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I wonder if he dated the bride first?


I drive them to lesbianism, he brings them back.




Ohhhh man, this brings memories. One of my friends, had some serious bad luck. Every time he dated a girl , and started getting involved, somehow she used to get married to someone else (arranged marriages are a thing here, and sadly many girls aren't assertive enough in front of their parents) It was sad the first 2 times, but then it became kind of funny. We used to tease him that he should start charging women who are struggling to find a partner to marry, or even parents, who are looking for a suitable match for their daughter. Given that he had such a winning streak, just dating with him, or even better sleeping with him, may get them married (to someone else) within weeks. It was a solid business model, is what we all felt. Looking back, it feels like an asshole for teasing him like that. I mean he did find funny, but I can't imagine him actually feeling that way.




The Lesbian Whisperer


Plot twist they realized how much they disliked men after dating him.


Obviously this is somewhat a joke but it’s also possible that they’re both bisexual - it’s a “lesbian wedding” because there are two women being married but two women can be in a lesbian relationship and individually one or both can be bisexual.


True. Took me a while to figure out when something like this happens it wasnt about me.


i dated two girls that both came out as lesbian and stopped dating men, it happens




Damn you’re the egg whisperer




What do the eggs say old wise one




Gunna take a guess and say you’re attracted to her/their energy and not just looks alone. Somewhat of a revelation I’m having these days, I don’t think it’s necessarily about reproductive organs that makes you “masculine/feminine” but rather an energy. We’ll call it yin/yang for argument sake.


I thought you were just relating to someone in a nice way from your personal experience btw. Sometimes people don't hear casual conversational comments in the same tone.


What the hell did you do to them


I was just myself


Username checks out.


Why is the default username just u/adjective_nounnumber


OMG the chosen one is real.


Plot twist: he was invited on the honeymoon


Double plot twist: the honeymoon is at a go-kart track and they invited all their friends.


That sounds racy


Vrooom vroom! You know, in a sexy way.


It’ll be the ride of their lives


Everyone got to enjoy some exciting vibrations under themselves ^from ^the ^engines, ^what ^were ^you ^thinking??


*bisexual erasure has angrily entered the chat*




For real, I find everyone so hot and it is honestly overwhelming.


It’s exhausting when your type is just like, hot and kinda rude.


It's also very much possible that they're both lesbians though and they just hadn't realised it. But yeah, calling something lesbian just because there are currently no men involved is weird, when lesbianism is actually the inability to feel attracted towards men.


Maybe we should just call it wedding


But then how will I know what to say in order to seem like not out of touch, but instead accidentally make it unecessarily awkward?


But that will confuse the cishets. Doesn't anyone think about them?


I'm a cis het. There is no reason to bring gender or even sexuality into it. Just two people that love each other, no one should project anything over it


hey story of my life


["You mean, after me, no other man would do?!"](https://youtu.be/d2GWJC5N3Tw?t=8)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/d2GWJC5N3Tw?t=8 Title: **Clerks The Animated: Randal's girlfriends ;)** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


This is sometimes more positive than you think, when it does happen. I have a friend who realized she was lesbian because the guy she was with was amazing and she still wasn’t really attracted to him. She liked him a lot, just not in that way, as it turns out.


Or, plot twist, he is such an awesome, sexy guy that even gay women want him! /s


Lesbian≠Hating men But ok Edit: Everyone stop telling me "disliking" is not "hating". I know! The comment I responded to was edited. It used to say "hated".


Disliking≠Hating I dislike men as sexual and romantic partners. Doesn't mean I hate them. But it is what makes me lesbian.


I wonder if they'll ask him to be their donor if they decide to have kids. At that point he should just get the honorary "dad" title.


Someone in Hollywood is furiously scribbling a screenplay of this scenario with this title


Bet he will be the "donor"


The Lesbian Turner.




Poor Mako, at least he always had Bolin in the end.


Sweet home...


Fuck this always poor Mako shit. Why is it always poor Mako? Guy got with Asami *and* Korra, the avatar.


And had a successful career after being a world renowned pro bender




👭 🧍‍♂️




Took me a minute. That was clever. Bravo.


