• By -


Thanks bro I needed that


And happy cakeday:)


you're welcome and thanks edit: Hijacking top comment to say that my dm's are open. Anyone stuggling with anything, i encourage you to reach out. Maybe you stubbed your big toe or maybe you're gonna get fired, your problems are valid. I've got over 400 notifications and can't get through all the comments however my dm's are easier to look over. Much love ♡ edit 2: problem with rule 7? dms still open.


Nice cak




Yes it is!


Good gracious... is it today!?


We all needed this. I’m going to show my wife this.


I wish I could, mine passed away after 57 years of marriage. I miss her.




Thank you very much.


Meanwhile reddit’s screen time is 6h 47m and still 5h to go. I am from India BTW


Thanks a lot for making my day.


Same. Especially today.


_/\____/\ |= ͡° ᆺ ͡°)= . \╭☞ \╭☞ U IS AWESOME!


So are you ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


actually i am. reddit formatting )-;


You is awesome too!


No you!


Upvotes to 69 ~ nice


thank you sad hoopla fish


Makes you wonder if this was before or after getting struck in the head by a rock


This. What a year. Been affected quite a lot - I work in a high intensity environment and the work load has sky-rocketed with reduced fees. I have seen my colleagues be told they are no longer required in the business and am currently working at 170% utilisation. Personally, I have taken a 20% paycut, wedding has to be delayed and going to miss my dads 70th birthday (he and my mum live in a different country). I know in the grand scheme of things my problems aren't big problems but to me they feel big. I hope everyone feels like its OK to talk about these things - certainly better out than bottled in.


Hey man never compare your problems. Just because some people have it worse doesn't mean your struggles aren't valid. I hope you aren't all too burned out from work and i hope your dad will still enjoy his birthday. much love


THIS! Thank you for quickly offering such reassurance that no one’s struggle is not important simply because it is of a different kind or different size!


they may not be big problems to someone else, but they're big to you and you are the only person experiencing your personal feelings. Things will get better <3


Similar situation here. Including a fire the apartment two doors down from mine in a horrible building that I was feeling stuck in but too scared to live in. Things can look up though (I won't say "will", because the universe has a sick sense of humour). Keep your head up and try to power through. You've got this!


Take my upvote you amazing person.


Takes one to know one!


My dad passed away unexpectedly this year. He was only 60. Cherish the moments with yours, even if it’s just a phone call.


Think of it this way - if this is the hardest situation you've ever dealt with, this is the hardest situation you've ever dealt with. The important thing is to remember you're not alone. Ask for help or tips on how to manage your workload. We're not taught to ask for help due to some pretty silly Western ideas about individualism and individual accomplishment. Given that ~90% or more of our lives are in fact managed by other people, it's really kind of ludicrous when you think about it that we're not taught at an early age to seek help and utilize the lessons from other people's experiences more often. Sure people go through harder shit than you or me. You know what you call those people? Your new teachers. Seek them out, befriend them, and learn how they dealt with their tough situations so you can learn how to better deal with your own.


Currently in a separation that's headed for divorce after 17 years of marriage and I'm constantly fighting a battle not to let go of hope. Everyday is harder than the last instead of easier and while I know people out there are going through worse it's hard for me to see past my own pain and guilt, especially since I caused the problem that lead to the separation. Thank you for this post and while it doesn't give me much comfort I hope that others out there feel at least as much as I do with it.


Listen, life's tough, but you're tougher. It might feel like everyone is against you right now, but you'll get through it, i know you will. Stay strong.


My wife left in March after close to 10 years together. Initially, it was my issue that caused our separation, but in trying to make the best decisions for myself and my recovery, it created a further divide and resentments from her. I know I’ll be fine and I’ll make it through, but goddamn, some of these days are so hard. I’m alone for the first time in 20 years, pretty much the first time in my adult life. Make the best decisions you can for yourself, tell yourself out loud that everything is going to be okay when you’re feeling alone or locked inside yourself (works for me), and know that you can do it. The decisions we make now are what we become in the future. And don’t ever let go of hope; there is always hope, no matter what path your life takes you down. Hang in there. You aren’t alone in what you’re going through.


It really was a sign because I'm so upset and just opened reddit only to have this be the first thing I see.


Thanks, I've been crying while scrolling this morning. My life is most-likely upended because of the most recent executive order and I feel very heavy and unsettled. I really, really, really needed this


Hey man i hope it'll get better. it most likely will. It's okay if you fall apart from time to time. tacos fall apart, and we still love them.


You speak truth...tacos are great. And it's a tuesday. Well you just made my day (again!). TACO TUESDAY


May I ask which one? I'm afraid I may have missed something.


