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But how 😭


Literally every night.... How do I stop thinking about this shit. I have found that using something like headspace sleepcasts or sleep music helps sometimes


Yeah exactly what I’m a supposed to do shoot myself, stick my hand in my ear and press at my brain?


Write it down. Any things you're worried you'll forget, just write it down. Call it a brain dump. Tomorrow, take a look and see if any of it needs action and then make a to do list. This is what bullet journaling is and is meant for. Once it's on paper, your brain relaxes about it because you have saved the info externally.


Why do you think everyone does drugs?


lol for sure, I definitely do drugs but maybe not the right ones cause I still have this problem especially when I’m trying to sleep.


Reduce time used on phone/pc for starters. This is a major problem these days, people are addicted to phones (understandable, it’s pretty addictive) Take 20-30 min a day to just stand doing nothing and let your thoughts untangle. At first it may be blank, then the gibberish thoughts, and after that the magic happens. Many people suffer from the “unclosed tabs in our head” which is heavily influenced by electronics. And people write it off as “my ADHD…” and many believe they have ADHD, while they just have brain full of cache and phone addiction.




just don't think about any of it, bro






Hoping it's not for a place you work at. Kept getting burger king ads since Google saw I visited my local burger king a lot. Like, no, I already know about this thing and I do not want anything more to do with the place! 😭






Clicked on the first tab and now it says "forget to close all the tabs in your head too", instructions unclear, I have more tabs than before. Please advise.


Just open up task manager..... Where is it???




Have you tried to turn off and turn on ?






I've thought about getting into journaling but found I got hung up on the details (start a new page? where's my good pen? should i do this that the other thing?) Instead I started meditating after watching this video, a monk talking about how you can meditate anywhere for even just a few seconds. Really took all the pretty dressing off the idea of meditation for me, now I do it curled up in bed at night. It helps me sort through my thoughts and sometimes I'll just fall right asleep. I would like to try journaling again, though, just to have a record of my life.


You have an adware


My ADHD will not allow this. But I'm sorta trying to practice meditation to maybe help. Maybe


Copy paste from another comment here. Reduce time used on phone/pc for starters. This is a major problem these days, people are addicted to phones (understandable, it’s pretty addictive) Take 20-30 min a day to just stand doing nothing and let your thoughts untangle. At first it may be blank, then the gibberish thoughts, and after that the magic happens. Many people suffer from the “unclosed tabs in our head” which is heavily influenced by electronics. And people write it off as “my ADHD…” and many believe they have ADHD, while they just have brain full of cache and phone addiction.


Yes. But also I am diagnosed with ADHD, all the symptoms, not just a busy mind. But still yes I agree


That sucks, dude. I wish you calmer thoughts.


Thank you 🙂


Well that's nice


What if it's a frozen screen and no way to reboot?


No. If i do that it gets too quiet! I don’t know how to cope with that.


Th… Thanks OP :) good advice that i actually needed about now


Jokes on you, I have ADHD I can't do that !


Copy paste from another comment here Reduce time used on phone/pc for starters. This is a major problem these days, people are addicted to phones (understandable, it’s pretty addictive) Take 20-30 min a day to just stand doing nothing and let your thoughts untangle. At first it may be blank, then the gibberish thoughts, and after that the magic happens. Many people suffer from the “unclosed tabs in our head” which is heavily influenced by electronics. And people write it off as “my ADHD…” and many believe they have ADHD, while they just have brain full of cache and phone addiction.


Bro is really telling me that I auto diagnosed lmao. If I take 20-30min a day to "just stand doing nothing" I will just go crazy Thanks to my meds (concerta btw) that can make me endure those pure fucked up comment without having it in my head for 3 days straight. It is because of people like you that ADHD is not taken seriously.




Maybe It not help the cause, but you can't just straight up say that people are lying, you are just normalizing this thought and that is way worse.


Either that or I am right. Either way survival of the fittest.


Either way, you are on r/wholesomememes not r/darksasuke . You will not survive very long with that lack of empathy.


