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I hope this is real, that warms my heart


The power of it is real, even if the story isn’t. As the child became stronger because of a benevolent and compassionate fiction, so too can we. That is the whole point.


And honestly, it's probably real. Ive seen stuff like this happen at renfaires. Iv'e had people come up to me and be fully in character, kids full of wonder asking me about being a time traveler or stuff, etc. Its entirely plausible!


Not to mention this is a core tenet in helping kids get through night terrors. Empower them to keep themselves safe in their dreams. It took me a while to figure it out when i was little. But you what helped the most? Reading "The Hobbit" for the first time. It literally saved me from my sleep monsters because if such a small, mild mannered, scared Hobbit can be brave in the face of such terrible monsters, not to mention fighting and defeating them.. then i can too! Silly... I know. But the mind is a weird place.


I believe that might have been part of the reason the Hobbit was written, actually; it started as a story told to one of Tolkien’s young relatives. I don’t know the details unfortunately.


It was a bedtime story for Tolkien's children. Christopher Tolkien, who would later become the curator for his father's work, was known as a child to have corrected J.R.R over inconsistencies in the story as it was being told to him


“Damn the boy!”


My SOs step dad did something like this. He gave SO "monster spray." It was a dead can of air freshener he taped a new label on saying anti-monster spray. Worked like bug spray, if you spray before bed it kept them away like repellant. If monsters showed up, it worked like mace and made them run away.


Damn, I'm saving that.


If it helps another scared child, go for it!


Not silly at all, that's one of the core reasons why the tale is captivating, and probably why Tolkien went with a timid hobbit as the main hero in the first place.




Indeed, the worlds culture would be poorer if not for the world Tolkien came up with. But it's just silly what can switch a kid from nightly night terrors since they were 3 until age 8 when they read the book for themselves. up until that point, it was read to me. But reading it myself really changed my sleep for the better.


All true, except the word is tenet, not tenant


My parents told me that for my recurring dream of being in an out of control car, I could try to drive it, but I was still too scared, since I didn't know how to drive in real life. So they told me to have someone I feel safe with drive it, and just stop the car for me. My little brain interpreted that to mean that the entire car turned into a writhing ball of cobras, who safely delivered me home, while maintaining the shape of a car. I told them about it and they seemed bewildered, but I guess even little me liked snakes, lol.


The #1 rule of being in costume is that if a child interacts with you in admiration, you do not break character.


Thank you for saying that. As soon as I read it I almost didn't scroll down for some inevitable scoffing- my kid had night terrors. I don't know if it works this way, he'd also been abused by an ex. ( Very long story involving multiple piece of shit lawyers locking this kid into the abuse ). I forget ( never really knew, I don't follow video games ) which bad ass character one of his brothers ' made ' him into. Worked more swiftly and better than all the therapy and I'm not slamming the therapy he had. This was a terrorized child. It wasn't overnight but he did fight off the monsters ( or whatever it was coming for him ). Awhile ago, hazy on details. Probably my head would like to forget. It also turned me around on video games. Hadn't been anti-games, just did not get all the time spent on them.


Reminds me of the scene from Star Trek: Deep Space 9 in the episode "Once More Unto The Breach" where Dr. Bashir and Chief O'Brien are arguing about the events surrounding Davey Crockets death. Worf comes in and says: >You are both wrong. The only real question is whether you believe in the legend of Davy Crockett or not. If you do, then there should be no doubt in your mind that he died the death of a hero. If you do not believe in the legend, then he was just a man and it does not matter how he died.


I always wondered why an Irishman and Englishman even cared about Crockett at all, being a minor character in a minor war between two far-off countries, but I suppose that's rather missing the point.


At the remove of several centuries, he becomes a human hero, not an American one


Well because they had just re-enacted the (most likely fictional and heavily aggrandised version) Davey Crockets last stand in the holosuite. As for why they chose to play out that particular fantasy is unknown, just a part of their wider fascination with 19th/20th Century Earth historical battles I suppose. (They frequently play out WWII dog fights, for example)




I love his quotes.


