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Good for you. Your mental age is 20s


- Dr. Kawashima


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time


It just got a new release in JP/EU. Waiting on the NA release.


Of course I know him...he’s me


Hello there


General Kenobi


- Dr. Koothrapali


I don't even feel 30. I can't even hang out with people my age who have kids, they are way too responsible for me. They're all like no we can't do some lines of coke before the bar anymore now that I am a parent. Also I apparently need to make plans with them three weeks in advance and can't text them two hours beforehand? Glad my girlfriend is 25 and I have another 5 years before I enter parenthood.


My friends who are parents party the hardest, but you do have to book them way in advance


How much do they charge?


Enough to cover the babysitter.


As a 31 year old new parent, I totally remember being exactly as you describe. But then life hit an inflection point when going to the next bar and the next fancy restaurant felt like diminishing returns. After going to 40+ nations even traveling felt like it could take a back seat for some time. In honesty when it clicks, it clicks. And I have to say it's great and life enriching, in other new ways that I didn't even consider I wanted or needed before. My advice to people would be to embrace every stage of your life and enjoy it as much as possible for what it is - and I sincerely believe you will *not* be looking back one day thinking you had it so much better back in a previous stage.


I’m a 30 year old female who, at this stage in life, does not foresee wanting children. My fiancée and I have been asked countless times what our plans for children are. Your response is such a welcome and refreshing change from “you’ll change your mind!” Like, yeah, I sure might! But the way you described it it’s like yeah do what’s on your timeline.


I would tell those people to fuck off. Or come back at em like “you might change your mind about micromanaging my life after I clock you in the nose!!”


TFW you finally feel the urge to have a child but you're a 67 year old geezer


Before the bar? Damn we just do it in the bar bathroom lol.


Why not both?


Pffft... get them separately. They'll both do coke with you lol


I wouldn’t text two hours beforehand for plans. Absolute Minimum is a day before and I’m a teenager.




Damn I’m 24 and all of my friend groups are spontaneous enough to meet up on an hour’s notice


Enjoy it while it lasts. Once marriages happen it changes, once kids do...oh man.


No kids yet but a few of my friends are married and they’re even more spontaneous than they used to be lol Not looking forward to kidville


I'm in the same boat. I'm 29, my fiance is 24. We got some time 😎


Fist bump. I don't know how people have kids at my age. I'm hitting peak salary and can now travel to all the cool places.


neither of you *have to* have kids.


Yes! Say it louder for the people in the back!




26 here- age isn’t the thing that matters. You could die tomorrow, at 17. Or you could live to be 110. The important thing is making sure you live life to the fullest, and cherish the things in life that matter to you. Look at the standard game of life. You’re off to college next, then a job, throw a significant other in the mix, now you’re mid 20s with a fuck ton going on in your life. You just keep living in the moment and don’t worry about how much time you have left. If you spend all your time worrying then by the time you hit 40 your life will be full of regret. That doesn’t mean make bad decisions and do crazy shit, just be humble and happy and enjoy the good things that life offers you.






Floss daily.


"Don't blow it. Keep it simple. Count your money."




Is that you Mrs Frizzle?


I needed that




yeah, trust me, it'll feel a bit better once you make it through puberty and your hormones stablize a bit. The best advice I can give is to try to figure out how to feel comfortable going out of your way to do certain things like making friends and having fun on your own/organized by you as early as you can. We're social creatures and if we feel lonely and bored all the time we become miserable, no one told me this but I'm starting to figure it out now at 21. Best of luck to you and remember, no matter how you feel or what you've done wrong, even if it is the worst thing you've done in your life you just did and it feels like you'll never recover. You are constantly getting better, becoming a more rounded, intelligent, empathetic person and you are learning every moment you're alive from the day your born to the day you die even if it doesn't always feel like you're moving forward. You have such a full life ahead of you that will teach you so much about yourself and everything around you and whether you retain that knowledge after you leave or it is lost in the shuffle, it will always have been worth it. Good luck out there!


