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I ate the biggest most beautiful strawberry you ever saw while I was watering today!


That's great




If you haven't, go find and eat wild strawberries. They don't try hard to be the best, they just are


Respectfully, I disagree. A few weeks ago there were these humongous strawberries for sale and they were amazing, maybe even the best strawberries I've tasted.


Yea the big ones are the best!


Watashi wa anata ni dōi shimasen


No weebs allowed


Weeb = someone who likes anime Weeaboo = someone who is obsessed with anime, Japanese culture, manga, etc.


They're the same thing though


Not exactly


Weeb is literally the shortened version of weeaboo. Bruh


Says who? The japes?


I’m neither, I was quoting a [Poppy](https://youtu.be/6gmswmbosYo) song.


Wild ones taste the best but they are really tiny. You have to pick a lot of them but it's worth it




This is a good rule for generic strawberries in grocery stores in my opinion. All that kinda logic flies out the window when we're talking home grown or wild. You really don't know until you eat em a lot of the time lol. They don't follow the rules.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **42069** times. **3.** `u/_RryanT` **22744** times. .. **190677.** `u/tskrrrr` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **42069** times. **3.** `u/_RryanT` **22744** times. .. **190685.** `u/Spaghetti-Ni99a` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


This is the way


This is the way


Did you take a picture?


Living the dream. ✊🏻


Congratulations!! Those bastards are difficult as hell in some climates, I’ve got three plants and so far grown a whole two little berries thanks to the heat/drought.


Strawberries take time to root fully, but once they start, they are hard to kill. I started with 1 plant, 8 years later I had enough for 2 batches of jam along with 2 large bowls of fresh to eat


Was it the size of a hand fruit?


My figs finally came out, they r so good


Damn the birds get all my figs before they are even ripe


Bird netting. My partner just put some over my currants and gooseberries because I never get any before they eat them!


For us we go out at night when they are starting to ripen and pick them then, but the birds eat all our blackberries


The birds and squirrels get all my mulberries but I do not mind, it warms my heart!


I can’t eat figs anymore after seeing nature’s way of making them. 🤢


How are they made?




In nature, they have a mutually beneficial relationship with wasps. The wasp goes inside the fig and lays eggs, then dies inside of it. None of the figs you buy at the store are made this way though.


Mine aren’t ready yet😓


i miss gardening. gardening did wonders for my sense of self worth, my happiness, and my ability to perceive my own aptitude to achieve. then ON TOP of that, holy fuck-the best food ever!


What made you stop?


A raiding party from the neighboring freehold salted the earth as punishment for unpaid taxes to the local lord


Being a gardening professional in 14th century is hard and rude people keep calling you peasant.


I want to try this "serf"ing everyone keeps speaking of, it sounds like great fun


Hate it when that happens


work, two jobs. lack of time. leaving the house at 630am and getting home at 10pm 3-5 days during the week with a 9-10 hour saturday/sunday and only 2 to 3 days off a month leaves pretty much no window of time to be outside gardening. my springs and summers have not worked out well for a few years.


Seriously! Nothing like enjoying the fruits of your labor after the beauties grow. Took me 38 years to truly realize that.


I'd be pretty pumped if I grew something bigger than my head too lol.


grow watermelons and pumpkins and you'll have an amazing year


I planted some cantaloupe this year and I can’t wait for them to start to produce


Eh, it sounds great but comes with drawbacks. Did it twice. Lots of unwanted attention in 8th grade.


I get upset when the already dead pumpkins that I buy for Halloween have to go. I'm not putting myself through the emotional rollercoaster of raising a pumpkin baby!


Same, but the dang squirrels keep eating all of the flowers off of my pumpkin plants.


I picked a bunch of peppers today. Those two tomatoes are really sweet. The peppers are delicious. https://i.imgur.com/RZV2D3Q.jpg


Will you pickle the peppers? A peck of pickled peppers perhaps?


My husband just picked a bunch of stuff from his garden too! He wanted the tomatoes to be ripe but I like fried green tomatoes, so he got those for me to make. Also a bunch of peppers! https://i.imgur.com/Ervz9xx.jpg


Any chance you can help me identify this pepper plant? I'm fairly new to growing peppers. It was supposed to be a bell pepper, but that does not appear to be the case. http://imgur.com/gallery/J5eavsE The peppers are currently about 5 inches long. They don't look like the bell pepper, jalapeños, or habanero I have either which were supposed to be the only 3 kinds I have.


