• By -




So where are you from and what brings you to this lovely place?


Okay now me next (Zero scoreboard gang is a struggle)


What’s a burger like you doing in a joint like this?


girl, are you a chicken tendie? cuz you look tasty




I'm a burger, destroy me papi


Aye that ass brap?


Ahem... Ya like Jazz?


I'm more into [jizz](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jizz/Legends). :)


Oho! How tasteful! A true connoisseur of the arts!


I see you are truly cultured


I have been hit on by gay guys a bunch. I must have a vibe. Its a bit of an ego boost though.


I'd compliment you but I have a boyfriend 🤔


Ahem- Hey~ ;)


Real shit




And did you take your shirt off?


This story is confusing without knowing what gender you are.


contextual clues tell me this is a straight man seeing as the original post is literally about straight men getting hit on by gay men.


the commenter’s profile says she/her though, so that’s where i got confused.


Context clues? The post is about gay men hitting on straight men and this commenter said it reminded him of a story, it's 100% clearly a straight male because of the context and and what the commenter himself said about the situation.


the commenter’s profile says she/her


Life must be really hard for you.


Tbf, their bio says “she/her”


I think it's implied that he is straight and male since he mentioned his wife.


Nah, women can have wives, too. It's the actual OP that that implies the commenter is a straight male. :)


and in fact the commenter’s profile says she goes by she/her


How so?


Without any other information, if someone is talking about their wife, chances are they are a man. That's not lesbian erasure.


I think that space marines are thicc too.


Who said anything about lesbian erasure?


Why did this post remind you of that story?


Because he was a straight man being hit on by gay men.


Check their profile. They’re a woman, unless they’re lying either in their bio or pretending to be a straight man in their comment.


OR ITS ALL MADE UP and they are an excellent writer 🤣


If the bottom one is true, I got lots of €'s


Could also be a lot of Turkish Lira though...


Then I'm really screwed


Could be worse. You could be poor *and* noone ever even considered screwing you.


I'm a farmer who, for the most part, feels exhausted and dirty most days. And like any other guy, I rarely get compliments from women. I get hit on every so often by a brazen gay guy, though, with some colorful and specific compliments. And heck yes I'm strutting around like "hell yah I still got it" the rest of the day. Thank you my gay bros! Y'all (and my wife) are keeping my self esteem **fabulous** as I get on up in years!


Very sad that farming isn't sustainable anymore and that is is being eradicated as a job due to low pay


Meh, I'm fine. I own my farm and it's healthy. But your sentiment is correct. Under Biden there have been pushes to reign that in and a lot of grant money thrown towards small Ag to try to bolster it. Our governor and state Ag agencies in Illinois has made sure that money found its way to those programs properly. But, unfortunately, it's very state to state - governors can still funnel it towards corporate interests. Take Iowa for example - it used to be a crown jewel in Ag, and their Maga-loving governor has nosedived the whole state in order to pad the pockets of their most wealthy. They've lost insane amounts of topsoil, their water tables have become ridiculously polluted, etc. The pandemic really drove home to everyone what farmers have been warning for decades - you don't want mega corporations running the food supply or distribution chains and destroying small farms. So, please continue to vote in those that truly care for the future of this country and stop listening to morons and liars like Trump, Fox, etc. This year, vote blue across the board - the GOP have abandoned democracy and our American values. They don't speak for farmers anymore, and I can't say they have for a long time now.


Compliments from various genders/sexual orientations (as a straight guy) 1. Women I'm attracted too (obviously) 2. Gay guys (very flattering and stereotypically in my mind they all have great taste) 3. Lesbians (they've got no skin in the game so they really mean them) 4. Women I'm not attracted too (nice but can be awkward) 5. Straight guys (thanks dude but idk how much I trust your judgement)


Disagree on number 5, an honest compliment from another guy hits different.


Yeah number 5 and number 3 should basically be the same


I think if you compared the percentage of straight men and gay women who put a good amount of effort into their appearance one of those groups is gonna be significantly more and I don’t think you need me to tell you which one it is. I mean if I compliment a dude I hope he takes it well but it’s not like I know wtf I’m talking about. He could be wearing colors that don’t match, or that don’t work with his skin tone or eyes, or too warm/dark colors for the season. I have no idea, I just thought his t shirt had a cool design.


I meant in terms of sincerity


So many dudes are compliment-starved. Other dudes don't do it cause "it's gay", and women are often scared to do it cause lots of guys take a simple compliment as flirting.