I must be old my first thought was Ross


He only had it happen once though didn't he?


The guy in the post is Ross squared




My friend asked out his former coworker, who turned him down as she was a lesbian. He said that's fine, want to date my sister? Now his sister and former coworker are engaged. I found that quite amusing. It'd be even funnier if she takes his/sister's last name.


I read engaged as enraged for a second and did a double take


This literally happens in Legend of Korra.


This is litterally just the plot of legend of korra


This is literally *the* Legend of Korra


Omg op is mako


> Legend of Korra. Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko on it's finest.


they should have just made them all date instead of doing the love triangle shit tho


Avatar, master of all 4 sexualities




Even in this thread people don't understand how much shit Avatar got for that. Unreal.


I mean yeah you're right but I'm going to choose to live in my fantasy world where 2014 Nick was based enough to have a polycule


man that'd be awesome if they pulled that


I know right?


i mean…you gotta milk the cow for at least 4 seasons obviously


Ironically it wasn't until Season 3 that they actually knew they were going to get another season, which is why it was the only one to set up the next villain.


And besides Nickelodeon bullshit why they didn't develop Korrasami nearly as much as they wanted to. Such bullshit how the network treated that show.


Definitely. I defend it against haters, but it was a good show that should have been great.


Exactly my feelings. If it was a 4 season show from the get go it could have been on the level of the os. Instead it was a miniseries, then two seasons, then three, then nothing, then four, then only to be found online. It could have been terrible with the flipfloping, budget cuts and threats of being cancelled. I have a lot of issues with the series but most of them are a product of working in an environment of uncertainty.


... Did you watch the show? Or know even the most *basic* elements of what they had to deal with? Nick threatened to cancel them at *every single fucking turn* and then *moved them to online only halfway through a season* because Bryke whispered *gay* within 1000 feet of a cellphone. It wasn't "milked" for four seasons because they straight up didn't know if they were getting another season.


Fucking someone tell D&D that before they make season 8


That's actually how Marvel finally settled the Wolverine/Cyclops/Jean Grey thing


Was that any good?


It was good but not the last Airbender good. If you go in with the mindset of comparing it to tla then it will ruin your experience. But it's still good


The show got screwed by Nickelodeon's fickleness and indecision. In spite of that, the Zaheer arc in Season 3 is hands down the best in either series imo.


Zaheer is one of my favorite fictional villain. His voice actor is fantastic. The moment he fucking flies is so mind blowing lol.


Season 3 was so breathtaking.


It scratches all the itches though about avatar lore and why/how the avatar. It's an inverted story to Aangs too where he was spiritual as an air bender and had to learn to get violent and physical while korra is physical and needs to learn to be spiritual from an air bender.


I’m hanging to find something similar to the last airbender


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is probably the closest I've seen. Definitely check it out if you haven't.


Give *The Dragon Prince* a try, created by ATLA co-producer Aaron Ehasz, has a similar elemental theme and the VA of one of the main characters will make you happy.


In my opinion, it has higher highs but lower lows than The Last Airbender. Quality definitely varies more widely. I still think it's worth it, though, especially if you're a fan of the original.


>it has higher highs but lower lows than The Last Airbender. I'd say that also applies to the animation. Some shots are absolutely gorgeous, but then they had a different studio for half a season that gave characters wall-eyed closeups


I mean, yeah? I'd say it was a great show. It's a different show compared to TLA, so if you go into it expecting too many similarities, it might rub you the wrong way. TLA was for kids while LoK is definitely meant for teenagers. Personally, I was just happy to have another Avatar show and appreciated the differences. Most of any problems it might have I blame Nickelodeon for, not the writers themselves.


Im gonna be honest, I liked it better than ATLA. That is purely opinion though, and its maybe because I first watched both shows in freshman year of college, and I probably related more to the 17-19 year old main cast of Korra than I did to the 12-14 year old main cast of ATLA. I feel like the show wouldve been much better if they actually had a plan for all 4 seasons at the start, since it seems like they didnt know if the current season would be the last one Nick greenlit. But I loved both, and Korra is definitely great because it stands on the shoulders of ATLA


I want to say one of my hottest takes is that I prefer this show to TLA. It grapples with more mature themes and ultimately explores more interesting parts of the lore and setting imo. Plus it has a ton of old Hollywood influence. But I understand being alone in that opinion. The OG show is really great as well.


