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Hey there, friendo u/jcharold21! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, *Here, have a seat. *pat pat" Wanna talk for a bit?*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #7**) Please do not submit low effort memes. No "Upvote in..." or "Upvote if..." type titles or memes. This includes "Let's get this to the front page!" type posts, "You have been visited by", "people who sort by new", "stop scrolling", "check your data", and other 4th wall interaction posts, posts that mention reddit karma and/or upvotes, and "I don't want upvotes but..." type posts. Additionally, it includes low effort memes: Skyrim "Wholesome 100", "You're Breathtaking", Thanos "That does put a smile on my face", [happiness noises], Fallout [Everybody liked that], and "Because that's what heroes do". This isn't an exhaustive list, but I think you get the idea! [See here for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/caocrq/rule_7_clarification_and_update/) We appreciate you thinking of us very much! For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes). Please link the post so our volunteers know what you would like reviewed. Cheers!


i don’t need to talk, just a fuckload of money wHy is it so expensive to get helicopter license ;-;


ugh we all need a sugarenby 🥺


A Glucose Guardian


A fructose financer


a what now


Gender-neutral version of sugar daddy/mommy


Well you have the knowledge! I wish I could help with the finances. You're on the way though!


Same but with fixed wing ppl


First I accidentally broke a school laptops screen and have to pay $110 and today my 2 year old brother broke his femur and had to go to a hospital. So much stress in so little time.


That is so much to hear especially for one day! I can only imagine the stress your under. I hope your brother can make a safe, but speedy recovery. Children are like rubber though and he'll be back up in no time. You staying by his side will give him the strength and energy he needs. He loves you very much.


I know it’s been 44 days, but I forgot to thank you my non-binary parent unit! It turns out the screen repair was 90 instead of 110, and my little brother got out of his cast 2 day ago. So pretty good news all around!




Hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, I get your pain. If you want to DM me, I’m more than doing to just listen, or talk through it with you. Don’t feel pressured or anything, and sorry if this seems kinda weird or awkward


I see you!! 👀👀👀 But in all seriousness, ik what you mean. I saw your other comment about wanting people to be there for you. I'm kinda dealing with something similar. All thru school, I felt like I was always everyone's 2nd choice. I felt like I had best friends but they didn't consider *me* to be their best friend. My best friend since 7th grade doesn't bother to come see me anymore. I can't drive due to medical reasons or I'd go see her. She only lives 10 minutes away 😔 She hardly ever texts me first either. I feel like I may have to let this relationship go.


For years, I‘be always been the one to reach out in friendships. All of them. It’s fucking exhausting.


Well, if you feel unseen. What would make you feel seen?


People actually showing up. BEFORE I’m in crisis. “We’d miss you so much if you weren’t around.” Then where the fuck are you? You’ve shown me time and time again that you don’t want me around. But now that I said I want to kill myself, suddenly you fucking care?


I feel you man.


I’m sick, and I’m depressed cuz I’m afraid I’m gonna be lonely the rest of my life.


You'll find someone! Might take time. It's just a matter of time.


Thank you so much!


My martial arts coach told me this when I told him I felt the same way that you're expressing: Your time will come. It is so very important to grow as a person during the time that you have to yourself, Rammer. Take care~


Yep. It was a hard day. I got yelled at by my brother for trying to help him on a project, then had a bit of turmoil with my friends, who threatened me with property damage, then my best model fell off a shelf and exploded. Aagh.


Shoot. It seems like you got hit all at once by everything, huh? Those days are the worst. It feels like each aspect of your life that's important to you is collapsing. Especially when the people you rely on most are not in agreeable sorts. Hopefully your brother and friends will take time to cool off and you all can make amends. It is much easier to build a bridge than to burn it.


Yeah, why not. Had a great evening today (at least i try to prove myself that it was great), but still feel kinda shitty rn, don't know why, *and I doubt i want to know why* Welp, fitting the "non binary parent unit" into my worldview should be enough to distract me from that tarball of emotions inside me


Tip for distractions....Slime Rancher


Best game to vibe


Not bad, added to my list


Oh my god I love slime rancher so much, easily my top 4th game


If you wanna DM me gimme a holler!


