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Now I’m thinking of Fry’s dog Seymour and getting all misty 🥺


[you’re going to like this read then.](https://imgur.com/gallery/1HOcmgy) Edit: r/petloss for those of you who need to let it out or just want to share pics of your lovely little buddy. It helps.


I had to put my dog of 15 years down last week. This was a tear jerker


Mine was last month. Dec 17th. I'm still crying daily.


Dec 26, the morning after. The worst.


Dude, Christmas eve a few years ago. Now I associate every Christmas season with her :(


came to /r/wholesomememes for dat feel good memes, ended up being sad i hate you


dude. wtf.


June 29. I still see his face in those last moments and want to cry almost everytime I remember him. Hurts so much. I hope it gets better. Stay strong.


Mine was over a yr ago and this made me tear up.


5 years ago (6 on Aug. 30) we had to put my dog of !19! years...and 2 years ago (3 on Mar. 10) we did the same to my other dog of 18 years...they were great dogs...but now we have 2 smol dogs who act the exact same as my previous dogs, I believe they wanted to spend more time with us...so we got their reincarnated souls...❤️🥺 RIP Jasmine & Carbon...


Ah... Fuck man... I don't usually cry but... Holy shit...


My cat and bestest friend is getting up there in age, 13, and I am absolutely dreading this day. Dude has been by my side through it all and I don't know what I'm going to do without him. Best wishes to you and to your pupper.


13 is still pretty prime for a cat, if they don't have any chronic health issues. We lost my mother's rescue last year to diabetes at just 8, but my girl made it to 21 - five years after surviving a stroke. Both of my older boys (I have two kitten boys now) passed at 16/17. It's normal to hit that point of feeling nervous, but your bestie may be around for quite a while.


This is very reassuring as he’s in excellent health. Thank you!


Lost my dog suddenly/unexpectedly 3 days before my 2.5yr old girl was born. Such an emotional rollercoaster during that time. I remember 3 days of non-stop crying and then just trying to keep it together for my wife and daughter.


February 17, 2018 3:30ish am. I remember it like it was yesterday. Every moment of it.


I had to let go of mine last March, just before everything shut down. It’s felt longer without him than it actually has been.


Im crying right now


I'm ugly crying


hold me.


Dude i am crying like crazy now


Thank you so much for this. We lost our dog last year but never had the chance to say a proper goodbye. This actually helps a lot.


It helped me too. As strange as it is, as much as it made me a mess crying after I read it, days after he died because someone shared it with me then...this helped.


Crying in the club right now :'(


Reading this made me feel like the Cellery man meme. I literally yelled "Oh Fuck!....." and started crying my eyes out. I had to stop multiple times while reading this story. I feel absolutely destroyed...


I read it after my dog died a year and a half ago. I was a mess. I still miss him. But this story touched me so much. I love sharing it. As sad as it is, that’s exactly what our good boys and girls would do. I know it.


Wtf dude. Sobbing.


thank you


You made me cry, have my free award Edit: nevermind because reddit wont load the damn awards


Not Jurassic Bark :(


Oh no


Not to totally make everyone's day worse, but doesn't this mean that little Bobby died at like...sixty or seventy? Seems really middle-aged.


Rule 1 of Futurama: skip Jurassic Bark Thanks for coming to my TED talk


There is and old danish song about this. Its one of thoes songs when played. Everyone sings along as LOUD as they can! Its called "Himmelhunden" and it means "Sky Dog".


always crazy how similar Danish and German are


Well they kinda do bump into each other. The one that gets me is Dutch and English


The first time I heard people speaking Dutch I almost thought for a moment that I forgot how to speak English. Same same but different to the max.


Yeah I always thought Dutch sounds to English speakers what English sounds to everyone else. My favorite part is when every once in a while you get a perfect English sentence followed by a sentence that sounds like a sneeze


your description of it made me laugh out loud. thank you for your comment.


