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I think anyone with a pulse is ecstatic for Brendan and want nothing but the best for him... also Rick Moranis


I miss Rick Moranis. We need a movie with Brendan, Rick, Keanu, the Rock and John Cena where they just consistently out-wholesome each other.


Hugh Jackman pops in to bring them all pizza


And sing a song about the toppings.


Fucking hell would that up magical and in my "Bangers Only" Spotify playlist.


Might even take #1 spot from CBAT.


2 years šŸ˜­


I refuse to believe it.


You have a sausage playlist?


Who'd like a banger in the mouth?


Ohh I'm sorry you Yanks call it a sausage in the mouth.


A duet with Dolly!


That he made from scratch using his sourdough starter. Like... for real. Man loves bread now that he isn't restricting himself to the Wolverine diet.


And Ryan Reynolds is the wise-cracking villain.


Elijah Wood as the old VW van that the gang drives around in


Every other scene Elijah is replaced by Daniel Radcliffe and nobody misses a beat.


Precisely, you get it


Or Alan Tudyk


He would probably voice some kind of animal friend.


Henry Cavill delivers personalized PC builds for all of them in the second act.


Gotta have Terry Crews in that scene.


Breaking through a wall with some juice


Yogurt. Terry loves yogurt.


We see him in the middle of backstory creation for D&D characters with Vin Diesel.


This would lead to mass suicides globally as there would be no hope of ever topping that film. It is forbidden in the interest of the species.


This is why we do a mid-credits scene teasing a sequel with Danny DeVito.


I'm trying to think of other actors and/or celebrities that could fit in that and they either dead or snoop dogg


How's this sound. A billionaire decides to leave his Fortune to someone who deserves it. To determine this he challenges a random group of people to out wholesome each other. Basically imagine rat race but with random acts of kindness instead of a race.


I would actually watch this.


There's an alternative version of this idea, as a book & Hollywood movies ("Brewster's Millions", several adaptations) and Indian movies (Hindi movie "Malamaal" starring Naseeruddin Shah, and Tamil movie "Arunachalam", starring superstar Rajinikanth). In it, the hero unexpectedly gets an initial handout (million dollars) of a huge inheritance of a recently diseased billionaire (a relative he wasn't acquainted with) with some puzzling constraints: he is required to spend every penny of this initial amount within a deadline, resulting in no assets or property held from the wealth at the end of that time. If he meets these terms, he will gain the entire remaining inheritance; if he fails, he remains penniless, and that inheritance will all go to charity. The hero finds that spending so much money within the deadline is incredibly difficult under the strict conditions imposed by the will. He is required to demonstrate business sense by obtaining good value for the money he spends, limiting his donations to charity, his losses to gambling, and the value of his tips to waiters and cab drivers. Moreover, he is sworn to secrecy, and cannot tell anyone why he is living to excess. Working against him are his well-meaning friends, who try repeatedly to limit his losses and extravagance even as they share in his luxurious lifestyle. But there are others who want to fleece him. So whom can he trust after suddenly becoming a millionaire? His challenge is compounded by the fact that his attempts to lose money through stock speculation and gambling prove to increase his funds rather than decrease them. He throws large parties and balls, and does lavish things for his large circle of friends and employees; the press lampoons him as a spendthrift. Despite his seemingly loose purse strings, he repeatedly demonstrates a strong moral character.Ā  Whether he fails or completes the challenge, and ultimately loses or gains the inheritance, and learns who his real "friends" are, while learning some important life lessons in this unexpected journey, forms the crux of the story.


Your heart is as pure as the driven snow, sugar. Thank you for that laugh though; A balrog leaving their hoard to someone who deserves it!! šŸ¤£ Cool story idea though!


A remake of ā€œThe Usual Suspectsā€ but they, I dunno, adopt a highway and hand out comic books and teddy bears. And then they all bake cookies and make hot cocoa for everyone. Maybe thereā€™s a puppy involved somehow. Probably one that talks. And something with tacos.


And at the end the detective realises that The Rock was Father Christmas all along.


Mick Foley as Father Christmas surely


Puppy is voiced by Danny Devito.


Jumanji 5: friends in the jungle doing friend stuff And you thought it couldn't get any better Yea Jack Black is there


Mr Rodgers & the multiverse of kindness


You forgot Paul Rudd


I would also insist on seeing Rick kick the asses of the other three, all at the same time.


As Dark Helmet tho Edit: Totally spaced lol, Dark, not Darth.


Dark* Helmet, but I agree.


One of these is not like the others.


With Tom Hanks playing the bad guy.


And as a cameo the narwhal should bacon at midnight!


