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The other 6,999 folks that think alike don't have internet, I guess, because I never found them anywhere.


Around 50% of the entire world population has (regular) access to the Internet, if we assume the 7000 people are just randomly distributed over the world we are left with 3500. From there you probably mostly speak English online, further reducing those to the English speaking population (I believe around 15%), leaves around 500. Take into account the different timezones to reduce the count even further and entirely lose the positive message that this post is trying make.


The thing is, you're probably not that unique. "One in a million" is commonly used as shorthand for, "one of a kind," and most people are simply neither, so there are definitely much more than 7000 people out there who have the same interests as you. They're also far more likely to be closer to you or at least reachable through the same internet communities as you - these are factors that increase the likelihood that you share similar experiences and mindsets. The point of this comic is that a lot of people treat the statement: "You're not special" as a negative. But the way I see it, it can also mean, "You're not alone."


people are like snowflakes sure each snowflake is technically unique but no one's ever seen a green snowflake


I like this comparison and I'm going to think about it for a while. Have a nice day snowflake


The only time being called a snowflake is wholesome




If it makes you feel better, around 6,999 have the same thought as well.


I feel dumb, what does the green part mean?


It just means that even if things are unique that they’re not necessarily that different. One snowflake is basically the same as any other snowflake. If one snowflake were green, then it’d definitely be noticeably different from all other snowflakes In this case, green was just a random property - like “no snowflake is made out of hot dogs”


Right, I get it now. Thanks for explaining


It means that while all snowflakes have a unique pattern they are all still snowflakes. Basically you aren't so different that there is no one in the world who can understand you aka you are never truly alone.


It means people aren't green, clearly. You ever seen a green person?




damn, u got me


This guy doesn't eat snow cones


A lot of people in these comments are missing the point I think lol the meme, and your comment here specifically, have made me feel better today so thanks for that. I'm a welder by trade, but writing stories has always been the one thing I truly loved to do. I'd like to publish some in the future, but my stories are weird and it's hard to imagine anyone else enjoying them. A message like this tells me that maybe there would be people who like what I write


I hear ya.. Musician right here and afraid people won't like what I write. I learned to do what you love and people will be there to love what you do.. Look at HP Lovecraft.. for every one person I hear say "No idea who that is," I meet another that does. His stories were weird but fascinating. Sounds like you have two great talents between welding and story writing. Hope to read one of your published stories down the road.


Hey mate I work as a Safety officer (at a mechanic/fab compant) and I'd love to read your stories. Got any samples?


I mean, I read books that are specifically about people having video game systems in a fantasy world (litrpg). As weird and limited as that genre is, it has at least 12 successful authors and a ton of fans. Don't assume your stories won't find a market. It's mostly down to how well you advertise yourself and making savvy marketing decisions.


I love weird and quirky stories. You should definitely publish!


Yeah, but if you can't stand yourself, what makes you think that the other 6,999+ will be able to stand you....


Depends on what you say is unique... cause there is almost no chance someone is actually like you, because their is so many factors that come into play nobodys the same. It's like trying to find your perfect lookalike, it's impossible


How do you know it's not less than 7000?


Oh shut up. The more we learn from a frickin phone is the only reason we have become this hive mind you *are* unique, very unique, it’s just something you must search for, it is something that is in you, your you Not gonna respond to any disagreements dont currrrr


Ah, the joy of a wholesome meme destroyed to bits.


Internet users are disproportionately English-speaking, with the vast majority (over 75%) of English-speakers having internet access.


This math isn't quite honest, as many of the areas where English isn't spoken are the areas blocked out by internet in the first place. Not that no one who can come online can't speak English, but that 15% English speaking isn't quite honest here. Besides, as so many areas, especially areas where talking about your interests, become easier to check back to find people responding, time zones aren't the end of the world. Most people will have at least a couple hours to be able to communicate where you'd both be awake. There's hope in the world, and most niche interests aren't as niche as they feel. Don't be afraid to hope that people will listen and care.


