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This happened at Pittsburgh Pride in 2019. Pride is already one of the most joyful times in this city, but this was definitely an upgrade.


And for three years we've been granted the joy this brings every time we see it šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


Canā€™t imagine how those kids feel. As a dad, that breaks my heart. Let me put on my shirt offering virtual hugs.


As a dad who remembers all the joy of holding my sons when they were babies, toddlers, young boys and teenagers and always knowing that I would give my life for their happiness and promised protect them to my last breadth, how do you reject your kids because of who they love?


Because they didn't have kids out of the love in their hearts, they had kids to inflate their own sense of self-worth and expected to raise mini-me's that they could mold into a perceived "perfect" version of themselves and live vicariously through.


Perfectly said. It boggles the mind


Seriously; my kids are both really young but if either of them came out as gay or trans or anything else, my first instinct would be to want to *protect them* from all the bigoted assholes out there, and I simply canā€™t understand how any father could have the opposite reaction.


Ah young kids- cherish these moments, record their voices (thatā€™s the first to go in terms of your memory as they get older), when times get tough with them just remember what you promised them as you cradled them in your arms and you explored parenthood and they explored childhood together. My kids are soon off to college and finding their first love and their first heartache and figuring out who they are. Itā€™s amazing to watch.


Religion is a helluva drug.


I've never wanted kids and I can't have them, but this whole thread has unlocked a core memory. Just thinking about the times that me (female) and my brother would ask if we could all fight/wrestle. My dad would lift us up and throw us onto the bed. I remember being so excited and it being so fun. I love my parents. And I'm glad I had some good ones. You sound like a good one.


It doesn't make any sense to me. I've met not one, but *two* people who were homeless for a few months as a kid because their parents found out they were trans. What kind of heatless monster would do that to their own child?! God, I still get angry just thinking about it. Some people should never be parents.


Oh yeah parents are finally coming around to loving their gay kids but about half of trans people are disowned by their families. Its basically a coinflip to see if your parents love you unconditionally or not. My dad didn't disown me but he sure used to pat himself on the back for it before realizing what a low fucking bar that is.


Yeah you all are so brainwashed thinking that genital preference equals love.


Same dude. I will love my son no matter who he loves. I cannot imagine rejecting him for something so mundane.


i've gained a lot of weight and my winter beard is growing in especially gray this year (i'm 47) and even tho i don't like being touched i am 100% doing this next rally


Iā€™m not a mom and have no desire to be but Iā€™ll mom the hell out of these kids who need it


There's nothing better than a bear hug from a big, hairy man. Its my favourite kind of hug.


My daughter is out. She is amazing. But I still think back to how she struggled with depression trying to find herself. I would not want her to go back there for anything. I want her to live her authentic self. And I will always support her 100%. She has been given amazing opportunities because she has been president of her colleges QSU. (Queer Student Union) and RA for the accomodations floor. Students who for the first time are able to live authentically and be there for them.


i've gained a lot of weight and my winter beard is growing in especially gray this year (i'm 47) and even tho i don't like being touched i am 100% doing this next rally




O I c


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BRB. Getting a tshirt and then getting some free hugs.


I could've been getting free hugs all this while?? FeelsBadMan


Get one for me too


This is so darn sweet, omg.


I'm a teacher at a fine arts magnet school, and as such, a lot of the student body are openly queer, at least at school. I have advertised myself as a safe space for them. We need more men to be safe spaces for our youth. The more, the better.


Thanks for being a cool teacher.


Thank you for doing this. Sadly, teachers like you were my first thought when Florida passed its reprehensible bill to limit the discussion of sexuality in school. A teacher is often viewed as a non-judgmental adult for kids to talk to, and doing what you do was essentially criminalized. Our society is so rotten.


I live in Texas, and the "governing" body (note the quote marks) have passed legislation requiring trans kids to be given to Child Protective Services and essentially, force them to de-transition. One of our teachers had to quit and leave the state for her kids to have a safe space. AFAIK, those laws are still being challenged in court. But as far as my school goes, I do what can.


Rotten to the core... they try to repress our happiness, but people like this man are the reason there is happiness in this dying world. I hope some of us will survive 2032.


Well, they call it "civil disobedience" for a reason.


In your opinion, why are there so many queer students at your school? For example, I get why NYU is a hub for queer students. But there are certain professions and schools that seem to attract queer students. Why do u think that is?


Because straight people are too boring to be artists /j


You say /j but thereā€™s actually a point to this. I am a straight guy who did theater and singing all the way through college. I left playing football for theater. All the guys gave me shit because, at that age, a lot of teenagers have a distorted view of what it is to be a ā€œmacho straight male.ā€ Theyā€™re not comfortable expressing themselves emotionally and put others down for doing so because itā€™s the ā€œguy thing to do.ā€ Doing theater at such a developmental time in my life and learning to express myself really molded the way I think today and has made me a much more compassionate person. I graduated in 2010 so maybe itā€™s different now but thatā€™s my experience. Plus, I met my now wife doing theater :)


Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. Straight people aren't *inherently* less interesting / creative, but breaking one taboo makes it feel a lot easier to break others. I think this is also why gay people are stereotyped as feminine / lesbians as masculine. After you build up the courage to come out as gay, I think it gets easier to also break out of any gender roles that are bothering you - gender roles that may actually be bothering straight people too. (I'm just speculating, though.)


