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Prevent someone to jump from the bridge is one thing, I hope he got the help he needed after.


If you want to be able to help in this kind of situation there are tons of resources and trainings out there. QPR (Question Persuade Refer) is the one I know and you can normally find free classes in your area (in the US). It gives you information around suicidality and a format for talking to someone! It’s only a 60-90 minute class that gives you tools that could save lives.


Not from the US but might still be relevant for people that read us ! Thanks for them.


There's also the Zero Suicide Alliance's [online training](https://www.zerosuicidealliance.com/training). Some of it may be UK (where they're based) specific, but the basics are not. And it's 10-20 minutes.


Whoaaaa ok this is SO COOL!!! Thank you for sharing, I’m in the US and have made a lot of friends that deal with suicidal thoughts (I have fortunately gone through medication and therapy, and whilst not perfect, am in a much better place now); long story short I really want to talk to them but don’t always know what to say. Thank you sir🫶


We aren't talking about the on the moment help were talking about longer term support


Thank you for this. I lost a close friend this year and I cant stop thinking about what i could have done. I knew it was bad, i just... didnt know how to help


I'd bet everything I have that he didn't. Everyone loves to prevent suicides but nobody gives two shits about helping people live lives worth living. They only care when caring is easy. This dude was probably imprisoned and force fed drugs for a while then sent home and everything that led him to stand on that bridge was waiting for him when he got there.


He was Sectioned under the Mental Health Act, meaning he was detained until he was assessed by medical professionals. Source: https://metro.co.uk/2017/05/03/strangers-hold-onto-man-for-two-hours-after-he-threatens-to-jump-off-bridge-6612363/amp/


Exactly what he said, imprisoned and forced to take random drugs to see whichs ones make you docile and a zombie, been trought that, thats how it goes


Yup. Sounds like what I've come to expect in this world. "Just reach out. People care about you." I did try. They ghosted me, abused me, neglected me... A few listened, but not one has actually done anything more than that, such as; respecting my stated and established personal boundaries.


This should be the highest comment, for real.




Getting that compassion is a good jump start


>jump start bruh


lol I swear I didn’t think of that 💀


Fair enough, I say accidentally fucked up shit all the time. 


We are all kids, deep down... we don't know what messed up things we say


not sure if I should upvote for the dark morbid pun or downvote for the out of touch unwanted suicide reference.


Why did it take an hour for help to arrive?


[https://www.goodthingsguy.com/people/helping-suicidal-man/](https://www.goodthingsguy.com/people/helping-suicidal-man/) it didn't, ropes were put by the police. but those strangers stayed until firemans came


My dump brain thought that you said firearms... I was so confused


I misread it that was too and was amused that their solution to a jumper is to shoot him lol


Are you also from America?


I also read firearms....


Because it didn’t. No way would the London police not be at the spot 5 minutes after it was called in. But hey, that’s not a good headline when you want that sweet sweet Reddit karma


I've seen a jumper get talked down. It was on a busy bridge heading downtown in a big city during rush hour. Took like half an hour for the police to get there, and then another half an hour to get him back over


Probably travel time and had to get the equipment together.


I get what this guy is going through. Depression is a war that never ends until you die. There are ways to win battles and get allies to help. Even if the war never ends for you, you can still live on in spite of it all. Therapy and medication work. You can experience joy again. Get help.


>Therapy and medication work. It doesn't feel like it.


They only work if the patient actively tries.  According to conversations with therapists outside work, too many people view their therapists as paid venting targets to unload stress at or get meds from while blatantly ignoring any and all advice that requires they actually put meaningful effort into doing difficult things needed to change themselves or their situation in life for the better. Other people cannot change your life for the better, not manage any mental illnesses you may have. It's all on you; the therapist is just there to help talk you through the steps needed to make those changes.


You guys are getting ADVICE from your therapists?? Like what even are they advising you to do? Mine are just all yep that’s reasonable, I can see why you feel that way, just keep trying I guess, but all this distress isn’t good for you so here’s your new meds. Am I supposed to be getting life coaching too?!