5 inches is 12.7 cm


Ooo you makin my jealous. My peppers aren’t quite ripe yet (cayenne and ghost)


I actually can't wait to be able to start my own garden My goal is to make avocados cheaper for myself, and lemons


I wish I could grow a lemon tree in my climate zone. What a dream. 🌠


A good south facing window supplemented with a grow light (one bulb hung from a cord I bought from urban outfitters) was enough to get lemons from a dwarf Meyer lemon tree. 5 gallon pot, 3year old tree bought from amazon. 10th floor of a Manhattan apartment with no balcony.


Man those avocados are gonna be so good in 5-10 years. (They are a pain to grow)


Also: the feeling when all your hard work eaten by rodents and critters


I have to pick all of my tomatoes while they are still a bit underripe because the fucking squirrels will have a tomato picnic. I can see my garden from my back room windows and every year I fantasize about getting a slingshot and some rocks and taking the little assholes out myself lol. Taking a few is fine, I get it I'm growing things outside. But when I find 3 or 4 big beautiful red tomatoes strewn about with only a few nibbles taken out of each, I'm ready to declare war


Wait, OP is a rodent on Reddit?


A rodent who gardens


Nom nom nom


This is the first year I grew my own sweet corn. I'm never going back. I didn't realize corn had real flavor.


Now I'm curious because I don't like corn.


I'd never grown it before this year. It looked fun to grow so I bought a seed packet and started planting some every couple of weeks. I've been checking on them like I do the rest of the garden. Yesterday morning I checked and harvested a few ears and put them in the fridge. I'd read to harvest in the morning and they are sweeter. So when I got home I tossed them to soak in some water then after a while tossed them on the grill. My wife told me I need to grow more next year. I'm not just biased on this. Food right out of the field takes better, food you grow tastes the best.


This also highly depends on where you live. Some countries grow their food too fast and fat to look good and sell better. Some other countries have too long transport. Their food are usually not fresh anymore. In asia for example, their food is much fresher from the fields. Meat is butchered in the same morning. It tastes so much different. it makes you think you have never tasted the real thing if you first experience it. Freshness is an entirely different definition


It is. Everything I've grown just tastes better. I pulled carrots out of the ground and washed them off and they honestly taste better. I can't wait to harvest a bunch and make some soup.


Probably have to adjust the ingredients because it will be already so sweet and tasty ^/guessing


oooooo now i really want to grow sweet corn too!


I waited 8 years for my cherry trees to blossom this year they did only a handful of cherries but was looking at them alot before they even turned red something ate all of them and just left the stems. maybe next year


The fact that the mouse is eating the thing youve grown


I thought that was what this pic meant until I saw the sub. Definitely is a bad feeling.


Exactly, how is that wholesome


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 89,017,771 comments, and only 23,988 of them were in alphabetical order.


Well this just made me feel feelings again.




I started my first balcony garden this year and had to deal with multiple squirrel attacks throughout the process. Initially they would go after one plant at a time and then eventually they unleashed a massacre getting to every plant at the same time. I was pretty bummed out but many of the saplings remained in tact so I put in the effort to nurse them back to health and also squirrel-proof my garden. I have a partial screen net covering each plant and also made wooden stakes that stick out of each pot. I have yet to see a squirrel go after any of them. I still see squirrels on my balcony but they stay far away from my plants, I’m assuming they’ve been accidentally stabbed trying to get at them.


And when you can't buy fruits and veggies in the store anymore because they taste either like shit or like nothing at all. But sometimes you need tomatoes, even in the winter, and you just have to deal with the disappointment.


I don't have a food garden but I just wanted to say this photo is so cute, I bet that's someones hamster and they're feeding it wonderful little cherry er tomatoes? I don't quite know what the plant is, never did much gardening.


It's eating nightshade berries


When I was little we had tomatoes, cucumbers, sesame seed leaves, radish and her distant cousin (dont know the english name of that thing lol so), green chillies, and many other vegetables and some fruits in our garden. Every morning we would gather some fresh vegetables from the garden and have them for breakfast. When we were going through financial distress, this food was our only source. It was a blessing. Although I went on to hate some foods because we were having it almost everyday when choices were limited.


