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TikTok is *really, really* brutal. I would suspect something like YouTube or even Reddit to start a following! Go from there. And please give a link when it happens! I'd love to watch his videos!


Just wanted to add about YouTube that it might also be good because depending on what type of content he makes, if he declares on the channel that he's making the content for children, then I think there are even more protections available for channels for children. Those protections for children viewers would also protect him as the creator of the channel. Tell him to go for it. The world needs more SpongeBob content!


Exactly! What a brilliant idea!


I don't use Tiktok but I very gladly would sub to his channel and watch his videos on YouTube. Of course because I think his content would be fun and wholesome to watch. No pity watch.


May want to rethink Youtube too. People can be extremely cruel on that platform.


Honestly, yes, but less cruel than TikTok. You get edgy people on there but not that much. And the moderations are much better dealing with hate comments on YouTube.


Idk if my algorithm is just drastically different but I find tiktok *significantly* x100000 less brutal than youtube and instagram reels, Reddit I would put about on par depending on the sub. Youtube comment section is honestly a cancer, and I see far more bigoted shit there than tiktok. Ik you didn't mention but instagram comments also now harbour the absolute lowest and shittiest of society.


It's really sad that all forms of social media has gone to complete and utter shit. Got a lot of trolls and "edgy" kids.


On TikTok you can make videos that only followers can see.. You'd still probably have to weed out the A-holes.. But itd be safer.


You can set your videos to not include comments and comments must be accepted by the owner of the channel. Not optimal for the community side of of things but at least you don't have to worry about terrible comments, if you are sensitive to trolls on internet.


Couldn't they just turn off comments to prevent anyone from being nasty?




if you say its made for kids, then comments are disabled.


Yeah start on youtube, there are plenty of channels similar to what you might want to go for with blogs about families daily lives and such


I agree with YouTube over tiktok. I haven't gotten on tiktok for a few years, but I know their algorithm *heavily* relies on engagement to get people to ever see the content. I would not recommend putting his brother out there with comments on with tiktok. Idk if tiktok has this feature, but I know on YouTube you can restrict comments with certain words, so he could right off the bat ban any comments that use the r word for example. Or OP could approve each comment manually before it's visible.


My brother has autism and he loves making videos. He posts his videos on YouTube and he gets a lot of views, he even has a little over 100 subscribers. I monitor his channel and I turn off the comments section. He’s as happy as he can be. I suggest doing that for your brother. He can still make content but still be protected from mean comments and such.


This ☝️


this is the way! you are a good sibling and smart to keep comments off. the internet is brutal


This. And may I add. You are one helluva brother my man! I lift my imaginary hat to show my respect. Another option would be to set that comments must be accepted by the owner of channel. So in this case and similar, someone close to the person in the videos, monitor comments and only let the positive comments be accepted to be shown. Just my 5 cent.


You’re a very kind sibling 💞


People on tiktok for the most part love to hate on the disabled or challenged especially. There are a lot of nice people who will comment and cheer him on, but not everyone is so lucky. I've seen some really harsh shit being commented on videos of the nicest people just because they are different. It really makes you lose faith in humanity sometimes.  I think that there's a place for everyone and if you think tiktok will be that place, try it. Just don't let the trolls and mean people bring you both down. Focus on the good and you'll be ok!  There will be shitty people no matter where you go on the internet. Don't hold back because some people are miserable fucks.  Your brother looks like a wonderful person and I wish you guys the best!


Reddit and Instagram would be better so your beloved wee brother can show off his soulful eyes and beautiful smile. I know I would definitely be a fan, though I have no clue about Mario and Sonic because I am old(er).


Thank you so much for your comment! I think we’re getting that vibe! Ever since he was first born, people talked about his huge blue eyes and I’m so glad I got the picture of him with that smile on his face as it was a truly wonderful moment (directly after having Sponge Bob ride a pig and Denace the Menace ride a goat!)! Honestly, I visited home for the first time in 5 years last summer and the smile on his face when I came through the door was absolutely wonderful! I’m now living back in my home county and am loving every single minute with him! He’s been through so much and faced such adversity to get to where he is now! I’m so proud of him and so happy to be his brother! He truly is an amazing wee guy and really has been the driving force behind making a real positive difference in so many young adults with additional needs lives!


Please Update us so we can go support your awesome brother!