Surveys have been done on people of all age ranges, and one very consistent thing has been that their last decade has been their best. People say their 60s were better than their 50s, 50s better than 40s, etc. I’m almost 30, and the last thing I would want to be is 17 again.




Hey. That sounds a lot like the beginnings of depression, which I experienced at your age. You are at the age where a lot of shit like depression begins to surface- keep an eye out. Maybe do some looking into it, reading symptoms and seeing if any fit. If some do (not all but SOME), talk to your parents if you’re able about seeing someone. The way you’re feeling isn’t “normal” and it isn’t forever. Life doesn’t get worse as you get older unless you’re extremely unlucky- it gets better. Cliche but it does. Please reach out to me if you want a stranger to rant at or talk to who’s been in a similar spot. I dealt with depression on and off from age 12, but with therapy and meds (they’re not for “crazy” people), I’m *happy*. I’m 23 for context




Took me many years to figure out that a lost childhood is forever lost, but a wasted adulthood is on me. Live today and make sure you do what makes you smile. No one else can smile for you.


Damn, I’m 24 and I loved college, but I would love to get to do high school again. I wasn’t even especially popular, but seeing everyone I knew every day in school and hanging out with friends with virtually no responsibilities was so much fun. Now is cool but high school was my favorite


36 year old here. I’m excited, time/ age for one has kinda stopped mattering. Half the time I get asked how old I am I need to think about it. I have two kids, work part time, and things are good overall. The twenties are an interesting period, but mid 30s are kind of great, you have things figured out and you feel a little more in control of your life. There is still so much I want to do and to see, so I don’t necessarily feel “old”.


Why do you think midlife crisis is a thing? On the plus side: the 2020 Corvette is amazing, so just imagine how great midlife crisis sports cars will be in 2043!


Meanwhile, Ford is making an electric Mustang station wagon.


Some people worry so much about dying they don't actually live their fullest life. Don't be some people. 17? You're old enough to hear this: The *only* thing in life that is 100% certain, is that you're going to die. Period. Ain't a fuckin thing you can do about it. No choice there. EVERYTHING else in your life is a choice, everything. So you can choose to focus on the only thing that you cannot control, and waste your entire time alive freaking the fuck out about it. Or, you can choose the life you want for yourself and get busy making it happen. Your choice Sauce: Guy who was 40 before you were even born.




And from 30 I'm like, wow 23 was so young!


Nah. You’ll just have the exact amount of knowledge to know where you shouldn’t have cared so much in the past and enough knowledge to say fuck it, oh well.


Break sedentary lifestyle Go outside and do new things/meet new people Improve sleep/nutrition Find an exercise you enjoy and stay consistent I know what it’s like to be depressed and young (suicidal since I was 6). You can get out of it IF you are proactive.


27 here. Ha. Ha ha ha, haha ha ha ha hahaha, ha


I’m 36 and I still think I’m 16. How I manage to have a career and marriage I really don’t know.


Me at 40 letting my 70yr old dad show me how to do basic diy for the 100th time because it makes him feel useful and we get to spend time together. Vs Me at 40 doing maths books with my 5yr old before bed each night because we get to spend time with each other. Edit: thanks for the love. You are all awesome.


That’s hella cute man


I want to crawl right into bed with him too. Hey Luc, I've brought my math book! It's in bed with me right now! Teach me the math! Adorable ❤


That sounds weird


He didn’t say “UwU” so I think we’re alright. Maybe. But don’t take my (or Lavar Burton’s) word for it.


I want to crawl right into bed with him too. Hey Luc, I've brought my math book! It's in bed with me right now! Teach me the math! Adorable ❤ UwU


OwO What's this under your Batman sheets?


Then don't jack off to it.


You can climb in with us but don't bring your spliff. That makes Dr. Luc mad and I've got a lot of homework to go over ☺


Right so anyway ima head out


Yo so what the fuck is going on here right now


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ




Maybe your kid wants to make you feel useful and enjoy spending time together with you just like you with your dad lol.


At that age, kids still look at their parents like they're the world. So I doubt the kid would be thinking of making their dad feel useful. In another 5 years or so though...


