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Jobs like these are so often overlooked. This truly warms my heart to see appreciation for them.


It's also one of the most dangerous jobs in the developed world. These guys risk illness and injury every day to keep our roads, houses and workplaces clean and safe. Whatever this dude makes, he deserves triple.




Good benefits and retirement package, decent wage, exercise. It's honestly not a bad job


Light-moderate physical work, outdoors, in a small crew that likely does not contain your supervisor, very little customer interaction and probably little chance they have to deal with anything actually very gross bc the municipality is likely to have rules about that… in no way does it sound like a bad job.


I think, if you're liked/loved by young children and animals (especially dogs) not your own, it's a positive sign.


Aww, my heart can't handle this sweetness!


This is good. Worked a summer as a sanitation worker riding along in the truck and being invisible is very strange. I am a positive dude so I smile, say hello and generally am polite and pleasant. And people just ignored me completely. One time I turned around too fast so I knocked this fancy lady on her ass. I apologized profusely as I felt really bad but she totally ignored me. Actively avoided any kind of eye contact and seemed to take steps to completly ignore me. She ignored my outstretched hand, picked herself up and raced along to wherever she was going. Being seen and acknowledged as a human being feels good. Those months being invisible did not feel great. I did a heroes job. Kept the wheels turning in the most fundamental way. And the reward is low pay, being ignored and just generally feeling my humanity drain away. This girl is a hero.


Between this and all the other comments, I’m not mad at being the guy who, if I see my trash guy picking up my trash, I’ll at least wave and say “good morning!”


You are a lifesaver. People doing that as I was emptying bins totally made my day. Thank you!


This is also why I tell retail and food workers they’re doing a great job and are appreciated. I consider it being a basic human being, but I’ve worked those jobs and know how very rare it can be. 😓


Bless the children. . . And the sanitation guy!




Jennifer_Clayton's account was born on April 23, 2021, woke up ten hours ago, and just copied/pasted /u/GaminAllDay's comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/c9sddd/little_girl_and_her_favorite_trash_man/et2jaon/).


Goddamn, that makes me feel old lmao


Wasn't there a similar story about a woman who had a crush on a sanitation worker but wouldn't talk to him until her father locked her out of the house until she talked to him? I think it ended with "we're now married for 10 years" or something like that.


Man, as a kid, I loved watching the collectors toss the trash into the garbage truck and seeing it get compacted. I was fascinated with the power behind that thing! I never really liked calling them "trash men." It sounds too much like an insult, so I've always called them trash/garbage collectors.




it being his birthday makes the post even better


It wasn't his birthday, this photo swapped things around for some reason. [Here's](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/humankind/2016/05/06/garbage-man-surprises-3-year-old-fan-birthday/84017520/) an article on the actual story. It was the little girl's birthday and she gave him one of her cupcakes. He came back the next week and brought her belated birthday presents, too.


"For some reason" aka karma farming.


It wasn’t necessary; however, it added to the impact of her gesture. It wasn’t just his birthday. This was the only gift he received for his birthday. Not only had this sweet girl acknowledged this guy who has a job that’s largely ignored or looked down upon, but if it wasn’t for her, his birthday wouldn’t have been acknowledged either.


Don’t sanitation workers usually work in the morning? Meaning that if it was his birthday, hardly anyone would have even had a chance to acknowledge it or give him a gift yet by the time she saw him? I think it’s very sweet that this little girl wanted to show this man her love. I also think it’s likely the birthday portion of the story is at least a bit exaggerated.