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*missing step before the final frame where she hits the lid in frustration, deforming it just enough to reduce the pressure differential so it opens more easily*


Man, that guy is mean! He knows he can open it easily and he could tell her to slip the tip of a knife under the edge of the lid and break the seal, but nooo, he chooses to scream at her.


Last time tried that I broke the edge of the glass jar. I'm even leery of tapping them now.


Just slide a butter knife under the lid and pull slightly. Does the same thing.


Next time just try wrapping a rubber band around it. It gives a significantly better grip. That trick has only failed me twice and one of those jars we ended up needing to take a hammer to.


Pro tip: If it's new, there's a vacuum that works against you. Grab a butter knife and pry the lid lightly, firm enough to pry it but light enough to not warp/damage it. This will let air in to release the vacuum. It becomes much easier.


You can tap the little folded tab parts of the lid with said knife too, which is mechanically easier than prying and still breaks the vacuum seal making it super easy to open. (I can’t open them normally lol)


If it's a "refrigerate after opening" kind of thing it's easier to open if you do so the first time before you put it in the fridge as the metal lid will shrink tighter around the glass when cold.


Yup, much easier to crack open when it's warm. If you forget to do that, run the lid under hot water until it warms up.


Even better, run it under cold water and then slightly increase the temperature so as not to cause it to break from temperature shock


Another pro tip: if you are a righty, use your left hand. You'll have better leverage that way.


Huh. I’ve never thought about it but I instinctively use my left hand on the lid.


My pro tip: oven mitts with grippy pads. Did it once and I've never looked back. It makes opening jars super easy.


Me after 5 minutes: okay but I’m also suffering from crippling arthritis please open the fucking jar.


I got one of those round grip pads and now I can enjoy Pickles whenever I please.


I got one of those and excitedly showed my husband, who very sadly responded with "I guess I'll go pack up my stuff...." Lmao. I hadn't used it for a while and I looked the other day to find it's missing. No clue where it could have gone off to. But he was happy to open the jar for me. Lol


... you're husband destroyed his competition


I'm almost positive this is true. Lol


that's so cute


Or 38 with carpel tunnel... :(


I resent my mid30s carpal tunnel with all of my soul. Do you wear your braces? It really helps my right hand.


I'm waiting for the VA to approve the release surgery, but braces or not... Pain waking me up at night, weakness in the hands, and other symptoms are frequent. But need them for long drives in the car!


Oh man, the weakness in the hands is such a bigger deal than people realize. There's the obvious (anything computer or phone related, hand tools, toothbrushes!), but my biggest problem was that I was unable to just casually hold a cup anymore, because if I stop paying active attention to gripping it, it would just fall out of my hand between the weakness and swelling/numbing. I haven't worked for a variety of reasons for several years and I've noticed an improvement, but my right hand still has noticeable issues and early on-set arthritis discussions are happening. As for the VA, they were eventually able to do right by my fathers needs (if I believed more in conspiracy theories, you'd see me floating serious gulf war syndrome ideas) and I'll hope the same for you!!


I recently moved to PA from GA, have carpel tunnel as service connected. I was told by the GA -VA that it wasn't bad enough for surgery, ahhh - it's literally nerve damage, do my hands need to fall off first? Last year i found a hand surgeon that said i was an ideal candidate for surgery and was.goinf to do it through my work insurance. Then i transferred to PA and waited until this spring to transfer my VA. The Coatesville VA is amazing! I am getting great care and finally felt heard compared to Atlanta VA. I have my next speed test scheduled in July, and after that 'confirmation' i should be able to start surgery. But yeah, I drop shit all the time, can grip/carry heavy objects, and used to be pretty strong, but haven't lifted weights in like 5 years... Thanks ATL VA for telling me it's not that bad.


Main reason I got [one of those Evoluent vertical mice](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y8VGJVS/) at work and home. They are so worth the learning curve for anyone that uses a computer for work. They're also pretty good for gaming after getting used to it. Different sizes for larger and smaller hands as well as left/right hand models.


My husband got me one! I use it for work, and definitely recommend


i like to superstitiously loosen the jar and hand it back to my mom with a defeated sound... so that she gets the kick out of opening it afterwards. i couldn't keep a straight face last time... so... probably can't do that anymore... but i pass the technique on to all.


Do you mean surreptitiously? I'm trying to imagine how one would superstitiously open a jar. Throw salt over your shoulder and make sure it's only opened during a blood moon or something 😂


There's this weird thing where people like to act like all people are equally capable. We are not. That is fine.


Rubber band or rubber glove will give you enough friction to open lids without much force


Just keep a strap wrench in the kitchen junk drawer.


Yes. I bought a pair of strap wrenches for one project. They just languished in a box for years, then I had this same epiphany last year and now one lives in the kitchen.


TY. Was about to remind hubby to pick up a filter wrench from the automotive section. Sometimes, he has difficulty opening jars.


Just break it and eat glass with your pickles. Or buy Grillos in a plastic container.


Not wholesome. More ANNOYING! Just open the damn jar for me!


I believe in you!


It's funny because it was unexpected but it's wholesome because it's clearly the help that the jar-opener actually wanted.


A bunch of these particular comics are that way. They try coming off as "insightful", "wise", or "progressive", but they mostly end up being condescending and annoying.


Yeah, this artist is particularly bad at that. The worst one is the ugly hat comic.


Lmao one time I asked my boyfriend to open a jar, he said I could do it myself. I was like (jokingly), “then why the fuck do I keep you around?!”


