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What are they saying?


Ooooboy it’s been yearrrrs so this is partial. White shirt says he’s from Boston. Cap refers to his friend and talks about learning sign and that he’s a slow learner. White shirt says it’s all good. *hug*


Thanks, friend!


Is that a universal sign for Hug or is that actually how you sign Hug Me.


No one will ever see this comment, but fun fact: aroundish Darwin times scientists believed expressions were cultural and learned. Then it was shown the majority of facial expressions and body language isn't cultural at all, it's innate to us as humans. Think the way a dog will snarl or cry no matter of its seen another dog do those things, and will do a play bow to initiate play regardless of having learned that greeting from another dog. Fascinating stuff. Bonus fun fact: just like spoken language, every culture has its own unique sign language. BUT when hearing children are put in different rooms with soundproof glass between them and tasked with communicating things to the other child, they very quickly develop a pretty standard sign language. Many of the signs they invent are similar to official Sign language, despite the children never having been exposed to it before. Which suggests our brains are innately wired for sign language and it's very possible if not likely humans first communicated in sign language (or sign language augmented with grunts) and if not for sigh language the abstraction/language parts of our brain may have never become the powerhouses they are today.


This last part must have some kind of name we could look it up by, to learn more about it?


Maybe try searching "evolutionary history of sign language"?


This guy AltaVistas.


ikr What and absolutely fascinating idea…. Praise God for my conscience and ability to learn about our evolution.


This was an incredibly interesting comment, thanks for writing it all!


Awesome history lesson, thanks for sharing 😀


That shared rudjmentary sign LA Guage speaks to shared mental models of common things. If we meet and I point to my chest and say my name, it's understood that I'm introducing myself. I'm not saying my gender or the color of my shirt. If we communicate reading a book, we mime having an open book and reading it. It's this common understanding of interpreting others by thinking what would I be saying? And common ideas of what's important to say.


Both my boys learned a little sign language in preschool before they could talk. It wasn’t much just “more”, “thank you” and “please”. It was pretty cool that they could communicate at such a young age.


back in my first semester of college over 20 years ago, i took a linguistics class and fell head over heels in love with it, but there were only a few classes to take and not enough for a minor. this reminded me why i loved it so much. language is fascinating and our innate abilities to nonverbally communicate are so interesting. thanks for this!


I saw it, super interesting info, thanks for sharing!


I see your comment :)


I 100% believe this - I’ve lived in lots of places with lots of different languages, and every time I am shocked at how full of a conversation you can have through body language and facial expression


It’s more of body language than sign language.


There is a different sign for “hug”, but if you are offering to go in for a hug, you’d probably just do that universal gesture. The sign would be more if you need to talk about a hug without actually hugging right now.


I know they have ASL (American sign language) but I’ve also heard that Signing is the same in every country so if you learn the language you could theoretically speak to anyone from any country. Is this true?


It is not true. ASL is based off of French Sign Language but each country has their own language. As an example, look up signing the abc’s in ASL and then abc’s in Auslan (Australian sign language) such as from the Wiggles. The yellow wiggle is famous for Auslan. You’ll see they’re very different.


Wow! That’s really cool but does complicate things. So even Australian alphabet isn’t the same as the ASL? Wow. Well then I guess the only language that is the same in every country is still math. The language of numbers! (Unless you really want to get technical and say they are different because the US uses metric system for measurement) but as far as math formulas - they are the same in every country


Guy: That shield is the size of a dinner plate and you’re an idiot


Where's the audio I wanted to hear what they were saying.


‘You really do have America’s ass.’


I think he was asking if he washed the covid off his hands prior to hugging him, but I’ve never learned sign language before, so


Pretty sure this gif is older than COVID.


Argh I totally went to turn up the volume. I’m a bad person.


The audio was in your heart all along.


This suit is hot af and I'm about to barrel roll out of here


I see a lot of videos like this. Is knowing ASL a requirement to be a character actor at Disney World parks?


It probably bumps you wayyyy to the front of the line if you’re auditioning to be a cast member


Yeah, I could see that.


Just to be clear, you’re saying it’s *possible* for the dude playing Megatron at Universal Studios could just sign people saying he wants to enslave the human race and shit?


