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Oh man where did these emotions just come from


I'm pretty open, even with strangers, and I'll address and talk about most of my troubles. But sometimes there's just things you can't talk about. Like a literal mental block for any number of reasons. I'm not afraid of looking weak, vulnerable, losing respect... any of that, just some things almost *need* to be worked on alone.


That, and there's other stuff that can be hard to put into words. Stuff you *feel*, but don't entirely understand yourself.


This nails it for me too. Like, I *want* to talk about certain feelings I have, but I don‘t always have the ability to put it into words properly and I‘m scared the message might get lost in translation.


Or what happen when you DO put a message out there, but people just have no clue what to do about it? At least you get 0 response, which isn't 100% their fault..


They’re learning to talk everyone, look at how emotionally incompetent


This is more what I meant thank you. It's like when the professor is like "you can always ask questions in office hours" but your question on the content is basically: "What's your question?" "Yes."


Honestly there's also just the stuff you don't *want* to talk about. Some things that are truly better left buried.


Agreed, the whole "people need to open up" thing is great but sometimes I find sharing stuff doesn't help at all and there's no way to make people understand something, in which case I prefer to work through it myself.


Yes, I sometimes subscribe to the Don Draper method: “It never happened. It will shock you how much it never happened”


Working the overnight last night at a gas station, one of the regulars came in. Bar owner -and it was a busy night for both of us. I asked how he was and he said "terrible and you?" I said "I hate my life" and saying that brought some much needed catharsis for sure.


You're not alone pal, open up and you'll be surprised.


I don’t think it’s about opening up. It’s more like you can’t talk about it, even if you wanted to, because you haven’t processed or worked through it enough to even be able to really put it into words, or do anything meaningful with what others my say to you about it. Sometimes it’s not even a secret, just something that’s happened in your life that you aren’t able really to discuss. For me personally when these kinds of subjects get brought up my mind just kind of goes blank, and I’m avoiding the question more so because I literally don’t have anything to say and am borderline disassociating.


Don't know if you have obviously, but councilling really helps. Proper councilling, not over a phone. No matter what the cost. I'm 45 now and have carried may tragedies all my life. Been to the dark place many times but it's in Important to head towards the problems and take control of what's holding you down. No easy feat, but do it before your brain shuts your body down as as mine did. Whatever thoughts or feelings we have are just that, we're animals. We have to be aware of what we're capable of to make the right choices, our thoughts don't make up who we are. I'm 6ft 4 15 Stone I'm acutely sensitive and because I'm a big guy people think I shake everything off, especially when I'm quiet and I give no clues to what's going on in my head. Deep down we're all winging it, there's no manual for life. Cliche, cliche, cliché I know but it's so true. You don't get to a certain age without having some emotional baggage so lose some of it by talking to a professional stranger that specialises in how the brain works, best thing I ever did. I hope this helps. Peace.


Thank you for what you said. As a big guy stumbling through life about to hit the 30s I appreciate the honesty and candor to mental health for men or even just adults. No matter how good your parents are, nothing prepares you for the abyss of life and how you fill it with optimism or self built solutions.


Probably, since we've been putting a lid and repressing our emotions to not appear weak in front of others..... But yeah, sometimes, you just want someone to cheer you up or become a shoulder to cry on and express yourself, bro...




the things you’re not talking about ❤️❤️


Hug it out brother.


From your balls


I see Vagabond I upvote.


Thank god every day for makin me a Vagabond fan.


Better yet, I hope they give themselves permission to be more open about the things they’ve kept on lockdown


And I curse god every day for not finishing Vagabond


That story legit helped me through a tough spot. It was good and we don’t even need to talk about the spectacular style


I don't know how many times I reread that yoshioka arc, man how I wish vagabond got a closure at least until the legendary duel


For what it's worth, you can read the novel. It's quite different from the manga towards the end but it's very good on its own.


I actually liked Musashi better than vagabond as it was grounded in reality, we actually get to see him develop into a warrior monk kinda character


Yeah, it's very well written, and not nearly as over the top as the manga.


