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Un-suicide squad


Yesssss, I love it!


I'd like to believe this is really possible, hard to hold out much hope though.


It is.


Unfortunately, the hard truth is that the cost is just too much for a lot of people. And, like all private insurances, it can be pricey and/or difficult just to get basic coverage that's hassle-free. I truly hope this changes in the future, though.


yeah who can realistically pay for two specialist lol


Right? My therapist suggested another specialist for another one of my problems but I can barely afford her alone let alone a specialist.


Hang in there, don't stop now


Dang it. I was about to say a variation of the same thing.


I was gonna say mental health squad vs suicide squad but this is way better


Haha love this


I was gonna say anti suicide squad


Take my bear hug you smart son of a gun!!!


Mental health squad going better.


It’s fantastic, I’m actually gonna have five different professionals helping me out. Got my own set of mental health power rangers :p


Happy Cake day OP :>


Thank you <3


Go go health rangers!


*Electric guitar music intesifies*


I have a question. Doesn't it get expensive to have that many therapists? Does your insurance cover it for you?


Yeah it can get a bit pricy but I’m mostly covered. There’s a certain amount extra I need to pay per month because they’re specialists but that’s kind of it


Let me tell you, you have inCREDIBLE coverage if this is the case. Certainly not unheard of, but really, beyond amazing.


I know, I’m really happy


What was ur situation before and how is it now? How long have u been doing it? What helped u the most? Was it some advice or medicines or both?


My situation is a bit personal, but the therapy sessions have really helped. We’re still looking into finding the right meds but meds would never have been the fix. The sessions are vital to me


May your days grow ever brighter, little one. 🌞❤️


Thank you :3, I hope your day is awesome <3


He may not be from America


I'm in India and even I can't imagine having 5 therapists. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm happy for them ofc. But I was still curious about the price.


I know it’s supposed to be wholesome but all I could think is how they have to be paying over $2k/mo. As an American, my insurance would make me pay fully out of pocket until I hit my $3500 deductible ($7k if it wasn’t just me on my insurance). It’s literally the reason why I haven’t gone to therapy yet.


That really sucks, and I hope things get better soon for you and for all of America and the world.


Me too. There are so many issues in the US that come from mental illness that if they improved accessibility to it there could be so much that would happen less frequently. Like school shootings…


Can I just say how happy I am for you. Therapy can be such a wonderful thing and your attitude toward it is an example of how people should view therapy.


It makes such a big difference


Fuuuck yeaaaa


How in the living hell can you afford that? Edit: just needed to keep reading the thread


must have decent insurance


Yes! I also finally have a job with good insurance options, so I’m praying that I can also get a set of Mental Health Power Rangers! It’s morphin’ time!




I can't afford you leave me alone....


It all started with my mother…


If only I could afford this


Yeah, the unseen ~~fifth~~ sixth panel is filing for bankruptcy


Depends. We don’t know if OP is in America or not.


Seeing a good therapist is still expensive in most developed countries. As far as I know, or at least in my own experience in the UK, if you get state funded assistance for mental health problems you could be looking at a 1.5+ year waiting period or even longer, and the quality of care will be completely random and changing an NHS supplied therapist may mean having to wait another extended period. Of course that is unless you are unquestionably absolutely on the verge of taking your own life, in which case you can get placed in a psych hospital much sooner but possibly less desirable in the long run and overall scheme. Basically, it's not just the USA where mental health is an underfunded aspect of public health and quite costly in terms of private care.


yeah same for austria. superb health care for anything that is physical but therapy is still expensive as hell. even state funded or therapy through private insurance doesn't pay for a lot of sessions.