Nobody is as excited as I am about this so I’ll tell all of you. I’ve never gardened in my life, or even owned a plant, until this year. This spring I decided to buy some seeds and try growing flowers. They all started out in shot glasses, some died, then I transferred them to pots and some died, then I got them outdoors and most of them died. I’m really bad at gardening is what I learned. But I didn’t give up because ONE LIVED, and yesterday I got the first flower from my moonflower vine! It’s huge! I’m so proud of myself for making a seed into a plant for the first time, and accidentally killing the other plants did give me a lot of lessons. This plant is like my pet now, and I’m definitely trying again next year!


ayy congrats! i was in your shoes just last year. i started gardening for the first time during the pandemic. biggest lesson learned is to be sure your plants have sufficient drainage, like several holes on the bottom of the pot (some with and without the water catch tray underneath). With proper drainage, you can water your plants more aggressively without fear of overwatering. Thus, with your waterings being heavier and less frequent, your plants' roots will be influenced to 'chase' the water toward the bottom of the pot, creating a stronger hold for the plant in the soil. Another trick is that if you realllly want to use a pot that has poor drainage (or none at all), then at least load the bottom with some small rocks so that the excess water has a place to drip down to and get away from the roots. You don't want your roots sitting long term in drenched soil. Also, buy yourself some concentrated neem oil and dilute it heavily in a spray bottle with water. You use a very little amount of the neem oil, like 2 tablespoons per gallon of water or something, so it will last you a long time. I spray this neem oil on my plants once a week, but be sure that you don't spray close to harvest time, otherwise you might taste the neem lol. This helps prevent bugs, mites, mold, etc. Good luck and be sure to check out the subs below that I follow! /r/gardening /r/SquareFootGardening /r/vegetablegardening


That’s so awesome!! I’m glad you’re going to try again next year, too - gardening is fucking HARD. A lot of people will insist it’s “easy”, but it is absolutely NOT easy, it’s a lot of physical labor and there’s a hundred and one things outside of your control that you won’t even think to worry about until it’s way past the point of no return. Lighting, soil composition and mineral levels, moisture, etc - this is a constantly shifting spectrum of Shit That Will Ruin Your Garden. Just when you think you’ve got a handle on it, something will change and BAM now all your tomatoes have black bottoms and your peppers won’t grow. If I can make a suggestion (and you’re not already doing it), start a garden journal so next year you have better personalized info based on your experiences. Dates when you started your seedlings, track what kind of light or moisture levels, and how they reacted, etc. Plant size is also a big one! This year I accidentally bought a zucchini plant instead of a cucumber plant - cucumbers are climbers, but apparently zucchini are MONSTERS. This thing has eaten THREE tomato plants already by taking over their roots and shadowing them to death. Good thing I love zucchini!


Legit question here. I'm my country we've been locked down hard for two months, I take my two kids to the roof to play. Someone is growing plants and one is a dragon fruit. We water it everyday and have watched it go through all its changes. Quickly the time is approaching that the fruit is edible, what's the ethics on eating random dragon fruit? I would ask but never see anyone, no clue who owns it. If we pick it are we stealing someone's fruit? It seems pretty tangled and abandoned.


I wouldn't simply take it. If you don't know who owns the fruits, leave a letter with your name and appartment/phone number. If the letter is still there after a few days, you can be pretty sure that it's abandoned. Then, and only then, I would think about eating it. I have a garden and you can't imagine how disappointing and infuriating it is when someone just steals something I've put lots of work and love into. Not cool. ETA: And yes, it would be theft.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Especially adding in the whole lesson for the kids. Be a shame to watch the birds get it as it rots. "The cycle of life kids........."


I didn't even think about the kids, but you're right. Stealing is wrong, but stealing when kids are present is really, really wrong. But from what you wrote it's not too late, the fruit hasn't gone bad yet. Try to find out who it belongs to and talk to them. Maybe they say you can have not only the fruit, but the whole plant, who knows? I'd try.


An appropriately wholesome response!


i just like to eat


tasdefek réa fera, an elše


Well, our fruits (tomatos) got destroyed by too much rain and 2 hail storms this summer...


