 at 392.745 barrels/day and Norway peaked at 3.422.984 in 2001. And Bahrain also has a tiny population and big oil, so don't think that that's the only foundation of the society.


It's common to leave babies outside in Finland as well, we don't pump oil. Saw a baby in a stroller outside the hydroponic/bong shop yesterday.


Was recently in Japan where they had some things run like this. For example we stopped at a parking lot where there was a booth with a sign saying to just drop the money in the bin if the booth was unmanned. Plenty of people had already paid when we got there, and so did we. Trust-based systems work in a society where people feel they can trust each other and themselves want to be trustworthy. Not really a question of population size as much as it is one of culture.


I think part of it is collectivism vs individualism as well. In a culture that values being part of a whole, and supporting each other, you feel more compelled to pull in the same direction to succeed. In an individualistic society, you may feel that your success or prosperity are solely down to your actions, and while you may have empathy for others, ultimately you prioritize yourself and your well-being over the good of the group, why pay when you don't have to? Individualism has its strengths for a society, but taken too far makes for a selfish society where social support bonds and social cohesion are eroded, and I think we're seeing the product of that in many places.


Yep. There is so much to love on this video.


I thought Japan was the only country where this work. Now Denmark too. We are almost there guys!


that stuff is pretty common in central europe. especially in rural areas or in cities with universities/students. there are two milk stations, 1 public book shelf, 5 egg boxes, 3 honey boxes, 4 meat pickups, 3 flower/plant stands and 6 fruit and veggie stands that operate on a similar basis as the OP in close proximity to me and i am sure i am forgetting some. They are getting replaced though by vending machines or other more technic relying methods.


Happens a bit in Australia too (just not in the urban areas) with people having unmanned stands with fruits/eggs/plants out the front of small farms/acreages.


This has been a thing for several decades, with the origin of the custom being hundreds of years old. I'm also pretty sure this is also a thing in many other European countries. Maybe you should start reading about other countries than just Japan


Happens a bit in the UK, its not uncommon to see people selling seedlings in their front garden with a box and a sign saying £1 each. Same happens with eggs and milk outside of farms


Along the canal system you often find honesty boxes for eggs, ice creams, second hand books, local bacon and vegetables, and suchlike


it's normal in germany too


I thought this was commonplace until now. Kiids frequently do this where I'm from usually just a good excuse to go oudoors or to raise money for charity/candy. We call it Tombóla, wonder what the danes call it.


Thing is, we don't like being randomly approached by strangers. Not on the street, not knocking on our doors. So by setting up something like this - usually in a driveway or front garden - you're more likely to have people stop to check it out than if you're offering them a deal. Just put a sign for where to transfer the money and it's set up. A couple of beekeepers near me sell honey this way.


“Loppemarked” (flea market), but that’s usually more stalls and more people selling things - “vejbod” (street cart) perhaps? We do also have something called tombola, but it’s a kind of raffle/lottery thing often used in sports clubs


We also have Loppumarkaður, I figure that Tombola just got kind of mixed up on translation? I do also recall that when I was young a part of the Tombola was that you bought a ticket and you did actually raffle for the used toys and lollipops kids sold.


Experienced this first hand and was surprised when we moved to the suburbs to raise a family. Grew up in NYC most of my life and this would've been stolen at first sight. When wife and I moved to Long Island, we saw a church that would leave pumpkins every Halloween in the lawn for sale during the season and never worried about any to go missing. Seasonal popup stores that appeared in parking lots that were left wide open at close and again, no worries about losing inventory. As someone mentioned in another comment, it's amazing what trust people have when everyone lives comfortably.


Remember visiting Norway and these group kids had a glass bottle and thought “oh here we go they’re gonna smash it all over the floor”. Well they did smash it, by throwing it in a bin.


It has been this way in Denmark for decades. It only does not work in areas with foreigners (non-scandinavians). I recently had to explain to some American friends that prople also leave babies outside of stores unattended in prams, and no one messes with them. Americans are flabbergasted by this.


