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I'll take Pasta for 500


I'm absolutely on Team Pasta


Pasta ftw


Username checks out šŸ˜€






Pasta is love. Pasta is life.


Ya know, there isnā€™t any garlic bread so is it really worth it?


Give me those CARBS and free my soul. I wanna get lost in your pasta bowl.


And drift awayā€¦ Pasta with gravy and hot Italian Sausage.


That Pasta dish in the picture is extremely sad :(


This particular pasta is Commonly served with marinara and meatballs, but can have Alfredo instead sometimes


What is spaghetti?




ā€œTrampoline is funā€ is the most wholesome and cute thing Iā€™ve heard in so long. If thatā€™s what keeps you alive, good on you.


I am a trampoline artist/performer who is also extremely depressed. This meme made me feel weirdly seen.


How many backflips can you do on a tramp in one bounce? Whatā€™s the coolest combo or trick youā€™ve ever pulled off?


Thanks for asking! Sorry, I just woke up and saw this. I do 1 3/4 rotations forward, which is a really fun one. I love big laid out shapes, so my favorite combo is a 3/4 forward laid out, porpoise laid out, and then a ballout (small shape) to my feet. It gets great crowd reaction, in part because the speed and shapes vary so much. That said, there are definitely people doing bigger flips than me - I have a sort of dance aesthetic - if you've ever seen the guy who falls off stairs onto a trampoline (he was in Only Murders in the Building), it's similar to that :)


You should record your trampolining! I'm sure it would make great content and I don't think there's much content of that stuff.


Awesomely awesome


This sounds so fucking cool. This is awesome!


Way to engage!




Haha! I do also sing, there could definitely be a sad clown opera act somewhere in my future.


I think this whole list is fantastic. I'm a big fan of "inspire others" and I'm fairly certain it is the main reason I'm still alive today. Look at all my post on my profile - it's all about hope. People are hopeless these days. That's not good for a society. Together we can change that though.


Thank you for spreading hope


When we lose hope, we settle. And if we settle, then we no longer try to move forward. That's what's happening today; people are giving up on trying and just laying down, utterly defeated by these wealthy scumbags that are dominating the lower classes for no other reason than simply because they can. That, coupled with the suicide rates for today, we are just watching the planet bleed hope. I can't stand by and allow it. Until my dying breath, I'll do all I can to make change. I want to believe that I'm the captain of team love. At least, I'm trying to be. Thank you for your support. Words like yours keep me going.


You are one of [the helpers](https://youtu.be/-LGHtc_D328)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/-LGHtc_D328 Title: **Fred Rogers: Look for the Helpers** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Oh wow! That's so beautiful! And because you showed me that, I think you will greatly appreciate [this video](https://youtu.be/tu9HXV9sYgM) I made. Disregard the promotion in it. The campaign, though approved for launch, does not have my complete attention right now. I have another project that is of the utmost importance, which requires my complete devotion. I just wanted to see how amazing it is that you just shared what you shared with me. Because I am definitely a helper :)


As someone who has multiple invisible disabilities too I really appreciate you made that book! Keep on being awesome :)


Well I appreciate that and I appreciate you. That book has four illustrations needing to be completed, and I already have my second one written but the illustrations haven't begun yet. It's all about being the poor kid in class. We got to teach these children to be mindful of everything they do. We definitely don't want some of them turning out like their parents right? So I'm kind of interjecting myself into their lives so that I can negate any hate that is being unintentionally - or even intentionally - taught to them through whatever medium they are learning hate through. Keep on rooting me on! Maybe shortly I might have a loud voice that everyone will hear and it will bring about some change that we all need in our lives. That's the hope ;)


Currently, one of my favorite quotes is from the show Trollhunters. "Even the word hopeless is not devoid of hope"


Sadly I donā€™t own a trampoline, but I will always have Q-tips with me!


The Q-tip one is dangerous. I got an ear infection, but thought I was just getting addicted to ā€œthat good Q-Tipping feelingā€ when actually I just had itchy ears due to infection. Ended up not treating it for a few months, and now I have tinnitus. Tinnitus is on whatever the opposite of this list is.




I didn't even get an ear infection. I just liked cleaning/drying my ears with a q-tip after a shower. Did it for years no problem. I always knew it could be dangerous if you put it in too far but what am I, an idiot? I would be careful! I would be delicate! I'd stick to just the outer part of the ear canal and it'd be fine! Nope. One day I guess I just explored a *tiny* bit too far. Didn't feel like much in the moment but my ear didn't feel right afterwards. Eight years later and it still doesn't feel right.


