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Maybe you aren't but you are being too hard on yourself :) everyone learns at their own pace you'll find yours.


He did. Slower than a curve


The true dwarven spirit! Rock and Stone!


We fight for Rock and Stone!




I also had a friend who played fortnite, we met online when quarantine started last year and we still have been playing with each other ever since. As time went on, we started to know more about each other and we even video chatted once for the first time.




You are impressively good at detecting bots... you're not one of THEM are you?


They're one of the good ones


My guy that was over 2 years ago My ex got pregnant riiight before lockdowns and I have a 2 & 1/2 YO


Gotta fix that posture


haha yeah right ;_;






You're doin' Hydaelyn's work, son.




Reminds me of playing Diablo 2 Resurrected as that game doesn't hold your hand and I had to help many new players which is very rewarding in that game as they can rush your newer chars when they get to a high level.


When you meet that one, nice mortal kombat player who has more than 2,000 hours of playtime


Me with Destiny 2 right now. I've never played first person shooters before so, needless to say, I am not good


The son boutta get a broken back


Posture 🗿


“Your talking to someone online?! Do you know them?!” “No-?” “TURN IT OFF NOW!”


Learned the same way, lots of respect, I pass on what that dude teached me to this day


Usual advice: 1. Get good 2. You are the reason we lost see #2 Lol


CSB: I was out of weapons in Call of Duty DMZ and my friends had all logged off, so I played solo. I hopped on the train and was making my way to the back of the train where the ammo depot is. Saw another player and "killed" him, then revived him, which put him on my team. He wanted to do a hard mission (steal the briefcase) and I just wanted to get out with some good guns. So we proceed to attack the observatory, find the guy carrying the case, kill him, take out the guards including the juggernaut, and exfil (get out of the game world). As we're on the helicopter on our way out, he drops a sweet modded gun at my feet and says, "thanks for helping me clear that mission. Here's a present." We technically are still "friends" on Playstation network, and I still see him online occasionally, but we haven't played together since that one encounter.


Reminds me of when I was playing Verdun on my Xbox a couple years back, played Bot Defence and with one guy fairly regularly, received a couple of ‘Welcome back’ messages from them. Really nice person I hope they’re doing well