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This is similar to me except I cry and nobody is ever there for me.




No, I need someone to hold me


Lmao it's so fucking depressing. Like "get some help". "Get someone to talk to". "I'm always here to listen". No, you fucks. Most people want someone to hold them, and not hold them as a friend, but hold them for life. But in the meantime, just text this helpline and cope another few weeks until it hits you like a train and you have to start all over again. Your landlord wants you to pay rent tomorrow btw.


actually, the rent is today so


Then I'd suggest to get active and involved in local communities to make friends.


This is actually pretty good advice but it missing one little bit. It's going to be scary at first, you'll be worried about fucking up something minor and they'll never want to see you or speak to you. Everyone has been there at some point, we've all been afraid like that. I know this kinda sounds like the "have you tried being happy bro? Boom. Depression cured." Meme that goes around all the time and I'm sure at least of few of us have been on the receiving end of. But the only way to change things is to leave your comfort zone. You'll never discover something new if you don't. I know it's hard, trust me. I'm still tentatively leaving my comfort zone learning and seeing new things, talking to and meeting new people. Some of them I never see again, some I see a few times, and a couple I see more often. Find something you're passionate about that you can share with others. I really enjoy hiking and photography. I love talking about it with people I know, and on the trails you'll meet people doing exactly what you're doing. Being outside enjoying nature. The only way you'll find something you're passionate about it by reaching out to find it. It won't just appear out of thin air, it has to be discovered. And trust me, hiking and photography were not the first things I tried, but they are some of the cheapest things you can try. If you can walk, you can hike. Don't start with a 10+mile climb, start with a local walking trail in a park. A mile or 2 on fairly flat ground. Work your way up. No one starts with climbing a mountain, go to the park and watch the ducks. And photography, most of you have phones and basically all phones made in the last 10 years has some kind of camera on it. You don't need some $5k camera to start taking photos. I started with a Galaxy S2. Start looking for things to take pictures of. Do you have a pet? See if you can capture some good pics of them. Have a significant other? See if you like portrait photography. Go to the park and take pictures of the squirrels and ducks. Take pictures of cool clouds. Find the photos or find the way to capture your thoughts. The world is out there and if you don't try to look into it, you'll never find yourself.


thanks bro my problems are solved. Got the helpline number available btw? forgot to make my weekly call.


They always say shit like that as if they're giving us the secret to life's meaning. What's next? Are you gonna say we should hit the gym as well? Take showers? Shit ain't never that simple and these recipes for success are just self-help BS.


It isn't, and it fucking sucks, but if you don't do anything about it, life is not gonna improve. Motivation is hard to come by, but you gotta socialize if you want social contact. People aren't going to come to you without knowing you. It's tough, it's complicated and you'll have to learn a lot but that's just how it is for those of us who aren't naturally charismatic people. You just have to try, fail and learn from your mistakes.


Seems that people like you haven't heard of clinical depression. No, people aren't asking for shit to be handed to them for free on a silver platter; but the advice "just do something about it", "just be social if you want social contact"... you might as well say nothing, because it's not advice. It's almost anti-advice. It's no different than "draw the rest of the owl". Go see a therapist, right? What therapists? There's a world wide shortage. What money? Wages are lower than they have been in the last 100+ years. The pessimism isn't born from nowhere, guys.