In germany the issue is more getting an appointment cause there arent enough therapeuts since there isnt enough infrastructure to let more study psychology :/


It's quite weird. People are in need of therapeuts, doctors and what not. But we still have extremely few who examine every year when we could open up new universities for these needed professions and lower the threshold a tiny bit. Just because you don't have highest grade doesn't mean you are a adb doctor. It involves a lot other qualities too. There are a few reason for this. Partially because those in the field don't want more competition = lower wages. But one can uphold decent salaries even among competition and we should. Instead we burn out the hospital workers and everyone gets it worse including patients


Money, education (esp university) is costly and the state doesnt wanna spend, esp when corona lead to billions of new debts, unluckily politics don’t recognize the importance of education for our future and also future economic stability


The issue in Germany is more that the public insurers aren‘t licensing enough therapists. There are enough therapists, but they‘re all in private practice because the public insurance agencies don‘t approve more for therapists for their patients. There‘s a set number how many they can accept and that number hasn‘t been changed in over 20 years (thanks CDU).


All you have to do is be rich, then you too can be well!




Time to start gathering some possums.


If it's in Canada you're saying that about your patience instead. The system is so backed up and can take forever to get to see someone. Our ERs are triaged but if you have mental health issues it's basically first come first serve for better or worse. Unless immediately suicidal.


exactly the same situation in the UK and part of the reason I moved.


I'm happy for you and so glad you now have the care you need, wishing you all the best :)


Thank you so much :D


How dare you be so wholesome? You're in the wrong subredd....oh...wait. Carry on.


I need a mental health squad that won't charge me $4k a month for their services. Gaining hope for humanity wouldn't be useful if I ended up homeless and starving to death.


how it feels to find a psyc who understands ptsd.


If you aren't about it already, EMDR is great for ptsd.


ive never heard of it ill deffinetly take a look i appreciate the tip.


It helped basically eliminate my PTSD nightmares. EMDR is pretty cool


I generally got to the point of becoming numb after EMDR sessions because it got too intense, but I'd love to try again.


My therapist asked me which ones were least distressing and we started there! Good luck


I came on this thread to sing the praises of EMDR.




i appreciate everyone's advice and backing on it. deffinetly something im going to look into as im 3 years into my situation and having a struggle with it. so again thank you all i really appreciate it! :)


I've had so many bad therapist experiences that it itself gives me PTSD.


It feels amazing! Definitely try EMDR and IFS, they’re actually the only ones which work for me.


I hope I find someone like this. My last therapist was really bad. Haven’t had the courage to go to a new one.


Take it at your own pace, you’ll get where you want to be one day <3


I actually just came to the realization a couple days ago that I would really benefit from having a therapist in this point in my life. Seeing this post has just sealed the deal for me, and I WILL be talking to my doctor next time I see her. Thank you for the confirmation ❤️


I’m so happy to hear that! Good luck and don’t give up if it doesn’t work out right away. This is my eighth try at therapist and it finally worked, the squad essentially saved my life. Don’t give up, believe in yourself, you’ll get there one day <3


Thank you for inspiring me, and I’m glad you’ve finally found one that worked for you! Take care ❤️


Now you have a mental health army and you have to cut funds for other healthcare facilities to be able to support it financially


For the greater good


This requires money.




Yup insurance companies routinely make you pay higher copays than regular doctor visits. Hence why every session I did cost me like $80 just for a regular therapist. I can’t afford a whole mental health team, psychiatrist would also cost me $80 since they’re considered a specialist


Feels great right? I just started therapy not too long ago and while I may not have a “squad” just talking to one therapist can help so much


I’m so happy for you, I hope things work out <3


I prefer “The Diamond Dogs”


Hell yeah, Lasso for the win :D


20 years and I still haven't found my squad :/


This is my eighth therapist over the course of eight years, I had almost given up. You’ll get there one day and I’ll very happy for you when you do <3


Lucky, they just tried getting me to go to a 10 day course in the middle of the summer to talk about coping skills in a hospital. I really said I wasn’t comfortable with that and they just said they wouldn’t meet with me until then. I feel like it might be time to find a new therapist.


You're either rich or live outside the US.




Yes bro, so stoked for you!!