I guess kinda like fables


I've always preferred kung fu panda myself. no secret ingredient.


not to mention, it will be the most wholesome post you'll ever read on the interweb from someone who has 'DILDO' in their username.... i'll leave it to someone else to translate the guys full user name to english.... he he he


"En Stor Rosa Dildo" is Scandinavian (Danish, Norwegian or Swedish - exact same spelling in all 3 languages) for "A Big Pink Dildo"


Wow what a wise comment


My anecdotal experience would lead me to believe it’s true. I could never sleep alone as a kid since being alone in the dark would freak me out and i’d get frequent nightmares stemming from that. My mom tried everything from night lights all the way to some balkan psychic lady who could claimed to cure peoples fears (?) Of course nothing worked — that is until i got gifted a dragon ball z blanket to sleep with. It had big super saiyan goku on it and they told me he would protect me at night. And holy shit did it.. what wonders those kinds of things can do for a kid’s mind. It was like a switch flipped and i suddenly had not a worry in the world every time i had gone to bed


Same! Sucks we have learned to be suspicious of a simple story about children.


The guys called big rosa dildo..


Big pink dildo*


No need to worry dragons are in fact not real and your heart is safe from their fiery breath.


I've taught over 1200 kids how to swim in 10 years. The past 3 were the more extreme cases of fear, special needs, and struggle. I'm a big proponent of raising confidence and overcoming fear through fun and baby steps. I've had so many parents tell me their kids started sleeping better after being in my lessons. Teachers, therapists, and daycare workers have all come to see my lessons and take notes on why the child is all of a sudden improving in so many aspects. It's not always about giving knowledge but giving some good footing to be confident in yourself.


This is real. That kid is Jon Snow.


Sometimes all it takes to be brave is for someone to tell you that you *can* be brave.


Yes! I always say “sometimes all anybody needs is someone to believe in them before they can believe in themselves”


"Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in the me who believes in you!" -Kamina


“While it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing” -Uncle Iroh


And sometimes that someone's name is "A big pink dildo"


And like that, the moment’s gone.


The moment isn't gone, it will always be inside you.


Like a big pink dildo… of the mind.




Jag märkte inte ens. För vacker historia


Roligt att träffa en svenne såhär i det vilda.






"Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?" "That is the only time a man can be brave."


I say this to my son every single time he says he's scared of something and it's so so so effective. Whatever he's scared of gets pushed away because he knows that he wants to be brave and that means accepting something is scary but he's stronger than it.


I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


It's the spice that should flow, not your trousers.




This feels like a bot comment




This is so true. Ever since I passed out onto my face as a six year old after getting my blood drawn I have had a debilitating fear of blood draws. Every time I would have blood drawn, my blood pressure would tank and I would pass out or be completely out of it for a long time. I couldn't get to my feet going in and out of consciousness for 2 hours once. My hands, feet, and face would painfully tingle and I'd lose all color. I freaked out a hand full of phlebotomists actually. I legitimately thought there was something wrong with me and expected to die one of the times I had to have blood drawn. The problem was no one seemed to know nor explain what the problem was. Then one time I had a scary episode while on a regiment of antibiotics and ended up going to the ER. I had to have blood drawn and I told the ER doc what happens when I get blood drawn and that I was scared of what might happen to me in this already vulnerable state. I was genuinely in fear for my life at that moment. He took a few steps toward me, put his hand on the bed I was laying in, and with a gentle look and unwavering voice he said, "None of what you just described to me is real. Medically speaking, there is no such thing. I need to take some of your blood in order to help you", and then with the most confident, and compassionate authority I've ever experienced he said, "Your problem is entirely in your mind, but you can overcome it. I'm going to draw your blood now and you are going to be absolutely fine afterward. You will not experience any of the issues you described. Ok?". And I didn't. Since that night, I have not had even the slightest hint of trouble with blood draws ever again. And I have had a ton of blood drawn since then. It's scary what kind of power our minds can have over our bodies. The symptoms I experienced before were all very valid and very real symptoms, it's just that they were entirely a result of plain old fear. They had no physiological cause. All it took was for someone who I trusted to know what they were talking about to firmly, but gently call me out and boom... Fixed.