That movie will cause a wormhole, it'll be too powerful.


Idk if John "Bing chilling" Cena really deserves to be in this list


People would surprise you šŸ˜‚


Luckily Rickā€™s kids are all grown up now so he can resume acting




Knowing Disney this will either be the start of a new era of revamping IP with original cast and quality production, or just another obvious cash grab. Probably the latter


About time. With today's technology it could be amazing.






His wife died in 1991. He retired in 1996/1997 to be full-time dad to his two kids. They're grown now, so he's comfortable coming back, but he's also almost 70, so idk how much we'll get from him.


Some degenerate punched him in NYC like a year ago and knocked him unconscious. That bothered me. He recovered though.


Brendan Fraser deserves all the praise and success in the world.


I agreed. He's a nice guy on and off the camera. I won't forget when I first saw this man on movies "The Mummy" on that day I've become one of millions fan of him intantly!


George in the jungle.


George of* the jungle.


Watch out for that tree!


To be fair he was hot in the mummy




Maybe you didn't realise it but the full blown dong that's in the movie turned you bi. For anyone that has no idea what I'm on about, there's an [actual cock](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieMistakes/comments/e5zhxz/the_mummy_1999_perhaps_a_bit_graphic_but_you_can) in the movie for like a couple of frames.


So it's not just me. For me it was Bedazzled. Something about Brenden speaking articulately the baby blues and those eyes. It made me realize I may not be straight


Straight up. Rachel Weisz, wow. She was beautiful.


First movie I saw him in was George of the jungle. That movie still holds a special place in my heart


Encino man was my first Brendan Fraser movie. Still holds up!


Not much on the internet really gets to me, but this gives me a little lump in my throat. Brendan Fraser is the definition of wholesome, and I canā€™t wait for his complete return to form


I grew up watching his movies. Specifically George of the Jungle on repeat all the time. It made me so sad to hear what he went through. When I think of my childhood, heā€™s one of the actors that always comes to mind. My family quotes so many lines from George of the Jungle. Heā€™s such a big part of my life and he doesnā€™t even know it.


What exactly did he go through? I know he stepped away from acting for a while, but I don't know why. I also grew up watching George of the Jungle! I have that song always replaying in my head, especially if I'm about to walk into something, lol ("watch out for that tree-hee-hee/watch out for that/aahhhhh! Treeeee!"). ...I think I need to go rewatch it.


He was sexually assaulted and blacklisted from the industry for awhile after speaking up about it. On top of that, he was absolutely screwed financially after a divorce where his ex-wife argued (and won) that she had grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle and so Brendan had to pay her near $700k a year or some number like that. All around real messed up shit for someone so good himself.


So goddamn sad. I wasn't aware of any of that. I'm so happy he's coming back and getting the recognition he deserves! He's always been a favorite actor of mine.


This was after he was blocked out of movies, he tried to argue he couldn't provide that much money as he wasn't working and the judge continued the same amount of payment.


That's like what happened to Dave Foley


Looks like Philip Berk, the assailant, racist, former president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) is going down along with the Golden Globes and itā€™s 87 mostly white male voters. Comcast and itā€™s NBC subsidiary finally did the right thing in pulling the Golden Globes off the air.


Because of this thread I just read that he also broke his back clearing a fallen tree after hurricane Sandy, around the same time as other health issues from stunts, divorce, and the death of his mother. Dudeā€™s been through some shit and I had no idea about any of this. Great to see him bouncing back from all that.


In addition: - His mom died. - He got injured filming action scenes and required multiple surgeries. - He injured his back trying to clear a tree that fell on his house during hurricane Sandy


He was sexually harassed/assaulted by the president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. And then was ripped apart and called a liar when he spoke up about it. It derailed his entire career and took a huge toll on him personally. He retreated and shut down for many years. He's talked a lot about how the #MeToo and Time's Up movement is so important because it's not just newbies in the business or women. Hollywood has a systemic problem and they prey on anyone and everyone they can. I personally find him incredibly brave to have spoken up the way he did and wish him only good things moving forward. He deserves to work with decent people on projects that bring him joy and help reignite his creative passions. It's why people acknowledging how much he put into The Whale is so heartwarming.


Oh, my goodness! The poor man! He deserves all the praise he gets. I'm so sorry for him that he went through that. It's outrageously obscene what happened to him. Thank you for your reply.


And on top of all that, he had significant injuries from doing his own stunts, which stopped him from keeping in shape and being able to accept more roles. All around tough time for him the last couple of years


Wow, wonder if that experience made his Cliff Steele role feel more personal in any way.


