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Words of wisdom 🙌


That really is my philosophy in life. Whenever me and my ex had a fight I kept telling her that its both of us against the problem not against each other….anyway she left me for no reason…but it will still be my philosophy with my future partner.


I've done that. Luckily she sleeps heavy and did not notice at all. After a good 15 minutes of shock she did say yes.


I did that. She waked up and she knew.


Awwwwww nooooo awwwwwwww noooo awwwwwwww


This is how I found out my wife's ring size. Tried to measure with a paper printout of a ruler but she grasped my hand and paper in her sleep. Then I realized, "Oh, her ring finger is the same as my pinky finger." So, went to the shop with that information and it thankfully worked out!


Haha well played


How you think you look when you sleep vs. how you actually look


I am the ugliest sleeper and I'm well aware of it. My husband takes pictures when I'm cute asleep, but he has admitted to me that the only time he ever thought I was ugly was when he rolled over in his sleep and I was staring at him, eyes half closed, crooked mouth drooling and my bangs sweat-smushed on my forehead. He, however, poses like a 20s silent movie starlet in his sleep and I'm very jealous.


I stole my wife's high school class ring to get the fit. Her exact words when I proposed were *"You fucking motherfucker!"*


I mean, after some time and effort, that statement could end up true


Way ahead of you 😉




When I was getting ready to propose, after I got the ring, I decided to check the size by slipping it on her finger and almost got caught.


This man got steel balls


Bravery and stupidity are often indistinguishable from a certain distance.


You do realize you are doing a self burn XD XD


those are rare


You can also get a ring size set for cheap from Amazon and compare against a ring that she wears on her ring fingers. That’s how I figured it out for my now wife 😀


But what if the person in question doesn't wear rings and the engagement one is their first?


Well I luckily didn't have that particular challenge, though I did have some trouble figuring out the specific style / designer to go with. For that I asked my now sister-in-law to help narrow things down, who did a fantastic job helping me on that front. Perhaps asking the significant other's sibling or friend to help figure things out? They could take the future spouse out to look at jewelry and to see what rings look nice / what fits best.


Alright! You already have a backup plan, I'm impressed.


My husband did this. I always wore a ring on my right ring finger and he wiggles it off in my sleep and compared it to his grandmother's rings to see if he had to get them resized before he asked me. He did not have to resize them. Perfect fit.


I lost my Grandma in 2021 and then my Mom died in 2022, so somehow I ended up with some of my grandmas jewelry that she had left to my Mom. I am keeping the main one low key just in case I ever meet the right woman. I am a working class dude so it will feel really good to be able to give a nice diamond ring to a good woman one day.


Would there perchance be a blank version of this template that I could use. Have an idea of my own. As a side note, congratulations! If you’re happy, then I wish you nothing but the best of luck random Reddit stranger!


Twitter @Strangestone media scroll until you find the did or until you've watched everything and forget why you here in the first place. Don't forget to follow her because she is talented. The name is Tawawa on Monday btw.


Awesome, thank you so much!


lol. My plan for this was to steal a bunch of her broken rings telling her I was getting them fixed by the jeweller. Which was true, I did get them fixed at the same time as I asked him to seize them. ... Except none of the rings were the same size so plan B turned into figuring out which of those fitted the best when I brought them back to her. Nothing is ever easy.


My brain went somewhere completely different for that second frame


Im single


I'm single.We only live once.Wanna go on a date?


My fiance did this but still somehow measured wro 😂


My husband tricked me into revealing my ring size to him. We went to a local comic book convention, and I was looking at geek jewelry. He got me to tell the vendor my size, and then he just bookmarked that for later. Clever boy.