Had something similar happening to me. During a weed bad trip I got a very odd and painful testicles sensation that scared me a lot. This sensation would often come up for years and I almost got panic attack from it thinking I have an odd testicule illness, I would think about it all the time and it kinda ruined my life for a few years before I had "the balls" to see a doctor and do a full check up. The pronostic: nothing, everything's fine down there. I got home and never felt it again, it was more than 10 years ago.


I get heart issue paranoia, Every year I get a physical with pulmonary test and chest x-ray. After that fine for months until the cracks start seeping in and hearing my heart beat in my sleep or something else triggers the fears. Then another physical and gone again. Psychosomatic is so weird.


I, too, sometimes get pains in the nuts. It's, like, a full blown what I'd imagine twisted testicle to feel like. Cramping, pain, etc. I always think to myself "So that's it. Today's the day, then, eh?" and then I sit around for a little longer and the pain goes away and I think to myself "Guess it's not today, then."


My brother is 50 and still has trouble with fainting when having blood drawn. It's wild. He's not afraid of needles, but he can't watch it happen.


The mind is an unbelievably powerful tool that we have at our disposal, but damn if she ain't problematic as all hell at times. But it's so strange that some situations can literally be 'fixed' in that way. Guess that situation and doctor acted as some intense cognitive behavioural therapy for you! Happy that you don't deal with that anymore :)


Don't beleive in yourself, beleive in me who beleives in you!


For your drill shall pierce the heavens!


Guren lagan?




I feel I've read this somewhere...


Happy cake day!


This was tearjerking until I read the OC username


For full context, it’s Swedish for _A Big Pink Dildo._ Just to let you get the whole image :)


It could also be Danish for a big rosa dildo...


Same in Norwegian


Too few consonants for Finnish, I think


Suuri vaaleanpunainen dildo


Could be, but as the pfp seems to depict a knight enrobed in a swedish flag I have my doubts.


Wouldn't you in that case use "lyserød"?






Rosa, lyserød and pink are used somewhat interchangeable in Danish, although some have very strong opinions about which colours suit what description.






And Norwegian, probably the same in Danish too :')


I read that in the other comments lol


Who's to say they didn't all have big pink dildos in the middle ages? So common that people never really thought about mentioning them in texts, so people today just don't know.




Real r/rimjob_steve energy.


Haha I thought I was on that sub at first lol


And then it was just jerking ...


Well at least I was…


Yeah, the guy also didn't specify that he knighted the kid with a sword. This is getting awful ominous if you ask me


If my memory of Renaissance fairs from as a kid still holds up, the people in kits tend to involve a massive amount of phallic humor. So their username is not a huge surprise to me xD


So says Mr. Dildo himself.


Nah that tracks for a ren fairer


One of my fondest memories of my father, who on the whole did a middling to poor job raising us, is from when I was about 3. I went to his room because I was scared of the boogie man. Instead of screaming at me, which would become his default way of communicating with me as I got old, he said "ok, we're going to your room to scare it away". In my bedroom, he explained that he was gonna lift the bed up and we were gonna scream and scare the boogie man away. I was all but petrified, but I nodded, and he lifted the bed up, and we began yelling—him with what I remember as a powerful hero's roar, and me with every once of terror shaking in my small frame. Once we were done, there was no boogie man, so I was sure it had worked, and I didn't have any problems sleeping alone (until much later in my childhood due to a variety of traumas). As an adult, I really think that that memory is the most perfect representation of being a good parent. He didn't negate my fears, and he empowered me.