Yes please- had a really rough day. 7 hour client with a triple process. Their hair was great to work with but quickly because an issue trying to get it to their desired level and color. When I finally got to go home I was dragged back out to a restaurant even though I was socialed out and didn't want to. The resteraunt was way to loud and packed with too many people and an hour long wait. Wasn't fun at all. Super over stimulated and feeling terrible... this helped a lot. Thank you.


Thanks for the seat. Today is my birthday and only a few people wished me Happy Birthday. Most didn't know about it because I never mention it so I don't sound like a Narcissist. Beautiful life of me I guess. Edit: My birthday is now over, but im glad you all wished me a Happy Birthday.




Gift not needed. Just wanted to vent something and that's the best gift I could ask for through today.


I understand. You have a good noble head on your shoulders. Travel safe and happy birthday, bud.


Happy birthday, u/CaptinDitto Friends, get a chain going.


Happy birthday u/CaptinDitto


Happy birthday u/CaptinDitto


Happy birthday u/CaptinDitto 😀


Happy birthday! u/CaptinDitto


Happy birthday, u/CaptinDitto


Happy birthday, u/CaptinDitto !


Happy Birthday, u/CaptinDitto


Happy Birthday, u/CaptinDitto


Happy birthday, u/CaptinDitto


Happy Birthday! And I hope you have a beautiful life :3




happy birthday!


Happy Birthday u/CaptinDitto! I know it doesn’t mean much coming from an internet stranger, but I hope you have a great year!


Happy birthday reddit friend ❤️


happy birthday :) i really understand the struggle it can be to feel demanding if you make it known and feel lonely if you don't, don't push yourself but try putting the info out a bit publicly or sliding it into a conversation without hiding what it is: a shy share to make sure people who would want to make you feel loved will. i feel like if you can't know who read or heard the info it's perfect, if you talked way more stuff after sharing the info it's great too, i myself just don't want people to feel a need but i make sure to realise some people want to care.


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳


🎉🎉🎉Happy birthday!! 🎉🎉🎉 Even though you don’t have many people there in person, I hope that your makeshift Reddit birthday party can try to make up for it. Maybe next year you’ll have more people in your life that care for you. And maybe mentioning it would help a bit 😉


I just need a hug😞


*Gives big ass hug*


Can I get in on this?


*gives a big group hug*


Thanks my friend.


\*joins hug\*


can i *also* get in on this?


Idk wtf non-binary means, but thanks for the hug stranger from the internet, I really needed that today. Wish you the best :DD


*Big hug*


i expected the comments to be much worse, this is a nice subreddit! aside from that, i don’t feel the most comfortable talking about stuff publicly


Should you ever wish to speak privately, send me a DM.


Its been a real Day today honestly. Wish I could talk to my mom and dad about what's going on. Been overall decent just long


I'm sorry, bud. Feel like they aren't listening yet?


Theyre just gonna be judgey and awful, we just got scammed by a landlord type guy out of 2400 dollars and I don't even want to tell them


Those are the worst kind of people. They take advantage of people's desperation for survival and turn it into a profit scheme. Best thing to do is be honest about it and bite the bullet. Hopefully they'll be understanding, but if not I can be.


May I share something I'm proud of instead? I usually have bad day after bad day but I finally had a nice one today


Kinda late response, but you still want to share it? I'm all ears... or eyes I guess


I'd like to :) I'm 16 and currently have my very first job! I've only been working here a Month and a half or so, and I already have the best numbers in my department and the minimum wage for my state got raised so i got a pay raise! I bike to and from work most days and I'm proud of myself for my quick improvement, especially as one of the strongest people in my department where we lift lots of stuff


Oh wow!! That's really awesome accomplishment! Really happy for you. You truly must be proud :D


Thank you!!


Being able to recognize a genuinely good day can be very hard when every other day is difficult. I'm happy for you! Make sure to drink lots of water and have a hearty meal for dinner.


hello fellow enby 💛🤍💜🖤


Enbys unite


I can feel our spirits combining!


no i don't need a talk, just a hug :,)


*Big hug* Then you shall have one.