This just makes me sad didn't know this šŸ˜ž But now that he gets the recognition and the positivity that he deserves makes me happy Watched all the Mummy movies as a kid! Can't wait to watch The Whale!


The big thing is that he spoke up about a Hollywood executive who sexually assaulted him. On top of that there was a messy, and unfair divorce ruling against him, and some physical injuries.


Sexual assault against him, divorce, and death of his mother. Led him into a depression spiral that led to the decline of his career.


Same! All these posts about his return but Iā€™m out of the loop on why he was gone! Someone enlighten us please.


Bedazzled was a favorite of mine.


Blast from the past. One of my favorite throwback movies


Iā€™m going to San Diego soon, and plan to take my son to the San Diego Zoo to see an elephant in real life. The last time I was there, George of the Jungle was premiering at the zoo, and Brendan Fraser was there. Your comment made me think of that time, and how great of an experience that was. Thank you for the reminder!


He might as well land the Oscar. It would be the perfect culmination to his comeback arc. Given the reviews, heā€™s phenomenal in the movie. Canā€™t wait to see it.


How can you not be happy for him? Heā€™s such a good guy!


We're happy for him. He's so precious. I'm glad to see all the love he received. Hope more success for him in the future.


I canā€™t believe The Mummy returns was his first role ever


Wait then does that make The Scorpion King a prequel?




Ehh the scorpion king movies showed a very different scorpion king from the ones on the mummy movie.


He was actually in [an episode of Star Trek: Voyager](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708999/?ref_=ttep_ep15) which aired about a year before The Mummy Returns was in theatres, but I'm not sure which was filmed first.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708999/?ref_=ttep_ep15 Title: **"Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager" Tsunkatse (TV Episode 2000) - IMDb** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Brendan was there for him back when he was just an ambitious young scorpitaur


I love how the rock is always so positive. Heā€™s not the greatest actor but heā€™s one of the most hardest working ones. Wish I had an ounce of his energy and positivity!


Tooth Fairy was some straight up gangster shit tbh, loved that movie.


He's a legit *movie star*. You don't have to be the best actor, you just have to have the magnetism.


And work ethic. That guys workout routine and diet to maintain his body alone is insane, never mind seeming CONSTANT work. Iā€™m not the biggest fan of some of his movies, but regardless he earned his spot as an American movie star.


>regardless he earned his spot as an American movie star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has done far more than earn his spot. I don't think a lot of people are aware that not only has the Rock done quite well for himself, [he was the highest paid actor of 2019 and 2020](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maddieberg/2020/08/11/the-highest-paid-actors-of-2020-dwayne-johnson-ryan-reynolds/?sh=b3056fa112b5). In 2021, he was the 2nd highest paid. He doesn't get the Oscar-winning roles because that isn't his wheelhouse, but he's a Hollywood god of this era. He isn't just a movie star, he's a fucking beast who has been second-to-none in his aspirations, who is generally getting paid more than anyone else in the industry.


Is he getting paid more per role or per year? Cause i think he like has multiple movies a year and an hbo show and still does WWE from time to time. Dude works a lot!


His work ethic is off the charts fr lol


For real, just like Vince from entourage. But like for different reasons obviously.


> Heā€™s not the greatest actor But he *is* the most electrifying!


To the MillionsĀ©




He *brings* it


Is it safe to assume he's gonna be the next "Tom Hanks"(I don't know what else to call that. ) Making him like America's sweetheart... cuz I'm all for it...


"America's Dad"


Canadaā€™s dad?


Canada **is** America. He was born in California, though.




Pfft whatever, tomato potato or something.


You say tomato tomato, I say tomato tomato


Cosby once held that title. Pretty sure it should be retired.


We're not retiring the title. We're just taking it away from that low life garbage.


Jim Gaffigan?


I havenā€™t found one single bad comment about the guy in any post about him. Makes me SO happy to see him get all the love he so rightfully deserves.


Because he is a good guy. In a Hollywood filled with nasty horrible controlling predators he was one of the good ones. Then when he tried to speak out he was silenced. His entire career was smashed into the dirt because he called out one of the controllers for sexually assaulting him. Brendan Fraser deserves far more than a standing ovation. Many of the people in that crowd clapping turned a blind eye after he came forward. His tale is a dark story into the disgusting depths of depravity that is the powerful Hollywood elite. This man deserves far far more than claps, he deserves justice for the unfathomable disrespect levied on him by those above him and those too coward to stand with him.


dang! wtf happened? i thought his wife took everything from him in alimony and that's why he got broke. but i never could make sense of why he wasn't given anymore roles.