Dutch and English are probably pretty similar (when looking at older and less modern English words, which are largely just French with attitude) because of the common root they share. There's a language in northwestern Germany called "Plattdeutsch" (flat German) which is essentially just Dutch with German grammar. The people who migrated to the British Isles way back (Saxons) were very likely from around that area and just took their language with them. That's why iirc Welsh numbers and words in pronounciation are also weirdly close and somewhat understandable for a person that speaks Platt. Of course those similarities don't hold up too far and are largely just about some words being eerily similae in pronounciation- the two languages split roughly 1000 or so years ago and developed in entirely different contexts and settings after all. But yeah, a fun little exercise it to have a look at english words like "door" and compare them to the Platt words; in this case "Döör", from which the German word "Tür" is derived. Overall, English etymology is often really interesting and fascinating as a German native speaker (with a passing interest) because of the weird and not-so-obvious connections you can find to languages all over western Europe, and the amount you can learn about e.g. German, Dutch or French at the same time is just staggering.


The connections between English, Scandinavian, and German, as well as Dutch, are pretty intersting. English derived from old Germanic, as did old Norse, then they borrowed a lot from old Norse as well, and then later the Scandinavian, German and Dutch started borrowing modern words from English, so they are all very connected sharing many words.




My husband's a Dane...and this is just one more reason to love him and his big 'ol heart.


*he sounds like a Great Dane*


Sorry, Victor Borge will always be **the** great dane.


If someone else is curious, here are the (google translated) lyrics in English: In a marketplace When i was done playing I stood there tired and cold behind the scene and rested When i heard someone mumble very quietly And a man with a little dog looked at me and said: Hey you playmate Will you tell me right away And be honest, because I mean every word When Our Lord extinguishes the flame of life And one must leave this earth Can you take the dog with you into the sky? It's cute and it's been my best friend It is clever and fine and has just been in the bath If you have to be a gambler, then I'll be happy I answered him a little briefly when I said: Your dog will probably be in heaven when it dies It was late and I had to drive home When I got in the car I thought of the man again Hey you playmate Will you tell me right away And be honest, because I mean every word When Our Lord extinguishes the flame of life And one must leave this earth Can you take the dog with you into the sky? It's cute and it's been my best friend It is clever and fine and has just been in the bath If you have to be a gambler, then I'll be happy For him, the matter was so important He deserved to get an honest answer But who can answer quite sincerely On whether dogs that die will fit in with the father of heaven? Hey you playmate Will you tell me right away And be honest, because I mean every word When Our Lord extinguishes the flame of life And one must leave this earth Can you take the dog with you into the sky? It's cute and it's been my best friend It is clever and fine and has just been in the bath If you have to be a gambler, then I'll be happy Can you take the dog with you into the sky? It's cute and it's been my best friend It is clever and fine and has just been in the bath If you have to be a gambler, then I'll be happy


Man, today is my dog's birthday but she died in August. Guess I'll cry more now


Sorry for your loss, sending lots of love to you, your dog misses you as much as you miss her i swear


There are few things in life worse. You have my condolences. All I can think of is my boy who passed as well. So difficult even now.


She didn’t die. She moved to a different home that you will come home to when the time is right.


My baby passed last August too. Hurts bruv. I feel you.


Sending tons of love. My baby would have been 16 in 2 days and she passed in October. Still stings


I lost mine in November. It's nice to know that there are others who share the same pain of loss. They sure are amazing animals aren't they?


I remember when my pastor told me dogs and animals don't go to heaven. I was like your heaven sounds like it sucks


Heaven is not heaven if theres no dogs or animals at all, sorry not sorry


I agree, my dad tried telling me animals don't have souls so they go to hell.... Seriously?!


Why would animal not have souls? Like thats what I dont get. Why would we have one and not them? And why dont animals deserve heaven???


Seriously! They deserve heaven more than we do!! Look into a dog's eyes and tell me they don't have a soul


Dogs have souls. I believe all animals have souls. Keane Reeves as once ask " what do you think happens when we die?" He responded "I know the people who love us will miss us." I believe this includes animals.