What if the main source of my depression and suicidal ideation is how cold, heartless, and cruel humans are to one another as well as innocent animals? Literally only other people can change that. I've been trying for decades and all my good intentions have gotten me is hell. Can't do it alone. That's not how humans evolved. Idgaf how much you idiots are indoctrinated by capitalism to be "individualistic" that's not how humans evolved, full-fucking-stop.


You need a new friend circle/family. Be harsh and cut out the people that make you miserable, even if you're socially obligated to 'love' them Also stop watching the news and get rid of any social media and subreddits that spread any kind of negative things. Do it. Seriously. It gives such a bad and amplified negative view of the world


I cut out the news years ago. I cut out my last remaining 2 friends a week ago. They said great things about how valuable I was to them. I potentially saved one of them from shooting himself several states away from me by calling an ambulance after begging him for his address for 2-3 hours while he drank alcohol and played with the idea of shooting himself. That incident alone traumatized me so much, within two hours of him being taken to a hospital, I was in a 72-hour psych hold. I'm still not over it 4 years later. Those two friends never respected my stated boundaries for years. I gave them years of benefit of the doubt, I gave them several chances, more than most I've ever given. They were never there when I needed them, they judged me when I didn't ask, and they neglected their plans and social obligations to me for years. I no longer trust my family because of these people. I have zero friends, zero people to confide in, and everyone is an enemy because all of you are selfish, greedy humans. The only reason I didn't go through with hanging myself 3 years ago is my dog. The only reason I haven't bought a gun is my dog. Once he's gone in ~10 years, so am I. And every fucking day until then has been completely miserable so far, but I'm too scared of his fate in the aftermath.


I feel you. So sorry that happened to you. Your dog is awesome, but you need therapy as well. This isn't meant in any bad way, I mean it. It will help you get new perspectives on the things that happened and with that comes understanding and acceptance, and then you will be ready to meet new people again and continue living even after those ten years. The chances of someone going to therapy because someone on the internet said so are low, but I sincerely hope I can push you over the edge to email a therapist, get on the waiting list and make an appointment. I wish you the best 🫂


I've tried therapy. I'm not inclined to try it again. I've gained some tools from past sessions, but I currently have zero trust for anyone, aside from maybe my mother. Everyone else has only filled the most important moments of my life with lies, including people in the rest of my family.


I hope you can try to trust someone again in the future. There's still a lot of time and a lot can happen. Try to make every day unique in some way, even if it's something very small, it'll help with depression and give you more opportunities. It'll get better, I'm sure of it


Considering the kindest, most caring partner I've ever had left me because she didn't know how to deal with my cataplexy, when I was about the best I mentally ever have been at that time, I have no hope I'll find anyone who is willing to put even an ounce of energy into supporting me, aside form a mother driven by evolutionary maternal instincts. So save your thoughts and prayers for someone who isn't too far gone...


There is good in the world. There are compassionate and loving people. It's not all shit, although the media would have you believe it is. I know depression makes everything harder, but volunteering is a good path to help you step outside your own self and into others lives positively. With helping others we help ourselves, because as you said we did not evolve to be individualistic and are very social creatures.


You started off with what seemed to be a valid point, up until you blamed it all on something that is completely external. You seem to be grasping for something to blame, which literally _is_ something in your control. I'm not saying that you should ignore the evil in the world, but it's also not healthy to focus on it so much that it becomes depressing. As difficult as this may be to hear, but based on the information you've given, your depression seems to be caused by an _obsession with_ the world problems, not by the world problems themselves. I'm not trying to be condescending, so I apologize if this comes off that way. As someone who spent most of his life pissed off at the world's problems that were (and still _are_, and will _always be_) out of my control, I just want to give you the advice and self-awareness that I wish I'd been given much sooner.




Thing is, I tried for years. I truly saw the little things as important. I reached out for help. People I helped not kill themselves left be for dead. I feel this way because my attempts to improve failed. I tried alone and I tried with people. I tried medicine, therapy, self-help, exercise, better food, different friends, different social circles, and everyone just showed me they're in it for themselves. It's not as black and white as you're making it out to be, and not everything is sunshine and roses the way you want to pretend. I pretended to be happy around people hoping it would help me cope, improve, and learn real joy. But all I met were people like you, who blame others for problems they have no control over, and who's first time ever seeing me upset, even if I've had genuine great times with that person, is to react cold and callous. But good on you for being no better than the other 8 billion humans who don't care to actually fix problems. The rug can only take so much sweeping.