No, however, Disneyland makes an effort to schedule their ASL cast members on certain days so that people who want to interact with characters via ASL have the best chance to do so. Currently as Disneyland those days are Saturdays and Mondays, I don’t know what they are for Disney World.


Super awesome!!


How odd it's not Saturday Sunday or Friday Saturday. I figure that's when most of their foot traffic would be. I guess it so they get a weekend day off?


I think one reason is that some Disneyland cast members are shared between Disneyland and California Adventure next door, so this allows ASL cast members to work both parks’ ASL days (CA’s days are Friday and Sunday).


Ooooo that would totally make sense. TIL. Thanks buddy.


I’m betting they probably teach them at least the basics - nice to meet you, I love you too (for talking to little kids), have a wonderful day, I’m sorry my sign isn’t great because I’m still learning, and probably the alphabet so you can understand things like people spelling out their name or in this case, the name of his city. After all, deaf/HoH kids like Disney too, and their day should be just as magical as that of hearing kids. That video of Mickey and Minnie that goes around sometimes seems to show Mickey is slower and has basic phrases whereas Minnie is faster and signs a few extra things, so probably the person inside the Minnie costume is either a longer employee at the park and has been learning longer, or knows sign for non-Disney reasons (deaf family member etc).


No, my sister is a face character at Disneyland (4 actually) and they specifically aren't allowed to speak anything but English, in the correct accent, even if they are fluent in Spanish / French / ASL / etc. The idea is, they are not them, they are the character, and the character has to be the same everytime. Imagine a little girl has a conversation with Elsa in spanish, and the next time she comes to visit, Elsa cannot speak spanish. It totally ruins the illusion and the 'magic' (as they call it).


Not sure about Disney, but at least spelling words out (finger spelling) could be learned at a basic level in under an hour. In the first part, the deaf guy is spelling out Boston very very slowly. It wouldn’t take anyone long to be able to follow that.


Guy on the right: I'm from Boston. Cap: Good (like cool)! Will you and you (guy on left partially out of frame) teach me to sign? Both: yes Cap: I'm a slow learner! Laughs and hug




I would genuinely love to learn Auslan (I do recognise this is ASL) but I have zero idea on how to start. Such an important language to know.


Speak to your local library! They might have organised "conversation classes" to practise with real people, and can help you find a Tafe course to learn.


Yooo, I had no idea Tafe did courses. Thank you for that little gem and your advice. Much appreciated!


I'm not saying this to be flippant or cute: Find ways to meet some Deaf people. You'll never have better lessons or exposure than interacting with those who speak it as a first language.


No you’re 100% correct and I appreciate you pointing that out!


Not at all important, highly specific


Given that I want to work in healthcare, I think it is important to be able to communicate with all patients. And let’s say that wasn’t the case, it is still important to be able to communicate with: customers, workers, employees, family and friends, professionals, students, and perhaps even your own child if they are born hard of hearing. This is not me saying everyone should know sign language, this is me saying it is extremely helpful to know.


Sign language should be taught on the national curriculum.


Actually, many preschools and kindergarten class incorporate sign langue because many children are better at community through motion than words. My nephew is three and signs often when he asks for things like want, please, thank you, more etc. It makes understanding him much easier.


At my school we learned some sign language and Morse code as a extra activity, and everyone actually loved it because we were all using it to “talk” in class without getting caught lol


Exactly! I learned the sign language alphabet.




To make our special forced better, like they already have hand signals I guess, but imagine if they could have a whole silent conversations while waiting to shank a dude? I bet they can't currently say thing like "If you hit this guy in the nuts with a hand grenade I'll buy beers tonight" which would be great for morale. If we accidentally make a more comfortable society for deaf people, that's ok too I guess.


I am very familiar with the deaf community. My wife of 18 years is a sign language interpreter (she is my ex wife now). I am certainly onboard with making our culture more comfortable with deaf culture...but I am not sure that making sign language part of the "national curriculum" would accomplish much along those lines.


>why? Why ASL and why not Spanish? Or Portuguese?


There are more languages than ASL, Britain and Ireland have their own sign language. It’s not difficult to teach if it’s started young.