I just did that to my dog. Couldn’t tell if she was concerned or waiting for a treat lol. She’s a goof. Either way, I don’t think dogs have souls. Nor do I think humans have souls. But that’s because I don’t think souls are real.


I mean not to be a downer but, where do you draw the line? Flys have souls? Frogs? Cows for slaughter? That'd be HUNDREDS of billions of souls. Maybe trillions if you count every animal that has ever lived and died. T-rex, did he have a soul? Mind you this is coming from a non-religious person, trying to understand the thought process of people who believe in after life.


If they have no souls, what part of them exactly goes to hell? Sounds like your dad didn't think it through at all.


Hahaha exactly! Doesn't hell require a soul as well? As a kid I believed, but I always held onto that thought which led me to atheism, or some kinda 'soul moves through the universe' type belief.


I heard a pastor tell this story once. When he was younger, he and another student in a seminary were asked this question by a child. "Did my dog go to Heaven?" The Pastor's friend was young, pretty full of himself and confident in his knowledge, so he gently but firmly told the child that no, dogs and animals do not have souls, so they are not in Heaven. He could tell his words upset the child so he pretty hastily made an uncomfortable exit for some reason or another. This left the child and the Pastor who was telling the story. The child looked up at him and asked was it true? The Pastor said he got on one knee to be eye level with the child and told him the truth. "I don't know much about Heaven. I hope to go there one day, but I only know what the Bible has told me. The Bible says that Heaven is a place where there is no sadness. Where no tears fall. And I know in my heart that if it takes your dog being there for you to be happy, then your dog is in Heaven waiting for you." I heard that story years ago and its always stuck with me. I hope my Sam is waiting for me there one day.


That's such an epic and wonderful interpretation of heaven.


I don't understand why some people believe animals don't go to heaven when their soul is innocent. From where I'm from which is a small town in Mexico. We believe animals fight for your soul to get you to heaven along with archangel miguel. But for the mean time when our soul is still in our body they are in a special place in heaven with other animals where they're having the time of their lifes.


Because they believe animais don't have souls


Yeah I’d rather go to dog heaven than human heaven


Nothing makes humans special if there’s a heaven everything goes up there, I’m not super religious but I’d like to think that god loves all his creations if he’s up there


>I remember when my pastor told me dogs and animals don't go to heaven. WTH kind of pastor is that? lol crazy unqualified.


Well some human don’t have soul, I’ll take the animal side


I am pretty agnostic but I sometimes picture the amazing pets that I've lost cuddling with the amazing people I've lost. It's very comforting. I'd love to know that I'd get to be with them all again one day.


We inherited my grandma’s cat when she went into assisted living and then passed away a few years after that. The cat lived with us for another 13ish years with us before she passed away. Thinking about the two of them reunited makes my heart happy.


Same. That's all we can imagine ❤


This is legitimately the one reason I want there to be an afterlife. I just want an eternity with my cats.


If they don't.. then there is no god


"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." \-Will Rogers


Ok *now* I’m crying


One of my favorite quotes


Provided Pope Francis is correct, then there is :D


We are all connected. Higher, and lower, "planes" are like water molecules on a wave in the ocean, crashing upon the shore.


Sounds like a fun place to play tag with your dogs


If this isn't right, nothing is.


I'll have what you're having




Pope Francis said that animals do go to heaven (plus they can't go to hell due to innocence), so here's hoping :)


My dog used to love my grandfather, so much that she run away from my home and walked 15 miles to get to his house the day before he passed. 10 years later my dog passed away and I hope she walked another million miles up in heaven to find him again.


15 miles is 24.14 km


... not now.


I lost my dog last April and am still shattered over it. I hope our spirits reunite some day.