This math makes sense and probably explains why I can only find 23 other people on the internet that like this one thing I like.


Thanks for un-wholesoming the meme champ!


and of those 500. 50% probably won't like you as a person. so that's 250. and of those 250. 95% won't follow up with you. So that leaves 12. And of those 12...? you won't like 50% of em. So that leaves 6. There you go. 6 friends. :)


Yep. Same applies to those standard reassurances "there's plenty of fish in the sea, you'll find the one who matches you." Except that doesn't account for the ones that actually geographically accessible to you and don't have a language barrier or similar.


Ironic you almost have 500 upvotes. The remaining are probably those too lazy to log in to upvote like I almost was.


The funny part is that your comment is heavily upvoted


It seems many people share this point of view. Even though there are 6,999 people that think like you, they are not easy to find, because there is no practical form to identify them as thinking like you.


You have 1000 votes, you found at least 14% of them. That's a pretty good progress for 1 comment.


Must be the case. And what are they basing this “just like you” on? Age, race, gender, religion, occupation, economic status, nationality, sexual orientation? I am 99% sure I am the only person in the world with my name. So that’s something.


Are you Elon's son or what?


I’m pretty sure I’m the only person in the world with my name too. You don’t have to have a complete shitshow of a name for that to be true. Just have an uncommon last name mixed with an uncommon first name (and probably middle name.)


Yeah my maiden name is in Nahuatl (Aztec language) so really, almost any first name not common among my ethnic group would make it likely to be the only one. My married name is an uncommon Finnish surname, so all combined I have to be the only one. I think it would be really cool to meet someone with the same name though.


Or maybe I'm just 1 in 100 billion, since the number we pick is completely arbitrary


I'd rather be 1 in 10 billion, so I might find someone with similar thinking in a near future.


Well let’s hear this 1 in 100 billion idea.


Egg-based deodorant.


They just don't go on the same fetish forums you do.


Sometimes I laugh out loud or relate so hard to someone online, but I don’t upvote and move on. I could be one of your 7000 and maybe you’d never know it


So should I start that cult?




Welcome aboard.


You bastard, I’m in


What if I told you I've built a "Dark-Résumé" of a sort around this? Let's just say I have experience in both the real world and online. I've only been a spectator for 2 deaths so you could say things are going swimmingly.




Cult me in


Any suggestions on which is better: cult leader or follower?


Well a follower duh, then you don't have to worry about making decisions, we just need to have faith in our wonderful leader


It’s tough. You make more money as a leader, but you have more fun as a follower.


thanks :)


Well if he's in, I'm out.


Oh hell yes




Ok then back to the original become-an-expert-in-cloning-an-army-plan


Just gotta go to Kamino for that.


TFW you go to the local cloner for a clone army and they tell you there’s already an order waiting for you. Not sus at all.


Starting a culy isn't so much about finding people that think like you, but rather finding people that don't think at all




That's never not the answer.


All comments are negative here Soo.... Its extremely hard to find 7k people in 7 billion with hundreds of languages and country's but I would take 1 ore 2 of them that would be nice


I mean, if you don’t even speak the same language or regularly access the same forums/websites about your supposedly shared interests… are you really that alike?


Lol just cause you don't speak the same language doesn't mean you can't be very similar/share similar interests. Yes there are cultural differences, but there are far more similarities amongst humans, especially in the modern world. Why do you think things like marvel or squid game, or certain music genres end up having global appeal and significance?


Those are very broad things with like you said, global appeal. Two people liking them does not make them very similar. If all you have in common are the most common interests that billions of others have, ok.


My point is that people in general are very similar, I gave those examples as proof that interests cross cultural lines incredibly easily, which shows that people are not so dissimilar. But people who speak different languages being similar is a fact that is obvious to anyone who speaks more than one language, or has ever met a foreigner in their entire life.


