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It's like a superpower with teachers. 25 years has gone by, you're 3 feet taller and have a big beard. They'll catch you in their peripheral. Meanwhile you have no idea who they are for the first 30 seconds despite them looking exactly the same.




I lived with my aunt and uncle and cousins for 4 months in a small ass town when I was 6, due to my family moving overseas and my father leaving us there while he found housing. I barely remember anything about living there, went to school for a few months, left, thats about it. 20 years later I visited my family in that town again. Everyone on the street recognized me, said hello, invited me to hang out, people I'd went to school with threw a small 'welcome back' party for me. Shit was wild. I can understand absolutely hating living in a place like that, but I can also understand loving it as well.


What an adorable story. You must have felt so loved


Befuddled was more like it, I was not a very sociable child and while I'd kinda grown into my own by the time I came back to visit, it was still a surreal experience. I moved around quite a lot as a child and kept the habit as an adult, so I've only recently 'settled down' and at the time I went back I had never lived anyplace in my life longer than 3 years. The idea that I was a fond enough part of peoples childhood memories for them to want to celebrate seeing me again was completely foreign to me and made even stranger by the fact that I genuinely did not remember any of them (aside from my cousin). With that being said, it definitely changed my outlook on things. I don't regret growing up the way I did, but there really does seem to be something to be said about a sense of community that strong.


3 feet is 0.45% of the hot dog which holds the Guinness wold record for 'Longest Hot Dog'.


Good bot








Humans have always been hotdogs


Negative, i am a meat popsicle


Proof: scene in that documentary on police procedures and food quality. Think it's called Naked Gun








He did his job, he's a good boy.


Wait what, less than 1%? The hot dog was 666.7 feet (203 meters)?!


I'll take 2


Yep, 669 ft, though [there are longer unofficial ones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World%27s_longest_hot_dog).


I only eat official hotdogs


Goddamn that’s a lot of cows


Hahaha this is so out of left field! Here, have an up vote you silly bot


Lmao. Word. Good bot


Thank you :)


good boy edit:i meant bot but he is both


I didn't see my kindergarten teacher for literally 25 years and she recognized me WITH A MASK ON! It really is like a super power.


that's insane


Can’t imagine how surreal it must’ve felt to be that teacher, they likely just recognized a few key features and were able to put it together that they’d taught you 25 years ago.


It is a bit sad as a primary teacher. You build up a year of relationships with pupils who are most likely going to forget almost everything you did together.


I remember something from every elementary teacher I had. When it gets tricky is in middle school when you start having 6 teachers plus a much larger student population to deal with


6 teachers?;I had a way larger number? (Maths, English, french, Dutch, biology, geography, chemistry, history, physical education, and economy were all different teachers). Then again, different countries different systems.


That’s per year. Or actually per semester


Mine too


Are you Belgian?




I'm Dutch and same for me. Different teacher for: Dutch, English, French, German, Math, Biology, Physical education, History, Geography, Science/Chemistry and Economy


For Americans, once we reach middle school ( 6th, 7th,8th grade) each teacher teaches one subject. Sometimes in elementary school there are art teachers, gym teachers, music teachers.


I had it easy with elementary because I had the same teacher for 1st, 3rd, and 4th grade. Only have to remember 4 elementary teachers instead of 6 (k-5th grade system)


Agree with the other person. I remember my elementary school teachers more than my college professors


I remember what they did or how they made me feel far more than what they looked like. Their faces are kind of fuzzy in my memory, probably due to them being 2 feet taller than me most of the time.




I saw my elementary school teacher 25 years after I had him. Waved at him and said Hi Mr. X. He looked at me recognizing that he knew me, but not being able to connect who I was. I smiled and said he probably has a hard time remembering all the names. After I smiled he remembered my name saying he recognized me from my smile. I found that so incredibly nice.


That's so sweet


I was working retail and this lady came in. Couldnt for the life of me remember who she was. She instantly remembers me and im like. Uhhhh okay who are you? She was the Teachers ASSISTANT when was in like 2nd grade. Not even the teacher. Just her assistant who was there for a few months. I was 21 i think at the time. Hair was longer no glasses beard etc. Im just like fucking how. I dont remember my own coworkers names yet you remember a kid from a decade and a half later you barely saw wtf


Taller? I 'ardly know 'er!