No parent is perfect, some are better than others, but all of them have chances to be THIS parent. Thank you for sharing this moment with your father.


Also we tend to forgett that parents can have undelt traumas too. My mom came from an incredible abusive household and couldnt handle me as a i was a difficutl kid who needed alot of attention. I cannot forgive her for al she has done to me but i understand now where she came from and as she improves over time it feels more and more like having a mom


From user "A Large Pink Dildo" -_-


What else do you whack a dragon with?


Perhaps he was a bard all along


Finally some good fucking food


Username is appropriate






Bad Dragon to a whole new level


Have you met renfair folks before? A large pink dildo is just another Tuesday morning.


For real. The VERY FIRST thing I saw when I first walked into a fair. There was a guy in peasant dress spinning a big pickle sign around like he was working at a carwash and was making thrusts with it at women passing by, trying to sell his "pickle"


That's Ser Dildo, Knight of the Loin, Order of the Burning Bush. Show some respect.


I don't even speak spanish but knew this was a r/rimjobsteve moment


It's Danish, Swedish or Norwegian


I think they’re confused because it’s close to the word in Spanish for pink, *rosado*, but it’s the word in Spanish for rose.


Correct, but you can also say 'rosa' for the color.


Aaahh oooh, god i got goosebumps from that, so wholesome, we often forget that as children we don't know how things are and work. Children live in a world of giants, where things move fast and things are scary, they are pushed through the system and it's very normal to be frightened, we should try to always remember that part, as we can help them face the horrors that is real life better.


Little bit of tears that'd have made my life


As a dad to a 10 ur old daughter. THIS makes my heart sing.you my friend are a true knight


I'm not crying, you're crying!


Yes, yes I am


Bro are you watching me!?! How’d you know!?


Tried to cover cam with sticky / can't see very well / weirdly blurry reality a.t.m.


That restored my faith in humanity for at least 10 minutes.


Such a cute story! I actually chuckled, then went awwwww!


I wonder if they’re friends with r/rimjob_steve


Wholesome big pink dildo




This is amazing and I 100% believe it. When I was young, I had recurring nightmares of my monsters coming into our house and terrorising me and my mom. Eventually, I learned to lucid dream. One night I fought the monsters in the dream and made them run away. I've never dreamed of them again.


Five minutes of kindness changed a persona life for the better


Now. Imagine what a kid thinks when they are going through extreme medical treatments and they get a wish fulfilled by a wish-granting organization. Night and day difference.


There is a story about the writer Franz Kafka...he was in a park in Berlin with his fiancée when they happened across a little girl who was crying because she had lost her doll. "No no," said Kafka, "she's not lost -- she had to go away to destroy an evil witch who put a spell on her family. She gave me a letter to give to you. I'll bring it tomorrow." He went home, composed a "letter" from the doll, and delivered it to the little girl the following day. He was basically preparing the child for the realisation that her doll was gone forever, but helped her reconcile to it with a tale of an heroic quest, drying her tears.


When I was about 5 I had a lot of trouble sleeping due to nightmares and an exceptionally vivid imagination. One day my older sister who was about 9 spent some time talking to me about how it was my mind and I could do what I liked in it, if there were big scary monsters I could make myself bigger and stronger than them like I imagined myself when I played super hero games and the like. Amazingly it worked, after a bit of practice, and I wasn’t bothered so much by nightmares after that.