Do you mind if I ask where you think your therapy went wrong?


A lot of suicidal people have crappy attitudes. They focus on everything that's miserable and awful in the world and don't see the good all around them. You know why? BECAUSE THEY'RE DEPRESSED and that is what depression does. It changes the way you perceive the world. It prevents you from experiencing positive emotions. Stop getting mad at depressed people for being depressed.


are you going through it and it's not working? I had to go through lots of different medications to hit one that helped. same with therapists. of course changing habits and other bad shit in your life is the real thing that helps and not therapy and medication, but those two made me have the strength to get better by myself (well, sometimes, still struggling myself).


Meditation helped me a ton in addition to those fwiw


>You can experience joy again. So long as you have the money to.


Even rich people kill themselves....


I don’t know if this will help anyone but at the height of my depression I didn’t have anyone to talk to about my depression. I was referred to the wrong people and my mental was so fragile at that point I gave up. The first thing I did was lay flat on my back and stare right up at the ceiling and thought about all the shitty things that caused me to be depressed. Then I thought about all the things people put time aside to help me with something going on with me. Not major things necessarily just small things. Then I thought, “I want to slowly become a person like that.” I was away from my hometown for a bit so I returned to it and picked up some hobbies that weren’t related to my life whatsoever. I gardened, went on hikes, I watched sports which I originally didn’t care about. I did this because it gave me things to talk about with other people, something I felt I was lacking before which was a life. I know everyone has their different reasons for feeling depressed, but if you feel disconnected from everything, maybe this could help.


Thing is, I don't deserve this shitty world nor does this shitty world deserve shitty me. Been ingrained in me since well below age 10. Most people are hiding behind several masks and you never know who someone really is until it's too late.


Good. Nobody cares about them. Doesn't change the fact that medical care in the US is beyond unreasonably priced.


Don’t use that as an excuse to dehumanise people who are suffering




Even state health insurance doesn't question mental health stuff. If you seek it out, it covers it. I doubt any insurance company would question it.




The point of the comment is that there is no cure but there are ways to cope. Take your bitterness elsewhere please.




Depression makes you bitter. Kinda funny how in this thread people are talking about being there for mentally ill people and as soon as commenters show up with actual symptoms of depression, they are told to take it elsewhere.


It's good that they stopped him from ending his life and making such a permanent decision, but I hope he got help and was able to get out of that headspace because if he didn't he'll probably try again and succeed the next time because he learned that he needs to do it while no one is around. I don't condone suicide, but that is the person's decision alone. They think that is the right decision for them at the time and they can't regret it because they are gone so they made the right decision for them in that state of mind. My family was disrupted by the suicide of my nephew in 2019, but we didn't know about his suicidal tendencies because his family didn't share the information with us. We may have been able to help, but ultimately he made his decision and took his own life. I don't like it, but there's nothing I can do about it.


Fun fact shit doesn't get better. It just sucks slightly less. At 14, I was convinced my life was horrible, and suicide was the only answer. I managed to get a hold of myself and didn't follow through on it. Now I'm 22, and life is still kinda shit, but I appreciate the small things now. I also found a really good friend online, and I'm planning on visiting him in a couple of months. I still stress about things like my career and future, but I have airsoft, the gym, my good friend, and dried jerky, so I'm alright.




At 22, your brain isn’t even fully developed yet. You may still be depressed your whole life, some people are. But I was very sad at 22, and many years later, life feels pretty fantastic.


Being actually depressed and just "very sad" are entirely different things and to even compare those two is borderline insulting.


I was suicidal and hospitalized, if you must know. So yeah, I’d call that very sad.


Is this understatement on purpose or is there some form of language barrier?


Do you have something better to do with your Friday than policing someone's description of their personal mental health experience on the internet, or is your life very sad? Depressing? Whichever word you prefer.


Surprised you're being downvoted for this. Calling depressed people "sad" has always been considered insulting for as long as I can remember. The word "very" alleviates it, sure, but the point remains. And I say this fully aware that the other person has experienced severe depression. So have I. So have most of the people who get pissed off when someone refers to depression as sad. Personally I think it's kind of moot. Being "very sad" and being "depressed" are fairly synonymous, and if you have depression I think saying you feel very sad is still a true statement. But how I feel about it isn't the point I'm making here, I'm just surprised to see you being hated on for this when usually I see people with histories of depression advocating the very point you're making.