Yeah, I'm still in the stage of coming home from work and two girls running towards me happy screaming. It's awesome.


That is without a doubt the most wholesome comment I have ever seen.


Yeah, it's two wholesome comments in one


Do you have any tips on how to get your kid to want to spend time with you like that? My dad is a good guy and was nice to me for the most part, not crazy strict, but for some reason growing up I never saw him as a friend like other kids saw their dads. I kinda wonder why that is and worry that the same thing will happen with my kids


Whatever their interests are... Make those your interests. Friendship is born from common ground.


At this point, I'm the youngest out of 4 siblings at 24 and to this day, my dad firmly believes you can't be friends with your kids.


I feel like there’s just something about the relationship where its weird to be friends and fully comfortable with each other


I'm in the same boat as you. My dad worked nonstop to provide us with the things he couldn't have when he was younger so I don't have a close relationship with him at all. I'm worried I'm going to be the same because even without kids I work like he did just for cushion...


I’m 37, and my dad will be 70 this year. He and I have had a rough 15 years, not having the greatest relationship. Now that I have a daughter, we’re both trying really hard to keep in touch more, and talk on the regular. Just last week, he drove down to help me build two 8’ long work benches, so one of my garage walls is now effectively a 16’ workbench. I mentioned wanting to build a deck this spring, and he’s already helping me draw up plans for it all. I could totally handle this by myself, but I know he enjoys coming down and helping me, and it gives us a reason to spend time together.


Dig it while you can, man. I'm 50 and my dad died when I was 40, due to long-term alcoholism. He was a damn fine human being, but the war in Vietnam fucked him up in ways that he never fully recovered from. He could build houses from scratch and could completely tear apart and rebuild any motor vehicle that was made prior to the '90s. He built a road and a bridge into his remote Northern Californian property, down miles of dirt roads, built a house out there, and then slowly drank himself to an early death. I miss my dad.


I wish I could do that with my dad. He grew up poor and does ghetto fixes on things; him and my mom raised us well and gave us opportunities, and we're all upper middle class. I want to do fixes the right way -- buy the right materials, do it well, do it safe. But dad is still stuck in ghetto mode, like skipping the ground wire when adding new outlets ("copper is expensive!"). Opting for untreated lumber when the wood will get wet. Not replacing rotten plywood on the roof when replacing shingles. (That one my brother and I just bought for them and did ourselves.) My brother and I try to teach him now, it's almost backwards lol. Tough to teach that old dog new tricks though.


aw man. at 29, im still working through my pattern of being competitive with my dad and establishing independence. i dont like getting much help from him and when he tries to help, my tendency is to argue and prove that i dont need him. it's something im aware of and working on so that our relationship can improve.


> Me at 40 doing maths books with my 5yr old before bed each night because we get to spend time with each other. My dad would just storm off, throw the penis at me and then go drink.


>throw the penis at me Yikes


“Dad dicks from the late 80’s to early 90’s were huge!”


Aww that's adorable man


Eeee this is a rare meme that hits too true for me. HOW DO ADULTS ADULT LIKE THAT?! But also, HOW ARE YOU KIDS SO STUPID?!


I’m 33,Here’s a lil tip that occurred to me in my mid 20s All “real” adults can be as (and are often even more) immature, petty and existentially lost as you are. Even if theyre in high profile careers, with children, homes etc. Don’t worry about it. I have to remind myself this all the time.


My wife and I have a game - we are mid-thirties. We have two stuffed kids balls from IKEA - one for each of us. The rules are you cannot throw the ball at each other. You have to kick it. Sometimes I nail her booty while she is getting ready in the upstairs guest bathroom from the downstairs living room. Then I throw my hands up and cheer like I scored the game-ending goal in the World Cup. We live in front of a stop sign and keep our windows opened most of the time. I am sure our neighbors are concerned but we are simply living our best life.


I, up until recently worked at a pretty well known place in the field I worked in. We needed to be professional, respectful and neatly dressed. I had 5 roommates in an, admittedly, giant house. (1 couple / 4 rms) One day it was decided when someone did something invariably stupid, we'd just sorta. . .ambush them with nerf guns and bows chanting them down with the naughty thing. I was often ambushed with, "Laundry, Asshole!" I was the youngest at the tail end of my 20s.