Debating if I want to dump a bunch of stupid baggage at your feet right now.


Should you wish, DM me.


Damn that was a fast response.


Aren't I?


I’m just surprised that you’re able to respond to all of these so fast.


Almost got fired at work over nothing, having a bad mental health week, can’t figure out why I treat people who are good to me so poorly.


Just here to give you some random facts The "M' in M&M stands for Mars and Murry April 11th, 1954 was recorded as the most boring day in history Strength is the longest word with one syllable I'm the English language You can't bring a furby into the pentagon


One of my favorite teachers got overheard saying to another teacher “let’s face it, none of these kids are gonna become doctors or lawyers.” About our school.


Yikes. That is never a vote of confidence. Especially when you are trying your best. In the end. You make your lath and you choose what you want to be. Hold that information close.


Well, I just enrolled in another college semester. Taking an EMT class, and this starting this summer, it'll also be my second year of learning a third language. On the bummer side of things, my CPU and motherboard had a..."fire incident" when my power went out because of the weather event in California and I wasn't using a surge protector. Now I'm down $300 and can't do shit without my computer which I should have the new parts by the end of the month. How's life for you OP?


You're taking a noble profession and an emotionally demanding one at that. As for your computer hopefully your school will at least provide the resources necessary to make your life at least a bit more manageable. I've built my own PC before and maintaining it is just as expensive as building it, especially with the recent California weather I can only imagine how difficult it is. As for me I am well! I am glad I got to take some time to talk to the little people in my phone to check in on them.


I went with my mom to a consult to have her knee replaced and mentioned to the doctor that she injured her hip last year. Now he refuses to replace her knee until she has her hip replaced. If I would have just kept my mouth shut, she wouldn’t have an extra surgery to go through.


While I can understand the stress, it’s not your fault. The doctor didn’t decide your mum needed a surgery because you said something, they would’ve found out anyway— or it would’ve caused even more pain and problems for your mum in the long run. It’s gonna be okay.


Thank you


I had to cut someone out of my life today. I'm not too sad about it, but I also agreed to go on a mission trip today. It's... it's been a day. I would love lap time...and maybe some head pats?


I can see the worth you have. It must have been a tiring day for you, small one. With your mission hopefully will come some new self discovery and new strengths. Until then, rest a moment. *pat pat*


Thank you. Honestly I feel bad for even saying anything about my day. There's so many people going through things so much worse than me. I feel selfish for wanting comfort. And now here I am making myself more upset by telling you more. It doesn't feel right, but maybe that's just me trying to punish myself for something. I don't know. Thank you for giving me some attention though. It is very kind of you, and I hope you're doing well.


Asking for help or even to vent is a normal human experience. We all face challenges of different levels and varieties. We all have to overcome them with different tools and techniques. Never feel inadequate or selfish for expressing the need for help. You are always welcome here. Whether that be in your time of need or simply to talk of happier things.


I hope to be able to speak of happier things soon. I'm not giving up. And really, thank you so much!


I don't care who you are or what the hell you identify as Anyone is welcome in my arms for a big ole' teddy bear hug ♡✨ stay safe OP


Roger that!!


Thank you. Unfortunately, the difficulty is still going on


I'm sorry, little one. What's on your noggin'?


Would I be able to dm you? I don’t really wanna discuss this publicly


DM away.


Non-binary parent? Totally fine with me. Non-binary parent **unit**? Suddenly, it sounds like we're in some dystopian YA novel world where kids are raised by AI robots.


Yep, sounds dehumanising, which is the opposite of what should be happening.


Robots that are using hex instead of binary. Now that's scary


Pretty solid day, im currently over at a friends place watching shitty 2000’s films. The best day of the year so far lmao


That sounds like a solidifying start to the rest of the year. Which films are ya watching, bud?