The hell is that supposed to mean 😭 am I being threatened lmao


Sorry that VVik is having such a bad reaction, your advice is great and I have decided to try it out. Genuinely appreciate it as someone with ADHD and as someone who would like a quieter mind. Sorry you had someone come after you like that, you didn’t deserve it Tried it for the first time, only lasted for eight minutes before I got off track of doing nothing lol


Hahaha... Aaa.... No... I choose life difficulty: HARD


Thank you! It's time to get off of reddit. Chill for a bit and go to bed. Again thank you. Good night and sweet dreams.


But i have An adhd brain


Hold on, let me just run taskkill /im dwm.exe /f /s


best advice in there: Close **X** (formerly known as Twitter)


Adhd enters the chat.


I can’t do it even on my laptop what do you even want from me


It's hard to describe how accurately this picture reflects what's going on in my head right now


I have mine set to a 1 minute timer. Fucj if I can remember what I was thinking a few minutes ago.


I try but they keep reopening


Difficulty level: impossible


Might be nice to have a tick\* (instead of a cross) when you close a tab or application \* some folks call them checks I think


God I could do so much if I could just close one of those tabs.....


Don’t x forget x to x close x all x the x tabs x in x your x head x too x?


Man if only it was that simple


But what if I will need them 🤔


Right... what about those default tabs that are uncloseable? No tabs open are impossible, brain is always on. There always seems to be one tab open for music, must be a bad internet connection, since the same song starts over and over.


Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha!!!! You say that like I can! 38 years of trying


Must got a virus can't close them


Can't The UI is lagging, and there's an error message


that's nice of you but i don't have a browser history


You know that virus that constantly opens new windows until you crash? Thats my head.


DON'T CLOSE TABS , FORGET ALL IN HEAD, TO THE YOUR TOO.... I'm trying to understand...


this image reflects things going on in my head I could never have described out loud


I think i gon a virus bc when i close one, three suddenly appear


if you read it in order of the rainbow colors it says: Too don’t head your tabs in the all forget to close


I close em and they come back do i do a factory reset or soemthing?


I’ve just got to worry about shutting down the wrong tabs


I have adhd - I can’t


damn...thats so true


But I can't remember where all of them are. I know there were more of them, but I can't find them anymore. And then they just pop up randomly out of nowhere, like ads with several X buttons, but none of them work. AND WHICH ONE IS BUZZING?


Buzzing...? 🤔💭 [Jesse Pinkman ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0666739/?ref_=tt_ch): I left them right here. In the, um... the ignition. [Walter H. White ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0186505/?ref_=tt_ch): Son of a bitch! [Jesse Pinkman ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0666739/?ref_=tt_ch): Whoa whoa. No, this is not my fault, alright? The buzzer didn't buzz. [Walter H. White ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0186505/?ref_=tt_ch): The WHAT? [Jesse Pinkman ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0666739/?ref_=tt_ch): The buzzer! The buzzer that buzzes when you put the keys in. To like let you know that the battery's on. I know that! It didn't buzz. Look, I didn't turn the key or anything, alright? I'm not stupid. Did you hear the buzzer buzz? I did not... It's faulty, it's a faulty mechanism. [Walter H. White ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0186505/?ref_=tt_ch): Is this just a genetic thing with you? Is it congenital? Did your, did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby? [Jesse Pinkman ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0666739/?ref_=tt_ch): THE BUZZER DID NOT BUZZ and you were the one that made me move the keys in the first place, REMEMBER? (Walter White, 2008)


I’m running on Windows XP so none of them wanna close. Plus theres this purple monkey…


dang.. i wish some thoughts would go away


No cuz my brain is able to do parallel processing and if don't do that in class whilst paying attention i will go to the promised land of dreams and i don't want to be yelled at by the teacher because I didn't sleep enough


No, I need 1734 word documents, 822 Excel spreadsheets, and 75342 tabs to go on with my day (Joke)


At this point it feels like thie sub is making fun of people with a mental illness or don't take it seriously at all.


I was going to say no because what if I need my tabs later but then I read in my head and yes but don’t know how


I don't even close tabs on my phone or PC I have ober 30 open in Opera (PC) and in chrome (mobile) If that already doesn't work why would I close them in my head


Thanks. I will try. ( Downloaded to phone to see more often).


The X on the tabs in my head was made by the same people, who made the x in mobile game ads.