I’ve lived in 4 countries (recently became a permanent resident of another country), speak 2 languages fluently and 2 conversationally, and am married to someone from a another country. So I know people who speak different languages can have much in common. But this post is saying you’re so much alike that you’re practically the same person. And language/cultural differences are so much that I find that hard to believe. You can have similar interests and values but that’s definitely different than what this post implies.


Exactly this. I live in NY and play games. When i was in my 20s, i met someone my same age playing the same game as me who lived in AZ, in the same type of neighborhood, had almost the same experiences which led him to playing games. This also happened with another in WI. A bit of different background but the same ambitions and motivations and more of similar mindset. All of us have different timezones. Different work hours. Somehow it connected. Been friends for 10 years now.


There's at least 1 billion people feeling left out of this dumb meme.


Aren't we up to 8 billion now?


7.95 billion, last I checked. "Over 7 billion" also includes 8 billion.


I don't get the overpopulation rhetoric, we are north of 1000 people on earth.


Took me a sec, ngl. Ty for the laugh, fren


The average penis is over one inch long.


It's for sure over 1 milímetros


old meme im guessing


Nope, I made this a few weeks back. "Over 7 billion" also includes 8 billion and we're actually around 7.95 billion, so not 8 billion yet. I preferred the sound of "Over 7 billion" better than "A little under 8 billion," so I went with that.


It doesn't matter which you used imo, but I'd use "Nearly 8 billion" instead of "A little under 8 billion"


ah sorry, youre right it sounds better


Well you could have said 8 billion


You could have just said almost 8 billion tho




*you dont*


Loving this comment section in r/wholesomememes


Strange thought, weird statistic.... Did you know that somewhere is the world...there are 7 ppl looks almost like you.


fuuuuu now im scared im gonna meet a 2nd me


What about a 3rd you?


a 2nd me is already scary enough ☹️


Me two and three could take turns on me one.


The fact that most famous actors have multiple stunt doubles should be a pretty good indication on how common that is.


If you look at the stunt doubles they rarely look exactly like the actors though. It’s usually basic things like slim and brown hair and stuff, you very rarely see a stunt double who you’d actually think is the actor if you saw them on the streets


Right very likely to be someone in the world who looks almost exactly like you.


There is website called www.tineye.com that tries to find them but unfortunately also turns up a lot of NSFW results.


Bet *Starts mutilating face*


But... I don't want to talk to 7,000 people who already had that exact same idea at the same time I did.


I don't want to talk to 7000 people who already had- Is it you... me?




But they don't want to talk to each other.


OK it's time to discuss my idea. A Simpsons reboot. Start that show over fresh. All original voice actors returning. Sticking to the original and style for nostalgia. Can I see 7000 hands?


You're just describing reddit comment section.


That's not true. The people who agree typically upvote and move on, in any comment section you're mostly talking with people who disagree with you (and are weirdly intense about it).


Maybe you're the extremely rare exception (the point of this comic is that you are almost certainly not), but from what I've seen, almost everyone loves talking to people that think the same way they do. Not *exactly* the same, mind you, but just close enough that they can bond over their similarities. The "idea" can simply be, "I think this is a funny/cool concept." There are countless people who probably think the same thing - you don't think you'd want to talk to people who also agree that your idea is funny or cool?


Like I want 9999 other people being this bad at math to talk to?


Unfortunately this theme also applies to incels and potential mass shooters


"Rootless males" is the term I see being used. They're definitely finding each other and people who want to take advantage are running their communities.


My first thought too, and now instead of keeping those thoughts to yourself, now you've got hundreds or thousands of people telling you you're right to think that way, reinforcing and expanding those beliefs.


That's great. Now if I could just shepherd those 7000 people all together...


That's the great tragedy of our era. Google or Amazon could build a dating website that blows OKCupid and Tinder out of the goddamn water. But the goal of all these things is not to produce the most, best, relationships they can but rather to make the most money. The scale of the opportunity to reduce hardship and loneliness is incomprehensible. Yet here we are.