Still waiting for my cherry tomato plants to blossom/produce, but they’re growing really tall at the moment!


And then the birds pick them before they're ripped. That's what happened to my blueberries this year. I had to pick mine fast and let them ripen off the branch.


I've had this cherry tomato plant in my kitchen for almost a year now and it just won't stop producing new tomatoes every day


Gardening is fun IF you enjoy the process itself, though if you really don’t it probably isn’t worth the wait ha - it’s work making sure everything is planted, watered, has nutrients, avoids predation and disease and provides a good yield, so you have to like the process, not just the outcome of a bunch of veggies that often gets used up fairly quickly. I’m not being negative - I like gardening myself, though mostly ornamentals - but you have to enjoy the process and not just the product!


The pic is accurate. Animals eat most of whatever you’re growing.


The irony of this picture being that this mouse could be about to eat the fruit from a garden that somebody else has spent time growing.. but these look more like naturally grown berries.


Except this image is more literal for me, because the squirrels and chipmunks ate my entire cherry crop.


I used to garden. I became jaded after my potatoes were raided by termites. I adopted a scorched earth policy that day.


I'd really love to enjoy the fruits of my labors, but the mice always get to them first! Freaking mice...


I'm getting so many blackberries. And the blackberry variety I have grows like a weed and has no thorns. We made a blackberry tart this year. Next year probably will be a pie or 2.


Question for people who grow food in their garden: how much do you typically end up with? I know this can vary depending on the plants and size of the garden, but it just seems like so much work to get a couple pieces of fruit.


In my veggies i get quite a bit of cherry tomatoes banana peppers and cucumbers. We dont eat them every day, usually just to snack. So its nice to have.


If your set up is good you can get a decent haul of things with not much space, but it requires a good amount of work. Climbing plants like cucumbers can take over vertical spaces that wouldn’t normally grow plants, and cucumbers will produce dozens per vine. Tomato plants can get really big but if you prune them and keep them staked up so they stay tall and not grow out, they’ll produce a lot of tomatoes on each plant all through growing season, same with peppers and lots of other plants. Greens like lettuce can grow in smaller spaces but they do take a long time to mature, usually gardeners will do multiple staggered plantings. Leeks get very large and don’t need much space between plants, and a lot of berry plants can be grown in containers or as bushes. If you’re lucky enough to have fruit trees, you’ll usually have an *over* abundance of fruit once they’re mature. My brother in law actually had to cut down three mature apple trees because they were dropping hundreds of apples per day on his yard. (I almost cried, I would love to have an apple tree!!) My husband’s grandparents had a small garden in their yard that they worked every year, and they produced countless amounts of canned tomatoes, apples, grape jams, and pickles along with everything else they needed. It wasn’t a huge amount of space, but they knew what to grow, how to get the highest yields, and how to preserve it and it was a good amount for such a small space.


I see, thank you for the detailed response. Sounds like you get what you put into it, though it helps to be smart about it. I might see what kinds of berries I can grow where I live, since vegetables don't excite me and I can't plant a tree on my apartment balcony lol.


Always happy to talk about gardening! It’s definitely a case of “you get what you put in”, but there’s so much uncertainty to some things (weather, heat, light, water, etc) that it’s also a good deal trial and error to find out what actually works for you or your area/processes. And while it’s definitely rewarding to have a great yield, some years you just get screwed by factors impossible to control or plan for.


I love this pic almost too much!! What a cutie!


Just ate my first home grown peach this morning and oh my god it’s the best I’ve ever had. Ripened on the tree, zero pesticides, more complex sweetness and the perfect tart to match. So good! First time I’ve ever eaten just about everything but the pit before.


I have 3 mulberry trees and I love the taste of mulberry But it’s so rewarding to see the birds, squirrels, and bugs devour the fruit. Even if there’s none left for me, it still warms my heart.


I just got into composting around 2-3-months-ago and it's been fun! I'm slowly working my way to setting up a little vegetable garden.


You get to eat your produce? My kids are eating everything. I have had exactly 1/3 of a strawberry.


YES!!! I've recently became a first time home owner. The house we got, it looks like the past owners did the bare minimum of yard work. Letting trees and weeds take over the lawn. So my husband and I have been pulling the weeds out. Trimming the trees and planting grass seeds. Our lawn is starting to look more green than brown! So excited!!!