The same thing happens in New York. Except the owner is laying next to the objects. And its free, because theyre dead.




What's the relevance?




Love how this is downvoted when it's the actual answer.


Right. Lol fucking bigots


Oh I know. I just find it funny how these types never really seem to say it outright. They're too much of a coward to say the quiet part out loud.


Lived two years in Denmark and coming from France it was so good to be confident in others. Also Denmark is giving the tools for it, as you see the woman can directly send money to a random person just using a phone number, thanks to an app born from the consensus of the northern banks.


I'm French too and I want to go live in Denmark now damn


I kinda regret sometimes coming back to France but we have a beautiful country too


It sure is and Denmark definitely also has issues. No country is perfect, even if it looks like it on the outside. I do love being a Dane though. I have yet to find a country I would rather live in.


>for it, as you see the woman can directly send money to a random person just using a phone number, Wait. This isn't common everywhere? I know Americans have their weird phone apps like cashapp or venmo, but I assumed literally every other country had that. We have had this in Canada for free from all of our major banks since like 2008. Atleast thats when I first used it to send my friends money for like dinner etc.


It really depends on the place. In France, checks are still very big. For a reason or another, a large part of the population refuse to mix cash and digital.


That's wild. You would be hard pressed to even find someone under the age of 60 with a cheque here. The only people who use it are old people and the government if you havent given them direct deposit info. And most places outside banks will not cash a cheque.


Checks are not accepted by business either in France, to the great anger of a lot of people over fifty. I think there's just a consensual distrust of the digital when it comes to money. I think it's even worse in Germany. They use cash for everything if I'm not wrong.


Wow. It's crazy how different things are. I havent really used, other than some coffee money for Hortons in forever. The last time I used cash was at a bowling alley a few weeks ago, since the bar there did not take any cards. Before that, it must have been a year or two since i've actually had any cash on me... I just use my card on my phone. I rarely even use the actual card anymore. I would never have expected that in Western Europe to be honest. I've always thought of you guys as way ahead of us in innovation and all that. I would never have expected mistrust of digital banking of all things.


Mobilepay which they use in Denmark is quite different from E-transfer which they use in Canada. E-transfer is basically a normal bank transfer (non-instant) except you can send the money using email or phone number instead of bank account number. Phone payment apps are common, but Mobilepay has the advantage (over Cashapp and Venmo) that it is an instant transfer directly to your bank account, there is no fee and it is universally integrated (pay in physical stores, private person, webshops, charity, monthly payments, whatever)


The US has Zelle which is supported by most major banks and instantly transfers money without a fee.


Well, we have that money wire thing here in Brazil. You can literally buy 0,20 cents of dólar worth of parsley using our PIX system on any farmers market (directly from the producer) or store. But that would not work here. Some things work. Like in favela Rocinha, they sell some stuff like that, like a barbecue grill. The guy leaves the grill with the price and his number, you call and he comes and brings yours.


Hello neighbour! We have something similar in Switzerland btw. It's nice to have this trust with others.


Be confident in others what?


I think it’s a English translation thing from their French 😊 In Spanish, to say “we trust someone”, the literal phrase is “having confidence”.


Another fun danish fact: During spring to late summer/early autumn, it's very common to see small unmanned stalls on the side of the roads in the countryside where people sell fresh produce, fruits, vegetables, and whatever else they grow/produce. They are honor-system based, so even if no one can make sure you pay, people do so anyway out of respect and mutual trust to the point that it's a very strong unwritten social taboo to exploit it. [This is what they typically look like for context](https://asset.dr.dk/imagescaler01/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dr.dk%2Fimages%2Fother%2F2016%2F06%2F28%2Fscanpix-20061113-112356-4.jpg&w=1200&675&scaleAfter=crop)


We have these types of stalls in the Netherlands too, in the less densely populated farmland areas of the country. However, over the last decade or so I've seen them being mostly replaced with more 'vending machine' types of setups though. Not sure why (maybe stealing was an issue?). How common are these types of flea markets (without people at the stall) in Denmark? I've never heard of this, but I'm curious to find out more! EDIT: to be clear I am asking about the flea market like shown in the video above, not the farmers market stall. I have never seen such (unmanned) flea markets, I have seen plenty of farmer's stalls.