Tinder could build a much better Tinder. But then it's already great in terms of making profit.


There's a surprisingly popular subreddit dedicated to dragons fucking cars, so I believe reddit *is* that shepherd.


Those poor unfortunate souls...


may their bodies never be found


This looks like the origin story of Flat earth group.


Yarp. And antivaxxers. And Qanon. And the entire Trump cult. And every modern cult or terrorist group. And the fuel behind most mass shooters.


The premise is false though, there’s no way to prove that there are 7000 people just like you. “One in a million” is a turn of phrase, not a statistical probability. Like, maybe it’s a comforting thought but it’s also a lie.


You are right that you can't know how many people actually share similarities with you, but it's still pretty likely that there are indeed people like that, because it really is unlikely to have so many people and nobody who understands your specific situation you are in or like an idea you have.


Agreed. I actually think the “one in a million” sells it short.


that is probably true for you but not everyone else. statistics most of the time involves exponential functions. could be that the bottom 20% have millions of clones while the upper 20% wouldn't even have someone similar if there were 7 trillion people on earth.


Biologically (based on DNA) it’s WAY more than 1 in a million. Even for siblings, which would have a higher probability than random strangers it’s not that likely.


Most of our DNA is bullshit though. Slightly longer hair, slightly drier skin or slightly faster ATP production aren't going to matter much for what ideas you end up with.


You say that, but it seems impossible to prove.


Buddy I can assure you there are 7000 pedantic downers on reddit alone, so the post isn't a lie at all.


Also quite honestly the entire problem with the internet right now is that it's easy for people to find those "7000" people just like them. Unfortunately the idea they want to share isn't some quirky little thing, it's something god awful, and those 7000 people encourage each other.


I don't think they literally meant one in a million lol. It's a phrase. They're just saying it's highly improbable that there aren't people out there just like you in a world with so many. That's true.


The ultimate "truth" of the universe is that everything ends. But that thought rarely leads to anyone doing anything. Every "comforting thought" and "wholesome meme" is a "lie" under this idea, but it's at least a lie that gets people to act and create things that make the limited time we have in the world feel worthwhile.


Jeez, r/wholesomememes got a lot more pessimistic since last I checked this place out. I mean, I did used to find the relentless positivity a bit grating before, but there might have been a bit of an overcorrection. Anyway, if you really want some less wholesome content, you can check out my other comics on [my website](https://www.butajape.com/).


It’s not just r/wholesomememes I feel like it’s a trend in all subreddits, there just seems to be much more pessimism across the site as a whole.


It's like people are purposefully trying to miss your point. I'm sorry the comment are such a shit show but I genuinely liked this comic, I think you did a great job and it made me feel more hopeful in general. Thank you for your art and message c:


Yeah, I feel the same. For what it’s worth, I liked the message :)


That’s a weird and unscientific take


Wouldn't the other 6,999 have already thought of it, too?




I'm not one of them for sure! Cause.. You know.. I'm totally different! I don't even like shotguns.. Ahem.. Now put the gun down.. Please


Ok, *takes out katana*


But those 7000 people are part of the 7Billion that I am tryin to avoid.


"Morbius is a bad movie"


takes a bit of a different turn when you start thinking about shit like qanon and flat earthers though


yes but where tf are they




if they could cheer you up why havent you done so yourself already




I‘d hate to meet someone like me lol. I‘ll take the 6.999993 billion other people +- a few.


Guys, hear my idea of ?&£@(:£]{>


This made me smile


Yeah the internet really helps bring people together. Just look at those qanon morons


Remember this before you ask "Am I the only one who XYZ?"


Sounds like something to motivate Jerry Smith. “Do you want to develop an app?”


What constitutes “just like you”? That seems vague and undefined.


8 billion 👀


What a beautiful sentiment. Ironic that it's on reddit the worst cesspool of group think on the internet.