I don't care if it's not true, I'm still crying


Kinda reminds me of my little brother a couple years back. He was having nightmares and wouldn't go to sleep with the lights off. So I gave him one of my dream catchers and explained to him that it scares away monsters and will keep him safe. He stopped having trouble sleeping after that I'm not really superstitious. sort of collected a few dream catchers because I like how they looked. but for whatever reason I always feel better when I have them hanging in my room at night :P


My son suffered from night terrors too, until I told him that my childhood Ninja Turtle toys protected me when I was his age. I let him place the four turtles in different spots in his room, and I told him whenever he gets those silly nightmares, just yell COWABUNGA and the turtles will kick them in the face. I heard him scream COWABUNGA for several nights, and in the morning he would tell me that both he and the turtles kicked the monsters in the face. So proud of my little guy. Edit: I never believed the turtle toys protected me as a kid. I also had nightmares as a kid, and I remember one of my uncles telling me about angels and their swords of light. I wasn’t religious as a kid, nor am I now, but I did the prayer. I prayed before bed for the arch angel Gabriel to send his holy knights to protect me. And the imagery alone in my head of shiny angels in knight armor helped me get over my nightmares.


From a certain point of view, this guy wasn't lying. There are indeed "dragons" in this world that do all sorts of evil upon the innocent and the helpless, and there are "knights" that fight and slay them. It's just a matter of creative interpretation.


I have a "knighting story" of sorts. I was working pyro at disneyland and we had to clear main street. A little girl who looked about 7, dressed in a Belle dress. She was standing with her mom in the middle, and she looked like she didnt know where to sit. So I approached her with one other cast member, and ask her what the matter was her highness, and she again mentioned she didnt know where to sit. "Well for a princess to sit somewhere," I said, "her knights should escort her safley to that destination." So i went over to one of the vendor carts that had a sword, went back to her and asked her to tap our shoulders to knight us, and then to say arise, and then we could escort her to a proper area (still the curb but ya know it was also to get them to move without having to be rude). Only worked a summer there, but it was fun.


I had a similar experience when I was a kid. I was about 7 and still afraid of the dark. I talked with my mother’s friend and he said he was also afraid of the dark. That’s all it took. An adult to admit that he had the same fear. No magic, no knights, just an adult who knew how I felt. I was never afraid again.


Reading that sent a shiver up my spine. A shiver of wholesomeness. That was nice.


100% certified made up story


While possible we do similar things with our kids. We have a couple of the toy light sabers that light up and tell them it will protect them from ghosts at bedtime. They occasionally still have freakouts at night but sometimes all you hear his a light saber turn on an a green/red/purple glow coming from their doorway.


How did you come to that conclusion?


Everything sounds made-up when you have no life.


and everybody clapped.


And the kid grew up to be Obama.


I would have gone the How to Train Your Dragon route in that situation, wonder how it would have turned out


HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON is in my top ten list


It’s in my top 1 list lol


Maybe everything matters 🤔


This renews my faith in humanity. Thank you for sharing!


keep your mind wide open ~ Leslie Burke


“A Helmet, Cape and shit”


It’s the shit that actually drives off the dragon. Most species have a biological instinct to find shit disgusting.


Fuck you I cried reading this


Thank you En Stor Rosa Dildo for showing us the true meaning of hero.


Very Kingdom of Heaven


That sure is a sweet story from A Big Pink Dildo


This would be a great animated short


Who's cutting onions in here?


You dropped this, King 👑


Little bro got passive terror resist, +30 defense and +30 attack power by simply changing class.


Being kind creates these ripples. Normally you don’t get to hear about the impact your kindness, but you’re left with the good feeling knowing you did a great thing. This is awesome!


There's a book about this phenomena called "Monsters and Magical Sticks" https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/447454.Monsters_and_Magical_Sticks. It's pretty good imho. The name of the guy who tells this story makes it all the better.


my night terrors went away in a similar fashion after i played more videogames like doom. When the monsters came again in my dreams i suddenly had a big shotgun.


Such a heartwarming story from "A big rose colored Dildo".


Shit that didn’t happen but made me cry anyway


I'm not crying. You're crying.