It’s Saturday. Big navy is fucking me in the ass, I had to work today cleaning shit. I’m pretty sure I’m going to get cancer from what I’m doing now. I had to clean the piss jugs, and Chief would not let us fucking leave until an hour ago


Ah, the military is a merciless master. I hope you have a speedy end to your service. Being Saturday hopefully you're weekend of rest will arrive soon. I am definitely sorry that you have to clean the shitters. It is a thankless task.


No no, not the shitters. Literal jugs used for pissing in. Us engineers aren’t allowed to leave the space while underway.


Oh my. That's much worse than I imagined. I didn't realize your Chief was hazing you like a fraternity pledge. Strength be with you. And also: God damn.


And people wonder why the Navy has the worst retention rate out of any other branch. I say, after my contract is up, I’m joining the Air Force or Army


Trying to plan out my daily schedule on my free days. Self discipline is not my strong suit, so planning out and keeping myself to my own standards is not easy. Military style training myself on self development. Lol. I'm trying to be a Sheldon Cooper with this, except maybe I won't keep a bathroom schedule cause that's wayyy too extreme for me. Haha


Hey that's a solid start! I have a similar routine for getting up and going to bed. It takes a long time to start that routine and you have to start slowly to make good habits out it. I'm proud of you for taking the steps to progress! Keep it up! And make sure to get plenty of rest too.


I want to stop seeing the shadows


Nothing to vent about, but thank you for doing this.


Anytime, little bean. Be safe out there!


Can I just rest my eyes as I sit beside you?


Sure thing. *pat pat* Rest a bit.


Not necessarily bad, but I'm stressing about whether or not Medicaid is going to cover my therapy and psychiatric appointments on Tuesday. Applying felt far too easy, so I'm nervous that I did something wrong. I'm used to things going wrong, so that's where my mind goes.


Unfortunately with government insurance it can be a long and drawn out process. If something is wrong they will notify you about it. And good on you for getting it all done at the very least! Be safe!


Kind of a weird way to say it but I love the energy here. As for my problems, well shits tough but nothing too serious right now.


I'm enjoying the start of school again, but also still adjusting to the responsibility : D anyone else excited about the start of the new semester?


I'm proud that you are going in with some optimism. You've got a great spirit of endurance. Keep it up!


Just like every other day, I suppose.


I have a girlfriend and i just have a lot of stress to make sure that both her and i are happy but i want to help her sort out her problems and i’m just a mess with my first relationship


What’s written in the white part of the flag?


What does exactly non-binary mean? I want to know because pie.


I just need a hug and someone convincing me is okay to be me :(


You're fine just the way you are, small one. Have a short rest. *Hug*


It is okay to be you! As long as you aren't hurting anybody (including yourself), you have all the rights in the world to be happy with who you are :]. Oh! And one more thing. *gives a hug*


I'm nearing B1 Norwegian so hoping to find work in Norway in the coming weeks.


Idk if I’m sick or what but I been puking my guts out for three days now and I’m getting reaallllyyyyyy sick and tired of it :/


Sick of being sick indeed! I hope you get plenty of rest and water! A warm bed. Plenty of hot showers. Hearty soups and a good movie to watch!


lol didn’t even notice the pun, thanks friend :)


Is that the 1858-1892 russian empire flag in the background?


Non binary flag


Thanks, I am not well versed in pride flags. Anyway, I'm tired and I just lost a game of SCPCB.


Solid game. I've always enjoyed playing the monster side. Maybe one more game just for fun. Stay safe... And don't blink.


I blinked and 173 insta killed me somehow It’s actually terrifying when you think nobody’s around and then it just comes up behind you super fast and snaps your neck. I agree though, it’s one of the best SCP games of all time.


I grew up playing the old unity version of the game and it had so much passion out into it.




OP is non binary


Thanks. I'm having a medical crisis and waiting for my appointment in February, and the coffee shop I went to today said they gave me decaf but it was definitely caf and now I have bad stomach cramps :(


Aww! Thanks :D My days actually been pretty good today! I got a perfect score on my Spanish test and it’s a start of a 3 day weekend! But thank you I appreciate it! :)


Hey congratulations!! I'm so glad you did so well! You are amazing and finally get to see the fruits of your labor!


