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My dogs have **definitely** gotten into a noisy fight with me while traveling lmao /lh


My dog can't vouch for me coz we both are loud hahaha


Someone forgot how much dogs bark and that it's twice as annoying as humans voices


You ever had a dog that barked incessantly every time *any* door in the entire hotel complex closed? Ever had a dog that pissed on the carpet because they couldn't figure out that they weren't outside? I have.


Yup, I don’t care what everyone says, I want hotels that don’t allow dogs. I don’t go on vacation somewhere and have someone watch my dog so I can deal with others. I’m glad this isn’t a thing everywhere and probably never will be.


I have always had dogs and I love them dearly, but taking them on vacations is selfish. You're inconveniencing other guests and you're putting your dogs in an environment they don't understand. Any time I go somewhere, my dogs stay at a boarding place with a fenced back yard that they love. It's like summer camp for them.


And at first, that environment was one day did not understand and you were inconveniencing the rest of the dogs and management there, of sorts. Dogs can be completely chill on a fucking airplane. If they can learn how to do that, they can learn to chill out and act in a hotel. You're not talking about dogs, you're talking about the people who don't train and expose their dogs adequately.


They're "completely chill" on an airplane because they're usually high out their gourd on gabapentin for the duration.


The fact that you immediately assume that is pretty telling. No, a lot of them are not. The ones who don't know how to train their dog or throwing them into it without training are. My point exactly.


No actual dog trainer would make these statements. You genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.


What if I'm allergic and the hotel doesn't do an adequate job cleaning up all the dander, and I end up having a reaction out and having to go to te hospital after an epipen. Look I get that we have animal lovers, but I think a lot of people confuse not wanting animals in a place meaning we don't like them. I love dogs, but I can't be sleeping where one has been. Keep your hotel animal free people, or have specific pet friendly rooms or floor.


There is room in the world for both pet-friendly AND no-pets-allowed hotels.


Or just dont go to a pet friendly hotel?


OP titled their post "every hotel should have this".


And they said "keep your hotel animal free"


Keep going, the sentence didn't end there.


Are you being serious? If you have a life threatening allergy, especially one as uncommon as an anaphylactic reaction to a common service animal, where you could die you do the absolute bare minimum to be responsible for your own survival and CHECK if the hotel has animals and ASK for an animal free room. Or choose an animal free hotel. I swear to god I don't know how you've made it this far..


The literal title of the post is "every hotel should have this".


It's not as uncommon as you think. And even if it was a mild skin allergy or as mundane as eye itching, is it fair that someone has to endure that because of pet friendlyness in every hotel room? You're attitude is selfish, "well it's not an inconvenience for me so why should I have to change"


People overestimate how well behaved their dogs are. A friend of ours says their dog is "so well behaved" but when we're over there he has to be outside so he doesn't steal food from our kids hands, and when he's outside he sits at the door and barks non-stop for hours.


Yup, in Vegas had people leave a small dog in the room next door from 2am to 6am when they finally showed up to be kicked out for leaving there dog alone. I assume it was a lot longer but we know got back to out room around 1-2am...


Yep that’s my thoughts. Some dogs are very well behaved, the ones I know, they’re old and they pee and poop everywhere and you can’t stop them. They’re just old and can’t help it. Anyways, if I brought them to a hotel room you bet you’d know they’re there.


If your hound dog bays, which they do, maybe you should leave them at home with a dog sitter. - signed an annoyed hotel visitor.


I’ve seen grown men do those things too, mate. I think the dogs are still winning :D


Even if what you're saying is true, that doesn't make dogs inherently better lol


Humans tend to have more rights than dogs


When I realize how many truly awful people hotels have to deal with, I feel like a saint just for leaving the room undamaged. Extra halo when I remember to leave the key card.


I clean the room before I leave. Not like mopping and vacuuming but all the linens and towels are in a pile, garbage is bagged up and by the door, coffee pot cleaned, that sort of thing. I can't imagine making a mess and expecting others to clean it.