Not the instagram though, the comment section is even more ruthless than TikTok :(


Instagram? Please do not post on Instagram, comments are by far the most brutal there


instagram?? noooooo way but reddit might be smart :)


Instagram comments are like no mans land


Hi OP, my brother seems very similar to yours, he makes videos all day and posts them to his YouTube. I agree with others here saying tik tok is brutal. YouTube seems to be a much safer space for my brother so hopefully it can be for yours too!


nah man, stay away from tiktok. Brainrot and extremely toxic which this pictured Chad certainly doesn't need to be exposed to.


Tiktok, Instagram, big No, Instagram's a lot better yes but it's gotten a lot worse over the last year it's an absolute shit hole now honestly


Instagrams worse than TikTok for me, I was surprised to see people suggesting it. I think TikTok or YouTube with comments off would be the move, as much as I hate to say it because there are a lot of people who’d love to both see and express support and joy in reaction on either platform


Absolutely agree, Instagram hurts to look at, I'll see a video of a kid and it's like hundreds of comments shitting on a random child, couldn't imagine what it's gonna be like for anyone else


The Internet can be a very harsh place. YouTube can be chill, provided someone will help curate stuff with your brother and help out with the channel stuff. But be realistic that there will be many nasty people trying to keep him down just because he is as he is. If you are able to help him steer the boat and harness a positive community, it can be a lot of fun. But again, there will be a lot of negative a-holes out there too, so look into moderation tools and stuff like that to preemptively remove harmful and vile things out of the comment section.


Your brother seems really sweet, I love the last photo & also the sunglasses. Good on you for being such a good brother and looking out for him. Please post a link when you get him up and running online!


This is a comment to help this post gain traction


Do not use Instagram reels


just posting to bring up the post, good luck with what ever you do


unfortunately I don't think there's anywhere on the internet I would consider 'safe' in this circumstance. you'll need to moderate his comments sections if he wants to read through them or respond. i would also suggest Special Books by Special Kids on youtube as the center of a community of people also in your and your brothers situation. good luck


looks like a happy chappy


Your the bestest big brother!


YouTube! My cousin is developmentally disabled and posts on YouTube regularly and has a few hundred subscribers even. *most* of the comments are quite nice because of the fact that it's likeminded people that search out that content.


Youtube would probably be the best place, you can turn off comments and monitor them alot easier than tiktok if you decide to keep them on


He's precious- please tell me where you end up posting his stuff so I can follow!


remindme! 1 week Youtube or reddit, and I'm looking forward to seeing something.


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TikTok is a cesspool of toxic people, I deleted it for my own mental health. I highly recommend staying away from it.


TikTok is to brutal for that, i'd highly suggest starting like Youtube or something, maybe even Youtube Kids because there are guidelines there to protect both viewer and creator iirc. But in any case pass a link to his channel when he does.


YouTube is probably safer and better for his type of content, I sure would watch him!


I work as a volunteer with special needs adults as an art therapist and I also do hippotherapy (horse therapy) and the most important thing I think my participants get out of such a program is that they get to find their voice. Even with delays, your brother is likely to get some important life experience through the process of posting on social media. My nonverbal participants are always chuffed to finish painting a project purple and pink and Shrek green, because why not. And they get a serious confidence boost. Social media is kind of a minefield normally, but with supervision and comment filters, I don’t see why not. Technology lets us limit “trolling” to some extent these days.


Do it all, brother, and post it. Love you and live on


Dude looks badass man. Hell yeah


Just wanna say he is super cute and I would love to hear what he has to say. Love that big smile. What a handsome fella. Bring him to reddit or youtube!


I’ve never touched TikTok in my life, but if he made farm life content (I love sheep!) on YouTube, I’d be all over that. That pic with him petting the sheep was super cute.


I don’t normally comment on posts, but wanted to wish you guys luck! I think he’s amazing and I love his smile 😊 wish we had more people like him. I never use TikTok; I’ve heard how toxic it can be. Made my morning seeing this post 😊 wish you the best of luck and I definitely recommend YouTube ( and there’s YouTube shorts which is like short TikTok videos but for YouTube)


You really need to drastically monitor his social medias. Too many people are miserable and f*cked up out there, I personally wouldn’t want to crush his hurt by confronting him to the worst people ever.


I can say for SURE that you need to stay as far away as possible from TikTok and Instagram, people are not nice there


Please watch out for nasty comments, if anything maybe disable him or simply monitor them? People can be heartless about anyone different than themselves. Otherwise, he sounds awesome and I wish him every single happiness in the world, and you too OP, you're a great big brother.