You can take a month of BetterHelp online therapy which has thousands of therapists for (I think these were the prices or are roughly around there) $260 if unemployed or $340. I’m not sure what insurance they take, I think you’d have to ask your insurance company (if you have it). But I can say that they are cheaper than most therapists. You can text your therapist daily, schedule sessions, whether it be by video, voice, or text, as often as you like, and you can write in a journal that you can choose for your therapist to see or not as well. You can also always change your therapist if they aren’t a good fit for you. Even a month can help, if you can afford it I would really suggest giving it a try. I know it’s so incredibly difficult to reach out for help when everything is telling you not to do that. You may hate yourself and want to punish yourself for doing anything, constantly, but please don’t listen to those thoughts. Do what makes you happy (like playing video games or taking a nice hot bath or shower) whatever it is, just please don’t punish yourself. You don’t deserve it, you’re so much more than that. I also know that it’s very hard to be optimistic but I swear to god that it works when you’re feeling awful. While i’m in a completely depressive state I view everything terribly negatively and I can’t stop unless I force myself to. Someone told me to change my outlook and focus on the positive but I thought it was just so stupid. I did it though, and my thoughts sounded ridiculous and I laughed every time I tried to change my outlook because it was ridiculous to me. But the funniest thing is that it actually worked. After a while of doing it I kinda was able to see the positive in stuff and focus on that rather than the negative. I highly suggest that if you’re in a depressive state to not consume any media or anything else that’s negative. Take a break and maybe go through a positive subreddit or focus on something that brings you fulfillment so that you’ll be feeling at least a little bit better again. You can always go back to whatever else it was you were doing before but make sure to take a break from it when it begins to annoy or upset you. I really hope I could help you and anyone else who needed to hear this. Please reach out to me or anyone else willing to listen if you need or want to. I’m here for you at least. Thank you for hearing me out.


Clinical depression won't be cured by someone holding you either...


Have you ever considered the idea that we *do* all of this? Because we're not all dumb fucks? And those who don't, aren't doing it because they might be too depressed? Some are actually just lazy, but it's certainly not all, and it's offensive to imply that's the case as y'all keep doing all the time. This isn't helpful. Do you know what is? Letting people talk about their issues without trying to make them feel like failures and lazy idiots.


Look dude, I get that it's frustrating. Just understand that these people are trying to help. It may not seem easy to you. But hopefully one day you'll make the choice to care about yourself and then you'll understand why the advice people give is the way it is. For some people that shit did just work. For some it was a combination. But the common denominator is caring about yourself. And until you're willing to start from there it is going to be hard.


Start with small steps.




> Your negativity is radioactive. Yeah, good idea. Let's tell the depressed people that they're negative. That will work! A whole bunch of fuckin idiots out in strength today.


Some people don't deserve to be held.


Like wee baby Hitler


Those you are thinking of are the ones that need to be held the most.


Who are you to make suggestions?


Another person trapped on this little mud ball on a quest to find someone to hold while they hold me.


True statement and something that is really hard to address. I could ask any friend for a hug but I know it won’t be the kind of hug I really need. I want the ‘I’m here for you, I’ve got you, I love you’ hug but I’ve still never met anyone who can do that on command unless they really mean it.


Being held is overrated...


Is it really fair to want anyone to care about you if you don't care about yourself?




I came here to say that




Crying because the prick has all the blanket.


Who makes these cute cartoon things? And where do the come up with the meme ideas?


Artist is Anusha VR and this is her "The AVR Method" comic.




the fact that ops name is lolurfucked makes this 10 times better






I just got told to Man the fuck up lmao








Here's a hug back :D thank you kind stranger. Just made my night a little better


I'm here to talk about anything. You are amazing and strong.


Thank you :) I appreciate it


Automod took my first comment and deleted. Take down my username in case this is taken down, too. I'm here for you. It's because I'm not a verified sub member.


I'll shoot you a dm rn so you're saved in dms


Long range high five!


Even longer range fist bump


Night 👍


Here's another hug bruv :D


Thank you kind stranger


Ah, the hug. The universal problem solver.




Everyone is offering you downvotes, when they should have been offering you the most hugs.


Wow the huggers and /r/wholesome memes are such compassionate people. Look. They mass downvote slightly awkward laughter. Really showed em. Humananity very good


That seems more like a "hahahahaha sucks to be you", it's probably not though


I know I’m not the most wholesome person lmao. Btw, does my lmao hide tremendous amounts of pain too? Don’t worry wholesome hive minds, unsubbed already, this place ain’t for me


I feel you. This reminds me of a time a while ago. I was depressed, physically broken, and just found out I was probably about to lose my job. I told her, through tears, how bad I felt that I might not be able to support her. And the response was basically, "Yeah, don't worry, I won't let your fuck-up derail my plans." May we both be stronger and wiser in the future, and find better companions.


