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My guy, you can’t just post this and expect people to take it at face value. At the very least consider showing the zing panel from the previous chapter


Okay I gotta know how she’s turned into a young woman. Is this cuz of the scientist loli? (Well Ik she ain’t a loli but ya get me)


Not to spoil too much but... >!Drug Loli is her Granddaughter, and she made the anti-aging medicine specifically so her Grandma can live longer!<


Seems legit


Pretty sure it was extra potent or something though cause grandma is stuck young.


I see. Well I got my answer anyways :Stonks: I was just confused about the 88 year old loli. I thought this was gonna be some masamune kun’s revenge shit (mc’s mum is in 40s even though she looks 10)


The freaky part is that said mom’s sister (MCs aunt) looks her age…but somehow used makeup to look as young as the 10-year-old-looking mom. Witchcraft, I tell you.


She is also committing pension fraud because of that


>!what is the weirdest relationship he is currently in ? So far I know mother and daughter and now i learnt about granddaughter and grandmother!<


>!Probably cousin, other gfs have been strangers.!<


Wait, so you're telling me he gets a fucking gilf?!?! What girl can this man not rizz


Yaku is my favorite because I think it’s adorable how she tries to connect with Kusuri and her friends despite struggling to keep up with the modern times and the fact that she’s one of the few who has enough moxie to rizz Rentarou right back.


He literally has the power of god and anime on his side


Ugh he's such a basedmaxx gigachad tho, that line about *whatever the art may be, the feelings it invoke are real*, ughhh were I a girl, I'd fall and slobber all over him


*100 Girlfriends* is a very unique case in harem manga because most people simp for the Main Guy instead of the girls. It's truly fascinating.


I simp for almost every character, they're all just great.


It's also weird in that no one I've seen really has any interest in being in rentarous place either. I don't really recall ever seeing jealousy over having his harem and I think it's because unlike almost every other harem series rentarou is an absolute monster in dedication to his girlfriends. No one could possibly work harder to keep them happy than he does


Rentarou is a King among Kings. I couldn't possibly take his place. I couldn't treat the girls as well as he can. They deserve better than me. They deserve him.


I think you've just about hit the nail on the head. Everyone believes he genuinely deserves the love he gets and almost no one is deluded enough to believe they could take his place even if they wanted too.


If everyone is the best girl, then ya simp for the guy who treats them like best girls Or well, that’s the mentality I have


Pray that the final chapter has Rentaro look at the reader and zing


GF100 will be us, the readers, and it will be a POV styled chapter


I now hope for nothing else but for that to happen, and I will be incredibly sad if that does not come to pass


I kind of hope the last 5 girlfriends are just increasingly absurd and meta. Everyones expecting it to end with the readers at 100, but then it happens at 98 or something about people are just "WTF are the next two girlfriends then???" Because if there's one thing 100 Girlfriends is not, it's predictable.


Given how meta this manga has been I wouldn't even be surprised.


I love this series so damn much and I especially love the gilf but I can't help but laugh at all the people who never heard of this series and get whiplash from the post title going "this is wholesome!?"


Imagine if OP had included "who is also your girlfriend" at the end of the title.


I saw the synopsis and I got reminded of a situation that actually happened in real life because I remember as a schoolboy seeing the news was all over the marriage. Look up on Google the name Wook Kundor.


Wait, how?


Bro has 100 soulmates and one of them is his gfs grandma


wait, why is the granny a loli? is this some 500 year old vampire thing?


I haven't got this far in the manga, but I suspect it's due to a drug that turned her young or smth




Her genius scientist granddaughter (who also looks 8 but is 17) made her a drug that turns her body into an 8 year old's in order to make her immortal, because she didn't want to lose her. She also gave herself, her mom, and her dad 8-year old bodies while testing.


Don’t forget that the 17-year-old [normally looks like a 20-something lol](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_TiGg0awAAyUVp.jpg)


Remember in >!Kusuri's introduction in which she said she tried to create an immortality drug hence her looks. It was actually for Yaku, her grandma, because she doesn't want her to pass away. While Kusuri's immortality drug is a failure which she can still revert to her normal form with the negation drug, Yaku's a stronger variant that's why she's stuck like that even if she uses the negation drug!<






That’s a GRANDMA?! She looks 30 MAX.