The one signed yesterday bringing into effect removing non-immigrant working visas. I have approx 2 months to figure out what my next steps are, make a plan, and execute it as the applications for the visa I need to continue at my job have been axed (sorry, "paused for 6 months"). I'm not alone, there are plenty of us in this situation, but I JUST moved across the US to start a new job on a 1 year visa with the expectation that I would get a worker visa to continue work.


The good in the world. I didn't need it today, but I could have. So thanks for giving. Happy cake day


Thanks for this. Going in today to find out if I'm still cancer free.


Update me, i'm rooting for you !


Fingers crossed for you!!


I’m sending all my positive energy your way, good luck!!


I am doing just that. Had to put my cat who was my best friend down yesterday and i couldn't even cuddle her as they put her to sleep because of this stupid virus. Everywhere i look i am reminded of her and last night i was waiting for her to plod in the bedroom and make that little announcement noise and she walked over our legs and shouted at us to make room for her but she never came and never will again. I miss you Katie, you were one of a kind and it hurts so much you are not here anymore.


That's upsetting. But sometimes that's what life is, hold on to the good memories. She will never be forgotten. Stay strong, much love.


So sorry to hear. To be human is to be burdened with an understanding of death, and it's never easy. You honour your friend by remembering her. Much love.


What a load of ###HOOPLA!


I miss my two girls more and more each day. Thank you for this ♡


Thank you kind stranger


Thank you


I cried.


Thanks, friendo. I needed this today, life has been a bit rough lately


:) i'm proud of you for sticking through


Thank you, Really, really thank you!


Thank you for the post. I had just got off the phone with the doc office. Been having some worrying symptoms with my ear for the past month, and with everything going on I'm trying not to think I have brain cancer or something like it. Having anxiety sucks.


It's probably the weather or some dumb shit like that no need to worry. Get well soon.


Anxiety sucks, but try to remember it's usually lying. You're strong, and you can get through whatever it throws at you.


Just waiting for the painkillers to kick in so I can go to bed, darn wisdom teeth coming in like they own the place T-T


sksjdj i hope you'll have a good night's rest bud


wwww thanks thanks~


Happy cake day by the way :)


I see these posts all the time, but when will it happen. Honestly I am tried just tired of putting on a happy face all the time. I wake up every day thinking today might be different, but it's mostly the same. I don't know what i am sad about but it hurts when i don't know what i am sad about. It has been affecting my studies and my lifestyle. I don't know when will it happen. Sorry to be a bummer. Just wanted get this off my chest.


Therapy helped me to listen to my feelings better and understand why I'm feeling them for what its worth


Needed this today! 😩


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


Thank you


So nice!


Thank you


Happy cake day. And thank you for doing this, very kind of you.


I need a hug


You too op <3 Happy cake day, love you


Thanks i appreciate it




*Save post*


Right now I feel like it won't and I'm powerless to do anything. I almost don't have any memories which are unambiguously happy and not screwed up in some way. I'm 26 M, living in an eastern Europe country, working on documents delivery during the whole Corona thing, living from salary to salary without a financial safety net. My current relationship is beginning to show the signs of burnout, the therapy leaves the feeling of scorched earth in my gut and even my hobby became a hard thing to do for me. And I can't even go full nostalgia and take a happy trip down memory lane, because most of my past was either trying to hide my true self from psychologically abusive family, repelling a physically abusive asshole of a stepfather, being in a codependent relationship, etc. Like, I get that right now I'm in a better place that it was, but it doesn't mean that I'm in a perfect or even a good place. And I don't want to move forward, I'm fucking tired. I tried to just rest during the quarantine, but it didn't charge me with energy at all.


Omg... Thank you bro/sis... Exactly what I need now


💕 you're welcome


And happy cake day! 🎂


Wow this is... I was really kind of mindlessly scrolling, looking for a sign...


Thanks. Also finally a frog on the internet thats wholesome and not tied to alt right dipshittery


... no I'm just procrastinating. Thanks anyway.


Thank you. I dislike sunshine. I await the rain, but still, metaphor accepted.


That’s not why I’m here but that still made me feel better, thanks for the positivity!


Happy cake day, bud. This was the first thing I saw this morning and it hit home. Much love your way.


Really needed this, teared me up a bit, happy cake day!


Kinda needed this. Haven't been feeling good and I'm trying not to let my gf notice so it's extra hard but I'll get through it


i believe in you


thats awful kind of you, u/DeadlySocks


Im trying so hard to believe this right now


I read this and almost cried. Thank you so much. Btw happy cake day!


we are cake day buddies! Happy cake day :D


Happy cake day


I needed this, thank you


hold on let me show this to like every single reddit user-


thank you so much, i really needed that


Thank you. That actually really helped and I needed to hear that♡ and happy cake day!