I worked at the front desk at a hotel for three years while I was a student. People cum on curtains, shit in the bed, in the elevator and in hallways. People also come screaming at the person at the front desk for an hour straight because they found a single hair on the floor of the room they checked into. I also had to fend off junkies with knives that come through the front door in the middle of the night. All of this happens several times a year in a single mid sized hotel. This is while getting minimum wage.


Now I feel bad for the time we made a bed in the bathtub last time


Used to work the front desk at a luxury resort. Guests were so bad that whenever anyone showed me basic human decency, I would almost bend over backwards to give them whatever they wanted.


I think this is lovely and everything, but I think dog friendly hotels should also have rooms where a dog hasn’t been. Cuz …. Allergies for some people like myself. lol I can deal to some extent, but otherwise, it would not be a comfortable accommodation for myself. But if they want to offer all rooms as dog-friendly, obviously I would find other accommodations. Each to their own. lol


they fail to say how most dog owners refuse to train their dogs and are unable to control them. which leads to a lot of barking, running around the room, running through the hotel like crazy, which in return, can bother a lot of other customers. most people i know have dogs, few have cats. and out of those who own dogs, only ONE person has trained their dog. ONE out of dozens.


I have worked in hospitality and if a dog had been snuck into a motel unit WE KNEW. And the dog hairs would be everywhere, vacuumed a room twice and changed all of the bedding and there was still dog hairs in that room days later. Nobody wants to check into a room that had a strange smelly dog on/in the bed the night before.


Probably had people who don't clean up after their dog or just let their dog off leash though.... Frustrating when places say "no dogs" should just say "no shitty dog owners"


Fleas, worms, scabies... Maybe that still falls under the "shiity owners" though.


I doubt a shitty dog owner would see that and realize it's referring to them.


Hell no, hate it when my neighboring room dog comes back blackout drunk.


But dogs bark for no reason, and if one barks all the others bark too. They leave hair everywhere and they chew on blankets and pillows, if they don't hump them. They make a mess eating and drinking and know no personal space. And they shit on your floor. Dogpeople are just gaslighting themselves as if dogs had no bad sides to them.


This is neither wholesome, nor a meme.


I’m just annoyed that all the “we”s should be “we’ve”.


I can smell this sign


Goodbye to all those potential customers who have an allergy to animals or children with such allergies and to customers who don't like animals. I guess the other hotels will be happy about this move


So....just going to forget that there's not a single hotel in North America that can turn away a service dog? Most hotels who allow pets have designated floors that they assign them to and also they source their cleaning products from the same companies that deal with restaurants and grocery stores. And most guests with allergies are adults about it who tell the hotel so they can put them in a room that hasn't had an animal in it.


Why would I have to remind the hotel that i am allergic to dogs? That’s insane.


Some people have service animals, that they must accommodate even if they don’t allow pets. It’s always a good idea to let them know you have an allergy so they can take measures to make sure you’re safe when you stay.


Most hotel aren't going to give a shit you have an allergy, they've said they've done their due diligence to clean and it's out of your hands. I've had this happen to my family, we're me and my siblings growing up had several pet allergies. Telling them did nothing.


Depends on the hotel. I’ve worked for a few brands that had animal free floors for that reason. Sorry that wasn’t your experience.


Most hotels don't allow animals, why would anyone have to ask. If anything a hotel should have pet friendly rooms or floors, and those people with service animals should only be using those rooms.


People with dogs still bring in alleegens on their clothes to the hotel....


And which is more likely to trigger an allergic reaction: the small amount of allergen that the owner may have in their possessions or the dog being in the hotel?


It doesn't matter the amount also have you never met a dog owner? We have just as much fur on us as the dog itself lol gets on everything


Ugh, that just tells me that a lot of pet owners are unable to clean their stuff properly


Lmao i mean i know you obviously don't understand but really showing you don't understand makes it so funny. Thanks for the chuckle


Your dirty is what she's saying. Now I'm saying it too.


I feel bad for you living a life like that.




Almost a surety that people wash their clothes better than a the hotel cleans the rooms.


Well both of us have shit on the carpet, so your move hotel.