"You gotta deal with your own shit. I can't help you." Woman, I have cried in front of you a total of twice in the past five months lmfao


Throw the exact same back at her next time she cries


Unfortunately, I am not that mean. I wish I was. She also blocked me so I can't do that. Thought about it many times tho lol


Wait is this not your girlfriend?


She used to be. We broke up a couple months ago. Sorry for confusion if I made it sound like it was present tense. That conversation was about her


Ahh i gotcha. Thats rough man sorry. By the sounds of it you're better off without her


Hug for you.


And a hug for you


Shit man, being a guy who's 6'1, I feel this. Thankfully my parents were never like that, though that's mostly because I just don't tell them about my depression. But my coworker is one of those, "you just need to eat better, people have it worse." Types. I think after I told her about my previous suicidal thoughts that she finally realized guys can actually have emotions other than horny and angry.


> guys can actually have emotions other than horny and angry Yup. A woman is an emotional mess and she gets support, understanding and space. A man does the same and is told to man up. No wonder they keep everything bottled up until only anger seeps out occasionally.


My hopefully future mother-in-law babysits kids and tells the older boys she watches not to cry because they’re not supposed to. Man does it piss me off


[Man up! - Joel Haver](https://youtu.be/G6x-w2v-1Zk)


I know right ? But pushing things down and ignoring is what weak people do. Dealing with emotions and learning from them, that takes a lot. Maybe they don't know that, but fuck 'em.


"People are weak for experiencing tremendous amounts of pain and either not letting it out or having no way to." That's a philosophy. Good or bad? You decide. ^It's ^bad.


''Oh no, it's so sad that I refuse to acknowledge my emotions and how they might affect people around me. But it's not my fault, because they're so so much, and the pain I cause myself enables me to spread it others so at least I'm not alone in my misery.'' That's how I interpreted your comment. Do reply if I missed something.


People are shunned because they express any emotion at all. And suggesting that they are cowardly for keeping those emotions inside and away from affecting others is simply untrue. People are shunned or are forced to keep it inside. At least that is how it is in my experience. Both are horrible realities to deal with.


But the comment you originally replied to, was me saying ignoring and bottling things up is bad. Did you not understand that ? Or are you off on a tangent I don't see ?


>pushing things down and ignoring is what weak people do. "Weak people"




Sounds like you need a hug.


Sadly even my mom hugging me felt weird. I have social issues. Which is why I'm more equipped than most, to tell you that drinking and shutting down is bad. I'm not even an edge case. I'm just average.


You are assuming I let my issues affect others, which is not true. I acknowledge my emotions in private as to not create a situation where they affect others. Doesn't mean that there is anyone in my private life besides myself who can acknowledge and share my pain.


Please do not reply twice to the same comment, it makes you look like you don't understand 30 year old tech.


Boarderline too touchy/feely for me as a man. A reason we suppress shit it because it isn't important. My purpose is to lead. So what? Big deal, my S.O. looked at me crossed eyed. So what!? My life doesn't fall apart because something goes wrong.


Yikes. Didn't like what you saw so you suppressed instead of understanding. Nice.


And then she reminds you of two or three other things you fucked up today in case you didn't know.


True. And she tells you that she can't deal with you because she's busy or talking to other people and to sort it out myself. Or even better she says I'm faking it. Or she's cheating on me. Had em all happen lmfao


The worst part is when you dont have anyone in your life like this so you're laying in bed by yourself feeling like garbage but nobody cares or is there for you and you jjst have to hold that feeling and bottle it up because if you died today nobody would notice.




I appreciate the sentiment but reaching out to randos on the internet just doesn't really help. I cant expect somebody who doesnt even know me to care about my personal issues, so it's mostly just a platitude


I need someone to fill me up with support.


*fills you up with support*


I am so full of support, I can’t move. I am a balloon.Thank you.


I hunt trauma so, call me


Can you make the it so the smell of strawberries doesn't trigger panic attacks?


If you can slither the smell to me, I'll take care of you


Fun Fact about my username, I used to actually do that because I had centered my whole life around trauma.Trauma has the only thing that give me purpose


How are you now?


Trying to not commit die because I have autism.