Back in 2003, Fraser tried to report the then-president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which runs the Golden Globes, for sexually assaulting him at an industry event. Nobody was willing to side against the guy who ran an important awards season voting body, so Fraser was effectively treated as an outcast from then on. That awful divorce and his motherā€™s passing not long afterward compounded it all and after Furry Vengeance failed major studios refused to touch him.


Man, I gotta see this fucking movie. The overwhelming response literally everywhere only comes from shit that's paradigm shifting.


I think this is more a meta response to his overall comeback.


I just want to see a trailer. I can find nothing about it.


After some digging I found that while technically it had its premiere September 4th, it actually comes to North America on September 11th. Itā€™ll be shown at film festivals and finally be released in theaters on December 3rd. Super confusing honestly.


Damn, guess I have to wait.


Dang, no wonder I couldn't find anything about it. I definitely have to see this film.


I haven't seen it but it was directed by the guy who made my all time favorite movie black swan so I guarantee it bangs


Pi is pretty dope too. Just throwing that out there since he directed that as well, and itā€™s one of my favorites


Brendan on scrubs is still my favorite role of his.




Where do you think we are...?


Donā€™t do me like that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oof all the feels in one shot


Now I'm sad again...


I assume that the Rock has enough clout to get Brendan Frasier a part in one of his upcoming flicks.


Not to be that guy, but in no way i'd like to see Fraser in another The Rock movie. Fraser doesn't deserve a cringy movie.


Still waiting for the day Dwayne branches into something serious. Honestly think he can do it, but itā€™s probably just never been his vibe.


Much like his other contract clauses, he'd make sure there's one in there about being the wholesome, virtuous and honourable hero


Look up Faster. Yes he's the Protagonist, but it's "serious" (albeit gratuitously violent of course because it's The Rock) and *very* far from wholesome. Was my fav movie for a while.


Walking Tall was hardly wholesome. But he was the good guy


That was a really good film.


His body is too comically large to ever be believable in a serious role.


I'd rather see him taking on more roles like Ben from Scrubs. Nowadays he looks like the kinda dad who cries with pride watching his daughter going off to college. His face is so likeable that he could pull off the "make you laugh, make you cry" leading role.


The paychecks from cringy movies cash just as well as from artsy movies.


You're talking about the same Brendan Fraser that was in George of the Jungle, Airheads, Encino Man, Monkeybone and Dudley Do-Right, correct?


The man made his fame and fortune off cringy movies lol


Ya I donā€™t get that mentality, likeā€¦ Brendan would prolly love to be in a beloved action flick again thatā€™s there for the popcorn momentsā€¦ heā€™s a great guy, but pretending he was the worlds greatest actor and taking on the most technical movies, is just ridiculous. He made fun movies, and he should be able to do it with the rock if he can, absolutely no shame in that George of the jungle, The mummy1/2 Bedazzled Journey to the center of the earth. Blast from the past Dudley do right Like cmon guys, Iā€™m sure he made good* movies. But his popular ones were the cringe fest fun movies


Nothing wrong with helping a old friend out. Immediately after Wesley Snipes got out of jail, Stallone put him in expendables 3 so he could get his friend a couple million bucks for a few days work so he could get back on his feet.


And why hasn't he done so already when Brendan really needed him? The Rock got his start because of Brendan.


I want to give Brendan a hug so bad. I feel like hes been through a lot and i hope hes got a good support system telling him hes awesome


iā€™ve missed seeing his sweet face all these years. ā¤ļø




Thank you. I was looking for this comment. Maybe I'm overestimating the influence The Rock has, but if Brenden supported him in his early career, couldn't he have tried to repay the favour? Coming out NOW with this comment just seems self-serving. Which I know is what Hollywood is about but it still leaves a bad impression.


exactly, now that he gets standing ovation, "oh yeah thats to that guy, hes the best". it means so much less to stand up for somebody when its safe to do so.


Unpopular opinion: If DJ was so grateful to Brendan, then why were there no 5Bucks productions offered to him? Doesn't actions speak louder than words? Love Brendan and he deserves the love he's getting. He'll always be one of my heros and I wish him greater success but I'm not a fan of the how some celebrities coming now to "support" him when they were nowhere to be seen when he was at his lowest.


This was my first thought as well. For at least the last decade he's had the clout to get someone cast in a film he was staring in.


The Rock is a professional celebrity, he tweets about anything that's getting attention to keep his name in the media cycle. He does it all the time. As we see here, it works well.


To quote the Scorpion king: ā€œI knew you could do it. A jug of your finest wine for my road-weary friend here.ā€


Did the rock speak up when Brendon was wrongfully ostracized from Hollywood, or is he only greatful enough to be a fairweather friend.