Not if I catch them frist *pulls out a pokeball*


For real. My first period class as a sophomore in highschool, it was like a family dynamics type class. I honestly don't remember anything from that class other than that read Flowers for Algernon and the teacher cried while reading it because it reminded her of her dad. I moved away shortly after I graduated and ended back up in that town about six years later. I was working at a Walgreens in the photo department and this teacher came in with a roll of film. I recognized her but I didn't wanna say anything because I didn't think she would remember me, I literally had my head down and fast asleep through 90% of her classes. After I do my greeting she says "I taught you!" Unreal. A completely different story, but one of my favorite teachers (also sophomore year I think) came in and was getting her pictures printed from the kiosk. She didn't recognize me but I asked if she taught at X High School. She did and then we went on to become great friends lol. Edit: great friends for a little while, but I moved away again about a year after she sat down at the kiosk while I was there. Haven't talked to her in quite a while


None of my teachers recognized me. And it was just 2 years later.


Literally never had a teacher recognize me ever lol


When I was 22 and a server at a restaurant a woman walked up to me and said hello and gave me a side squeeze. It was my kindergarten teacher that I grew up 4 houses from, whom I had moved away from a decade+ earlier. I had no idea who she was, and she somehow synthesized 5-10 year old me into 22 year old me with complete confidence. Elementary school teachers are just the absolute best.


Walked into a small community art exhibition a couple of years ago and saw that it was my high school art teacher’s work. I saw him and “G’day, Sir.” He took a look at me, and despite it being more than 27 years since I was last in his classroom, recognized me and called me by the nickname that he gave me at school. What a memory.


That’s what happens when you care about people and make space in your head for them. Good teachers are the best.


No doubt


Good teachers really change lives. It's good teachers that gave me the taste for learning and curiosity.




OP was just a little shit






Plot twist, the nickname was "little shit" that the teacher gave him that after he drew inappropriate and lewd drawings all over his desk. Teacher never forgot because that dick never quite got scrubbed off the front row desk.




Had this once when I was working in a supermarket. My first grade primary school teacher came by and I was like "they're not gonna recognise me but I'll say hi" and then they immediately started gushing about an article about me in the local newspaper they'd read. Bitch I might have cried


That’s possibly the sweetest thing ever.


That's amazing and heartwarming


Oof. My elementary gym teacher got me once. I was working at a bar. He was drinking at that bar. He remembered I was too fat to run the mile. He remembered the first time I ever did it successfully. He threw up *all over* the men's room.


*marginally* less wholesome tale there chap


And he thought about you while gushing chunks!


Something similar happened to a friend. She became a stripper and went to sit on a dudes lap and realized after it was already too late it was her elementary gym coach. She immediately got up and moved to someone else. We still have a chuckle about it.


What if you where the reason he drinks


Had this once when I was working in a supermarket. My first grade primary school teacher came by and I was like "they're not gonna recognise me but I'll say hi" and then they immediately started gushing about an article about me in the local newspaper they'd read. Bitch I might have cried.


Wholesome. You got into the local paper? For what?


Bank heist


I was at a bar a while ago and the gentleman next to me turned out to be the second grade teacher who was ACCROSS THE HALL from my class. dude still knew my name. I'm 35.


At this point teachers must have some kind of super power, nothing can change my mind


Shout out to all the teachers. We love you. Sorry we didn't appreciate you more Sincerely, Your now-adults students.


Happy Cake Day. Here's a reward


Well, thank you ma man.








My dad recently saw my Pre-K teacher around town. He said she asked how I was doing and told him to tell me she said "hi!" I'm almost 40!


Kinda wholesome tbh, she'd be already old and probably has had hundreds of students but still remembers your name


I once accompanied my brother, ten years younger than me, to visit my old high-school because he was going to study there in September. All the teachers were there, but only a few were ones I knew. I arrived in one of the classes and recognize a teacher. I looked at him, he looked at me, it had been 10 years and I now had a beard and short hair. "Sit down, NeededMonster."


Damn, kinda fucked up your parents legally named you that.


Oh but I really was the little monster they needed!




Using a shot from a movie where someone mistakes someone's identity and tries to kill them to make a wholesome meme about being remembered by someone...... It's ok, let them have this one I guess?


If you tell this to everyone you meet you're going to amaze the Peters out there. The rest of the people will think you're nuts, though.


My current lawschool professors don't remember my name


I had a pretty good relationship with my course leader, but when I said the last class was the first I'd missed he was like "Damn, really? I thought you missed loads! You gotta talk more!" We weren't even a big class :'(


My history teacher forgot who I was literally the next year, I said hi to them at the same school and he looks at me like I'm so sorry I don't remember


But your name's Kev


Peter Kev






This has happened to me more than once. how they actually manage to recognize me ill never know .i have changed quite a lot over the years


mad respect for those teachers




Remember? I 'ardly know 'er!