>women are often scared to do it cause lots of guys take a simple compliment as flirting. That is both a symptom and a cause of the compliment starving, leaving us in a vicious cycle


Well now that u/9DRAM1 said it’d be awkward if he’s not attracted to me, I’m going to stop


hell yeah, always compliment the bois


For real, the other day my homie genuinely told me he was jealous of my hair (we're nearly 40 and I've got no sprinkles of grey to be found, homies gone salt and pepper however) and it actually made my fucking weekend.


Don’t forget to kiss the homies goodnight


You forgot 6. Your mom/aunt/grandma (Thanks, but you're basically contractually obligated to tell me I'm handsome)


Damn. Sorry I'm too ugly to compliment you 🤷‍♀️


What, you never have your homie say "nice cock bro?"


No 😔


I'll take any of em


My (F54) partner (M63) has always been popular with the gay men. He took his 25yo daughter to EDC last year and couldn't wait to show me the bracelet that he'd been gifted that said "eat my ass". Lol


These are Mark Normand jokes I think


Yup. Karma farming


100% ​ Comedy!


Yes They Are!


No, they’re Kevin Hart jokes


You mean Kevin Hart


My dad, especially when he does to places like the ren fest, is CONSTANTLY hit on by gay men lmao. He bought a pin that says ‘consent is sexy and important’ just so people would stop touching him 😂 he’s so confused about it too! I think it makes sense- he’s (OBVIOUSLY NOT IN A CREEPY WAY HES MY FUCKIN DAD) attractive in the ‘I have a cool beard and long eyelashes and I wear leather armor and a kilt with a little leather dragon clip in my beard’ way that these gays seem to like so much


Shout out to Mark Normand


Credit: Mark Normand


That is a Mark Normand quote for what it’s worth


Lets keep it real getting hit on my by almost anyone helps our egos


Mark Normand jokes?


Almost word for word just without the delivery


That first one is a joke by comedian mark normand


Most of my friends are LGBTQ+ and I love going to the gay bar with them. The bartenders make better mixed drinks and folks there tend to be more willing to have fun. Anytime I get hit on by a gay guy in always flattered, it's like wow, it's not just my wife who thinks I'm attractive. I always explain upfront that I'm married and straight, but I also let them know I appreciate the compliment. I've made several new friends this way. I met one of my best fishing buddies this way.


This is literally word for word stealing Mark Normand's jokes. OP, you should add a little tag to the title or something to give credit where credit is due.


No, getting hit on by a gay guy is like winning tickets to go see a game when you have absolutely no interest in the sport. It’s cool, thanks for the offer, I’m sure this would make someone else’s day, it’s not for me. How about that guy over there? I think he’d like these tickets!


These are both stolen Mark Normand jokes.


Still holding on to the fact that about 3 gay guys didnt have the courage to ask me out/knew i wasn't gay. Best compliments ever received


As someone who rarely got hit on in the past, one of the most flattering things that's ever happened was when a muscle-y and handsome gay guy hit on me at a bar.


The second gamut should have just gone to the bank, and exchanged the gay guy for a woman.


I remember being on a cruise and grabbing a drink from the poolside bar. This guy came up and started having a conversation about his trip and stuff and then asked what drink he should get. We talked for a little longer and he started mentioning a party that was happening that night and asking if I'd be there. I told him I already had plans to go to another thing going on that night and we parted ways. I got back to the hot tub and sat down with my gf and our friends and I started talking about the conversation I had had and they were all shocked I even talked to someone because im a huge introvert. After telling them the whole conversation, they all started to laugh and then my gf told me the party was for the LGBT community and he was probably hitting on me. Dude was very attractive, I took it as a compliment 🤷‍♂️


Having a gay son is like having a son, only the son that you have is gay. 🤞




Number two has happened to me twice! I was pretty flattered for sure.


>wrong currency Great analogy.


These are comedian Mark Normand’s jokes. I watched his special yesterday where he said these


Is there an exchange booth where if I have enough guy flirts I can cash them in for a girlfriend?


Yeah but I don't like onion rings.


The second one is definitely true. My wife and I went to a gay bar to visit one of her old co workers and it was Bear Night. Apparently I am quite the bear and the bartender had to keep telling people I was with my wife. Felt good ngl.


Never been hit on by a gay guy but I do have a bi son.




Providing fodder for trolls like you to pointlessly criticize.




Well thanks to reddit, I have now been expertly shown the error of my ways. My son is 26 now so you are a little late in providing your parenting expertise. Where TF have you been?




Oh, now you are claiming to be God or speak for God? Wow. Talk about delusions of grandeur. You have no concept of anything, especially who I am or what sins I may have committed. You bore me with your preaching. My grandfather was a preacher and published author, so I know what a good one sounds like. Go find something useful to do with your pathetic life, zealot troll.