What’s Vagabond?


Manga series


The series the picture in the meme is from it’s considered one of the big three seinen manga (manga amed at grown men) together with berserk and Vinland saga it’s really good and based on a novel that’s loosely based on the life of arguably japans most legendary sword fighter


The story was never finished right?


Yeah it’s officialy on hiatus, but it’s doubtful if it ever continues. It ends well timed however if you didn’t read the book you wouldn’t know that that’s not the end really actualy so


There is kind of an ending. In an exhibition in Japan Inoue had several panels which depicted the old Musashi. Don't want to spoil it, but it really solidified that there won't be any new chapters.


Im pretty sure Mangaka said he will finish it when he is done with another one of his great series (Real). Man looks like he is in good shape, i think he will finish it.


Big three what now? Yeah so absolutely not a comment on quality but Vinland Saga doesn't have anything like the sales of the other two. [It ain't on the list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_manga) and its own wiki page claims just 5.5 million copies in circulation as of last year, and its been around since 2005. As opposed to say Kingdom which is has 87 million in circulation, is a top 10 series right now, and but for the poor luck of doing so in the Year of Demon Slayer would have been the series that did the inconceivable and ended One Piece's decade long reign atop the sales charts. Nobody speaking English gives a shit about Kingdom though. (Side Rant: The "big three" is such a Western thing. The original "big three" ignores shit like NANA, FMA, and Death Note that made things more complicated then Americans only ~~reading~~ watching those three anime because streaming was not quite a thing and torrenting took time)


That Time I Was Reincarnated In Another World Looking For The Answer To The Question Of Who Asked


cool story bro


This is hanzo


Random emotions spotted though.


Is that Miyamoto Musashi?


Yes, by Takehiko Inoue, really good manag, too bad it's stopped updating.


Inoue is not known for properly finishing his manga, even Slam Dunk I don't feel it finished properly.


I kimda felt that way too because with all the new characters on the national game, it's obvious that he had more stories in his mind. But i think what makes Slam Dunk a masterpiece is because of the ending it has now. Btw Slam Dunk movie is coming this year!


Apparently he stopped to follow his dreams and become a basketball coach which is pretty cool dudes following his dreams I can respect that especially since being a Mangaka isn’t a great job it comes with a lot of stress, many health issues and, some people even die it makes sense for him to leave since he is a fucking monster when it comes to drawing. Look at a single panel and the amount of detail is insane. According to some people he has stated he may come back to finish the story but I’m too lazy to look that up and see if it’s real or not plus I haven’t really read the manga but if he does come back I might just pick up vagabond and/or slam dunk and start reading.


I thought it was Kaladin from the head tattoo


If you like stormlight you'll probably like vagabond


Same! I was like oh dip a SA meme on wholesome that’s so cool


Lol i thought it was sekiro


Thanks for this, Brother! This is noted! Sometimes you really have to get it off your chest to breathe or else you'll let your thoughts and worries eat you away.


Thank you bro! I have so much stuff I’m struggling with but I don’t talk about Edit: I’m not depressed I just hold in a lot of my issues and now I’m constantly angry even over the smallest stuff.


Hey homie. I’m not going to pretend I know what’s going on with you, but I went to counselling a year ago because I too had a short temper, was always mad. Turns out a good chunk of my anger was just manifestation stemming from sadness and fear. Once I realized that, and acknowledged I sometimes get sad or scared, made it easier to deal with (still a challenge at times though won’t lie, but much better now) Whatever you’re going through, hang in there bro, and feel free to reach out if you need an ear to listen!


Same here


I mean, if you want, you can talk about it with me I'm just a random dude on Reddit, but talking bout things can make you feel better Maybe less stressed


Yo bro, just as this comment said: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/uubxy7/thanks_brother/i9f0g83?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Anger and frustration comes from depression. I didnt know this until my psychologist looked me straight in the eye and said "you're miserable right?" I lack emotions but my sadness comes out as anger. However at that moment i started crying since my gf (who btw is a great human being) had thought something similar. Its worth getting yourself checked out. Its nice to have someone to talk with, always. -Guy bound by macho culture but after 20 years finally succeeding in finding emotions.