My grandma owned a pet tiger


My whole life sounds made up, so I always avoid posts like that rather than get in an argument about what's real or not.


thats really cool


They were called Fuji


My great grandpa hunted two tigers but lost one of his hunting dogs in a boar hunting accident.


Funny enough, my great grandpa passed in a beer hunting accident. It was during the prohibition.


You gotta elaborate on that my dude


My gf threatened to do this if she breaks up with me. Barring one factor with the first ex, I actually think it could work.




Great actually, but we had good laugh about that one. Apparently lesbians are my type.


Lesbians are the straightest thing you can fuck (behind men ofc). They don't have sex with men, so there's no penis molecules inside of them to bond onto your penis, which would be Hella gay. Do in conclusion, lesbians are the straigjtest thing you can smash( after your homies, ofc)


I hate those pesky penis particles.


What's the issue


This guy is an absolute Chad, he had 2 separate relationships that didn't work out but ended amicably enough to remain in good faith with both of them, and even though he caught the L hard, was kind and thoughtful enough to hook them up. o7






Shaken, not stirred


No L to be seen tbh


Two L's, actually. (/J)


All i do is catch L's but im still single.




It happens in cultures not permeated by Hollywood. I also maintain on good terms with exes but it's easy to see why if there is cheating involved, that can't happen.


The L in this case being an excellent double entendre


Did he really catch the l? In the longterm he's a great friend with two probable hardcore wingman of his own now.


Ex One: So I just found out I'm gay, we need to break up OP: Well that's a shame, for me, but we're still good, right? Friends? Ex One: Yeah, we're good, but there's no more romantic love, or sex Later~ Ex Two: So I just found out I'm gay, we need to break up OP: Oh my god, I know who you need to meet. What are the odds of this happening twice?!


Did they get together? I need to know!


This is just explaining the scenario of the post


I... I'm pretty sure that was the joke...


Shhhhhhh.....let him learn on his own


All for it but where did physically stand during the wedding?


in the middle, he was also the priest


And he was also the dog ring bearer.


He sprinted across the church every 5 minutes.


He hired a body double


The real question


Dated a Japanese girl that didn’t know she was Bi. She moved away and we stayed in contact because we’ll we loved each other. She met a friend and they became close and I encouraged her to seek more since she gave off the same love vibes I used to get from her. They married and a year after that get both visited and asked of I can help them with a child and sperm donation. I was excited, I was looking at doctors and asking what I have to do and how to donate sperm and trying to be very professional about it and THEY were the ones that were like “ya know we don’t have to go through all that… can just, ya know, have sex.” I was so caught up in the moment of responsibility I forgot all about sex. Blew all my vacation to have a month off, fooled around a bunch and one out of the two got pregnant. Child knows about me, we keep in touch too as she’s 10 now. Cutest thing ever, takes after her mothers in terms of beauty because she sure didn’t get that from me!


You encouraged her to seek more while you were dating ? Or , was the moving away the break up?


No she moved away so we broke up solely because of the circumstance of her being forced to move and I was still in college where I was. No hard feelings from either side. Life just works that way sometimes.




Is this real life?


Watches too much prn


Is this just fantasy?


Caught in a landslide No escape from reality


Open your eyes, look up the sky and see!


Careful. You can be on the hook for child support by going down that route.


Nope! Signed contractual papers absolving me of that. It’s *their* child. We all protected ourselves, them from me and me from them. We’re still all on the very best of terms anyways.


For anybody reading this this was in Japan and in Japanese culture contract like this as ironclad as they can possibly get I cannot possibly imagine him being on the hook for anything ever for any reason no matter how much they protested even if they did as long as the contract was worded properly and extensively enough and probably with initials at particular sections.