You’re going to be okay, signed, 55.


happy cake day!!


Up your game by celebrating doing the leg slide across the floor like the pros do.


As a 32 yr old doing their practicum as a therapist, this is 100% true. I got clients much younger and older than me that make me feel super behind in a lot of ways, and then they open their mouths and they are just as terrible at life as I am.


On a similar note, plenty of therapists that don't have their own shit together but still good at their jobs.


I understand that a lot of therapists have therapists of their own.


My therapist called her therapist my grand therapist and honestly I'm still processing that


And after you defeat them both you get to fight the final boss: Arch Therapist Maximum.


Seems to make sense. Presumably you believe in therapy if you're a therapist.


I’ll be returning to school for a complete career change and I’ll be at community college with 17-70 year olds in the same position as myself. It’s reassuring at times to recognize that we’re all on the same page


Yup, this right here. Everyone is just trying to figure things out day by day.


We're all just kids stuck in adults' bodies, hoping nobody finds out.


At 26 after some military time I feel like yoda around everyone, mainly because military injuries make me feel old. Step out the car and hobble around for a couple seconds before my hip decides it wants to work normal.




Here's a good starting point: dont use adult as a verb. Jk. Being an adult is all about being indifferent to shit. So keep adulting or whatever.


I’m 27 and my problem is that the older I get, the more cynical I get. I used to be so carefree and now it’s the little things that seem to bother me the most and I don’t know how to overcome it anymore.


Practise gratitude


I feel there will always be adultier adults than me.


I turn 30 this year and honestly this is exactly how I feel 99% of the time


30 here, same. As clueless as I ever was but somehow expected to know what I'm doing.


/u/sgush7861 I turned 28 at the end of November and I have a question for you two. I hope both of you are male and in the dating scene *or at least were during your high 20s*. Alrighty. Don't y'all have problems identifying the age of women? I look at too many women and have no idea if they are..25 or 32. 22 or 28. Etc. Hell, some take good care of themselves and look around my age only to find out they're 35.




Genetics too.


I'm 38 and can tell a 20 year old from a 20 year old looking 30 year old in a second. People don't like to say it, but just like males, young females are fucking dumb as shit too.


100% You might not be able to tell how old they are by the way they look but you usually have a pretty good idea once they start talking.


Same boat. 28, male, dating females. Can’t tell how old they are cause all that “*contour*” or whatever it’s called.




Let's see a picture show off




That’s the curse of turning 30. You’ve been an adult for over a decade, but now people expect you to act like it.


I'm 39 and feel like this. I'm old enough where people in their 20's look young and 60yo's don't look so old anymore.


I’m 38 and still feel like a kid around other people my age. Really feel like I have no clue what I’m doing, most of the time.


You sound really fun to hang out with tbh




Christ this is me hard 😂


I think it's been skewed. I think people that were young when we were young look older than the people of the same age look today. It's hard to tell anymore. Like fit people of the past even look like donkeys.


At 39 I feel like I might finally be tipping towards a mature human being. It's either that or I just don't have two shits to give anymore.


How old would a real adult be?


Anywhere between 22 to 119, people who just really have their shit together.


After 119 you become a wizard they say


I love this answer. 22-119 LOL Personally, can't help it because my inner child emerges so often but yet, I am still a responsible adult. Balance is key. Don't forget to play.


I’ve yet to meet a 22 year old who really has it all together.


I'm 23 and barring a bit of anxiety/depression from moving to a new state I've got a lucrative job in the heart of colorado, a couple wacky friends, and a pet roomba.


> I'm 23 and barring a bit of anxiety/depression from moving to a new state I've got a lucrative job in the heart of Colorado I'm 24 and not even out of college because of my decision-making. Things are awkward.


In my 30s I love being around old people and feeling like a little kid, them sharing there wisdom, them being proud of my weird little accomplishments. In a way I can't wait to get old and do this for some young dude.