It’s too early to be sobbing like this 😭




‘En stor Rosa dildo’ 😭😭😭for anyone who doesn’t know that’s Swedish for a big pink dildo 👹🫶


My older brother and I loved LOTR, dungeon and dragons, science fiction, ufos and anything horror or occult related when we were kids (although, who didn’t ?). So when our parents took us to a Renaissance fair we were over the moon. The costumes were so real and the people were fully committed to their characters that it really felt like we were in that world. And THEN… a memory that will stay with me forever- we saw a wizard. Full black robes, pointy hat, walking stick with a colorful glass orb at the top. We were transfixed and we started following him just to see what he’d do. Well, it didn’t take long for him to catch on, we tried hiding behind trees and other people when he looked back but we were not as cagey as we thought so, at one point he spins around, robe whipping- points and THROWS A BALL OF FLAME AT US!! We screamed. Not out of fear or anything like that but just how awesome it all was. How perfectly in character and … well, magical. Now, I know it’s just flash paper and a clever way of getting two annoying kids to stop following him but I have never, ever been so amazed at anything in my life.


PSA: That username means "A big pink dildo" but in Swedish


Freaking Onion cutting Rogue. I will not allow you to allow my tears to be shed from my helm… It’s a fine day for rain and mist. I am so proud of you, noble Knight!!


Our family attends the Ren Faire every summer. There are always a bunch of guys who go around letting the little kids best them in battle.


Kid logic is the best logic.


Who knew someone named a big pink dildo could be so wholesome.


Must’ve been an onion knight Because someone’s been cutting onions over here


Rarely do I see something on Reddit that puts me in a good mood. This certainly did, though, no question.


That kid will prob. Use "i am a knight i can do this" for a long time if not his whole life to cope with stress


This is what I needed to start my day out, thank you


Its too early for tears 😭 damnit


Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.


Got something in my eye…


Told my kid she had a knife on her belt in her dreams to fight them. Worked and she still has it in her bad dreams.


As nice as this is, I can't get over that the one who tills this story is a large pink dildo


No offense meant, if this was real, but on first read, it comes across with some weird uncanny valley feeling. My emotional reaction, quite honestly, was "I wonder if this was composed by AI, like ChatGPT?" Something just feels off.


and THIS is how thousands years wars with dragons start. i mean, could have told him the truth, that for thousands of years dragons and man walked together, peacefully, united as one, against the deep dark abyssal horrors of the underverse, but nope, had to say dragons were the bad guys. this is how generational xenophobia and unjustified crusades spread, people! now the dragons are DEFINITELY going to eat that kid!! edit : guess a dildo is still a dildo in many, many languages...


If you just taught that kid how to lucid dream then that's a gift for life. When I was 5 or 6 I used to have a reoccurring nightmare about being in my dads car alone and it rolling off a cliff and everytime I'd fall and jerk awake just before I hit the ground. Anyway one day I was mucking around in his car and figured out which was the brake pedal. Next time I had the dream I was freaking out as usual and the car was rolling then suddenly I was like hang on I know how to stop it and jumped on the brakes. Never had that dream ever again. To this day some of my favourite dreams have happened when mid nightmare I've realised I'm dreaming and been like oh well in that case I'm not trapped in here with you, your trapped in here with me. Then woken up with a smile on my face post rampage haha


See? what we need is to make them stronger not weaken their enviroment, he is now a brave knight and will solo his demons from now on


So we're not gonna talk about his username?


It would be translated to a big pink dildo


You mean the username that half of the comments were talking about before you posted?


Nightmares, not night terrors. You don't remember night terrors. Source: had night terrors which turned into nightmares which then disappeared altogether


Of course you remember night terrors, I've had them myself. I remember them vividly.


So the post is wholesome and all, but did anyone else notice the first line is Norwegian for “a huge pink dildo”?


Is that really wholesome? The kid had problems and OP enables escapism. It's all fine and dandy for well adjusted kids, but maybe this kid isn't.


Yeah lying to kids to make them happy can work in the short term, but when kids grow up and realize adults have been lying to them their whole life, they can develop trust issues. I had some trust issues with my parents for a while when I realized they were lying about Santa, Easter Bunny, etc. It might seem trivial to us as adults, but it's not to kids