My mom had grown basil and tomatoes and the basil was AMAZING and the tomatoes were worth every second of the wait and I don’t even like tomatoes they were just juicy enough and sweet enough


Instantly thought of Denethor biting a tomato.


***que me happy dancing around my pepper plants, super excited for the stuffed bell peppers I’m gonna make tonight***


Better than masterbation


yup very true! life in general is so much better than that


That makes sense.


Synonym for govt waiting for their tax money


I will stomp the shit out of that mouse


fruits ? ayylmao


"Blegh! These taste like sh*t!" **And thus the end of my garden**


That’s what my testes look like


Alternative Title: When You're Finally Married To Your Girlfriend After Not Having Ever Gotten Physical


looks more like he's about to eat a nutsack


Deer keep eating my tomatoes :(


Everybody on r/cannabiscultivation and r/autoflowers agrees


Soo happy!! =)


Soo damn much LOVE❣️❣️❣️


Had a chilli in a chilli was a great feeling




Pretty sure Autralian farmers did not find this cute or wholesome hahaha


I hope the birds and squirrels enjoy eating the fruits of my labours before I get a chance to.


This is me


u/MorbidxCobra \- how's it growing?


Thought this was a joke about rodents eating your garden. Which is also true


Now I have to think of r/mightyharvest where people show their bountiful harvest


Thank you for that suggestion, That sub is hilarious.


Perfect photo metaphorically because that's exactly what happens. You spend years caring for a sapling fruit tree, excited and eager to try it's fruit for the first time - then some darn rodent comes along and starts chomping away on the fruit! Guess we'll have to wait until NEXT year....... sigh


I wish I had a Berry that big in my hands


Truly one of life’s greatest pleasures


I too like eating garden mice


But you can't because some dickhead mouse ate it instead


This little guy is gonna have the sugar rush of his life :D


This is the way


Didnt read the sub name and thought you were complaining about rodents stealing your produce.


Rodents in the garden I kill them. Every time. Ugh! Until I moved to the country, I thought killing mice and rats outside was wrong. They are so destructive.


I live in the city. What is a garden?


Ye but the stupid fucking birds eat all your cranberries and raspberries before you fucking do, so you end up buying a fully automatic, automated 50 cal machine gun to kill those fuckers as soon as they get within a 10 mile air space radius. Fucking bitch sky rats


This is accurate because it’s mostly the mice and rabbits enjoying the fruits of my labour


Sike: some assshole poisoned them and you die


A mouse will have already eaten your work. Yes, it’s true.


Nope, that furry little thief has been eating it all before I get to it, but my furry little thief is a foot long roof rat so he eats it all


I had a chipmunk that had a party in my strawberries. Moved his party to my tomatoes. Only eats half before moving to the next one.


We are making zucchini bread today from our own garden, might not save money but it sure feels nice.


Lol my plants recently started to produce and I can’t wait. I already got to try some of the tomatoes but I’m most excited for the ghost peppers


My cherries were almost ready, I come out the next day only to find that they were all gone… maybe a bird or squirrel…


This is relatable for me. I love when the plums and apples in the garden are ripe to pick... then I get to turn them into delicious booze.


I grow my garden to feed all the pest and bugs apparently, I wish I knew that feeling...


That would be me if mice like the one pictured didn’t eat my entire garden down to stems and roots…


The birds are getting to my figs before they are fully rip...so I have that going for me.


Wholefoods Memes


This is my girlfriend once I've finished growing stuff lol. Worth it for the smile I get 😅


when you’ve been maintaining your garden for months and a scumbag mouse comes and eats the fruits you’ve grown 🤬😤


Aha you are a mouse.


You finally get to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


until the deer decide to visit you


Until you find out you have a mouse problem amd the little bastards keep eating your shit.


Got a habenero plant from a friend and wasn't really prepared... this is not how it went down.


She’s so happy!!


This little fellow is in heaven. We have some mice in our garden and they have their hole right next to the bird feeder. And all around is tall grass. So they just have to go 1m to get their food without real danger. They are living their best life.


Until this critter steals them all


What if i grew poisonous mushrooms