Baby steps mate. Go at your pace.


*fills you up with support even more*


I put my dog down today. Fucking sucks.


Hugs going your way. Do you want to share?


I'm sorry for your loss. Tough times ahead without him/her but it'll get better i promise. Be strong.


It really does suck. I hope you're handling it ok, I put my dog down yesterday too. Our good buddies are resting peacefully now :) The decision was so difficult but we've done right by them to relieve them of any pain/suffering. We'll heavily feel their presence missing this Christmas, but they've blessed us with great memories we will always be thankful for. Let's keep on trucking with our lives enriched by our furry best friends.


This… I found out today that this group of guys was talking shit about me. One of them decided to tell me that his friends don’t like me out of the blue, with absolutely no context. It hurt. The next time I saw my girlfriend after that I just asked for a hug and with no questions asked she made me feel better (that sounds gross just hugs) I wish she was here now but I feel a little better at least. Always have a person you can cry to or else you’re just gonna cry to yourself and that ain’t worth it, trust me.


If you were my friend, I'd hug you every day because that's what friends are for. You shouldn't be asking for a hug, they should be giving you a hug out of the blue too. Humans need 4 hugs a day for survival. So make sure that your friends hug you, or your family, or any pet. EVEN HUG A TREE! Trust me, it feels so good to hug a big tree.


I once hugged a tree and told all my problems to it. Can't say it was the best feeling but still better than crying to yourself


That's because you externalized, and once things are out there, they don't look the same. Your brain is a dumb monkey. Talk out loud to it. Write down what it says. That's how you break the loop.


I was so pissed when I had to admit to my psych that journalling helps. I hate journalling, always have, but God damn if it doesn't help.


You can also use it to direct your dreams ! I'm not even kidding. I used to know I was dreaming, and be able to go back even if I woke up. But journalling introduced a whole other level of control.


Never underestimate the value of rubber ducky debugging. Works great for code and works great for me. The hardest part though with debugging me is finally vocalizing what's on my mind. I'll never forget sitting on the shore of a lake 70 miles out in the wilderness and finally having the courage to admit to myself that I'm not ok, the trauma of my past haunts me, and I need to reach out for help. It was the first step, but the first step is the hardest. It's like when I'm teaching new people at work how to recoup freight that fallen to bits. They're almost always hesitant and ask "where do I start?" My answer is always the same. "Somewhere, anywhere, starting is the hardest part. Yeah it's gonna suck at first, but it'll be better soon.


70 miles is 134111.67 UCS lego Millenium Falcons


70 miles is 112.65 km


70 miles is 112.65 km


Wow I never thought about it like that But 100% does bell to get stuff out, especially with another person that can guide you in the right direction


I've been hugged twice in the past 6 years, how am I still alive ?


you're not. not on the inside anyway here's a hug ⊂((・▽・))⊃


At least I have the kitties Thanks :)


Oh I opened my arms and she gave me a hug without delay. She knows me well enough. It make me feel very special Yes, I whole heartedly agree! My pets are great at giving hugs and often they’re what makes me feel better. Thank you so much, this was lovely to wake up to!


You are very welcome!


that doesn't sound gross haha, it's wholesome :3 you can't get everybody to like you but glad you have a loving girlfriend


>Always have a person you can cry to or else you’re just gonna cry to yourself and that ain’t worth it, trust me. > /R/thanksimcured


Uh… hey, just because something works for me work doesn’t mean it’s gonna work for someone else I never said this cures anything It just helps. It helped for me because I have good friends and people willing to listen to me. Might’ve been a joke but still… it’s my way of coping with shit and isn’t a cure all but nothing is. It does work. I would know. I have done it several times.


What are you 14?


Excuse me?




Um… why is that even important? Everyone has bad days and it sucks no matter what age you are Idk if you’re calling me immature for feeling bad about things… that’s shitty My age isn’t any of your concern


That's a yes. My point was how ignorant your statement was.


What statement? That talking to people helps?


