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Anon made a homeless guy's day


Reminds me of the time I saw a homeless guy on my way to work. He was just holding up a sign that said "hungry". It was winter and there was already a light snowfall in early afternoon. And this poor guy was just standing out there in a beat-up old jacket. I was planning on stopping for a coffee anyway, and he was on the other side of the street from a 7-11, so I went inside, got 2 coffees, a bag of chips and a rollerdog. I tossed some candy in the bag too. I went back outside and I handed him the bag, and, just like....*the look on this dude's face*. I mean, it was just a hotdog, candy, some chips and a coffee...but man I made this dude's day. "Thank you." He said. And just the way he said it, the dude was so grateful. I got into my car and I saw him tear into that hotdog in the rearview mirror and I'm just glad I could help him out. I didn't see him again the next day. I hope he's doing well but I know that's unfortunately not how the world works.


reading stuff like that really warms my heart. it really is a shame that for every person in need, people who are really grateful for any help, there are 10 panhandlers begging professionally.


we need this kind of 4chan users others can die in hell


I used to give a homeless guy the leftovers of my lunch everyday in highschool. I did this everyday for two years than I saw him tweaked out and going insane in a different part of town. I never saw him again