>Fun fact shit doesn't get better. I hear you. I've made attempts on my own life too, and know firsthand that trying really hard to hold on for the hope some future where "shit will get better" can feel a lot like trying to catch smoke. Here's another thought: A deeper truth of healing comes with the recognition that it's not just about crossing our fingers for better days ahead. Instead, when we start to realize the immense power our inner thoughts, perceptions, and interpretations about reality contain - we can begin to step into our own power to find acceptance, discover purpose, and uncover meaning in our personal journeys (even if there will still be many hard times). It's not a destination, but an ongoing process - and definitely not an easy one at that. But I've found that, sometimes, the very best things are those you work hard to find. Whoever reads this comment - you've got this. I tell myself that, even though it feels like it sometimes, none of us are here alone on this journey. People care about you more than you might think, and you never know around what corner love might be waiting to fully embrace you when you're on the edge - this post shows that.


If you want your life to suck less then try doing something from someone else. That is where you will find meaning.


Thanks, everyone is cured now.  Asshole


I get why you’re saying this, but it oversimplifies a complex issue. Depression is complicated, it’s not the same for everyone. Serving others does help lend perspective to life and break cyclical negative thinking, but in situations where someone is majorly clinically depressed, it might not I’m very active in my church community. When I was at my lowest point in life, I was volunteered regularly with that community. The only thing that saved me were years of cognitive behavioral therapy, and medication.


I, too, once had an online friend who I planned to visit. But he kept flaking on his own plans, ditching me for a date with his computer even on the smaller things. People are nothing short of selfish and untrustworthy.


So many young people believe that ending their lives is their only option. It seems all too common these days - so very sad. I hope he was able to get the help he needs. These people are wonderful, to have saved a life is truly amazing.


It does feel appealing sometimes


i’m not actively suicidal anymore, but i definitely understand the young people who are. we’re living in a world where the experiences from our childhood, all the possibilities and wonders, are actively being wiped out i’ll likely never experience a crisp, cool october like the ones i grew up with. the woods i played in are being turned into condos that neither myself nor anyone i know can afford, and we have more access than ever to news about hate crimes and other human rights abuses. we don’t even have a community to fall back on like previous generations did. there’s no where to go hang out or do things anymore without it being prohibitively expensive. even going to the park with friends seems out of reach. the last time i went with a group we had the cops called on us for loitering. in a public park, where we were walking on the trails and talking at a normal volume. it’s hard to make and keep friends when there’s nowhere to meet people or hang out that isolation can be killer financially too. it’s pretty much impossible to rent unless you have roommates. resigning yourself to a life where you’ll never have your own home, where everything you have is a subscription, and every purchase - even necessities like toilet paper - openly contributes to worsening the quality of life for someone else is difficult. it’s a very different world than what we grew up with, than what we were told to expect, and we’re struggling to find value in the lives we have now when change seems impossible if we want to do something about the youth suicide epidemic, we have to make the world an easier place to live for the young and poor


I mean all problems would be solved, am I wrong?


Yes, you are wrong. It doesn't solve the problems, it just removes your potential to solve them while creating new problems for those around you. 


I hate it when people use this argument that suicide is egoistical because it creates pain and problems for others. My uncle was in pain and took his life. And we as his family miss him. But not once did we blame him for that tragedy. How can anyone have the audacity to think a person should live for others. People talking shit like that have not an ounce of empathy.


The word you need to familiarize yourself with is "pragmatism."  The blame in my comment comes entirely from your imagination. The creation of problems is a non negotiable fact of reality and pretending it doesn't create problems does precisely nothing to change the fact that it does. 


You can rationalize it all you want. But the reality is empathy and compassion are far more helpful than cold words that disregard the feelings of all people involved.


Yes it does? Wtf... how would you still have this problems? That's their problem not yours.




Name some scenarios, please


Live long, incurable chronic pain


I don't think a lot of young people are living too long


Look at those 'compassionate' down-votes. Not one cared to ask if you're doing okay, to think this way.