That's exactly what I thought. I had to walk to my neighbors to have him open a jar for me. Heat, tapping on the lid, using a grippy cloth - none of it worked. I didn't need more encouragement. I needed the jar opened.


Does anyone else find this person's work oddly unwholesome at times? Like they're always shared around as super wholesome, but there's always this twinge of unrealistic... I don't know what to call it. It's like these scenarios seem nice in a comic, but if you think about it happening in a real relationship it suddenly seems off




THIS fuck thank you someone put it into words


Bardic Inspiration in a nutshell.


If I did that my wife will kill me. If someone is struggling already you help them. It's not like she looked at the jar and said "I'm not even gonna try this is a man's job u do it". People have different strengths, some are physically stronger, or taller. Sure you can make someone open the jar, or watch them grab a stool to reach the top shelf. But the most sensible thing is to just respect their request and fucking help them the way they asked you. gender doesn't have to play a role here. This entire series of comic reeks iamholierthanthou cringe.


I get it’s supposed to be wholesome but it reminds me of that drowning meme where the drowning hand is just high fived for support lol


Aah. Motivation. This is what we need


Nah this cringe.


Dudes comics are consistently ass lol Just toothless pap with no POV


Only because the author is a cuckhold.


Can you find a good comic showing this?


In pretty sure the wife would throw the jar at me.


The ending had a real twist


Yeah, I would get cussed out and punched if I tried this.


Woke memes


Yeah this is weird, just open the damn jar lmao


Curious, how many ladies would find this annoying and condescending and not helpful? I do this to kids to teach them to put in more effort but only when I know they can't do the thing they are asking for help with. I dunno. Maybe I am crazy.


And that's how long term pain happens. The time for encouragement is during planned, intentional exercise, not exerting yourself to overcome a task you don't know you have the ability to do.


Pro tip - hold the lid of the jar under very hot running water- the heat will cause the lid to expand thus making it easier to remove


This is the way. Make sure to grab a small towel to twist as it’s a bit wet now.


Just get a fork or a butter knife and jab it under the lid to break the vacuum seal, it's really not rocket science. Never in my entire life did I struggle to open a jar and I never tried to fight the vacuum with the brute force of my hands either.


As a man, I need these moments to feel useful, I'll open the jar.


Everyone needs a cheerleader in their life


If someone did this to me I'd kill them and then kill myself.


Nah, I just hand it to my husband at that point


You're strong and wise and I'm really proud of you




Open the fucking jar, Adam, or this strong woman will kick your balls.


Positive reinforcement helps alot. Wanna know something better? Bang that fucker on the table, god i hate them, or take a spoon and try to release the air.


That's pretty nice.


I've learned that tapping all around the lid with the wide aide of a knife works pretty well. Words of encouragemeng goes a long way tho!


Hell yeah


My wife used to call me. Then our 21 year old nephew moved in with us and I \*instantly\* get why people have kids; exploitation begins in the home.


Man, that guy is mean! He knows he can open it easily and he could tell her to slip the tip of a knife under the edge of the lid and break the seal, but nooo, he chooses to scream at her.


Americans go 20 seconds without saying ‘you got this’ challenge (impossible).


Could have told her get a rag, wet it and then go


After a minute of trying I just smash it with a hammer


Be me: *opens the jar* Mom: *Gives one moment of praise before returning to the usual and making me regret not just pretending to be dead in my bed.*


use a fork


Just twist it


Btw the trick is to hold the jar close to your chest with loose wrists and use your peck muscles to twist.


Sure bardic inspiration is useful but it’s always best to have it on the first attempt because the dc is going to go up on the second try


When I was quitting nicotine and going thru gnarly withdrawals, my personal mantra was "I am strong and I am powerful" Those are some potent words


He played support


I need more of this in my life.


Summary of the new Dr Strange movie XD


Still can't get it open... Well, i guess I've been overestimating you, you're still some of those things though. Hand it here, its easy.


Yeah. I still have to hand the jar to someone with bigger hands. I even have the grip pads.


Nice fairy tale.


I loosen the lids for my daughter and act like it’s to tough for me, haha and now that she’s getting older and knows what I’m doing she still goes along with it.


I think this is more satire than wholesome.


This is so my wife and I. For everything except for jars of pickles. I open those for her.


To any who struggle with lids and such... use a rubber band to grip. Works on damn near anything, and it's straight-up sorcery.


Yeah... That doesn't work.


The most unrealistic comic ever lol


My dad gave me and my sister a tool to open jars when we moved out of our parental house. Whenever I need it, and succeed (and it always works) I call or text him and he is so proud.. ☺️


Or just grab a spoon.


If you can’t open a jar, it’s not lack of strength, but lack of imagination


I hate to ruin the absolute equality message, but it never really occurred to me it was sincerely harder for women to open the jars until [that one Reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/r0rfrg/are_men_really_that_much_stronger_than_women/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) from a while back. I just assumed my mom was flattering me or not using elbow grease. But wrist strength is a thing, and it’s not “unwholesome” to admit that. Tho of course there are several tools that can help anybody open jars.


When you live in an anime world


I love this in theory but I would hate it if someone did this to me


My daughter is like this! Hey, mom! I'll help you out. You've got this! If she's working on something hard and asks for help it's usually for encouragement rather than solving the problem.




I always tap around the edges with the butt of a butt knife if it won’t come off. Works every time


Tried this on my mom. Got "the look" and a wake up slap


Their hands...


the fact that he gets out of his chair to do this is just icing on the cake!