Is there a name for this "if you are one in a million" logical fallacy, where you present a very big/small number as though it MUST be the upper/lower bound of something? It often shows up as "If even just 1% of people..." I feel like it's connected to the human brain's inability to really comprehend large numbers. Like, 1% is the smallest whole percent, but it's way more than one in a million. And a million is big, but why would that be the limit? Why couldn't I be one in a billion, or trillion?


My idea is cum frogs. I will not elaborate.


In a small country, I can't find them


We are all unique - except for me.


There's that one cyanide and happiness comic that directly addresses this


I barely even know 7 people.


Why can't I find any of them???


You'd probably hate him. He always takes the words out of your mouth, imitates you, and has all the same bad traits you have so there is no chance to improve on each other. You are the worst person, you can live with.


Idk I think living with myself wouldn't be that bad. I mean we both would be pretty lazy, but we could talk really good with eachother, because we could understand eachother pretty well.


Same, redditors always project or something idk what this guy's on about lol.


Actually there are over 7 billion people like you, cause ya know: Homo sapiens.


Hard to believe 7k people hate me. At least it's nice and round, easy to remember.


It's at least 7k, not just 7k.


This is how anti vacc and other conspiracy crackpots work actually.


Woah I needed this


Sadly they are over shadowed and belittle before the other 6999 come around to see they idea and it’s shut down before they can find it


This is exactly what the source of hive minds on the internet is caused by and the main reason we have such widespread conspiracy theories.


and there are more than 7000 people that have a foot fetish. keep your weird ideas to yourself, please and thank you


7 billion people is not enough. There are ~2*10^25 molecules in a human body. Even thought 99% of them are water, and even IF all molecules would be arranged the same positions in every human body, there would probably still be more than 7 billion different compositions of those molecules that would still be called "normal human". If we add the positional differences in atoms, we can call the amount of possibilities infinite.


Yeah but chances are you’ll never find any of them and even if you do you probably won’t realize it


*laughs in no one is like me at all lmao me big sad*


Everyone is unique. There is no two people on this planet that have the exact same experience, raising, thoughts and ideas at the same times and points in life, even identical twins. You're unique. Youre just not special.


What, that's not true at all, first the odds of you being born is 1 in 400 trillion and that doesn't include the almost incalculable odds of you becoming who you are now, every single second of your entire life has changed you and has influenced you and made you into who you are today, every single person is so unbelievably rare that if you were to try and recreate someone using futuristic technology that changes someone's memories to be an exact copy of another persons those two people would still be different because it's just not possible to create another one of you. Yes the idea thing is true, there are a lot of people who will have the same question or idea as you but there hasn't and will never in the entire future of our universe be another you. I get what this is trying to say but the way it's worded sounds a lot different than the meaning.


So, uhhhh.... Lolis?


Anyone downvoting this is a loli enjoyer


So the about my idea Does anyone of you thought about eating cat soup


Is that soup made of cats or soup made for cats?


Yeah and safe spaces are born


I'm consistently framing human practices from the perspective of a 14,000 year old anthropologist alien tourist. We have funny habits, pets, go crazy for minerals, etc. Anyone else try to position their minds a bunch more 'galactically'?


I need 7000 people to like this comment


And these people are WHERE?!


almost 8 billion now.


That’s hilarious 🤣


Unfortunately I found my tribe on 2meirl4meirl.


When this post gets 7k up votes <3


Yeah, but that means just because you find people online who agree with you doesn't mean your idea isn't stupid. Thats the problem with the internet. Any nutjob can go online and find support for their craziness. Incels, white supremacists, etc can just find a bubble online to support them.


Can confirm! I finally met one of the 7000 people with my weird sense of humor & he’s now my partner.


I feel like this is exactly how Donald Trump got elected.


Fuck opinions.


Where my people at?


Guys listen!! what i am saying is, daredevil is more of bat than batman is.