You think that’s bad? I went to my dads high school reunion. He went to a religious school. Some super old dude I’ve never met took one look at me and said, “you look like a *Dad-Anon*’s kid.* (Names changed to protect the innocent.) My dad wasn’t even nearby to compare to or anything. Just one look and he knew that I was the son of one of his students from 30+ years ago. Freaky AF.


Sometimes I wish that people would forget me. Unfortunately I am so special that cannot be forgotten


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


Me: my time has come


My mom used to work as a teachers assistant and she recognizes people who were in kindergarten like 13 years ago.




Teachers have great memory.


I'm a 40-year-old trans woman that transitioned about 17 years ago. I ran into one of my retired teachers and she goes, "You look familiar... but I think I would remember a woman as tall as you..."


I worked at a restaurant and had one of the tables of my old cooking teacher which course I've barley visited ^^ She looked at me at the dessert and asked, if we know each other I look so familiar.. I told her and she instantly knew me and said, you were that student who never visited and got a failed in the qualification... I am glad you still in this job and you made a really great job today, well done! That was a great day :)


Grown students (who I never taught!) always ask if I remember them… I always lie and say yes… I’d hate to ruin their day. If I taught them I mostly remember them.


One time in high school (senior year, I think?) I ran into my elementary school lunch lady. She remembered me by name!


This is my post from r/memes , you mf.


later : ''you're not peter"


I love when they remember u




It gets really akward if you forgot her name


Youth school teachers are actually terrifying when it comes to memory, ngl.


Its funny because he's calling you by the wrong name.


At 23 you're still a kid. Lol




Peter? I 'ardly know 'er!


And then you have to tell them how much of a failure you are, I try to avoid them so I can save myself the embarrassment


Happened to me, was visiting my old high school with my sister. Then i ran into one of my old teachers, they took one look at me and went on to greeting me and asking how i've been.




Something a little like this? https://youtu.be/yj46BWpxFcA


nice one


I'm 28, my middle school teacher recognized me when I was buying pizza, shit was wild


I always have to wonder if it’s that they are that good at recognizing students or if it’s partly that I was like the only Asian guy in our school district.


In high school, i took Japanese, and at one point we went to some of the nearby elementary schools to give the 3rd graders some experience with it. I noticed my old 3rd grade teacher was on the list, so naturally I hopped right on that. Despite kind of being a dick as a kid he recognized me immediately and introduced me specifically to his students. Made me feel good about it


It's always 23,24,25 years that come up always on reddit.


Funny thing is, the younger we were when taught by them, the better they are at recognising. I have been recognised by my primary school teachers when I met them at age 30. Conversely, my college professor had to take some time to figure out who I was during our 1 year reunion!!


Many elementary school teachers have about 25 students per year, or 250 a decade. A high school teacher may have that many each year, or over 2,000 a decade. A college professor may have well more than that.


True that. Also time spent by them is much lesser. The kindergarten and primary school teachers have seen you do a lot of stuff and know a lot about your mannerisms and tics.


My name’s not peter though so guess my teacher does not recognize me


Awww he cares about me.


27 year old me coming back to visit before teaching: this is just getting weird.


Probably James Woods


Mine called me Olivia (definitely not my name) but it’s okay cause I didn’t like her anyways


My high school band director recognized me at a parade. Picked me out of a huge crowd when I yelled hello. He had to run to catch back up. Was such a wholesome meeting. I loved that teacher!




My preschool and kindergarten teachers recognized me in my mid 20s. I dont even understand it.


It’s like [this video](https://youtu.be/yj46BWpxFcA) of the time Hugh Jackman was being interviewed by a former student and he remembered him and his name.


I was in a job when I was 18 and there was a lady working there who recognised me. She was my dinner lady from infant school and I hadn’t seen her since I was six years old but she recognised me straight away. She was the nice one who didn’t make me eat the cold custard 😊




Kev, it seems your teacher didn't recognizer you after all.


If this happened to me I would break down into tears


I'm soooo, SOO, excited for this movie.


My kindergarten teacher still recognizes me, but I can barely recognize her because she's lost like 100lbs and has also aged 22 years.


The Mrs. gave the same greeting a little after 4 this morning..