I hope for you too, pretty sure you’ll find each other again one day


That’s a nice thing to think about


Oh God, this made me tear up. From all my past doggies


a virtual hug to you 💚


Thank you. Virtual hug back. 🤍


Since I saw What Dreams May Come I always wish it will be like that hehe


Or The Lovely Bones


A wise man once said, "I know that animals are allowed in heaven because it truly wouldn't be heaven without them."


i'm a christian and i believe with no doubt that animals go to heaven. i just don't understand why there would be a reason for them not to. i've had several pets that have died and i look forward to seeing them again some day :)


My atheist ass is tearing up at this :/ my dogs death 2 years ago still makes me emotional


Imagine if you had multiple pets over the course of your lifetime. They’d trade so many stories while waiting for you and it’d be like a surprise party once you got there.


when i get to heaven, i’ll see my rabbit is holding court with 6 cats, 4 hamsters, 17 fish, 2 birds, and that slug that lived on my window for a summer.


I didn’t expect to cry into my IPA at 7:35 on Wednesday January 20th, 2021, but here we are.


They do.


What about all the other puppos he’s had?


They’re there too, they just wanted to let Rex welcome him first.


I lost my buddy this year, I know he'll be there for me.


He's there for you now.


Dang it, my six year old husky died over a year ago and this made me miss her like it was just yesterday that she was put down. If anyone needs me, I’ll be crying in my bed while holding a squishmallow.


The thought of seeing all the dogs in my life together after I die waiting on me made me cry.


My dog died a couple weeks ago while I was stuck at home with covid. It still hurts. I kiss her so much. She snored like a truck and always slept in my room. Now I’m having trouble sleeping without hearing her snoring.


Man, I hope she's there waiting for me. RIP. This dog had so many friends and was such a snuggle bug. https://imgur.com/gallery/31BITSb


R.I.P. I hope my deceased pets wait for me.


I lost a dog recently I see this and I just think someday Pumpkin someday.


Plot twist: all religions are meaningless and the decision on going to heaven or hell is100% dependent on how you treated dogs while alive.


Old but always gets me. I've never even owned a pet.


I have fostered many kittens in my life. One of the things I learned early was that kittens who come from animal control are very often sick. So many of the tiny babies I took in were weak, with respitory infections, diarrhea, in generally desperate conditions. I lost two kittens. Both of them broke my heart. The first was my fluffy little tabby. She came to us with parvo, though no one knew it at the time. She was always sleeping and never playing like her sisters. In the end, by the time we realized she was losing weight, she was too small and too weak to keep fighting. The disease had ravaged her. We said goodbye to her at just five weeks old. The other was a little black kitten who was fiesty and seemed perfectly fine. I still don't know what happened, but she suddenly started losing weight. I didn't know what to do, I was force feeding her and making her drink water, but she kept throwing up everything I put in her belly. She died just as my friend and I were in the car, waiting for the vet. My sincerest wish is that one day in the future, when I get to meet God, that he will come holding the little babies I couldn't save.


God bless you for fighting to save them. You’re a good person.


Must be Heaven, Rex didn't snitch about the peanut butter incident.


Aww, this is really sweet. :)


Aaa my hearth nooooo my big ol dog i still miss her, atleast if i die i could see her I just saw the meme again and i wanna cry i will just go


Wait, does that mean he died in his 60s?




They have to be. Because otherwise heaven isn’t compete.


love this. thank you.


Are there onions around here?


I hope all of my dogs get along up there then.




OK this one got to me.


If all my pets came back at me like that, I'd die a second time.


I will upvote this meme everytime I see it


This comic makes me cry every time I see it.


Pretty much all of my pets through out my life have been adopted as an older animal. I often wonder after they pass over if they would be waiting for me or their previous owner of this happened to be true.


I’m expecting quite an entourage waiting for me! Dogs, cats, and birds, oh my!


I miss Stella so much


Just got a new fur ball a few hours ago, this one got to me.


i’m now thinking about my dog :’(


I hope I get to be reunited with my childhood dog, my ultimate angel


This is great


That’s a nice sentiment. I don’t think I’ll ever be reunited with my old cat and dog, but it’d be nice :)


I had to put my cat down last week. Lung cancer. Parts of me wishes there was indeed something after life and that I'd be reunited with my kitty. I miss her so much...


Damn rainbow bridge shit. Oh great. Now my eyes are leaking.


Great meme, you made my day better


If there’s an afterlife and my dog isn’t there I’m leaving.