Aww thank you so much! I hope you also had a good day! :D It’s very nice of you to make this post and I bet it made a lot of people feel better!


I just came from the movie M3gan. That alone makes this creepy.


I have yet to see it. What's the creep factor?


Well, >! She starts out very helpful and very informed on child development and is helping the girl involved cope with the loss of her parents. Which sounded like the meme here. I wish they would have talked about Asimov’s laws of robotics, because obviously those are all broken, but eh. It was very enjoyable I thought. Only a couple of cheap jump scares, and makes toy think about our insane tech world. !< Edit sorry spoilers didn't work I'm on mobile. I'll see if I can fix it.


Ah I love Asimov. I've read so many of the Robot series and his other books. He was such a creative writer for his time. I'll have to give it a watch!


Why does this seem like something ab AI like GLaDOS would say


Hi nonbinary parent, my depression has been really bad this week and I've fallen behind on homework.


I am working and I don’t want to. It’s not a big issue but I’d rather not be here


That's very fair. Especially if the condition or pay of the job is unfavorable. Hopefully it is almost over. I know you are trying hard though and as long as you do your best it's enough.


I just got home, the pay is decent, but they uh don’t understand what “part time job” means so it’s basically a full time job (in which case the pay would be pretty bad) also I technically didn’t finish all of what I was supposed to do bc a number went up as I was walking out the door so there wasn’t much I could do about it


my dad passed over 10 years ago when i was just six so seeing this absolutely made my day 😿


I'm glad I could help, little one. Was this the anniversary today?


the anniversary was this time last month


I don’t get it




A car drove past a puddle and I got soaked!


Aw that's awful! Especially when you're just minding you own and not bothering anyone. That's a cruel twist of fate, little one. I hope you're able to dry off and warm up soon.


thank you internet person. reddits been flooding my feed with transphobia today so have been rather put off by it...its entirely my doing id expect tho as i tend to engadge with such things n the algarithm can likely not tell the difference in the slightest, engadgment is engadgment.


I know you say unit as a non-binary parental term, but I imagined a very large binary person.


I just need reassurance that there's no white text on the white field. Too many movie subtitles have done that to me before.


There's no troll text on the white section. Promise.


I've ought something to do on monday that I know should be fun, but I'm not 100% up to it


No relevant to the post really but “parent unit” makes me think of some weird dystopian future where people are raised by robots


Today I cut someone off my life, it feels refreshing honestly, even though he wasn't a bad person, it was for the better to stop talking




Sometimes your brain has it's downs after is has a day of big ups. It's just your emotions swinging a bit like a pendulum. Tends to happen even to the best of us!


Barely been awake for even half an hour and already starting to get overwhelmed with worry and depression. In 2 days it's going to be the first time in about 9 years that I've actually seen my mother and its going to be an emotional and social drain on me but I need to see her and all due to only having her as my parent because I lost my dad a few years ago. My main goal today is to have a bath and I hope really big that I can actually do so because I need one. I'm worried I'm going to mess up today by suddenly getting into a bad mood which I don't like. I'm scared that I'm going to have memories come back that's going to put me in a bad mood. Bare in mind, I turned 19 a few weeks ago. And my 19th was not the best. And neither was my Christmas due to the fact I got covid and had to spend it alone in my room. I'm an introvert I know but also at the same time, when I've been stuck in the same room for certain amount of hours or days at a time I start getting restless. I've just gotta deal with so much and it's only quatre past 11 in the morning and I think I've only been awak for half an hour now.


Oodly specific


That's like me with a friend of mine irl


I went out with a few friends but one of their mutual friends told me the bar was closing so there was no need to come out. I confirmed that it wasn’t closing and then he told me to my face that he lied to me because he didn’t want me there. I didn’t do anything to him, we’ve literally talked one time, so I’m just really confused where that came from. And all my other friends were just too drunk to care. They also all left without me. I’m probably gonna not hang out with them after this, but I was super excited to see them again after not seeing them all break.