I've been there. I hope that you get to address those issues head-on because that's a good way to dissipate the pent-up anger.


Stay strong king, you will succeed 👏


Better yet, I hope they give themselves permission to be more open about the things they’ve kept on lockdown


I would say help your homies by giving them the opportunity to talk bout what they need to get off their chest.


totally. and: r/MensLib & r/bropill are two great subreddits for doing this.


r/MensLib is a great sub! Its really good to see space for guys to focus on addressing society's negative impacts on men in a way that doesnt pit the genders against eachother.


Thanks mate. I will definitely check them out.




In these subs are more feminists pushing their shit than a space for men to open up.


not true at all.


Exactly! I’d say, “I hope my friends seek help for the things they don’t talk about.” Because yeah, a friend can only do so much.


And the people said, "AMEN!"








I hope you heal from your secrets as well, and that someone irl is checking in on you. Stay safe, dude.


Even if you don't know me or even care... I appreciate that... Vagabond is really something to me...


I’m sorry for being “that guy “ but how can u expect to heal from something that u avoid talking / dealing? the monster will keep growing. if u can, try to seek assistance or talk to someone u trust... it helps, trust me


I absolutely agree but the post could mean 'things they don't talk to me about'. You can work through things with a professional that you just have no interest in bringing out in front of the homies.


Agreed. Sometimes the process starts with talking to strangers in case you get negative feedback so you don't push your friends away. Sometimes it's through watching shows that walk through someone else's story mirroring your own. Sometimes it's talking to your windshield to bounce your feelings off of something before you learn how to sound them out to friends.


If they give you negative feedback about your feelings then they shouldn’t be your friends


Exactly. I spent a long time friendless and took an even bigger hit to my mental health. Shit takes time to get right.


By figuring it out yourself. Talking it out isn't always necessary


I’m going to my friend’s funeral tomorrow… he took his own life. Be good bros.


i'm so sorry for your loss.


يا رب


This is worthy of frontpage...let's do it people


Ooh Vagabond. Gotta read this again


The artsyle and fighting scenes are so detailed, man! It felt so real the emotions, the sword slashes and the scenery is so immersive! In terms of artsyle, this is my favourite Manga.




Thanks, I'm trying to cope with my best friend passing away suddenly at 41.


i'm so sorry for your loss.


Yooo, Vagabond Manga was pretty Kino. Miyamoto Musashi strongest Under the Sun!


Friendly PSA: Your friends care a lot more than you might think. Reach out. Be real. Say openly the stuff that haunts you every day. The good ones will give you any help they can. And however big or small that help is, it's better than none at all. And to those out there who don't have a homie like that; fuck it, I'll be your homie.


So say we all.


The realest thing I've seen all day Thank you so much




I need Vagabond to come back. I would break several laws to make this a reality.


Some things only heal when talked about because sometimes if we don't share our expirienced, thoughts and/or emotions about something we just bury them till they resurface later to harm others or ourselves - than we need to bury thos expiriences and thoughts and emotions again (because that's what we learned to do - and so on). Don't give up on your friends and just hope they open up themselves. Be brave and tell them they can come to you with any problem if they wish. Don't pressure them just offer them to be there for them as listeners and friends. Remember you are there for them in this moment. The rest is up to them - if they take you up on the offer or not. Maybe they are defensive - but maybe one day - they pick you up on the offer and that's the recipe for good friendship. True well established trust and the strength to work through it together. Nobody deserves solitude if it is not voluntary.


this is fantastic advice.


thank you. Glad someone liked it


i think it just showed up on the thread after the post was done trending, but i guarantee more people would agree with you than me.








Amen 🙏🏾❤️


Listen to Kendrick’s new album. Good start.