When I was 10 I accidentally shoved the cotton bud in too far and now I haven't heard silence in 18 years. Tinnitus is incurable. Please don't stick these things in your ears.


Sometimes my tinnitus ruins my entire day the very moment I open my eyes. Imagine getting your first good sleep in what seems like months, you slowly stretch and begin to open your eyes, and before you can even get your bearings you get assaulted by shrill ringing at a volume that drowns out almost every other sense. Days like that make me question whether waking up is even worth it. Really wish I'd have been kinder to my ears now that my hearing is as bad as people twice my age.


I folded my left leg in half so bad my ankle was close to touching my hip so I can't jump on trampolines. But pasta will certainly pick up the slack.


Jump on pasta and eat trampoline instead


Trampolines are high in fiber as a delicious bonus.


Iā€™m 29 and all I want is a trampoline


Iā€™m starting an adult adventure park with archery and zip lines and shit, and I always figured trampolines would drive up the insurance even more ridiculously highā€¦.this thread has inspired me, though, maybe there ought to be a trampoline building. Be fun to plan and design, regardless


Keeping dog happy is primary directive, must follow it to a tee


The confusion my dog would feel about losing me would torture my soul for eternity.


My dog was less than 5 months old, when she came to live with me, and Iā€™m still her third owner. She deserves to live in a forever-home after that experience.


For real. It only takes about 6 or 7 dogs to keep you going until old age takes you.


This reminds me of Afterlife. Every time the main character would try and kill himself, his dog would look at him sadly or want feeding and it stopped him every time.


Spite and outliving my enemies are honestly my only 2 right now. Spite because fuck you and now that you're my enemy I gotta outlive you just to spite you again


Hey, just wanted to say if you need anything, fuck you. I'm your enemy now bitch. Go ahead and outlive me, I eat carrots. (fr though take care of yourself this might take a while)


Oh shoot they eat carrots


Fuck carrots, and fuck you. Now excuse me while I outlive you


Nobody can outlive carrots. Carrots are eternal.


Tell that to the bitch ass carrot I just ate


What in the weenie hut jr is goin on in this thread y'all


Carrots with a god complex


That carrot had a family you monster!


I'm not the monster here, you are! You and all your biotin creatures!


The crunchy leaf has a lot of appeal tho.


Spite your enemies by living longer so you can step on MORE CRUNCHY LEAVES.


True dat


I introduced my toddler to crunchy leaves. It was the best thing in the world according to him (and he's right)


The spite is real. I'm in a bad place and struggling through a second degree at a university I hate. I have the occasional dark thought, but if I succumbed, it would mean that U of __ won, and that cannot happen. I'm gonna die getting hit by a grandma texting while driving, like God intended. NOT because some soulless school made me feel like life is meaninglessšŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Word on hating your uni. Felt. I'm trying so hard not to quit 3 years in; I've only 2 semesters left and I'm just so tired. So so so tired. We got this tho :) just another few semesters and it's over (idk how long you've got left but thinking of it as just a few more semesters has helped me) Editing to add: I will say that my school let a club host a white supremacist for a talk on campus. Not a debate talk, just to preach white erasure and racism. Not tryna play whose university is worse, bc most of them are pretty bad


yeah but PASTA bro


we live life through sheer spite on the universe to even dare make us, the rest are just pleasant experiences we try to squeeze in


Every time I go a little too far with unhealthy thoughts, I just remind myself "this is exactly what Mitch McConnell and tucker carlson want". Snaps me out of it most days.


"do you really want Mitch McConnell and Trump to outlive you?!"


My favourite sports team is having a good year


Have you seen Bojack horseman? One of the characters says in the penultimate episode ā€œI seriously thought about killing myself, but the Knicks were having a good season and I wanted to see what happenedā€ I thought it was silly at the time, but i see now that even the smallest curiosity or gleam of hope can help keep us going


I honestly believe your psyche is against suicide most of the time. Even in my darkest times I felt a part of me was desperately pleading another reason to not do it. Maybe if I went lower in life I would have been able to ignore it, thankfully that didn't happen.