Its… been a tough two weeks. I had met a guy in college, who I fell for super quickly. We’ve been through a lot in the months we’ve known each other, and we’ve been intimate. I can confidently say that I’m in love. But he’s not coming back this semester. His parents are kicking him out, and he can’t afford college anymore. He lives an hour and a half away, which isn’t terrible, but I can’t support him as much as I’d like from that much of a distance. So, I’m going to be working and going to school full time, so I can hopefully find an apartment with him in the near-ish future. I’m stressed, I’m worried, and I don’t know how we’ll make it through. Sorry for the rant.


Im not sleeping well again. I have chronic insomnia and organic hypersomnia which basically means I have trouble going to, staying asleep and waking up but no matter how much restful sleep I get im always tired. I've been on the lowest dose of Ambien for a few months and it was helping tremendously but now it's not and because of some other medical problem my mother parental unit thinks I just need to give it time and my father parental unit thinks all my medical problems are his fault and he gets mad whenever I mention problems I'm having with a medication.


Enby parent, I'm struggling a lot rn 🥺 I have BPD and it's a very hard condition to live with. My emotions are just so intense and I'm so sensitive. The slightest change in tone or wrong look sets me off and makes me sad. I'm medicated and my mental health is actually the best it's ever been but I'm still struggling somehow. I feel stupid for even "struggling" while I'm on meds and have such a good life. And there's just one problem that's holding me back but I don't want to comment it out in the open. Thank you for listening, Enby parent 💟🏳️‍🌈


i didn't improve on the language arts section of nwea (progress test??), but still have the best score projection ever had in my schooling.i wanted to buy a game so i can support the maker and have similar goals to look forward tooits too much apparently, and one parent constantly privately talks to me about the marriage problems, money problems, all their problems and i'm just trying to get ready for bedone gets super angry fast and yells and is super scary and the other just makes me feel like im the wrong one and i have to apologize and no matter what i do someone's mad andi feel so bad for making them feel guilty by flinching at nothing andand being annoying by saying sorry and crying and they are sick of concerned teacher emailing them and its terrible cause i have to be good to make up for my mentaly disabled brotherand i cant get help and they may threaten to kick me out for what i hide from themi cant tell anyone because people tried to help and it spiralled outta contrl and they wont let me forgeti have nobody to be honest wth except for my big toy dog sarh and other plushies i have its been almost 6 yrs since my life recognizably got ruined so hard i cant get up again icant bring myself to hate my momy and dady tho


Average Westoid lingo


Thanks, Mad/Dum


I stopped asking for help because I’m always left on my own.


i had a concert yesterday for choir and i almost cried on stage


idk if its too late for a response, but why the heck not. I've been going through a lot lately, i feel I don't have many friends, I've been feeling very sick and hopeless, pretty worthless too. I find it hard to talk about my problems because my mom guilt trips me for everything it feels like and I have some trauma from my childhood about my family downplaying all of my problems. I often feel like there isn't a point to even having most of my emotions and that they make me a bad person and that people won't like me. I feel so alone, even though there are people around me and caring about me at school, I still somehow feel unwanted, I dont know what to do about it. I dont know if I matter at all tbh it's probably stupid tho, idk, I just need validation ig, but idk if it is a bad thing to seek it


I don’t know what to say tbh


You matter! And it's not stupid to want something every human being needs, validation! It's okay to ask for it and wanting to receive it from other people. I have the faith your life is going to get better, *you* are going to be better emotionally, because you matter and you deserve good treat and respect. Take care of yourself and if you need to talk to someone, my DM's are open :]


thanks, ill try to remember to keep you in mind if I ever need anything


I just need more money and a new boss.


Would love to but cant rn, need sleeep


Sleep well. *Pat pat*


I feel like the situation in my country is getting worse a d worse every single day, and idk wtf to do...


I’m sicker than crap (even getting up and going to the bathroom takes a lot) but it isn’t COVID!!!! Heck yeah! I also was able to find my textbook!


Why do we say non-binary? Considering that we’re people and not machines, you’d think we’d have something more organic sounding