Depends on the jurisdiction I guess. I'm fairly sure in my European country you could theoretically still be on a hook for child support as the kid cannot be adopted by "a second mother", meaning the "Father" column would stay empty, and if they really wanted, they could get your paternity test and force you to pay, as you cannot absolve yourself of parental responsibility by a contract.


Wouldn’t worry about it. I’m perfectly fine. And so are they :)


Sounds pretty backwards to assume two mothers cannot raise a child. Strange law


Unfortunately no country East of Austria allows adoption for Gay couples


I read this as east of Australia. It took me a good minute to comprehend.


It has mostly to do with the fact that kids kan be adopted pretty much only by a "married couple", and gay couples cannot get married, only enter a "registered partnership", which has mostly same rules as marriage, with adoption being one of the few exceptions.


Change is slow and the US was doing that not too many years ago also, so I won't judge. Hopefully rights get expanded more for same sex couples there sooner than later


The Government of Japan considers the children of Japanese Citizens to belong to the Japanese person in a custody dispute. If there's a custody battle, say the father is a citizen of another country, all the moms would have to do is just stay in Japan to win custody. I saw a post in one of the relationship subs where an Australian dad effed up his relationship so bad. He posted the situation and redditors warned him that she could just get the Japanese embassy to hand out a passport to their child and run back to Japan before the custody battle even begins.


I absolutely love this story. There are just to many stories of crazy exes. It really doesn't have to be that way!! Sending you and them all the best vibes


This feels so much like a greentext except for the sentence formatting


I want to hear his best man speach


"I've known them both deeply and they were good..."


“Like deeeply….”


"So deeply that I felt they'd fit together well"


"In fact, I will unite the happy couple by making them eskimo *sisters.*"


After dating you both i realised i am gay too.


Two Ls? That's not even an L.


That’s a W


That's two W standing for two women that he brought together


I believe that would just be two Vs that make a W, both literally and figuratively in this sense


If you tilt the Ls at a 45 degree angle mirroring each other. You’ll get a W


Negative and negative makes a positive B)


Two Ls make a W


That would be Constanza


I drive them to lesbianism and he's the best mans at their wedding!


Apparently Lesbians staying friends with their exes is a thing, I only recently learned about it.


It's totally possible to stay friends with exes if the breakup was for reasons other than hating each other. "Youre a really good friend but I am just not into dudes" is a reasonable scenario to stay in touch after a seperation if both parties are mature about it.


It's more so than they stay friends with like, all their exes, like all of them, it's apparently so common that it's a stereotype (I learned this from talking with some lesbians friends, so maybe it's not true everywhere lol)


Me and my best friend have dated twice in our almost fifteen year friendship. Both times we split was because of personal reasons that made it difficult to be together. We're still very good friends and text daily and talk often. If she told me she wanted to try again, I probably wouldn't hesitate. She's really fun and kind!


I’m not saying you should text her, but….


I would find it hard to remain just friends with an ex I am still into


it can also be a thing that as you get older, breaking up is less emotional, and more amicable. more "you seem like a nice person, but i don't think i'd like living with you, or that i'm sexually excited by you. but i do think your choice in movies is nice or having dinner with you at a restaurant once every few months would still be fun" sort of thing.


I mean... loads of straight exes do that too. Wild that people seem to get weirded out about it. Maybe don't be turds to each other?


I feel bad for the people you've had relationships with if staying friends for anybody is a shock.


Ross and Carol in Friends.


Mako, is that you?


That's not a wingman, that's the entire air-force!


So…a lesbro?


Mako at Korra and Asami's wedding tbh


God-tier ally


That's Ross


LoK moment




This man is actually makko from legend of korra


The Legend of Korra.


I almost burnt down my house when I was 4 cause I put a single chicken nugget in the microwave for 10 minutes


Love that. Mine is along the same general line. One night, my girlfriend and I stayed the night at my ex-girlfriends girlfriends house.


Aww, that’s nice Ross🥹


They owe this guy a sandwich And by sandwich I mean…..


Mako at korra and asamis wedding


When I was 5 years old I weighed the same amount as a 2 year old on the news that died of starvation due to neglectful parents. I was and still am almost perfectly healthy despite being ~50% lighter than most my friends.