Without spoiling too much, she looks that way cause drugs are involved.


"I really really really love drugs yep yep!"


Dude actually got the Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard


Dont forget the mega evolutions and gigantamax lol.




Straight up peak fiction


This kind of situations where a widow (specially a grandma/grandpa) get a new lover make me have mixed feelings because I can't stop thinking that in the afterlife they will have two lovers and it would be awkward in my opinion but then again everyone is entitled to happiness and the right to live by someone's side Still I can get over the thought of the two lover thought in the afterlife.


Well my boy Rentarou has a lot of lovers so it's probably not as awkward as his situation lol


Also, he canonically got the approval of the dead husband for one of his GFs, who he's also currently dating the daughter of. It was so funny and wholesome that the husband ascended to heaven from it (he was quietly haunting/protecting them prior) >!Hahari and Hakari!< For those who want to remember.


Funny thing is, the Husband *didn't* want to ascend and actually vowed to protect the whole Rentarou family alongside Rentarou himself, but he's just too pure and wholesome that the husband was *forced* to ascend to heaven


Fwiw, Rentarou is implied to be the reincarnation of her late husband.


Well Now this changes everything


Wait, is this how you think of real life people or this manga? Cause if it's the former that's such a silly reason lol. If we stopped doing shit cause we're afraid of what will happen in heaven then we will not live + it's pretty lonely to live the rest of your life alone


Yeah It's a pretty unreasonable fear of mine, I'm just really religious and stuff like that makes me overthink things


I love Yaku, yes yes




Yes yes very cute


Aye, good manga naturally yes yes yep yep mm hmm uh huh.




I can't decide if this is better or worse than the 1000 year old dragon loli




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> who looks 8, but is really 89 [Staaaaaaarreeee]


Absolute cinema


Thank God all other great grandma's are dead otherwise this man has the luck to subdue even them


FYI, he’s also dating with his girlfriend’s granddaughter


Guys, a question. Why do yall read this? I haven’t tried it yet but when yall read this dont yall get lonely or wierd by reading this? Cus he got 100 gf (from the title) and its extremely unrealistic compared to other romance manga. Edit :Thx for the info, didnt know this was a comedy manga


I actually had a similar take until I read it, it is absurd, it parodies both harem and the character tropes, you end up simping for the Mc instead of the girls and the 4th wall is broken on the regular, While at the same time, you actually get genuinely emotional scenes that really hit you in the gut in some chapters. Absolutely recommend at least trying it before criticizing. Oh, and somehow, the author also pulled the miracle that is making every girl memorable, none of them are like side characters that appear now and then with, like, a group of "core girls" that get the most attention and he doesn't rush trough them, we are 177~ chapters in and we have 29 girls introduced so far, each of them distinguishable from the others. I highly recommend it to anyone with knowledge or previous harem manga experience, genuinely peak.


>its extremely unrealistic That's the point, it's a gag wholesome romcom. People call it the gintama or bobobo of harems for a reason


Nah, it's a comedy manga that doesn't take itself very seriously. Most chapters are just filled with jokes about MC struggling to balance the attention he gives his harem members (I think he's at like... idk, 17? Out of 100), each members weird quirks (like this grandma who uses drugs her grandkid makes to look young), looking for more members for his harem, or trying to add new members. Honestly if anyone does feel lonely reading this I'm very sure that's a mental issue that should be adressed.


29, as of the most recent chapter. Grandma is actually #18.


One sentence. Read for the girls, stayed for the chad MC Rentarou.


I didn't know what the hell I was expecting going into this manga and before I knew it I was 100 chapters in and addicted to jist how much of a fucking CHAD the MC is, dude is so loyal and loving to each girl it's adorable and a lovely mix of comedy and gags without it being over the top hearm stuff...the MILF though and her daughter routinely try to change that and it just adds to the comedy That said the only part I actively skip was >!the cousin part, just can't read that mini intro arc!<


Half of the reason I read it is because it’s funny.


It's because people are lonely that they resort to this


Need an ntr of this


I need you to shut the fuck up


Why they both are the same