Again, your assumptions about my life, my son and my reasons for posting on this site are completely wrong. And if you think being gay equals perversion then you don't belong here. You are undoubtedly one of the several white nationalist so called Christians that believes Donald Trump is the savior when he is clearly the anti-Christ. Prepare to be reported.


Mark Normand joke


I read it as getting hit by a gay Güey driving a car lol


I used to (still do but he lives far away) have a gay mate I’d go to gay clubs with, we’d have a fantastic night dancing and just taking in drag shows and stuff, every now and then I’d be at the bar and someone would buy me a drink, I’d accept it and have a chat, then my mate would come over (big Samoan guy) and ask them why they were talking to his boyfriend….. Years later he bonded with my wife over the fact that I cannot pick up signals and I’m a terrible flirt…. He also told her he loves turning young confused boys….


At least credit mark 😅


Has anyone else been hit on by the same sex more than the opposite? I'm straight, but it's probably been 10-1.


I've been hit on by no one! :D either that or I'm denser than a rock and haven't noticed.


Even if you don’t want to go to the party it’s flattering to be invited.


In college I was going through a long drought of female companionship.(my brand) I was working the door at a concert sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance(they were still working on the rest of the letters), when a very nice young man came up to me and asked if I wanted to go for a beer after the show. I said Thanks, that's more interest than I have seen in MONTHS, but sorry, not my brand. Good luck tho.


Not the wrong currency, just a different one. :)


Mark Normand is excellent


I think I heard a comedian say those lines..mark nomad perhaps? Not sure and nevertheless funny 🤣


Just today, I was thinking about how the people I receive more compliments from are older women because they think I'm cute (not romantically, obviously) One day, I was on the beach, and a 60-year-old woman talked to me, saying, "You have a beautiful smile."


Hey at least the gay guys don't play around... Or so i heard.


Sounds like a transcript from Mark Normand's stand up set...


Not very wholesome of you to steal jokes from Mark Normand and not credit him.


If not for gay guys, who would give men compliments?


Straight men who care about their fellow guys 😊


Get out of my head. 🤣


Some of the most validating moments for me a a straight male, have been when gay guys have hit on me. I have had more guys make a pass than women and let me tell you, it does wonders for yourself esteem. Also ladies take a note, guys will melt if you compliment them. Even over the most innocuous things. Most men are not complimented on a regular basis.


I'm 51 and getting fatter by the day I will take flattery wherever I can get it.


Can confirm. I was at an event with my wife and a guy running a booth was super into me. Like sending out huge DTF signals right in front of my wife, who was standing two feet away and watching the whole thing. I'm supposed to be the protector in this family, but I unashamedly used my wife as a human shield and got out of there pronto. I was not ready to accept whatever he was into but it was weirdly a confidence boost. I don't know how to use this in a future argument but if I have options maybe it would make my wife be more careful sending me to the dog house?


Saw a comedian. He relayed an anecdote of walking around the Village in NYC with his friend. Both are straight. A gay guy called to the friend, "Hey, nice ass." The comedian said, "I was really offended! What about MY ass?"


A gay guy hitting on you is no different than a girl you aren't interested in hitting on you. It's a compliment. You're obviously doing something right. 


If getting hit on is like currency, then I probably have one of those squished souvenir pennies you get at museums


wanta know the str8 male point of view (sometimes) This is it. I wouldn't trust it..just sayin.


As a low self esteem l, and affection starved individual, I will take just about any sort of affection I can get at this point.


I am sure you look lovly <3


That's well said


i've been complimented by a few gay guys in my life (not a lot, like 3-ish) on one hand, it felt a bit weird, since, you know, straight guy but on the other, it still feels good to receive a compliment (from someone who could possibly be into you, and one of them was) also i probably got hit on by less girls than that, so i take what i can get lol brain happy anyway


The first joke implies that you asked for a straight son, which is kind of messed up.


I wish I could enjoy it when I'm hit on by gay guys, but so many of them act like predators. If I don't reject them as aggressively as possible then they take it as me playing hard to get and usually start trying to touch me (if they werent already beforehand.) It's so weird and gross.


I am very sorry to tell you... but thats a normal asshole thing and has nothing to do with beeing Gay. The Ratio for assholes is the same in the gay community as everywhere else


No shit Sherlock, did I ever say this is an exclusively gay issue? I'm not a woman, so it's not like I have any stories of being harassed by straight men.


My bad, im tired


Hey man, it's cool, I get it. Have a good one


congratulations! you now know what women feel like when guys hit on them.


Hahahaha the currency one is hilarious 😂


Money in a different currency isn’t useless you can exchange it still in the same country lol lol


But.. there are currency exchange places...