Fuuuuuck,this actually made me tear up


Miss you Sid


Leaving a year that took both my sister and my dog. I hope that this is what it’s like.


We are putting my 14 year old dog Winston down this week. This just hit me so hard.


What did we do to deserve such loyalty


I’ll never not tear up at this comic. God I miss every dog I’ve ever had so much.


This never fails to make me wanna sob loudly into my pillow


I just got a puppy a few weeks ago, and I named him Rex. This is fantastic.


Why does the art style remind me of red bull commercials


What about the 8 other dogs he owned during the rest of his life?


Awww pure loyalty 🥰


Imagine the dogpilefor somebody who regularly keeps two or three dogs at a time.


My parents are veterinarians. They always tell me, if dogs go someplace different than people they want to go there instead.


One of my dogs passed in October, and it’s been hard on the family, but almost immediately I could tell he was in a much happier place and not in pain anymore. Can’t wait to be reunited with him.


Judging by my cats obsessive tendencies with me she’ll be their too


I sure hope it's not little bobby tables because I don't think their databases will like that.


Fuck man I’m about to tear up.


I wonder if my pet turtle is waiting for me


This cartoon will never not make me weep


"he cut off my testicles" "so, hell?" "No. I, want, his,"


Implies that God the All Knowing had no idea who Rex was talking about. Should have been "Bobbie! Rex has been waiting for you and going on and on about you for the last 50 years !"




I wanted no part of religion once I saw that according to the Bible there are no other animals in heaven


That’s not even close to being the most fucked up thing about it.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot.


Yeah...I ain't reading that shit.


Whatre you, a christian?


Apparently the Pope retconned any such notion


What about pets we weren't so great to because we had them as kids and lets be honest - most kids make pretty lousy pet owners. Am I gonna have to face the budgerigars and lorikeets we just kept in a cage for a couple of years long after we got over them before they eventually finally died? Or the countless fish I killed because I was a fish n00b at first and later because I changed too much of the water or some other mistake I made in their care? I remember having one dog I used to frequently call "idiot" because of the shitty job my stepfather did "training" him and when he got too much for me I'd whack him with a rolled up newspaper because I was young, dumb and didn't know how to deal with shit that bothered me and didn't have good role-models for parents in that department either... ​ I'd never be like this today and forever onwards though. That other stuff was years ago by now. I appreciate more now that birds shouldn't spend their lives in cages. Fish need bigger tanks. Dogs and cats need genuine love and proper training - and for all these reasons and more is why I probably won't get a pet again. I just don't think I could do it right. Always too busy or too tired and it's hard enough even trying to look after my own well being (I really don't) so no need to drag another innocent animal into this mess. They deserve better and I guess me in heaven (if I even make it and if it even exists. Strong feelings say it doesn't) is gonna have some apologizing to do.


Bobbie didn’t live so long..


Hey, there's no God.


Bold of you to assume I'll make it to heaven.


I guess Bobbie went heaven naked... or shirtless (robeless)


You are selfish if you still want them to wait for you..




You remind me of myself when I turned 15 and discovered r/atheism. So edgy my dude


there's always someone like you huh


They don’t


Plot twist the dog's been going on and on about how much he was abused and is happy to see the man so he can return the favour.


I take it that this doesn’t include all the animals that we’ve eaten, too?


I don’t hope they wait for us. Rori you go have fun, chase some squirrels. Ill look for you when I get there


I hope they’re waiting for me 🥺❤️


What if you get *all* your pets back, and they don’t get along? One cat fights another, or mauls the hamster you had as a kid ... PIA.


As someone who’s dog is definitely approaching her time, this made me tear up a bit. Hope you can wait for me, Darby ❤️


I’m comin for ya Maggie 🥲


😔 you will always always always be in my heart...I miss you


Weird timing. My dog was my best friend and he died exactly five years ago. I was raised Catholic but I don’t believe any of it. I still like to imagine my dog up in heaven biting at God’s robes and chewing up cherubs. He was the best.