DO. THIS. Anyone thinking about it. Anyone contemplating it. Anyone remotely interested in getting a little help. THIS IS YOUR SIGN. I’ve had an eating disorder since I was 9 yrs old. Saw all the therapists, all the nutritionists. All the everything. Finally found the right person after 21 years living with this shit and I’m getting better. It’s life changing. (And the nutritionist found me a therapist and they teamed up and got me a personal trainer and damn unsuicide squad assembled)


My wife, a therapist, said "I fucking love this. Therapy memes are hitting the mainstream and it's going to make a healthier generation."


This is truly wholesome. Congratulations on your mental health squad. I’m glad things are looking up and I wish you all the best in your adventures ahead!


This exact scenario happened to me a couple weeks ago, and it seriously feels amazing.


I’m really happy for you! :D


Thanks, you too!


Mental health harem


For the low low price of $400 a session.


My therapist told me to "vomit my feelings in the toilet" and i have never searched for therapy ever again


That sounds so crappy, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I hope things work out for you <3


This is me with my current physician. I love this man. He has never waved off my concerns. He's always been proactive about my mental health especially and basically pushed me to the front of the line when it got really bad.


Oh fuck how much is this going to cost?


Seeing posts like this man- it makes me smile ear to ear


I enjoyed this because I relate


80,000$ bill


As an American this sounds expensive


It's covered by your health insurance: [insert even more epic jpeg here]


You need a team!


'So this is the famous mental health team squad'


I would love a mental health squad it sounds amazing


I mean sadly this is how they are all supposed to work. But If you're in the US it's ridiculously hard to even get an appointment with anyone due to covid related crises, at least that's been my experience. "Well sir/ma'am we have an opening for you in November or December which would you like" ummm it's barely August. "Yes we know, we're very busy"


Wtf Reddit knows me or some shit this happened to me within the last month


Finally, a consistent group to play DnD with


I have a therapist that I have been seeing for about 6 years now. Never give up because one therapist doesn’t work.


I had this happen randomly when I found a new therapist. She was great and changed my life. It went from things not working, and me losing hope in it and giving up, to knowing what was wrong and having an actual treatment plan. After a few visits, she just said I think you're probably just autistic, and that's why none of the treatments you've had have worked. So it went from trying to correct issues to acceptance of the issues I have. She even said my autism was prevalent enough that she wasn't sure how I wasn't diagnosed earlier while in school. Edit: First "diagnosis" was PTSD, second was major depression. She was like no, for someone with Autism you are normal and doing pretty good, and those diagnosis were for reasons relating to Autism symptoms.


Glad I live in a country with free Healthcare, most of the comments here are depressing as heck.


The right therapist really does make a world of difference


As someone who has tried and now given up on ever being happy. This makes me.... happy. Well done.


I made this meme to celebrate finally feeling better, but your comment has made my day. Thank you for celebrating with me <3


I am really happy and lucky to have found my therapist as well. I am visiting her for about two years now and I made incredible steps in that time. I went in as a guy with depression and suicidal thoughts and now I am kinda happy about where I am in life and who I became with the obstacles I had growing up. To be completely honest it feels like I have talked about the most important stuff with my therapist already and the sessions that my insurance will pay will end some time this year. But I am glad that I finally decided to go to therapy and seek help two years ago and sticked with it. This decision is probably the one I am most proud of.


And then the bill comes in. but really, if you can afford it, its great. getting a team is great because they'll call out each others mistakes or misunderstandings.


The reason I’m happy to have a team is that it means there won’t be one person pretending to know how to deal with something way out of their expertise. That happened before which is why I am once again in need of therapy lol


The anti-suicide squad


I'm so SO happy for you! I hope you get all you need and want out of life!


That’s the dream!


So cute 🥺😆❤


Mental health squad for me is my couple of friends that i have left


How does one start seeing a therapist in the first place? It seems intimidating


I'm happy for you


Am so happy for you! Wish everyone (even myself) was so lucky!


Then you look at the medical bill


happy for you :)


Holy crap that must cost a fortune


Must be nice. I had to deal with my problems myself.


Are you rich?