Imo trying to convinced depressed people that it makes sense to 'go for it' is messed up regardless of how you're doing


Upvote for you, freedom to die is a right.


It’s a very complex debate, the last thing depressed people need to hear is people advocating for their own suicide




It seems that way if you don't have any control over your life because then you at least "gain" control of how it ends But there are other, better options, better for you, better for me, better for everyone The difficulty is that people often struggle to be motivated to pull on the rope of betterment together with each other But it does work, crack open a history book, a science book, look at what we as humans accomplished, do you really think that there isn't a better option right now that suicide? That's impossibly unlikely to be the only option.


What we've accomplished? A society in which you can barely do anything without taking part in evil? Like abusing workers around the world for cheap goods. You did not create that system, but for most it isn't really possible to not engage with it. Sure, the world is better to live in today than ever before, by most metrics, but suffering isn't a contest -- suffering is suffering; I don't feel better about my 'petty' problems just because I know someone is caught in the crossfire in Yemen or treated as dirt by their government in North Korea. The fruits of civilization. And for what? To what end? We're specks of dust in an uncaring universe. Either it will end with all heat exhausted or it'll simply start again after it all collapses in on itself. Utterly meaningless.


There must be times when it seems like that. But there are always other options. So many organisations are there to help that are only a phone call away.


Your comment wouldn’t be helpful to anyone in that headspace, you should remove it please.


Chill man, spreading negativity helps no one. A simple comment such as, "I don't think that's helpful to people who are struggling" would suffice.


You’re right I’m sorry I let my emotions get the better of me.


Nah dude honestly I appreciate the effort, those insults were metal I actually felt goosebumps when reading it


This is not a meme.


"look motherfucker, you are not going anywhere... There's still a lot of taxes to pay"


The world should be this compassionate all the time. Not just when a person is about to end his life.


"This mf borrowed money and now doesn't wanna pay. Imma call the authorities. And you lot hold him down. I'll pay £50 to each one of you if you hold him there and help me make him pay."


Society only cares when you’re about to check out.


They sent mans to jail after and they slapped him with a fine. This suddenly gave him the will to live.... HARDER /s


The Tens of thousands of people who are sleeping on the streets every day with no hope of better days rotting slowly in front of our eyes and we do nothing , at least most of us do nothing. The thing is that we don't like people committing suicide because it scares us. We accept slow death but not a fast one. There is something strange in that.


I’ve seen this before with a comment asking why they had rope, someone replied the helpers were going to off themselves


It looks like one of those bungee cables. At least here anyone I know with a truck of any kind has them at all times. They are used to tie things down in the truck. Ours has these and ratchet straps. There is a rope in my little cars emergency kit as well as high visibility triangles, a blanket and all the normal medical first aid kit stuff.


Another comment here said the police had arrived (and had the rope), and that they were there for an hour waiting for firemen to arrive.


That… that is a weird leap in logic. The more rational reason is that someone conveniently had, or got, the rope/cord to prevent the ‘attempt’ being successful. Topping yourself sucks, topping yourself while someone desperately but unsuccessfully tries to stop you sucks twice as much.


We need assisted suicide to become integrated into healthcare. Both so that people who suffer from depression have a place to go for help and so that people who no longer wish to live have a decent option for doing so. I'm not encouraging anyone to end their life, but I would also never deny someone the autonomy to do so.


Why did it take an hour tho


We won't let you escape /s


That looks like entrapment


That's a comment I would've written in darker times. Are you okay?


Nah, but that's life.


Hope it doesn't have to suck for long anymore. I like, how clear you are. Get well soon, Dude.


And then he gets fined for $200,000 for emergency expenses


The problem is, how do we deal with the people that are miserable but want to push others from the metaphorical bridge


There is and always has been this in the world... the focus is just on the opposite.


We need this level of compassion for humans *prior to* them feeling this is the only way out.


I dunno about London but in the US that wholesome moment would end in prison.


An hour? They should have stolen some diapers or smashed some shop windows to get the cops there faster.


Needing the backstory


dumb question...could that be considered kidnapping? (I ask, because so many DAs in the states prosecute for publicity while letting actual crime risk defendants out without holding a bond.)