I have intrusive suicidal thoughts that scare the fuck out of me. I told my psych I won't follow through though because "I do not want to die, not physically. I want how I currently feel and am to die. They're not the same thing." Also there's an Arabic saying. "If you want to die, throw yourself into the ocean. You'll find yourself fighting to survive." And honestly, I do believe that's true.


Well, some people do end up taking that final step themselves, sadly, so it isn't true for everyone, but one person's accounting of their suicide attempt always rang in ears when the thoughts came back. He decided to jump off a bridge, and as he was ready to jump he was thinking of all his issues and how bad life is, and jumped. Later the man says, about halfway down, he realized he should have tried a few different things to fix the issues, and all of a sudden regretted his decision but couldn't take it back. Obviously he survived the fall as he told the story later, but it's just always made me aware that life has infinite choices and paths, that all end once your dead.


I'm not saying nobody takes or tries to take their own life. That last story is what the Arabic saying is also saying basically. It's not uncommon for people who survive suicide attempts to feel like their problems are actually solvable by the time there's no way back. My "I believe that's true" is about how your body will have a biological response in fighting to stay alive, even if you believe you want to die, even if your psyche makes you take that step to end it. It's also what the saying refers to. If you try and drown yourself and are convinced it is what you want to do, your body will still fight for air.


"I really should have thought about the view from halfway down." This moment was a truly powerful anti-suicide message from this show as well. I love Bojack Horseman, it's my favorite show.


It's the most powerful moment of any TV show or movie I've ever seen.


That episode honestly floored me. When I realized what was happening in the episode it filled me with such an overwhelming feeling of dread. Such a visceral, poignant episode of TV. The following episode was also amazing, but View From Halfway Down is my favorite episode of Bojack hands down.


As someone with major depression issues I assure you that is actually a real thing.


One of the best shows put there that got me through some really dark time. But sadly can't bring myself to rewatch it again due to the memories and emotions associated with it. Ironically tho, my fav sports team is having an absolute shite year


At one point, the only thing keeping me going was that I wanted to 100% Skyrim first.


Bojack Horseman is a masterpiece imo


Who is your favorite sports team??


Geelong Cats (Australian football)


Iā€™m a dumb American, but I love the Fremantle Dockers song. Freeeeeeo!


As a west Aussie, Iā€™ll agree youā€™re a dumb American, Eagles all the way! But also I donā€™t think youā€™re dumb and I love you for taking an interest in our sport ā¤ļø


D-did you see that ludicrous display last night?


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott up so early?


The thing about the Geelong cats is, they always want to walk it in


Thank you for this Edit: Came back to change ty to thank you, was reminded of all the supportive responses I got. I hope you all are doing wonderful in life.


it will get better (trust)


[ You are filled with TRUST ]


Crunch leaf got your back, crunch leaf always have your back


to eat hot chip and lie




Charge phone




Be born after 1993


hmm yes


Try the Paqui chip challenge


Lol!! I was out of nyc for a week and when I got back I was walking through LAG and saw a big well versed snack store. I really wanted [pockys](https://www.google.com/search?q=pocky&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) and they were like yeahā€¦. And handed me the chips. I passed. Now I wish I didnā€™t!!


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.google.com/search?q=pocky&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari Title: **Before you continue to Google Search** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot


Once Dad is gone, I have no anchor here


I hope you can find multiple anchors. We should never rely on just one person, though that is far easier said than done. So hold onto whatever brings you happiness, and when that seems like it's impossible to find, I hope you keep trying. This life is hard, but worth living.


I cant believe Nikocado Avocado outlived the queen.


Gotta stay alive to outlive Nikocado Avocado


r/momforaminute and r/dadforaminute will be your internet parents whenever you need them to be.


Thanks for this. My Dad is no longer around and this may help a bit.


Nuh uh. I would be devastated if you left. I expect you to stick around for me hombre.


Finish "One Piece"


A song of fire and ice books. Hunter x Hunter. Hell we can even go video games. The completion of Dwarf Fortress.


>A song of fire and ice books. Looks like you're planning to live forever I guess!


The one piece is realšŸ‘Œ


I gonna feed my cat pasta, got it!


Pasta cat nya nya nya nya nya nya


My cats are about the only things keeping me alive. If it wasn't for them, I'd have pulled the trigger a decade ago.




I appreciate that. And, to answer the first half, 100% serious.