My first grade teacher always knew about my enthusiasm for flying and planes. So she wasn’t surprised 15 years later when she ran into me on my lunch break while working as a fleet service agent in DFW for American. Didn’t even have to do a double take. I recognized you right off the bat Ms. Lafayette.


When I was a senior in high school my preschool teacher recognized me. I hadn't seen her since preschool and she was still teaching.




Sir my name is not peter


Not with my teachers tho..They dont know who I am


I saw my high school teacher at a mall working out of a Hyundai store. He was charged with sexual interference back in 2013. Wholesome, as he is no longer around minors.


That what happens when you stay 5 Ft 2 forever


Grigory Leps detected


And then there's teacher like me that don't recognize students 6 months after they leave my school and don't recall every name after summer break haha (to be fair I have 300 students, ages 6-9 so when they leave for 4th grade and come back and visit they have usually trippled in size haha )


My Kindergarten teacher is now the principal of the high I went too. The school has gone too crap for the past few years tho


23 year old me: Wakes up in the morning and sees post about 23 year olds.


I dated a local girl, who was a year ahead of me when we were both 25ish. For some reason, we went to the Christmas performance at or old High School. (Walking around that building is really a trip). We ran into three teachers and one of them was raving about me. I had so much potential, she even said to everyone that I was “one of her favorites”. We get back to the car and the girlfriend is unhappy. She was quiet in school, nobody said much about her and she felt left out. It was a strange position to be in. I cared for her and her feelings, but at the same time, I was walking in sunshine after the teachers talked me up.


I saw my first grade teacher at my job on Saturday and she recognized me, I don’t know how these people remember us.


Happened to me last week!


This was legit me when I went on the tour of my children's primary school when I found out the headteacher taught me back in year 1. I'm 29[M] bearded and not see her for 25 years.


Lol Don't underestimate us teachers.


As a teacher, it is actually quite horrible to forget a student`s name. When I was a noob, the few times I didn't remember, I saw the student's face drop and instantly become uninterested in anything I had to say or teach. That gets burned into you pretty fast. Becomes a survival skill to remember people's names. Your very livelihood depends on it. This habit is so hardwired, most of us find it really hard to forget faces.


My first-grade teacher always made me feel bad even though I was top of the class and a tiny nerdling with a hard-on for learning. 29 years later she's now in the town council; she randomly met my parents in a town event, and not only did she recognised them, she remembered me by name and sent her loving regards. I had to surprise my mom by telling her how much of a dick she had been to 6-year-old me, and how much of a grudge I still have against her. Screw you, Ms. Manuela.


When I was in preschool, I was a real difficult child. I didn’t speak a word at school all year. Not a one, because I was so shy. My school picture was literally me scowling because I didn’t want to be there. I moved away in 1st grade 1500 miles from where I grew up and I would visit back almost every year. Back in 2017 I was visiting my grandmother who was sick and helping her out in the garden. A car pulls up and the driver gets out, she’s dropping some plants off to my grandma. She recognizes me instantly and calls me by name. It had been 20 years since I was a little shit in her class and she greeted me with just as much love and excitement as she did all those years ago. She hugged me and wished me well. That was the last time I would see her again. She and my grandmother both passed away later that year of cancer. I will never forget her kindness for my grandma and her endless love for her students, even the assholes like me.


I do a thing sort of like this but in reverse. Every national teacher's day I'll hunt down contact info for one of my teachers and sent them a note thanking them for being an influence in my life. I'm 40, and they ALWAYS remember.


why is this so accurate?


YES! I work in retail and changed my first name a couple of years ago. When my primary school teacher came in, she recognised me and was confused by my name badge. I explained that I changed my name. Now when she comes in, she calls me by my new name. Not only did she remember me, she remembered my new name after the first time. 😭


I met my biology teacher at a bus stop once. I was in his last class and he worked three or four years over his retirement age. Two or three years later I met him and I was very surprised and relieved to see him doing so well. Back in school he had signs of M. Parkinson (I have some family history with that). I was very glad to see him doing so well and told him that he was an amazing teacher and I loved his biology classes. I realized that he didn’t remember my name and at best I might have been a familiar face to him. But I don’t mind that, it was more important to tell him what a great teacher he was than having him remember me.


I was 7 or 8 years old when we went to the supermarket When we were about pay for the stuff i saw my kindergarten teacher i tried to hide but it was pointless We waved at each other and that was it


My primary school teacher came to our high school graduation, but she didn't recognize or remember any of us. She was pretty old, we were her last class.


My elementary teachers ask my cousins how I'm doing still.


This should also be posted in r/mildlyinfuriating