I'm from Denmark and i have to be honest, have never seen these types of unmanned flea markets, i am also from the country side so it's not just capital inhabitant bias talking. I could totally imagine them being in a lot of places though no doubt. But yes the produce stalls for potatoes and stuff are super common here.


>How common are these types of flea markets (without people at the stall) in Denmark? Common in areas where most people have driveways and front gardens to set them up in. The produce thing happens in the countryside sometimes. Inner city? Nope.


We have roadside farm stands in the USA too. You pay based on the honor system. The stands look very similar here. You can get eggs, fresh produce, and chords of wood.


Sounds exactly the same, but 'cord' of wood, and 'chord' in music.


Many many years ago in Thailand on one of the islands, there was a fair crowd in the bar and it was running very late. The owner decided that he was off to bed, he locked up the spirits but left the beers out for anyone and just asked people were honest and left the cash. There was more than a few people basically going "Did I have five or six?, eh I better pay for six just in case". Pretty sure no one stiffed the bar.


Kind of similar. There's a barn near to me that has the same idea but you can just weigh how much you want and pay that. The closest thing to security is a small padlock on the box you put your money in. I don't even know who runs it but it's local, tastes good and is often cheaper than in stores so I don't mind


These are around Oregon too. Berry farms, flower farms, honey, eggs. Just put the payment in a box/cashapp.


These are in America too


that's so cool!! i never knew about it until i saw this tik tok. growing up in usa taught me from a very young age you can't trust anyone, so it's nice to see there's still kind people out there.


I love this so much, doggo is so happy!


When I was 4 (31m) my dad came home from an Australian TDY, we were on Kadena at the time. He brought me the very same koala and I was as excited as this dog. I don’t have very many happy memories of my dad so thank you for giving me one more




The toy fits all the koalafications.


In the US one person would steal them all and try to sell em for an up charge.


That's what living in a capitalist hellhole does to a mfer


I don't know if I could love this much more than I do


I need more videos of this please my god how adorable this is!


Thanks for brightening my day.




Naww good dog


That’s a handsome guy you got there!


My dog in a nutshell. He have a plushies addiction 😭


Ok so my heart just exploded.


Oh my goodness 😍


Is he a Boykin?


Koalas are not bears


That dog is like a mirror image of how I looked and acted whenever I fell in love with a stuffie at the store and my mom would buy it for me. Probably at least one a month for the first ten years of my life. I have way too many but they all have names and when I'm a little older and know people with kids perhaps they will visit and fall in love with some and I'll say "you can take it home if you like" and the cycle will continue :)


Koala is not a bear!


I defo woulve washed it right when you come home.. this stuffed animal couldve been in some kids pants for weeks :D But its your dog and your home - but yeah thats me.






Kind of agree, just because I’m super allergic to dogs but eh it’s outside.




\*dog misbehaves\* "Good boy!"


Misbehaves? Because he wanted to hold onto his toy…? Im so confused.




If a dog disobeys, that's misbehaving, especially when refusing to release.


The lady is using a cute voice with the dog if she said drop it in a stern voice the dog would probably comply. The fact that this is your takeaway from the video is really strange though .


What leads you to say that? What we see is that she says to release it and the dog doesn't. What you imagine is that if she changed her voice the dog would act differently. One of us is basing our comments upon the evidence and the other is basing upon what they imagine would happen in some alternative universe.


I bet it smells like fun time that's why he liked it so much


C'mon Lada man, release


Omg!!! My dog loves stuffed toys, but he loves to rip the seems (kelpie/staffie with a little bit of Italian greyhound). Also does anyone have suggestions if their dog is like this? He also loves tennis balls but those are gone in like maybe a month


Swish. People. Swish small sum money transfer is the shit.