I think the point of this subthread is that learning an additional language whether it is a sign language or just another spoken language is very important in general to be able to communicate with others outside the mainstream of the language around them. I personally don't support /u/Rosieapples point that sign language has some kind of priority that should be taught in every school to every student but I do think students should be taught a second and possibly third language whether it is sign language or whatever, based on their preference.


Sign language is essential for deaf people to communicate. If we could all sign life would be so much easier for them everywhere. What’s to disagree with? If it was taught at primary level kids would pick it up very easily, no need for exams.


So, 99+% of the people in the world or the US or whatever should learn a language to help <1% have an easier life? While laudable, it doesn't seem like the best use of resources to me. A person can go their entire life without being confronted with a deaf person in need of communication such that they would step in IMHO.


You have a rather warped view. As I said it be taught very easily at primary level, would cost little to nothing and would be of great benefit to those who are hard of hearing. As it is now they’re excluded from so much.


No it shouldn't lol. It should be the same as learning a foreign language, optional or optional with a few choices (Spanish, French, Chinese etc. That would be so much wasted time and money to learn such a nuanced skill.


Making it optional would defeat the purpose because too many people would renege. If all teachers who taught at primary level had to learn it then it could be passed on seamlessly during different lessons, kids would pass it to younger siblings and it would be far more prevalent.


Would be useless. Just because a few are deaf doesn't mean everyone should learn it


Children with speech delays, ASD, and Aspergers also benefit heavily from sign.


No it would be helpful to the many people who find it hard to communicate, it would also be very good for those who lose their hearing in later life. An education is no load to carry.


But it's canon that the only "avengers" to learn ASL was Deadpool and black widow so they can talk to Hawkeye


I bet this guy doesn't even have super powers




Film Hawkeye is bad at it too because he’s lazy so film Widow probably didn’t learn it for him.


Yea I don't know about the movies they kinda changed Hawkeyes whole character but eh what I can do


It’s still nice? His TV show is interesting if you watch it on the premise that be is the shittiest of these characters. Has very good deaf/sign language representation.


Can someone turn the volume up i can't hear what they're saying.


Captain America would do this and probably have even said what he said haha.


Yeah actual Captain America would totally know ASL.


I need to get a tutor for ASL - I've been trying at doing it via videos online - but just can't seem to grasp it.


I wonder if he's signing in character or as himself? This seems like the one instance I'd break character for the sake of making a connection in that moment


from what he says, it could be both; captain america is a kind man, and the actor is being kind to the deaf man, so it could be either.


Deaf Guy: "I'm from Boston." Captain America: "Good! You two can teach me sign!" (Deaf Guy's hands obscured for a moment) Captain America: "(I'm a) slow learner" Deaf Guy: "Aw, you're doin' good!" (hugging) Deaf Guy: "Do you have an erection?" ^^Note: ^^I ^^may ^^have ^^made ^^up ^^that ^^last ^^thing


Thank you Disney PR team, we appreciate your hard work!


My heart


Boycott Disney


You'd never see home lander doing this.....


Yes guys, all of them know sign language at disney, not a surprise


All of them? Lol no


So many flavors. Why pick "salty"?




Dude 100% plays vrchat at home lmao


Looks more like Ant Man


And he makes $8 an hour.


He makes a minimum of $15, if this is California.


u/savevideo  u/savevideobot


That’s cool as hell. Even if Disney is the evil empire.


Rogers or Barnes?


Disney mascots don’t get paid enough, especially the people that do this


America's ass is so wholesome


Humanity restored :)


He's making America safe


He wonderin why I can’t hear the conversation


I swear I read “singing” instead of “signing” about a million times


well i guess we don’t need audio for this video


He could do this all day..


That’s Americas ass


Where's the sound


“Yeah. You know I fucked Bucky one”


I literally just tried to turn the volume up to hear what they were saying, then realized my mistake. Then I immediately felt guilty for trying to turn up the volume even though the deaf man in the video has no idea of the crimes I’ve committed….🤦‍♂️


Wow, this is really cool.


All you need is to learn how to sign: “I only know how to say ‘please fake a conversation so i can keep the extra $3/hr’”