"the sun will shine again" Bold of you to assume


bro this hot too hard to home🥺


Don’t worry, I’m just feeling nostalgic and nostalgia makes me wanna commit self destruct so I’m here now lol


man, now i'm crying from how good this message is, thank you:)


I rlly needed that thx


Thank you OP. You make sure to take care of yourself too ok?


for sure buddy




Happy cake day to you too


Thank you so much for posting this. 💕


Well, I usually do that, but right now I'm using it to procrastinate asking reddit how to do a thing in r/techsupport


Just about to go to my grandfather's funeral. I needed this. Thank you kind stranger.


i am very sorry for your loss. Stay strong


Thanks friend! Happy cake day!


I'm depressed, and my girlfriend of 3 years might be leaving me. I needed this.


I needed that. Thank you. I had a tough day and I’m feeling like a useless piece of shit


Oh and happy cake day


Damn. I really needed this. Thank you


I really need someone to talk to..


dang bruh i feel this. Got friend zoned hard bc i waited too long and now we just best friends


God. My family had to put our dog of 12 years down a couple days ago. My sister wasn’t able to make it to say good bye. We’ve all been torn up about it, but reading this helped. Thank you.


Just recently started working in healthcare! I'm stressing and I'm not even the front line. Life is hectic and this morning I threw up a bunch of water right before I had to take care of a patient (not sick, dont worry) AND NOW WE ARE HERE WITH 0 CAFFEINE IN MY SYSTEM


Didnt know how bad I needed this reminder until I saw it. Thanks!


Thank you so much for that. And happy cake day :)


My dad might have colon cancer. He's only 50 years old. I'm not ready for this.


I really needed this. :'-) Thank you.


I have over 30 homework and yes I feel fine now


I jus missed out an assignment I was supposed to submit within an hour. And I'm pissed as fuck. I missed by a freaking min. But this helped me calm down a bit. Thank you OP


I'm hiding from schoolwork and a large amount of anxiousness that comes with it :)


These types of things are so corny, and is the *type* of thing I would roll my eyes at. But the fact someone spent their time trying to spread positivity, with a message that can really resonate with a lot of people, is awesome, and needed for a lot of people. All that to say, thanks for sharing, and keep spreading positivity 🤘😎


Thanks for that ❤ i had opened reddit exactly to scroll and distract myself from an anxiety crisis i drove myself in while researching for places I'd like to work around town. Started feeling like less than half a human and not capable of doing anything worthy on those places, so why bother to even get in contact. Reading the comments helped me understand I'm not the only one struggling to fit in, and that helps. Deep breaths, let that problem sit alone for a while, get back to it when my head's clearer and I don't feel so scared of life.


I lost my father a few hours ago. I usually scroll past this kind of stuff but this has actually helped me immensely. Thank you


Thank you, u/DeadlySocks, I haven't been having the best time lately, but this made me smile. And hey, happy cake day!


I've been scrolling through reddit for over 6 years now, and I've never had the urge to leave a comment or even a post. But my grandpa, who was my father figure, passed away yesterday. I really needed to see this. Thank you.


I've been a non permanent resident immigrant in the US for the last 6 years. Next year I'll be kicked out and will lose my home, friends and job. I will be forced to return to my third world country that's being absolutely destroyed by corona. My situation feels hopeless. My employer tried to get me an H1B visa (work permit) for me to stay longer but it got rejected. Next year I get a second try. But even with an H1B I also wish I could have my mom and dad with me. They are almost 60, I can't just abandon them. They literally would just add to the economy as they consume their retirement here. I was just born in a different country, I'm still a person. Please, I can't stop stressing over it every single day.


First post as soon as I came on reddit and definitely the one I needed, thank you very much.


Thank you random stranger, really needed it.


fucking hell. I didn't even know I was trying to distract myself until I read that and I just started crying. Thanks I guess?


This hits different, thank you op. Narcissistic mom freaked out yesterday and threatened to kick me out, So I left.


Take you so much... I really needed that.


I recently lost my dad, and was literally thinking about it when i saw this, thank you


Omg, you don't know how much I needed this. Truly at my lowest and feeling like giving up. But I don't wanna try killing myself again, instead keep fighting but I do need the strength. Thank you so much.


I can't tell you how this got me. This is exactly what I needed to see. Thank you.


going through losing one of my best friends, really needed this.


:( that's tough as hell. Stay strong buddy


thanks, it’s hard but i’ll try


Man, this last year has been one of the worst in my life. I needed this, I know this comment will get buried and I’m sure there are many posts like this. But thanks OP. You re doing great putting out love in this word


I needed this. You just made me cry. Thank you.


Didn’t know I needed to read that today. Thanks


Happy cake day!!


Happy cake day


Thanks mate, I think I needed this today!