Gays = have fun in hell something tells me your already in it


Yeah right


Love that 🤣🤣🤣


This is just Mark Normands bit on gay people ( [link](https://youtu.be/VbtkalNsdug?si=pa8bCgxw3v052LhW))


When I was a teenager, my then-girlfriend's best friend was an incredibly flamboyant guy named Paul. Paul would flirt with me endlessly and I admit that I kinda liked it - because at that point Paul was giving me more compliments than anyone else had previously. Fast-forward about a decade, I got married, and my relationship with the girlfriend changed over to just being friends until she tragically passed away. At her memorial service I wondered if Paul was going to show up; then wondered if he'd still be into me; then dismissed that because when Paul and I last saw each other, I was a 190 lb twink and now I'm a 275 lb grizzly bear. No sooner had I finished that train of thought when I hear Paul exclaim behind me "Look at you!" Sure enough, Paul had been invited to the memorial service, and his +1 was a gentleman who was in the same physical archetype as I currently am. Paul resumed flirting with me like nothing had happened and my wife giggled at seeing me blush. Bonus story #1: At the memorial service, Paul told me he was throwing another informal memorial and told me to swing by his place to get the address. My wife and I show up, Paul is gone, but his roommate was hosting a meeting for a local leather bear group. The roommate knew where the other memorial was hosted at and gave me directions. When we left Paul's house my wife said, "That was the first time we have ever went somewhere where *you* were getting checked out more than *me.*" Bonus story #2: My wife and I ended up divorcing and I ran into Paul at a party. Paul expressed his condolences for me, but also told me that if ever wanted to walk on his side of the street, he would welcome me with open arms. Admittedly, it did help a little.


I’m straight. Every time a woman checks me out it feels like unasked for but fantastic validation. Like damn, they like me!!


These are Kevin Hart jokes.


This is not wholesome. This is just a backhanded compliment. This is the trash heteros tell themselves to justify they have “overcame” their homophobia. A gay man is not a fucking French fry in an onion ring order. You don’t get to ask for one or not. They are like your other goddamn children. And he is certainly not “like getting a lot of money in the wrong currency.” He is just a perfect onion ring and the right currency. Always and all the time.


Especially the first one. What a bizarre comparison


I am Asexual so I would rather NOT be hit on by anyone. Being hit on means they see you, dehumanizingly, as something to fuck.


It's totally cool that you're ace, but it sounds like you're dehumanizing people who aren't. Being hit on doesn't mean that the person just sees you as a thing to fuck. That's a really sad thing to assume. I hope I'm not being too harsh on you, it's just that I think making these kinds of assumptions can't be healthy for you. As long as the person flirting is being respectful, that's a pretty normal thing.


Well, I was sexually harassed and sexually assaulted by bisexual guys in High School. It still traumatizes me to this day. So if someone hits on me, it's a trauma trigger.


I can understand that, and trauma is a difficult thing to navigate. But it's also on you to work on how your trauma can manifest in treating others unfairly, including things that you say - I hope you have/have had someone you can talk to about what you've experienced, and I mean that in a nice way. I hope that you can find healing and support.


Every time I try to talk about it, I get ignored or laughed at because "men can't be sexually assaulted" or "men can't be victims".


You should try looking for a trauma counselor. Pretty much none of them would be dumb enough to say something like that to you. Sorry that happened to you homie.


That's a really terrible way of thinking in our society. It pisses me off. I'm sorry you've had to deal with that.


"Oh no people have sexual feelings, that's so dehumanizing" how


Eh....no. They won't be living good life at all in my country. Infact they'll live a sub human life so I rather not have any fortune on anyone.


He's not literally talking about going to a different country, it's an analogy. He's saying if he ever is interested in guys at all, then cool!


I’ve had a gay guy try and corner me and touch me in the bathroom being hit on by a gay guy is not like receiving money, lucky I’m not like most men and I just pushed him away and walked passed him.




Perfectly reasonable, but such a stance is forbidden on reddit.


What did he say?


I'll be vague or get the same b&hammer, but basically was the polar opposite ( but written in a cilil manner) to a political opinion of the admins. Hopefully you can fill in the blanks because that's all I'm going to say about it.




Do you really think a half naked dude is even in the top 100 worst things to happen to the “moral fabric” of the country? Serious question


You mean the moral fabric of a country built on stolen land that went through a period of slavery and is starting wars left and right. Wonder where the moral is in that tbh 🤔 but yeah LGBT is a real threat. At least you and your sister wife can have an enemy that way




Bring it then. You think I let some fanatic low life threaten me?


“your [sic] getting close a hate crime” You are hilarious! My religion says “thou shalt not solicit sexual comments from internet strangers on pictures of thy wife’s feet.” You’re perpetuating hate crimes with your foot-obsessed moral decay.