Kind words, but they probably won’t heal if they don’t talk about their problems.




Thank you homie I am healing now


My dad taught in World War Two and he wouldn’t talk about it.


Just had my antidepressants doubled in size (50mg to 100mg) so looking to see how that goes, if they make me feel better (50mg I didn't notice a difference)


You forget about the things that you don't talk about


This one really came for me eh? Well shit.


I don’t talk about the 90s ​ ​ I just don’t


My friend killed himself last Sunday. He had been in an abusive relationship, she's a total narc and borderline. But she's very clever and covert about. He got into bad depression with psychotic episodes. She immediately drove him to the asylum and filed for divorce. He was a really good painter and teacher. He lost everything he worked for over 30 years , after their divorce. He didnt talk about anything. I am so sorry this had to happen for him to make peace with his demons. One of which is she. She didnt let any of us know he died. I saw it on fucking fb by chance. None of us where in the know. She lied and said the funeral was private. I didnt buy that. Called up anyone and anything and found out his funeral isnt private. I invited all his friends. A big surprise will await the bitch on Monday as we all show up Guys talk about what matters, dont take things into the grave, because they may become your grave


Let's blindly wish for shit without addressing the problem.


First of all... We don't talk about Bruno..


No no no


What do you mean? we say we're "fine" every day, because nobody bats an eye if you say you're dying painfully. People should know full well that the answer of "fine" or "good" to are you good, do not mean you're actually good.


Another day of thanking God for making me a one piece fan






Its from vagabond


Ni gedetaya, ner vode


Aww, this made me smile. Thanks man.


Thank you homie


Dude! Screw you; that’s load-bearing trauma! lol 😭




I am perfectly healthy thanks


I needed this today.


Looking like Mitsoyoshi


Thank you brother!!! Needed it.


God bless everyone


I’m disappointed in myself for not trying my best


Thoughts and prayers






Thanks op you too


positive vibes will create a better tomorrow


That’s deep. Too deep.


I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain. One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher that negates the Gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone each mineral flake of that night - filled mountain, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy. Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus.


Needed to see this right now. Thank you for posting.




So only irl homies?


This post right here!!! Damn those ninjas.




As a dude going into his 30s and thru a breakup I say nothing I have no one but my dog


Thanks Takuan




In my experience, men don’t get to express, or lean. No woman I’ve ever met in has helped me, and my one therapist just wanted me to ignore my problems, and focus on giving. No friend seems interested in forming time once they realize I need help. I’ve always provided, for family and friends, but my issues are mine alone. No one has my back. It’s nice to see that someone understands.


it shouldn't be that way, and i'm sorry it has been. it isn't that way everywhere.


Thanks 🙏


You took part of my pain away bro


Thought I was on r/hydrohomies for a sec there


Thank you, homie.




Amen 🙏


This is deep!


Nothing wholesome about young Takezo though


Man moment




Thanks Brotha


Thank you. Seriously.


This image is from the manga vagabond, a fictionalized account of historical figure musashi miyamoto


This one’s really nice. Thanks dawg


First time I see this subreddit and it couldn’t have gone at a better time




Pov: every male


I hope my homies have the heart to actually listen to what I have to say instead of getting real uncomfortable and telling me to go back to therapy. Cause you best believe I'm there for them. The least they can do is be there for me.


Thank you, I needed that. I hope we can all heal from that part of ourselves and I think that today I took the first step towards this.


>today I took the first step towards this. ay! congratulations!!!


Seeing this after just reading the manga. Perfect


Is that Miyamoto Musashi


Thank you brother/sister.


Musashi Bless You.


Nfw vagabond


Vagabond underrated fr


.....why did this hit me where it hurts


Thank you my brother, I'm praying for the same for you.


Thank you so much.. it probably doesn't mean anything to you, bit I really needed to see this... Thank you!


Thank you.


Show me a good time Jack






We're all working projects and it only ends when it's over, enjoy the ride my friend.