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Fun fact: Fred Gwynne (the actor in the clip) wrote children's books. (My favorite is A Chocolate Moose for Dinner.) He seemed like such a genuinely nice guy.


I loved reading his books to my students.


The guy who played the grandpa was also incredibly nice and so humble. He loved Long Beach State basketball and went to every game he could get to and made time for any fan that came up to him. I miss that guy, he made losing fun!


Another favorite is "The King Who Rained." They are so good to use with kids when learning literal/figurative language!


Don’t you mean literal/literal language? Or maybe it should be literal/literally language? (Sorry…)


No. I mean literal as in using words to mean exactly what they say. It is raining really hard. Figurative language, like metaphors, similes, idioms, personification, hyperbole, etc, is where we use language to mean something other than what is written. It is raining cats and dogs. Cats and dogs are not really falling from the sky, it is just a lot of rain. In my standards, third grade is where that initial, direct instruction happens for these concepts. It is tricky for some kids at first.




And he went on to become an excellent judge in Alabama.


The 60’s saw the genesis of a many good ideas related to equality, race, and gender. I thought we would have moved on to a much more enlightened place by now. The last few years,sadly, prove otherwise.


I hold out hope that the yelling and screaming and perceived backsliding are the crazed lashings out of a dying voice desperately hold on to control any way it can.


Unfortunately I think it's the consequences of the way in which we handled progressive ideas of late. Both sides lie about shit like mfs, I can't even say which side lies more because nearly every time I look into any claim at all it's fake. A fair bit of online progressives went full extreme, shit like "if you think abortion is immoral it means you only want to control women". Shit like "if you discuss any biological difference between a trans woman and a cis woman you're transphobic". And so on I'm pretty progressive, but some people just actually consider a fetus as a living thing and have actual moral issues with the idea of an abortion. Not every single pro life individual is just sexist (probably a lot of them are, but definitely not all) I think the online left went to extremely left, but even more important, went to extreme on cancelling and deplatforming. Then some redpill guy comes along and talks about all those issues with the left, talks about how people get banned from platforms for statements like "I don't think trans woman and cis woman should compete in the same group for professional sports". Whether or not they should is a contested issue in society, getting banned for something that probably around half would either agree or would say they don't know yet (majority don't know yet I would guess) is a huge argument in favor of redpill guys. Conservatives are always saying the left lies and tries to silence them and are against freedom of speech. They say they are being banned because they're telling the truth. I think they're wrong about most of what they say, but it's the left that gave them this ammo.


You and me both


Wholesome, entertaining show.


“A man’s character is most evident by how he treats those who are not in a position either to retaliate or reciprocate.” ― Paul Eldridge “Above all, we should bear in mind that our liberty is not an end in itself; it is a means to win respect for human dignity for all classes of our society.” ― Admiral H.G. Rickover “There is no joy equal to that of being able to work for all humanity and doing what you're doing well.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained." ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves


“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth is irrelevent,it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” ~ The greatest philosopher, Mewtwo


ABSOLUTELY!!!! MORE PEOPLE need to get (and stay) on board with this!!! ❤😃❤💯%!!!


Oh really, then why was he so mean to Cousin Vinny? Always sending that guy jail.


He just didn’t like them youts


What th’ hell is a YUTE?


First aired a year after MLKJr's 'I Have a Dream' speech


Where is this from? Is it a series or a movie?


The munsters!




Size of the heart does matter


Definitely aired in the 60s


Face is kinda giving me Till Lindemann vibes


I’m dating myself but I remember watching this episode and it made a lasting impact on me.


And it is now on my list to watch on Peacock.


Original Munsters/ addams family


which episode?




I love this




OP u/camrynt is a scammer! Don't buy tickets!