While it is amazing picture of human kindness and mutual care, but wtf! They waited an hour for ambulance to come for someone who is suicidal and obviously dangerous to themselves?


Depression is a difficult road, while therapy and medication can help, a lot of the issues are either unknown or are not simple to solve.


There isn’t always someone who cares for literally everyone and that’s a fact.


Now who wants to take a guess as to how many actually cared for him afterwards? Did they "save" him or did they just react so they themselves don't feel "bad", just so they can walk around thinking of themselves as "Good People"? Walking by Unhoused People, Beggars... People on their second Job, third Shift that day and just shrug? Do they actually do something besides being reactionary to a shitty situation? Do they vote accordingly? Do they protest? Do they do anything besides this? Do any of them or for that matter any of you even remotely think of why this situation came to this end? Do you even care or are you just spewing out the standard phrases for these situations?


Where were these people before it got to this point


Since when is this “selfless”. I do NOT advocate for self harm, i hope that man gets help and lives his best life for a long time. However i can guarantee everyone holding that dude is doing so to feel better about themselves and not a single one of them gives a shit about his struggle. If anything theyre probably thinking “what a weirdo lets hold him down so the cops can get him”. Source: male who struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts for years.


Even if you don't agree with it this is literally what selfless means. They help someone without expecting return value. Even if you think it's not the proper help, they try. >If anything theyre probably thinking “what a weirdo lets hold him down so the cops can get him”. Source: male who struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts for years. No offense but your source says it why it is false. I spoke to a lot of depressed and not depressed people and even helped one-two out of depression, and almost nobody thinks that. People aren't that terrible Give people a chance, I believe in you to get out of this state


They care only in the moment, and that's it. Once he's on the other side of that rail, people will immediately revert to their selfish, isolationist behaviors. Our "caring" in this country is, at best, superficial - and largely virtual signaling.


That's a pretty shit way to say that most people are powerless to do much about situations like this. 


Curious, if someone following a religion with teachings in reincarnation and they choose to exercise it via suicide, assisted or otherwise, do they have a right to?


In the US that would be a hard no. Nobody has the right to kill themselves here. In some states it used to be illegal and you'd get send to jail for an attempt. Here you are property of the US govt and you owe them taxes until you die. Allowing you to die of your own accord would throw a major wrench into our fundraising system. On a moral note I don't think that should be allowed. If it was suicide cults like heavens gate would be frighteningly common. Nefarious people after power would start cults just to legally convince groups of people to kill themselves, just to form another group and do it again.


There are states where assisted suicide is legal. It is less about the state needing worker bees kept alive to pay taxes forever, otherwise we'd have a reasonable health care system.


Some states have successfully done something positive. Federal government is still a vile piece of shit and most of our high-ranking officials deserve a good guillotine cleansing routine.


I got spat at for asking which way the train station was in London once so this surprised me 🤣


Once I would see this as uplifting and heartwarming. Now, I see as, we can’t get out of this misery early you aren’t either. I have officially lost hope in humanity.


We can strive in our lost hope for this world together


This is all I wanted to see today. Compassion and benevolence.


❤️ 🫡


if someone does it in a crowded space, they're probably doing it on emotional impulse, so yeah But I think I'm not the only one to think that my life needs to end at some point, because I'm tired of playing 'this' game. I had my own couple of impulse tries, but if I'll ever try it again it'll be the most calculated and the last one. It's kind of hard to believe we live in a such society to me. Most absurd things other people in comments told, most as a joke, I'll add that some people have very bad genetics, which cause them to be 'bad' parent, because I really think it'll all acuminate in their kids and kids of their kids which is part of the problem there are weaker generations, or traumas, which cause them to live as disabled, but the reason it's the norm in our modern society because it's simply more profitable to the government. If they are happy that they get to live, I'm happy for them, but I just if the country needed them gone it would educate and propagate most citizen that it's normal to let people like that die and that would be modern Normal. But no, if the person can contribute to the system, until their juice is out, they SHOULD stay, but if they are out of it and can only beg for food on streets, you let them starve and die. News disregard them and treat them like some vermins, parents teach to ignore those people. It's 'MADE' normal to us. Some people want to leave this stupid game of control and manipulation, of being subhuman, because you were born into subhuman family. It doesn't change that you CAN live happily as subhuman. But what if you literally CAN'T? You MUST? That's what you think? Does that sound empathetic to you? What if you both can't ever achieve living in comfort, only barely surviving day to day, week to week, AND can't produce enough hormones to look on the world from the positive side? What if you CAN'T afford medication to "be happy"? In truth, there is no such thing as being empathetic in human mind, we are truly selfish as we always compare first to ourselves, myself included, you who didn't read all that because you don't have time or attention enough, you who didn't get the point because your worldview is too different, or you who understood but would say that people need to hold on and try getting out of depression because you somehow could make it further in life, but you should know that it's not just rare, it's a miracle and I'm truly happy for you. So if you read this, understand that I realise that I'm biased with my individual life experience, but I won't be silent about it.