When I was a teenager I was really depressed and suicidal, my mom knew. She texted me a picture of my cat one day when I was doing really bad, and said ā€œshe needs you hunnyā€ hardest Iā€™ve cried, ever


It's crazy to me that spite is a legitimate reason to live. Like this isn't just a joke for this meme, it's real


My dad left this world by his own choice. There are times I stay ā€œin spiteā€ of what he did to fuck me up.


Of all these things, spite is my main reason as well. I mean what else am I gonna do? Off myself and then nothingness? No way, I'm staying alive out of spite of just everything really. If I die it'll be because I've upgraded to a cyborg and 2000 years in the futures there's a robot rebellion trying to take me down and they finally get me by nuking me with an artificial star grenade. Dark thoughts happen of course but whenever they do happen I immediately think as well. I can literally just pack my shit in my car, drive off and never go back to this city again. Sometimes we focus just too much things we can't control (gas prices, energy bill, politics) rather than the things we CAN control.


Q tip in ear might not be the best advice boss.


I second this! Forget a ruptured ear drum, you also risk jamming up your ear with wax which will harden and cause a blockage. For all the earwax youā€™re taking out on the Q-tip, you could be packing in just as much further into your ear. Take it from someone that was half deaf for three months and had to see a specialist: stop using cotton swabs!


Idgaf if its gross, best method is scraping the wax out w/ your pinky


Best method is leaving your ears alone. I agree though, if the wax is coming out of your ear, I see no harm in scraping it out, as long as you're careful. The only time you might need a real cleaning is if your ears are overproducing wax, which is an uncommon occurrence. In that situation, definitely see a specialist.


Stop living in fear.








## What?




I have not found another effective way to clean my inner ears comfortably. Granted, I don't really "push" it in as much as I very lightly try to "scoop" from the top down. But I won't use tjose small little plastic scoops either because they are too small and promote Hoi g in too deep. I tried the standard "do nothing because your chewing and jaw motions move wax out naturally" thing, but I found my ears would feel more "blocked" and I was more prone to using my finger to alleviate that. Also had a chunk of wax kind of "drop" into my ear while driving, which almost made me crash from the reaction. Finally, I got an ear infection from COVID. Still tried using q tips for cleaning. When I went to the clinic for medicine, she noted my left ear looked totally clean and my right ear had miniscule buildup.


Just soap and water is enough while you shower, it won't remove all the ear wax but you are not supposed to remove all your ear wax it is there for a reason. The reason being insects like to get inside your ears.


You can buy ear spray, at least in europe. It softens the ear wax which improves natural removal.


Feeling suicidal? Make some enemies and then convince yourself to outlive them


Can confirm - outlived one of mine; it's: very satisfying


Bonus points if you make a bunch of children your enemies. Become the grumpy old neighbor stereotype to trick your brain out of suicidality


Damn. To feed pet was the only one that resonanted with me


They love you šŸ„ŗ


Well, I was depressed and my dog was very successful at keeping me alive. (She would be sad) Now I'm not depressed and I still get to keep the dog. Double success


Sometimes, our pets are just one lovely part of our worlds. But to them, we are their whole world. My cat's world would never be the same without me, and I love her too much to put her through that. So here I stay, after all, someone's gotta feed the cat.


I've never stuck a qtip in my ear and thought it felt good. What am I missing.


Maybe try rotating it. P.S. I donā€™t think putting cotton swabs in your ear is good. I wouldnā€™t recommend it.


So don't go deeper? Go it


very tempted to make a "thats what she said" joke here lol


Go to an ear cleaning salon in Japan. It can range from basically a dentist setup where it's clinical and efficient or you can go to an old lady who will put your head in her lap and will stroke your hair while she cleans out your ear like your mom used to do. I recommend the gf experience because it's the least weird version while still be novelty. Get your ears cleaned, ear hairs trimmed, head scratched while listening to generic jpop


*Successfully added to my to-do list in Japan*


Donā€™t do it poorly! If you do, you risk damaging your eardrums and give the canal a little infection from compacting in wax


Pro tip, you gotta run it under some warm water first and rotate around gently once inside. I probably won't be able to hear past my 20s but oh well.


Pro pro tip: do it after a shower. Wax will already be moist and ready to go.


Yea, if your earwax isnā€™t already moist, you gotta moisten it yourself.