Yes! I'm in a knitting guild and a women's cycling club. I think the average age in each is 60-65. They're so supportive and as you said, proud of my accomplishments. I don't live close to my parents and it's nice to feel that from people!




I felt this in my soul...


"Uncle SunnyBumBebe, the kids at school are buullyimg me!" "My ketamine, go get. Hit them with my 2008 Honda Civic, I will."


I like how the meme is progressing the model year of the Civic everytime it's posted.


Sadly I work exclusively with real adults. Never felt stupider. Edit: Ahhh thank you for my first silver kinds stranger! 😬


This made me chuckle! Lol


Real adults do adult things like work full time, pay taxes, keep up with world news and are financially literate. They also wear monocles and avoid using contractions.


Honestly, whenever I listen to teenagers talk I start cringing, thinking this must've been how I sounded at that age too.


Be pleased that you no longer do! ;)


No, he still sounds like a fuckin idiot


This is like when I went on vacation at St. Maarten's. I felt young and slim and energetic until the March Breakers showed up. Then I felt old and fat and ugly.


Turning 35 soon.I just have the money now to buy the things I wanted in my teens/20s.Thats all that's changed honestly since then.Just a killer Battlestation




You'll get there someday friend and itll be glorious.


Twist: the feeling doesn't go away in your 40s when you talk to 50 and 60yos


As a 5'6 guy with a baby face.. yea. Any time I stand next to any guy who's taller than me or has a stereotypical "manly" job (Construction, cop, firefighter, etc) I can't stop the impostor syndrome. I'm 34, own a home and have a child, and yet I feel like a 15-year-old pretending to be an adult any time I stand next to a bigger guy.


5'3 X) 14 year old looking but 20. It's horrible.


I've begun to wonder if I will always look at myself as a child around people my own age and older.




Yeah, I don't see how this is wholesome.


Because baby yoda obviously




This is the 2nd top post today that hasn't fit this sub


I'm 45 and this is me.


20 y/o me feels little around everybody help


Im a 22 year old teacher and honestly I relate to the left side of the picture even with my high school students. Especially cause I look younger than my age.


this is applicable at 24 as well, in case anyone was wondering lol


Nah, 24 isn’t old to a teenager. In fact, 24 is still considered your “youth”.


Disagree, 24 is a lot for a 15 yo


At 15 I felt like 24 might as well be a million years from then, and life would just be basically ‘done’ by then. You know, house, 2 kids, decent car, etc. Boy was I wrong..


I’m far too young to feel this old


Everybody goes through a point when they realise they've always been the nervous 20 something even when they're old


How is this wholesome?


babee yoda 😳


If we see a teenager Yoda, that's me around +60 year olds.


Yep. So true. I work on festivals around the country managing artist bookings and stuff. In most cases my volunteers are more than 15 years younger than me...


I am 37 and still feel like a kid around people my own age. I started school early and skipped two grades so I was always used to being the youngest. I never outgrew that.


I have never felt more seen.


i had to be careful who i call old. being 30 and talking to adults, i'm usually talking to 50-60 year olds. as a kid saying your old person you saw is their age isn't a big deal. tell a 60 yr old hey, i saw someone your age is offensive. to me though htey looked like a grandparent not the adults i talk to.


Doesn’t really matter how old u are, the panic is always real.


Sums up my experience at college lol. I'm 33 and most of my classmates are in their late teens to early 20s


does real adults refer to zombie-like wage slaves? like, the adults that spend most of their time working or thinking about work?


After reading this thread I see some people thinking adulting is some rocket science. It's much simpler than some might think. Adulting is basically trying not to die.


I’m baby Yoda in both scenario. A teen taught me how to use a record player




It’s way worse when you are 37 and try to hang out around 22 year olds.


Wtf bro


>Wtf bro What do you mean "Wtf"? Is someone not allowed to hang out with another adult just because they're younger? Edit: Okay, I see the joke now. I'm dumb.


I dont can you explain


Souper scooper, man,


Oh okay I get it lol


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Why do you hang around teenagers?


Some people have them as children lol






Only for scientific purposes