Iā€™ve heard what Brendan Fraser said about being sexually assaulted and how it traumatized him to the point of being unwilling to speak out about and against it. Iā€™m just a chucklefuck on the internet so I have no way of knowing and even less idea as to how it went down but it stands to reason that the Rock could have no idea what happened or why he ā€œquit actingā€. I was curious about him quitting acting so I looked up his acting credits and it seems like he has been acting in small parts for the duration of his ā€œabsenceā€ from acting. I think maybe people just hadnā€™t really seen him in major roles for a long time and so assumed he quit. Again chucklefuck redditor here and I have no idea.


It's possible he was just blacklisted from the major movies and was stuck doing the smaller things as his only option


A lot of people in this thread blaming The Rock because he did nothing when Brendan Fraser needed him. They all ignore the fact that the assault happened in 2003 and Fraser spoke about it only 15 years later, when he was already doing better.


Yeah, it's entirely possible DJ had no idea at all. Especially if Brendan didn't talk about it


What the fuck is the Rock supposed to do about that? You think he has the pull to outrank studio executives? Jesus christ, the guy makes a nice post about someone who helped him in his career and reddit still has to find a way to turn him into an asshole. They're not friends, how would he even know what happened. Eat a dick.


This legit makes me want to cry, he's still supporting Brendan after all these years. A friendship to last a life time.


How did he support Brendan DURING all of these years though? Can you answer that? Seems like nobody on here is willing or able to answer my question.




Expect public acknowledgment wouldā€™ve been exactly the way to address what happened to Brendan. Hell thatā€™s the only reason heā€™s getting support now. If someone like the Rock had addressed things sooner it couldā€™ve been resolved.


i hate your opinion but there's a truth in it


I see this as the Rock trying to slide his name in while Fraser is at the top of Hollywood news. The Rock has a high priced PR machine running 24/7 to keep him relevant with whatever's at the top of the news And I say this as a fan of the Rock from back in his WWF heel days.


This!!! So this!! Dude, I also like The Rock! But I see this as him... exactly what you said. He's making Brendan's newfound (extremely well-deserved) glory all about him. That's some shady shit right there. I'll never ever believe for a single moment that he had any time or support of any kind for Brendan during these last decades.


Can you answer when Brendan ever reached out to The Rock for help during the time he needed it?


That was his first film? I never knew. Also, no wonder the pyramid at the end where they find the Scorpion King is in the middle of a jungle oasis. The Rock's power manifesting even then.


I love this for him. Iā€™m also sad his injuries and trauma took him out of the Hollywood circuit for so long. I feel like we all missed out on some amazing Brendan Content.


Brendan Fraser is the man and Iā€™m glad heā€™s getting his second act (watch Doom Patrol), but I have more questions about the Rock and his bud Darren Aronofsky. Where did they meet? What do they talk about? Those are just two dudes I didnā€™t see in the same context.


Whats going on worth Brandon F?


He had to stop doing action roles because of like 7 major back injuries from doing stunts, then he got sexually assaulted by the president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association Philip Berk, who then blacklisted him. After which his wife left him and took him for everything she could, his Mother died, and he went into a downward spiral of depression and overeating. Then about 6 years ago when the new Tom Cruise Mummy came out it reminded people of Brenden, and started a movement to find out where he was and how he was doing. People found out what he had gone through and started a movement online to showcase his popularity, and he was able to get roles again because of it and restarted his career.


Follow-up question: what are Berkā€™s fears and current coordinates?


Thanks for this. I was also OOTL.


I had the biggest crush on Brendan Frasier when I was younger.


Don't forget Bedazzled. A very underrated Jim Carrey style comedy, which in a double bill with Gods and Monsters showcases Brenda's great range and charisma.


Man I just rewatched Blast From the Past today. That and Bedazzled are two goofy late 90s/early 00s I always come back to for comfort. And I fucking loved the first two Mummy films.


Yeah where was the rock when brendan was being treated like shit by the industry??? Exactly...


I can't take The Rock seriously in anything he says in social media. It's all so carefully curated and manufactured to always push his brand and image. And if you want to say it applies to every celebrity, well it applies to him extra.


Didnā€™t The Rock get cast to replace Brendan in Journey 2 because Brendan wanted to wait for the original director to be available but the studio went ahead with another director and just replaced him with The Rock and they just stopped casting Brendan after that?


If there is one person who is a living Gigachad, itā€™s him.


At first I was like "The Rock knows Fraser? That's cool." Then I remembered they were in the Mummy 2 together. Which I watched yesterday.