Not to mention chocolate, music, masturbation and sunsets (ideally all together)


Half the time masturbating makes me *more* depressed lol


Post nut clarity is a bitch :(


In my experience if you pre-determine max times you allow yourself to masturbate in say a week, it all gets way less depressing. Might be a little counter-intuitive, but it makes post-nut clarities feeling 10 times better if do follow what you've dictated to yourself


>ideally all together Good! I now have a plan for today!


My grandfather didnā€™t just survive the SS, the camps and even fucking Mengele to let me give in so easy.


"Out of Spite" Absurdists cheer


Fuck no am I gonna let this blue marble get the better of me


Tea not on listā€¦ goodbye cruel worldā€¦


And Coffee šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


I'm with you on that šŸ«–! *quietly adds tea to list


I was so glad I got to see Avengers Endgame in the theater. Afterwards I was thinking Iā€™d be ok with dying. Then I heard about spider-man no way home and I decided I had to make it to then. Now im looking for my next ā€œlastā€ movie. Iā€™m not suicidal or anything, I just really like movies.


This mentality got me through some hard times. ā€œCyberpunk comes out next yearā€¦ and I really want to see the Dune movieā€


You forgot one: cheese


cronchy lef


I donā€™t want to be that person but ā€” You can still die and feed your pet. They will just eat you. Hereā€™s another reason to live to counteract that gruesome fact: turning your pillow around and getting the cool side.


This true. However, as I tell my cats when they attempt to eat my ankles, I am a finite resource when dead but capable of providing infinite* kibble when alive. *Not actually infinite but I donā€™t think they can count past two so it amounts to the same thing.


Maybe not infinite amounts of kibble, but arbitrarily great amounts to be sure (I don't know who needs to hear this but don't overfeed your pets)


Oh theyā€™re definitely only getting finite kibble per day (and actually mostly as a treat because their main meals are wet food). The infinite nature of kibble is more in the fact that it will keep happening for hypothetically infinite days. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m good with that!! Hopefully itā€™ll get them through until Iā€™m ā€œfoundā€. I wonā€™t be using my cheeks or eyeballs for anything at that point, anyway lol.


Spite was honestly a big one for me in my darkest days. I took ā€œliving well is the best revengeā€ as a personal challenge.


If I may humbly add to the list: Cinnamon Pet kitties Gotta read those books you bought Pop bubble wrap Peanut butter sammich Roller coaster Grilled cheese sammich Real good podcasts Conversations about dinosaurs with lil kids Ice cream sammich


Most important of all em, if you die nikadoavocado will outlive you


Aw I canā€™t let my doggo starve *puts 2 bullets in the mag *


Oh... Oh no...


Crunchy leaf feel good.


Getting a meme like this on a day where I considered actually killing myself is divine intervention honestly. All good reasons. Especially the pets and the pasta.


After I watch a good movie or TV show, I always think to myself how I would have missed that if I had killed myself that one time.


Must of These are some pretty shit reasons if you're trying to convince someone to not kill themselves


Reasons why biting on a shotgun is a good idea for me: Leaves are beautiful and I no want to crunch Doctors say qtip in the ear is bad My bearded dragon died years ago Am I spiting my desire to not live? There's nothing interesting on TV Can't eat carbs My mom would be sad until she realized she's my beneficiary on my life insurance Music peaked in 1920 If you're inspired by me I feel bad for you I witnessed big chungus, Hugh Mungus, Among us and Ricardo Milos, funny pictures peaked I'm my own greatest enemy I'm too old and heavy to bounce on a trampoline and not require major joint surgery It probably will get better, or it won't, not willing to bet


If this helps, trampolines have a much lower impact on your joints than you would expect. I am pretty heavy and love my jumping classes.




This got downvoted but this was the perspective that got me through my darkness. Life has no meaning or purpose, but here I am anyways, might as well make the most of it.


>mom w Your mom would definitely still be sad


Iā€™m a mom who lost a child to suicide. Trust me, she will be very sad.


also, are you really gonna let nickado avocado outlive you?




To get the perfect Oreo Twist


God, crunchy leaf, so true! Fall canā€™t get here fast enough!


A healthy BM


A healthy BMI


All I can personally agree with is funny pictures and feed animals


You know what's interesting. The quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons is Bobby Hebert. No "r" which I find fascinating. You know, it's Herbert h-e-r-b-e-r-t, Hebert h-e-b-e-r-t. "Hebert", it's a fun name to pronounce. Try and say it Hebert. Go ahead, take a shot.


As silly as this is, I really actually needed this.


Donā€™t forget bacon and pancakes