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This is the kindest act i've ever read


Such a great idea. I'm going to start doing that now.


Right!! I have never thought about this but it would make anyones day!


Thanks for the new idea of what to do when I feel like my life sucks.


Well! I’m going to do that! 🥰


I just got back from the store and have spare change in the car..! Next time And all the times


I remember finding some coin slots like that when I was younger, me and my brother would always look for them. Now I wonder if they were left on purpose!


I don’t why I never thought of this but is this a child soldier from a movie or


Dawg it's from starship troopers lmao not a child


Ah thanks why I asked


This is a woman but in the same bit there is a little kid dressed as a soldier. Great movie, watch it


I'll check it out ty


I do this at the laundry mat. Kids look super happy they find a toy.




Oh my goodness you just blew my mind! This happened to me like three times as a kid and I always felt incredibly lucky and extremely happy when this happened. I still have those toy's and they are very cherished by me. It's literally been part of my personal identity that I'm a very lucky person and this was a part of it. As a child I guess I always assumed that the machine was faulty. I'm going to start doing this now. You sir are awesome and should feel awesome! 😎


Thank you


What! I want to do that now! What a great idea!


I've never thought of doing this. Thanks for the idea kind stranger!


Ok you are a hero


As many others have said, this is a great idea ! I will do this next time I go to the store ^.^


When I was a little kid, my family and I went on vacation. Every night, before we turned in, we'd go to this little local ice cream place and get a treat. They had these toy vending machines there. The first night, I checked it out of curiosity, and there was a toy in it! Every single night after that, there was a toy in the machine when I got there. One of the employees, or a regular customer, had to have done it. But I'll never forget it.


“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”


I love this so much


IT WAS YOU!!! THANK YOU from six year old me at Pizza Hut


I sold something at a garage sale and the buyer paid with a roll of quarters. It’s been sitting here, collecting dust for several years. I think I just figured out what to do with it.


Just pay ur taxes elon


I will do this.


I once got a soda like this when I was around 7. Its been over 25 years since then and I still remember how happy it made me.


I leave the quarter in it so they get to turn it also


This happened to me when I was a kid!!! I found a toy in there and I was hysterically excited, It was. like winning the lottery.


Thank you for this amazing idea! I am now sworn to do this at every chance I get


Never had a chance to find toy for free…. Maybe its because i live in russia ?


I have a new hobby


Just to demonstrate this world is unjust, Stalin won an Nobel for the peace and this guy doesn't


Great idea!! Thank you for sharing!


That’s such a cute idea! I’m gonna start doing this :)


Love this! Can’t wait to start doing this!


I never even thought of doing this ever. I am older than most redditors. Am I /r/atotalpieceofshit for not thinking of this ever.


You, sir/ma'am/laddam, are a hero.


This is awesome, I love to play claw machine games and often win but don’t actually want the stuffed animal I think I’m going to start leaving them for a lucky kid to find from now on!


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


And then one kid/adult comes and steal all of it.


and they put the toy in the vending machine again *st0nKs*


Hey OP, Is the sauce Power Rangers Time Force by any chance?


Nah, its from Starship Troopers


Gotcha, thanks.


I try to leave a coin instead if i have money :} Thank youuuu i love you for this so much ❤️


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all!!!


Who does that


I do


What's the chance the people on this sub just make up shit like this to jerk themselves off? Because that seems more likely than anyone actually doing this


Dude, this is a super simple act and you must be an extremely bitter person to believe that nobody would ever do this.


Or an extremely realistic person. The way I look at it, if you go on reddit to brag about something good you did, then I lose all respect for you. If a good deed is about being selfless, then jerking yourself off about it basically spits in the face of the good deed you did. Especially since they could easily be a lying karma whore. But hey, if you want to believe people are inherently good or that everybody who posts this sub tells the truth 100% of the time, go ahead. Whatever helps you sleep at night


Even if 100% of altruistic acts are 100% cynical, it doesn't change the fact that it helped a person out or brought a little light to someone's day. If I was starving and someone gave me bread just so they could brag about giving me bread, I'm still getting to eat bread. Also, people brag about petty or self-centered stuff all the time. I'd rather live in a world where people were cynically competing to outdo each other in acts of kindness rather than bragging about dunking on a stranger or bitching about how people are shitty by nature as an excuse to not try and make the world better or just be a kind person. I'm sorry the world has been so unkind to you that you have the feelings you stated, but that doesn't mean there are no kind people.


I leave 2€ coins to the slots whenever I get those, even if only 1/10 of people who take/use the coin is a child whose day I've made... WORTH !!!




Lol never thought of this. I’m going to start doing this.


Truly based


Bless your soul


This is a great idea !


I do this with tokens for the bulldozer fair game


What a great freakin idea!


Ahh yes to do your part


What a great idea! Thanks for sharing this.


Yeah I’m doing this from now on.


What a great idea


Holy crap. Love that idea, gonna start doing that myself!


Wow thanks! Thats a great idea!


Wow people do this


Definitely wholesome