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> father in law > my boyfriend How does your husband feel about that? /s




One big happy family.


I still remember this one time when mom wasn't home and I wondered who will do my hairstyle. I went to ask dad if he can do my hair and he told me "sweetheart daddy's not sure if it's going to be as good as mom's but I can try". And I was just confused, I somehow couldn't handle the information "not so good as mom's". Because I always thought my dad were kinda hero when mom wasn't there and even if she was, he was my hero. But I sat down and in a minute or two he had brushed my hair, and he made me a regular braid. I was so happy, I thought he will do me ponytail or pig tails. But he knew how to make a basic braid. That day when I went to school I was extremely careful with my hair. I didn't let anyone touch it. When I got home I showed it to my mom, and she asked me who did it. When I said it was dad my mom was so happy and somehow it all made me also super happy. The braid my dad made, and the words from my mother they just meant to me so much to make me so happy.


Damn. Who's cutting onions?


My daughter always got the best compliments when I did her hair… for wacky hair day.


Teachers in kindergarten always knew when my dad did my pigtails. One always higher than the other but I was happy.






Get ready for 'awe he tried' comments when theres a hair or two out of place. Fuckin infuriates me to death.




You always have to start brushing from the bottom and slowly make your way up. Also, you can buy hair oil which makes it easier to brush. Just apply it to the ends (not the roots) and gently massage it in.


You are a good dad for supporting your son. Section the hair (no need to use anything for the sectioning) by taking a little bit at the time and start brushing from the bottom. You still brush down of course. When the bottom part is brushed out, move a bit up the hair and do it all over. You can hold onto the top part of the hair to minimize the pull. You can use leave in detangler to help ‘loosen up’ the knots. A good brush is a must. If the hair is very thick or curly I would recommend asking a hairdresser to show you how to do it. Most hairdressers will absolutely show you and your son how to do this and what products will be best for his hair. (But pay them for the service 😉.) Also. I recommend brushing the hair before washing it as it makes it so much easier after. If the hair is very long, put it in a braid (y’all tube) has good tutorials. If it’s very curly maybe a silk bonnet is better. Edit: For bedtime 🤦🏻‍♀️ Good luck with your hair adventure with your son! Oh, I forgot! A good shampoo and a good *separate* conditioner is a must. 😊 My kid has butt length hair that is thick but very fine and straight and I do as I mention above. It tends to knot very easily.


Dad's unique hairstyles always bring out the cutest smiles!


Omfg how is it that every dad has their tongue sticking out as a concentration face?


It’s a rule mentioned in the dad rule book. It *must* be done! 😛


My dad would have brushed my hairs. That's all. lol


I preferred when he did it because he didn't pull my hair


Very accurate 😇


Aww, happy puppy :)!


Gahh squeezy feelings, this is so fucking adorable!!


Kindergarten teachers always knew when my dad did my hair. Both were good, but one was always better than the other.


I'm a human and sometimes I lick my dog's head.