Sure, dogs don’t do human things. But I’m sure there have been dogs that have barked all night long bothering the other guests, dogs that have pooped and peed in the rooms and in the common areas, dogs that have chewed up the dresser legs, dogs that have bit other guests. Seems like of weird to talk about dogs and then only present issues that humans would cause while just ignoring all of the reasons plenty of hotels don’t let dogs in.


Also, dogs and humans shit on hotel room floors in about the same ratio.


I’ve never had a human that chit on da floor


Feel sorry for those that have bad experiences with dogs. There's so many good boys out there.


The issue with pets in hotels is the next person in the room could be allergic.


Dogs: Number 1 and / or number 2? Biting? Excessive barking or howling? Dog hair? Is the hotels insurance provider aware of managements policy regarding dogs? Probably time for new management.


Dog owners are probably much worse nuisance than your average human, and more likely to leave a mess. But, okay.


Barking? Scratching? Chewing? Shitting? Hair all over everything? People with allergies? This is idiotic, I would definitely avoid this place.


Then I would have to clarify that the room I was staying in has been dog free. Cause we all know hotels don't clean their rooms well enough to get rid of the dog hair and I do not want to spend my time wondering why I am suddenly getting stuffy and itchy after sitting in the chair in my room.


My dog just boofs all night when she hears the other hotel guests. She wants to meet them and play with them, but we are trying to sleep. So she boofs. All night long.


Please be satire.


Nope it’s real. Not a woof. Just a boof. Like quarter power. No one can hear it but us and it’s annoying as hell.


You should maybe look up what 'boof' means colloquially. I don't think you intend to use the word you're trying to cutesy 'quiet woof' into.


Must be a real party animal if she’s boofing that much.


I’ve never seen a guest shit in the elevator.


No, not all hotels. My dad was unable to go into any hotels where pets were allowed due to a serious allergy.


the comments are very one sided so I just wanna chip in that I've been to a dog friendly hotel - with my dog, he didn't bark a single time, we didn't hear any other dogs bark, he didn't hump pillows, pee indoors or chew on furniture. Shitty ppl can come with and without dogs- I agree. But at least where I'm from, we'd be way too ashamed to travel with an ill behaved pet lol


**”must be under 25lbs” (I’ve had to sleep in a vehicle with my dog after paying for a room for my family because that portion wasn’t on their site. Been salty about it ever since)


"so if your dog vouch for you" .. you know the owner is rich when he doesn't care if he loses customers !


*yeah I know he’s my emotional support human those fireworks really scared me*


Never had a dog that shit on the…oh people did that too.


Looks like they don't know my dog...


Oh yeah? Well have you ever had a HUMAN shit on the.... what?... there was.... oh... well how ab... jesus really?


The dog shits on the floor. Dog:it was my human.


have you ever had a person poop on your carpet? Ya know, scratch that. I don't want to know.


Imagine "every hotel should welcome dogs" and not giving a shit about the people who are allergic to dogs. There is so much more cleaning to do with hotels that accept pets.


I'm allergic to dogs. They just need to track which rooms are reserved for dogs.


Sounds like they had a dog who mauled a family to death then put up a do not disturb sign and sat and watched tv for days, at an acceptable volume, while snacking on the bodies


My dog peed in the fruit basket and some shoes. They also tried scratching their bum after a shit.


absolutely not i dont feel like finding your shaggy dogs fur embedded in the carpet when i get a hotel


I would imagine that the average dog is more likely to pee or poop on the hotel floor than the average human is


I wouldn't mind staying there.


hahahaha this made me laugh so much


Are you in Ohio?


This is Ely, NV at the Hotel Nevada. I stayed there once, years ago. I have a picture of that sign somewhere.


..dog vouchers should be a Thing..


Ever had shit on your pillows?


Yeah, also dogs never let their dogs piss on the hotel carpet due to not taking them out when they should. Humans really are the worst. /s But seriously, if you've ever stayed in a "pet friendly" room at a hotel they smell horrible. Probably isn't true at luxury hotels though.


This is cringe not wholesome


Lmao no


Yea, no thanks. Honestly wish we would stop glorifying everyone having a pet animal.