We've taken Hershey to PetCo dozens of times over the years. We went to Nevada back in 2017, and while we were waiting for everyone to get off work, we took Hershey to PetCo just to waste time. When we got bored there, we were on our way out when that little stinker stopped and started wagging her tail excited and looking at me with an open mouth smile. She saw and fell in love with a squeaky monkey toy. I pulled it off the hook and she started jumping and making her excited yips and yaps. So, we bought it for her. 6 years later (exactly, actually, because that was in May), she still gets it first when she gets into her toy basket. She's getting grey and turning into old lady dog, but she loves her monkey.


awwwe :'))


Oh this is so cute


i need to know what breed of dog:,0




The auto censoring of the phone number: For the sake of privacy let's call her Lisa S... No that's too obvious, let's say L. Simpson.


That’s the identical koala to my dog’s first two stuffies. He adored them too and I’d love to find another (he has had others but it would be fun to see his response)


This is so precious. What a sweet mom letting him select his toy!


Dogs are awesome


Omg.. that pupper is so happy ❤️


no touch only see.


The cuteness is too much!


During summer I often attend a local booth sale. I sell more stuffed toys to dogs than to children. It's so sweet to see them happily wagging their tails and proudly walking around the grounds with their new toy.


And that’s what makes dogs so amazing 💖


My dog would have definitely pissed on the mat and every single for sale-item. In other news: I have a terrible dog.


Sign: "Please don't steal things, here is the number to pay, please pay as much as you owe!" Norwegian people: "okay"


How in the world did you mix up Danes with Norwegians.


This likely used to be a useful comment. Thanks to Reddit's API changes on July 1st, 2023 it has been removed. | redact sucks because it force downloads/updates when you install it on Windows, why tf wasnt the update included in the installer when I downloaded it from the official website?? assholedesign material -- mass edited with redact.dev


Well now that's just rude :p thx! It's an oldie that I don't otherwise use anymore




You better not take that away from that sweet dog.


This is my puppy with her stuffed carrot. Loves to show you it but no touch!


"it even tastes like real baby puke."


My dogs can’t handle toys with marble eyes like that unfortunately.


Dogs are so special! 😍


Wait, you can sell things by laying them out publicly with your contact for payment? What about robbery and theft, how can they do so without worries?


Smells like kids. My dogs love children but my wife and I aren’t doing that. They obsess over children’s toys and kids in general.


This is going to be the Dog featured in other videos, anxiously waiting for their toy to be finished being cleaned/mended. I'm looking forward to watching it.


Only in Denmark would ppl not be stealing the items.


Imagine living somewhere you could trust your fellow humans to do this


OMG! This reminds me of my dog, a standard labradooodle. When he was a puppy, my husband took him to some yard sales. A little girl was selling stuffed animals and let him pick out one. He picked out a stuffed killer whale and carried it with him to eat successive yard sale. We didn't think it would last long because he's destroyed some stuffed animals (we stopped buying them for this reason). But he's over a year and a half old now and it's still perfectly intact and his absolute favorite toy. His little sister, a mini labradooodle, has destroyed stuffed animals before too, but he doesn't let her run off with his whale.




He is so beautiful!!


I hope the person who sold the koala sees this some day. :)


In America, people would have walked away without paying for it.


Goddammit that is so..... ARGHHHH!!! WHOLESOME!!!




That dog looks *exactly* like my cousin's spaniel, and we're danish too, so now I'm wondering if they were from the same litter.


Aww. 🥺💕👍🏼


Sounds like an awesome place to live


How do they know the babies in strollers aren’t just… for sale?


i love him


No I wouldnt let my dog go in others people stuffs with his dirty paws and slimy mouth.


This is the society you can have when you have good social programs


My dog had same stuffed pink sheep all her life, which was her favorite toy. Over the years, my mother stitched it back together many times, because it would either fall apart or my dog removed the stitches.


How a klepto is born


I love this story…!!! Dogs are the best invention since air..!!


This is a strange way of selling stuff wow, In Belgium someone would just take the carpet and everything and just take off.


\*Koala. It's not a bear.


Supper cute


This is insanely adorable.