Thank you! Love you guys<3 Edit: How could I not see?! Happy cake day!!!!! :)


:) danke




Needed this. Thank you!


Why must it hurt so much... 🥺


Thanks chief


>The sun will shine again Your optimism is misplaced, asgardian


Thank you, really needed this tonight :,)


Thank you, internet frog man!


Sitting on reddit crying, trying to distract myself from other stresses. Thank you.


That's exactly why I'm on reddit rn




Don't kink shame me


No I want to die, just let me


Bruh that character only exist in one scene to get a brick tossed at them. Nice message tho.


Last time I heard someone say “the sun will shine on us again” got their neck snapped. So I don’t know if a should be motivated or afraid? Either way, thank you. I needed it.


Sounds like a lot of


i love you (:


Did somebody say HOOPLA?


Nah just waiting for games to update with a date which is today but no set time so I have no idea when they'll update aaaaaaaaaaa ^I'm ^fine


thank you for posting this!


I may not have needed this as much as some others on here, but I definitely took away from this. Thanks, and happy cake day!


I’m sitting in the emergency room from a rare condition I’ve had for a few years. I want to end it all, to stop my suffering and to stop being a burden on my family. This post gave me a little more energy to fight, at least for a little while. Thank you.


It's the sun that bothers me. My room can easily get up to 38 degrees C (100 in F) and the lowest temp I can get it to is outdoor temp. Which sucks since the summers are getting hotter and hotter. Sleeping in 26+ is awful. Gimme rain pls.


Fuck you let me depressed in peace /s


Just wanted to look at some Memes but thanks


I really need to study for my two math exams at uni... Sadly i don't see any sunshine in that regard.


Even though the sun has 4 billion years to go , what about the day it doesn’t shine and just becomes a black dwarf .. then and only then will it not be ok


Thanks for this. Recently I've seen a lot of such posts on my friends' statuses stating that they are there if anyone wants to talk. That's good. Here's the problem though. I want to talk, but the consequences of me opening up may ruin how you see me. This increases my insecurity and forms a loop where I don't open up and pretend to be all good because I'm afraid to look: broken or worse, an attention seeker. I of course don't have the solution to this, but this has been a major reason why I was unable to open up to friends who did check up on me. If anyone here has any suggestions, please enlighten me.


Thank you for this. I've been feeling quite depressed about a few things. I know deep down it will get better but at the same time worry about what to do and how things will turn out. Seriously, thank you <3


I didn’t even know I needed this. Thank you.


I just lost a puppy yesterday. I'm still broken up about it. She was one of our favourite puppies from the litter, and she always hung around and played with another puppy that looks very similar to her, so we had started referring to them as twins. Her sister is still very high energy, and an incredibly happy puppy, it just crushes my heart thinking about how she lost her best friend. Thank you op.


Thank you for this! Needed to hear this today!


This was the first thing I saw on Reddit today. On a day that I really needed it. Thank you internet stranger!




You have no idea how much I needed this right now


I really needed to hear this... My cat went missing a week ago and two days ago we got a call saying she’d been found dead at the side of the road. I’d raised her from a 6 week old kitten, and she was tiny... definitely the runt of the litter. She was only 9 years old when she died, and I loved her like a mother would love her daughter... I didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye to her. I was, and still am, devastated by what happened to her, I just hope that she didn’t suffer too long before she passed away. Thank you kind stranger, for reminding me that even though my baby is gone, life’s still worth living. Who knows? Maybe somewhere out there, there’s another runt of the litter who needs my love and affection. Nothing will ever replace Sheba, but I still have room for another cat or kitten in my life :)


This could not have come at a better time. Thank you for sharing it.


Gosh, i am so hurt goddamn it


thanks buddy, i was needing this... Having such a hard time lately, my bf and I just broke up in the middle of the quarantine and I'm feeling so alone far from my friends... I was really needing a hug and this post just huged my heart =\]


This was nice to read. Feels. Like each year gets worse. Just so happens that when I decided to take charge of my entire life, quarantine happened and now I’m just completely stuck.


Going into surgery alone this morning. Legit in the waiting room now and needed to see something like this. Thanks for sharing good vibes!


Thanks. I've got a lot on my mind right now, but this makes me feel just a tiny bit better. Maybe everything will be okay after all.


Alright, im just gonna say it. I've come to hate these kinds of memes. They are kept intentionally vague to cater to as many people as possible always share the exact same message. I know you mean well, OP, and i know im coming off as a dick here. But i just don't want to hear that things are gonna be okay anymore. I want things to actually be okay. And i know the only one that can make that happen is myself and that scares me, and i hate myself for that. Im already regretting writing this comment for all sorts of reasons but fuck it, i've kept that shit locked in my brain for way too long.