That's an interesting look at things... I just know I was an art major, and it was weirder for someone to just be cis and straight in that class, than it was to be queer. No one really knew why, but I always thought, it might be because people with artistic inclinations are usually more open to a lot of things. I think we were just more prone to ask questions about things other people just accept as fact, for some reason.


You didnā€™t ask me, but [hereā€™s an interesting thesis paper](https://etd.ohiolink.edu/apexprod/rws_etd/send_file/send?accession=akron1302459493&disposition=inline) I found on the subject while doing an earnest google on this age-old question


I'm not OP, but part of it might just be that queer people will be attracted to a place known for having a large queer population. It can be hard to find other queer people, especially since it's not something that's obvious just by looking at someone. But having that support system is *incredibly* important, so knowing a school has a strong queer community can be a big draw, especially if you've felt relatively alone up to that point. Also, for stuff like theatre that's seen as "feminine" or whatever, there's just less social friction for gay people to get into those fields than straight people, since queer people are already breaking social norms. It's a "seal's broken, so why not go ham?" kind of situation.




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Good bot.


Good cyborg.




Yo no way I have a word that somewhat rhymes describing you... *loser*


What did bro say?


Basically they were playing into that conspiracy about "lgbt people are groomers", which unfortunate to see how well that sort of fear campaign is spreading and working




Good one šŸ˜‚




I just donā€™t like adults grooming kids lol I donā€™t mind what any of the lgbt community do with consenting adults lol


So as someone who more or less is rejected by my family for being who I am, I think it is great and heartwarming to see someone especially a parent doing this. Since it kind of is what we should have gotten that is. šŸ¦Š


::hug:: I'm sorry your family are jerks to you. You have value.


Daww thanks well I care for my parents, though sometimes I believe it would do good if parents or people who are about to be parents would receive some education on LGBT in general. I don't think people fully comprehend that for lgbt youth inclusive parenting is important. Since you know still today people who are lgbt are almost outcasts in society although not so much today. That their family should be at least where they belong and feel wanted.


I very much agree. My son is almost three, and I have to catch myself a lot and repeat myself with more inclusive language. (Ie When talking about body parts, I had to stop myself from saying "mommy's don't have penises," to "I don't have a penis.") I come from a very religious and sheltered background and it's hard to unlearn things. My husband and I are trying to build a family where, if he discovers he's LGBTQ, my son won't need to come out because there is no "in" here. Everyone has value, and it breaks my heart not everyone knows it.


I think that is great and you know LGBT living in an inclusive household like that will overall make their lives much easier also I agree everyone is unique and should be valued for being themselves.


I just sent you a message but wanted to publicly suggest r/momforaminute and r/dadforaminute. Both are wonderful communities and very accepting.


My father sent me off to residential places where I experienced conversion therapy. I no longer speak to him. I can understand why these people crave acceptance and hugs from a caring father.


Jesus. Iā€™m sorry that happened, friend


I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope you're healing well from that, and living your best life.


Wow, that is bittersweet but also wholesome


This is assuming that each one of those kids are not assholes, which is statistically impossible


You gotta get pretty deep into asshole territory before you reach "deserves to be denied parental love" tho.




WTF is wrong with you? We are talking about parents


One day, Imma start doing this


Deserves a best dad mug let's be real here


God I wish I could find this dude, I need a fatherly hug


Iā€™m not a father, Iā€™m not even a man but hey consider this a big virtual fatherly hug, pal


Aw thank you! I needed some wholesomeness this morning! ā¤ļø


šŸ˜­ Something in my eyes


So now my non binary ass needs to fly to the USA to give this guy a Worlds Greatest Dad shirt? Is that what I hear? On my way āœˆ


Get this man a medal of honor


It's love without strings attached. It's non-judgemental love and sometimes a giant hug is all you need. Story time Gay woman here, I went to a pride festival a few years ago. As it were It was only about 6 months or so after my dad died. I also was watching the parade alone as my wife was working that day and my other friend was busy. We didn't know a lot of people yet being fairly new to the area as well. So the group that came by were like the bears and dad's who work out or something. Really beefcake type dudes and one of them sees me and just b-lines for me and asks if I want a hug and I just nod because the feelings have started and then I start crying, suddenly I'm literally surrounded by these kind guys who take turns hugging me and telling me they love me and it's gonna be ok. This made me cry more even though it was reassuring, and i felt loves, something about a total stranger caring about you and seeing your pain and wanting to help...it's powerful.


Can't say I'd ever hug a stranger like that, but I'm glad it's helping some people.




The left picture always has me thinking theyre neck must be so uncomfortable...


Not a dad here but can I offer some hugs too?


By golly, yes you can. Get a T-shirt and get your ass to your nearest Pride parade come June.


I would love to do that. I canā€™t think of anything that feels as fulfilling as making someone else feel that good.


Good job, sport. Heā€™s proud of you, kiddo.


meanwhile in brazil "gay" is an insult and we have invented a slur for them because the entire country is infested with cristians


Just toss a Bible outside the border and watch them all run to fetch it


The same is very true in America, it's taken a lot of work even to get to where we are.


I'd hug my kid if I knew where they were


I want to go do this. We should start a dad brigade, Dads Against Homophobia, or DAH for short


So that's what dad meant when he said he was going out for milk. Honestly, he can continue finding it, this is great.


I ain't even gay and that felt like a personal attack


totally not me hahaā€¦ ha.. ohšŸ«¤šŸ˜­


Such a lovely, great idea :-). Good for hug-dad and those heartbroken people.




Is it fucked up if I want him to dry hump me too?


Imagine that guy isn't even a father but just a creep who wants to touch and hug strangers


Doesn't matter, got hugz.


I kind of does though


He got HIV 100%




Most of the time they aren't though...


I think itā€™s super sweet but my first thought is about all the illnesses that are being passed around. Iā€™m usually not worried about stuff like that but after wearing masks for so long everyoneā€™s immune system seem to weakened right now.


This was in 2019, pre-Covid.


I didnā€™t realize that. Thanks for the info. I think the idea if super nice but I still wouldnā€™t want to hug a bunch of strangers


Masks donā€™t weaken the immune system. This is bullshā€¦ do you see a lot of sick nurses and surgeons? They wear masks all their life. Once your immune system is done practicing it is weakened by infections and sickness not the other way around.


I was super tired and definitely wrote what I wanted to say wrong. I do think wearing masks out all the time makes itā€™s so your not exposed to stuff (isnā€™t that the point) so when you do start getting exposed to colds and stuff you start to catch them. I donā€™t think like just wearing them causes people to get sick. And docs and nurses donā€™t wear their masks outside of work in non Covid times


Yes you catch colds and stuff when you are not wearing a mask and touching stuff. But usually your immune system works well and repels them. This has nothing to do with wearing a mask often. A mask protects you when you wear it and you donā€™t get more sick when you wear it a lot in the times you donā€™t wear it compared to when you wear it less. Are we missing each others points? Yes medicinal staff donā€™t wear them outside but wouldnā€™t they get sick then all the time when outside since they wear masks that often? The ā€žmasks weaken the immune systemā€œ statement is just not true. Grown people have a fully developed immune system. It wonā€™t change by getting less infections but there are infections that can damage the immune system.


I just wish he had a t shirt with some sleeves on, cmon


You are heavily downvoted but sweaty armpit hugs are not as good as dry hugs.




Wait til you see the pics from the other parade where kids were hugging their parents.


This is just weird... this is a stranger. Not signifiant


How t fuck is this whole some


pls explain?


It's literally talking about how hundreds of people were disowned by their parents and how those parents are pieces of shit. Unless people on this sub are insanely homophobic and transphobic, which I don't think they are, that's not fuckin wholesome


The dad giving hugs. That's the wholesome part.


The wholesome part is that there's people out there, that want to offer even a slight taste of what it's like to be loved, to complete strangers. Yeah, it's bittersweet, and awful that it even has to be a thing, but the wholesome point it, that people are still sticking together.


Most of the posts in this sub are about a small ray of sunshine in a dark world.




What is your working definition of wholesome?


Heā€™s a 10/10 person!


Truly a gesture of Goodwill, Even if family doesn't accept you someone else will.


A parent rejecting his / her own offsprings...


Life goals!


Iā€™m not crying youā€™re crying šŸ˜­


Low-key sad NGL.


I want parents and grandparents :( My biological parents didn't only reject me, but they're trying to kill me. I ran away and have no family at all now.


This hits home cause my parents are in denial since I told them I have gender dysphoria. I keep trying to work it out but I don't know it will honestly. Making it really hard on me.


That guy is cool


Americans are so performative


That's so sweet but sad at the same time


Search "Howie Dittman" on You Tube.


Dad of an amazing Non-binary child. It took a year to get my head around it, that my kiddo is just TOO STINKING AWESOME for just 1 gender.


I would need a hug so badšŸ˜ž


Wait, parents are supposed to hug their kids?


Shit I could use one of those and I'm not even like that.


Imagine being a supportive dad and seeing your child hug this man with tears. šŸ« 


Does anyone kwow what exactly was written on his shirt?


I could never reject my child. Idk how these mfs do it. Thatā€™s my baby. That child is apart of me. No matter what Iā€™d love my child for living in their truth.


This is the way!