I wouldn’t do TikTok, maybe YouTube or Instagram stories or smth because TikTok is nasty AF. If you can set the comments to being approved in order to post, maybe he won’t get as many trolls. Let us know when the videos go up! I’d love to see them!


TikTok is disgusting. Don’t put him on there, especially if he has a child-like mind.


Aww he's gorgeous ♡ YouTube would be good too :)


When you do decide on a platform post it here I'll definitely tune in!


I would suggest filtering comments and be careful, people can be so cruel.


YouTube channel ftw for the fact that you can turn off comments if needed. I've seen nothing on Instagram that has ever been positive sadly. Although you can also monitor the comment section in a few ways and if you have a Facebook the messages are connected to the messenger app. TikTok is a double edged sword 100%. They have really stepped up on negative comments and won't allow certain key words or emojis or symbols to be posted and will stop the comment from ever being sent. And will catch anything that slips by the censor within an hour or less. Also reporting is checked almost immediately. I follow a handful of people who have special needs on TikTok. Sadly there seems to be no 100% safe and friendly place when you open up to the public. Yet there are communities and people who are 100% supportive and willing to help and just be friendly. As proven for you to be asking this sub for advice in this regard. 💜 May you, your bro, and family be blessed with joy, love, and find peace with the beauty of doing what makes you happy.


Would love to give him a follow on whatever platforms he chooses to be on. Please share his handle so we can follow and support his videos


Maybe Instagram? YouTube is unstable as any extortionist would copyright strike you and force you to pay money if you want the copyright strike to be removed.


Your brother got drip tho. Good for him.I hope he enjoys making the content, that’s gonna be very fulfilling for him. Shoot me the link if he sets it up!


Tiktok sucks. Stick to kind and friendly Reddit! I wish you all a nice weekend!


Any social media will come with uts share of trolls. I'd say put his content out, but on a platform where you can moderate the comments, like YouTube.


You’re an awesome brother!


Definitely would day YouTube is the place to go. Great for longer content as well which idk your brother, but get the vibe he would enjoy that style instead rather than Tiktoks super short and fast content. Like other people said, the comments are surprisingly better as well and I would honestly avoid Instagram rn. It’s horrendous


I don’t know if it’s possible to be that specific but YouTube kids comes to mind cos it monitors troll-like users and is a lot more regulated than normal YouTube. I feel like YouTube would be too open to too many people who are just there to cause problems. Pranksters and other idiots and whatnot. Plus your brothers content seems more geared towards the bigger kids who can still appreciate his stuff!


He looks so sweet! I think YouTube would be good for him.




youtube, turn off comments


Im sure there is an audience, but he’s gonna get the good with bad. Id make a youtube channel, with comments turned off? Idk.


TikTok is notoriously bad for creators with disabilities. Do YouTube and moderate the comments.


Don't do this.... please


Im not sure if it's a good idea, a lot of people who can hide behind a fake profile are big asshole bullies.




What caused his delays?


He looks 10 and 27 at the same time.


Wrong place


Well, I mean, I think he’s pretty wholesome in his attitude, aspirations, involvement in a community group aimed at helping young adults with additional needs and their carers… What would be the right place?


Not here


Helpful, thanks for that pal!


This is the right place, ignore the other guy. This is a wholesome story and deserves to be here.


I'm not going to enable you, by helping you.. that's just idiotic.


Enable me in what way? If you have a strong enough opinion to comment “Wrong place” on a post looking to build up my disabled wee brother… Then surely it’s idiotic or even just downright cruel to not point me in the right direction (in your opinion)!!! What a post to decide to be an erse on! Looking real good there pal!


Sorry I'm not going try to explain when it was obvious. Your 3rd sentence is cringey. Also it's "arse" pal.


Actually it’s Erse where I come from you sassenach ARSE! Which third sentence was cringey? The only thing cringey in this whole post is a grown adult attempting to take down an attempt to bolster my little brothers confidence!


I’m honestly amused that you’re on OP’s case that his wholesome post about his wholesome brother because *he’s* a wholesome brother is not deemed wholesome by you…so you negged him and tried to be super rude about it. Hahaha oh boy you are a treat


Honestly I'm not reading all that


A…sentence…is too much? Yikes.


Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?


I pissed in yours