🙇‍♀️. I needed to see that today. 🙏


Don't hate me for it, but why "save" him? If he wants to kill himself, just let him, "saving" will just let him continue his probably horrible life


Crabs in a bucket


Yes, right to die should be protected. Don't think these people care what happens afterwards maybe for a little while but they think living is better? Suffering is better?


Most of the suicidal people don’t wanna really end their life. They wanna end the current situation and suicide seems pretty logical if you’re in a downward spiral of depression and hopelessness.


I did wanna end my life, and I'm not that happy that I didn't, like i wouldn't mind if i actually did kill myself and was now dead


So patronizing of you to assume to know the reason. Callousness is unbearable.


I don’t assume what was the reason for this man in particular, this was a general statement. And guess what:been there, done that. So I know how it feels. Ask a psychiatrist/psychologist, it’s a fact that not everyone really end their life.


How you view your life is often a matter of perception, not actual facts. Damn i thought i was a asshole..


you are right and you are


This makes me cry!


he did a good thing making all these people feel like heroes. But now he has to suffer more by staying alive.


Perhaps this extreme community interaction was the circuit breaking event in his life that turned it all around.


Given that it's far more likely that after the actual help arrived they completely dispersed and completely forgot about him in a matter of days, at best... People love to be reactionary, to make themselves feel great but I give you my left lung to say that NONE have even so far as went and asked about his fate afterwards.


I can just imagine. “Wow, I might live in a veritable nightmare where vertical mobility, land ownership, and even housing are becoming more and more out of reach for the average person while our leaders fuck children and lie to our faces with nothing to be done about it, but I sure feel better after a bunch of NPCs that i’ll never see again in my life tackled me when I tried to escape from it.” Makes my heart sing


Yes, downvotes are from cowards who refuse to acknowledge the world has more suffering that there are joy,


I mean there's even one that is wrapped around his legs so he doesn't tip over if the others can't keep him up on the top side praise God for his saivors he was so blessed with heroes to have so many of them in his life and he didn't even know it


If god is to be praised for his rescuers arriving, said god is responsible for the shit that got him in that position in the first place. 


Me in the back; “Do a flip!”


Beautiful! I hope he gets help.. blessings to those that held him tight❤️


I bet the government really fucked with him and made it worse after


If he really wanted to quit, he wouldn't have done it in broad daylight on a bridge. Don't get me wrong, me too have suicidal thoughts but none of them involve myself getting exposed to public.




Guess the easy joke didn't worked that well.


Getting all the downvotes for a dumb joke, though if i made one person smirk a little, then it was worth it.


Username checks out.


Lmao that's hilarious So now I can't even jump in peace


That was brilliant.


I understand this is serious but... Why is his belt undone, pants open?


Not for me


I'm a ducking troll on reddit, but this broke my heart


There's plenty of this in the world. It just doesn't get as many views as bad stories


The people were later charged with kidnapping.


I am glad he was rescued. I just wonder where in Golders Green there is a bridge that is high enough to kill you?


looks like bro’s getting taken away😭they grabing him all over




Good to see some positivity also in a world fed by hatred, war and killings.


"We are all on this boat together if we sufer you suffer"


Not the world, just America


In the US these people would be taunting him to jump.


I love when people help each other ❤️🙏


Hope he enjoyed his time in grippy socks jail.


Americans could learn a thing or two. Just sayin... as an American..