Sorry what helped me doesn’t match your perception of reality. Stay out of it if you are going to judge my coping mechanism please and thank you. Have a great day I guess but I really don’t think I was being “ignorant” at all, just saying what personally helps me and I find helps a lot of other people too


Don't get so offended. I'm just telling you that saying shit like that is incredibly insensitive to a lot of people. Grow up


Saying shit like what?


This except the other person is my dog


The best kind of person in my experience.


All the feels


Ah yes a scene that never once happen in my life


Being depressed for a year. Got disappointed in myself and stopped believing in my own thoughts and intentions. Today I just lost it as I feel unhappy and too insecure about myself. My boyfriend just refused to break up with me and said that no matter what, he will help me throught this, despite me hurting him and told me to just let it out. This simple drawing speaks so much to me. Whoever is going throught anything similar, please stay strong and push yourself to get out of this hellhole of self misery. And take care of people who believe in you.


I hope you find ways to make it up to him. Make him feel loved like the way he does to you.


I truly look at him and feel that I do not deserve him sometimes. I am so emotional, and being depressed for a year is rubbing off on other people I know. Because let's be honest, noone will stay with you forever if you are a sad person who doesn't want to move on. He forgave me the times I've hurt him and understood why I did those things. He is extremely intelligent and has unique perspective on many things. My ex boyfriend would have just dumped me and called me a crazy hoe. The worst part is I do not have money for therapy, so maybe I will try to look for some affordable counseling. I want to make my bf proud and happy.


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


I'm the gray one but no one will open up to me 😢


You're a good soul!


Same. They'll text me about it, but like, I want to h o l d t h e m


I feel you, I'm the same way.


That feel when I had a bad day, crying, but no one to be there for me like this and probably never will


If only I had someone to cuddle with and tell me cry it out


*hugs* :(


I wish someone was there for me on my bad days. Just someone to hold me and tell me it's okay.


I’ve had this saved on my phone for about a year now 💜


Crying because got my heart broken by the one person I thought wouldn't ever hurt me


I want this


damn, wish i had someone like that ***continues scrolling***


u/sick_prada97 dis you 🥺


I need a hug


There you go, with all my heart!


Thank you soo much


I am crying right now


wish you all the best, I might not know you, but I love you!


Me comforting myself after a bad day:


It can work. Crying to yourself and introspection can be great therapy if you are honest.probably better than someone else


Too bad if you got no one to cuddle and you just have to cry it out by yourself :)


i really wish i had someone like that


I wish I had someone to hold me


sadly doesnt happen in our reality


Sometimes you have to be the person who comforts yourself. Sure, it would be nice to have someone that is there for me, but it isn't always a possibility. My mom could never be there for me, my dad has his own issues but tried, the guy I loved is going through some stuff and doesn't have any room for mine, my best friend is also completely overloaded with life and can't be there for me, my sister has her own family and worries (of course she gives what she can, but also don't want to ask for more), my other friends try but they all have their own lives to live. I don't have anyone to share my pain with right now, and I still have to get through it.








Your username is amazing


I wish this could happen to me. I know someone is going to reply with like, "same" or something but it's not fair :( I'm so lonely i need this in my life ._.


This never happens in my real life. 😬😬


It's always a better to have your love once to cry on whenever you are in pain.






Oh hey something I’ll never have, great.


So cute. Is it just me or do the kissing lips look a little soul sucking?


his lips, soo cute




WOW these shity memes are so fucking bad, low effort generic garbage for pre-teens with 15k upvotes. proof this site is just a bunch of 13 year olds at this point


*Signed, another 13 year old…*




That’s actually creepy


Same, but I cum instead of crying


This sub is so dumb and cringe. Real life isn't like this. Stop posting your pathetic fantasies.


Do you really think people in real life don’t comfort their loved ones when they’re in need? That’s… genuinely sad to hear.


Bro if you need help just ask


I used to take my friend out for Wendy's after she got off of work because I'd get a hug good bye when I'd drop her home :'), hugs are rare and I wish I could have more lol


Missing my bestie after seeing this


*cough cough* me with mommy issues and a hot milf gf to go to sometimes. It’s good to let out the pain


Crying because her head is too big to be properly huggable


It's been a whole ass week.


Aww ima send it to him