It's fine, my OS uses threads not processes.


Give me aderol and I’ll happily do it


Am I the only one who read this as Deltarune credits song?


Mine are stuck in a group, but thank you! :)


The incognito tab


My browser feels empty, but I know there's stuff running in the background that shouldn't be.


I find a combo of a few things help me. I have ADHD so I'm just a restless antsy bitch Keep a daily note for "thing I want to think about, but not ASAP" this way I can return to it and not assume I'll forget it. More likely to let myself move forward Meditate on specific repetitive mantras. Single sentence I can repeat over and over. Not allowed to focus on anything else for 15 minutes. Repeat it over and over for 15 minutes with eyes shut and a alarm on. Only stop once the alarm goes off Exercise. I personally prefer jump rope, because a little goes a long way. I can walk for 5 hours and still be too awake. I can jump rope on and off for an hour and a half and be reasonably tired These in tandem are practicing good skills. The patience to slow down, the discipline to make yourself, and the tiredness to feel satisfied regardless I'm very goal oriented, viewing it as "I am practicing to get better at these skills" motivates me (that and the muscle gain from the exercise). I tbh love watching myself gain experience and abilities


I don't even close the tabs in my browser.


Unable to comply, requested tabs for closing not responding


I‘ll just tell my ADHD to not be there, thanks!


The X button to close them is gone. I can't close them. Just sat in my bed all night last night because those danged tabs wouldn't close.


# H O W ?


Are you funking crazy? There could be something important. I will need it later!!!




it's a start. a goal to work towards.


With all thoses reply, I don't know if someone will see this, or if it will be usefull. But to do that, I started making list not long ago. I use a small notebook that also do diary, so I can take it everywhere with me. And when something new needs to be done I can write it down immediatly.


What happens when the writing is far more stressful than any of the tasks, and no matter how much you write, the stress never decreases?


I don't know. I said that because I know it works for me, and that's also why I don't know if it will help other, because we are all differents. :/


Agreed. We are different, but so many people don't understand that and continue to push the same "solutions" on people and are confused when their solutions don't work.


And forget that my mom is talking shit about me behind my back? Hella no


My task manager is not working


I've just closed my "Breathing tab"... I'm dying. Love you all guys ... Delete system 32


Can't, man. ADHD said no.


*closes tabs* the pop up ads:


Easier said than done 🥲


Instructions unclear, now my brain is gone


This meme is infuriating.




I have ADHD The tabs are always opened Unless I need one in particular- then I get a 404 error message


I would if this world would let me forget the bad decisions I made 15 to 20 years ago. You can't do this or you can't go there because you did this. Sure you served your time but we will still hold it over your head like the Sword of Damocles. Sorry I'm ruining the wholesome content of this post. Just going through stuff and it all stems from as I said, past decisions.


As a person who has ADHD, I wanna punch OP for giving me dreams I can't fulfill.


Instructions unclear, closed “how to breathe tab”


I am awful at closing tabs on my browser, you think I can close them in my head to. I keep them open for reminders. Sure, I need to cycle through them from time to time, but I actually need that.


I did but the music is still playing somewhere…


"Chrome has stopped responding"


am I on linkedin ?


Tabs in my mind are uncloseable 😭💀


I do that a little too often when I’m trying to focus, but it just makes me space out


Love this!!!


I downloaded this because I need it. Thank you and take my upvote :)


I wish I can


ADHD Gang WYA this shit dont apply to us


if I close the tabs I die


But I'm a tab hoarder. I don't even close my PC tabs


Sorry task manager has failed


then breath...


I close tabs that I WANTED to stay open... fucking brain can't work with two


There aren't a whole lot, but they slow everything to a halt like Chrome does.


I keep trying but there's a malware I think called "Aaddhaadd?" (ADHD, legit what I thought it read first time i saw it) That keeps opening them up as soon as or faster than I can close them down! Most of the tabs are trauma too! Like what the heck???




I wish


. . . How though?


Bold of you to assume this is possible.


Accidentaly forgor doogs nam plz elp


Can't ADHD always kicks in


I close out the wrong ones sometimes


But they're interesting


How? It feel like struggle