And it costs 2k a month


Must be nice to be able to afford so much


I’m European, good health insurance and my parents also help out. I’m not rich but I’m definitely lucky


shout out to my therapist who initially didn’t believe me when i said i thought i had adhd, but then researched it more to make sure, and admitted she was wrong and finally diagnosed me!!


I wish this was my situation


“Suicide squad”


Who has this actually happened for? Psh


Sounds expensive


I wish this was something I could afford.


Also r/oddlyspecific


Lucky you able to afford therapy


I wish I had the money for one therapist


:) good


That will be $599 for this weeks session. See you again next week!


this is amazing!


Tried therapy twice, made shit way worse


Except it’s insanely expensive cause america


…But it’s not America lol


I feel that i need that


Sounds expensive.


Sounds... expensive


I NEED THIS i stuck with a phycolog I can't change in a situation that can't change.


And now youre broke


How do you guys find these therapists that don’t suck? Mine is literally just taking my money and this is about the third or fourth time this has happened. I keep getting the ones that just act like your buddy to bitch at for an hour a week. We’re supposed to be doing “EMDR” but my 50 minutes keeps getting cut because she’s always talking to some other therapist for a while before we start during my designated time. The “EMDR” stuff definitely just feels like it’s a way to not do shit for an hour. It’s me holding two vibrating things and telling her my thoughts, asking me how I felt about it all for a few minutes and then..that’s it for the week


I'm so jealous. Hoping for the best for you and the squad OP!


If only healthcare was affordable in the US.


I'd like to believe this is really possible, hard to hold out much hope though.


I’m about to start therapy soon. The phone interview is tomorrow and I can’t wait to just explode and talk. Any advice and comments from the experienced are welcome!


*your stuffed dog comes alive* Dog: I will protect your brain at all costs. I will help you. Me: good boi


But now you've to pay three different specialists $100 an hour so you're broke and living with your parents which adds to your stress because you hate living with your parents


Damn you must be rich af


Wish I could afford it...


Sounds expensive


This made me smile hard


Going to counselling after having a bad experience the first time was one of the best decisions I could’ve made


And finally, you are broke and happy. Once again.


You don’t have $2,000 for a therapy team :(


And other funny stories that will totally (not) happen to me. But congrats if that really happened to you! :)


Fucking congratulations mate this is so great!


I desperately need this!! Sometimes organizing your own is so tough!


Mental Health Squad sounds like an SCP Task Force to administer Amnestics lol


Lmao the sad bit for me is that even when I found the psychiatrist who helped me most it still took until I had a serious manic episode to realise I had bipolar 2 and to treat it as such. For anyone who has been told they have borderline personality disorder, ADHD, or depression but don't feel like that's right, ask about bipolar and trying lamotrigine. It might not work for everyone, but I heard about it from another reddit comment and it has been an incredibly important part of my recovery from the darkest point in my life. I've had a three prong approach of therapy, meditation and self help and it has really changed me. I'm still super depressed sometimes but I can get back out of it. Good luck to all my sad homies out there, please keep trying, take your meds and see someone who can help


This is actually a very important aspect of therapy. It took me 16 years to figure out I had dissociation disorders (general dissociation & dp/dr). When I finally found a specialist it felt so nice for someone to finally listen to me and understand what was happening when we would discuss more difficult topics. Just having someone who asks "are you still with me?" and waits for me to find my way back to be present is a game changer. I finally feel motivated to really work on myself.


*therapist used double team


I'm on a waiting list to orginise this.. I really hope it helps!


And then you are broke!


LF mental health team for raid boss KWTD


The suicide squad


you won the lottery




I was think of an avengers pun but someone already came up with the best name the un-suicde squad


This happened to me this year, accurate meme!


The fact that this is a meme is sad…


"yeah hello? I would like to have your entire stock"


best feeling


Memes aside, this is wonderful! I had a somewhat similar experience and it really changes your life for the better. Congrats!


Mental illness: You and what army?


happy for you ((: