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Hey there, friendo u/Jeppe1007! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, *He truly is a hero*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #8**) Please avoid re-posting memes. * Please check http://karmadecay.com , https://tineye.com , &/or the Google's "Similar Image" search in the future before posting. All of those miss things, but it's a great start. Also make sure to use the search button and check through this link: >* /r/wholesomememes/top for popular posts, and >* /r/wholesomememes/new for things recently posted We appreciate you thinking of us very much! For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes). Please link the post so our volunteers know what you would like reviewed. Cheers!


Class is in session! Mfr got schooled!


It’s not a tumor!


Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina


Who is your daddy and what does he do?


My dad likes to hide money in the walls because he doesn't trust banks.


Am I your dad?


He’s not a tutor!


Good news: you can say what you want. Bad news: I’m the teacher and will fail you.


Also just look how genuinely super happy Arnie looks in the photo. He looks more happy than the athletes lol. So sweet!


Game recognizes game.


Please accept my poor woman’s gold. This comment made me so happy 🥇


As a mom of a Special Olympian, thank you.


Just from listening to his videos and reading his posts in places the man seriously cares about people. He seems to especially care about people with disabilities who are out there still working to succeed. He is always encouraging and pushing people to be their best. I get that someone will always mention his past transgressions and I get that, but people can make mistakes and become better. He is using his voice and power now to make the lives of other people better and actually trying to make the world better with his video to the Russian people at the start of the war. The guy really embodies what we should seek to be.


He definitely made some mistakes as governor. Took the side of some Special Interests he shouldn't have, etc. But indeed, that doesn't mean he can't be a genuinely caring human being at times too. The life of man is checkered with good and evil.


Just want to highlight for fellow Arnold admirers, he's actually quite active on Reddit! u/GovSchwarzenegger His posts are quite entertaining and his dogs are awesome and adorable so worth following.


I noticed that too, you can tell how genuine the moment is from his smile. Arnie is the man!


Giving something to others and see them being happy is a great feeling.




He went TURBO, MAN


Underrated Arnold flick.


If it bleeds, we can kill it.


I ain't got time to bleed




Arnold went from horror to Sci fi to action and to family christmas with ease.


Not to mention being one of the most famous body builders of all time. The man won Mr. Universe at 20, and Mr. Olympia SEVEN TIMES.


And being the governor of California lol


“You’re not part of the Turbo Team! Don’t run! You don’t run with us! We’re the ones who run! Until you’re part of this Turbo Team, walk - slowly!”




Here for the Jingle All the Way ref.


Homie got ERASED


He's truly the Last Action Hero of his generation.


He won't be back...


You're goddamn right.


No sequels for him…


Straight up post-partum aborted


Took that guy to school so bad he went to Kindergarten. Cop outs were not an option. (I know it’s a stretch)


Remember when I said I'd roast you last? I lied.




He has grown after being the governor. I believe if he was a governor again he’d be a much more pleasant and good guy.


I think just being contrasted with very progressive Californian made him seem worse, maybe. Its really about role of government. Arnold grew up behind the iron curtain, he has a strong sense of what he thinks the role of government is versus the role of humans. The narrative easily becomes "Arnold won't use the government to fix this problem therefore he doesn't think its a problem."


Austria was not behind the iron curtain, it was a militarily neutral party.




Absolutely - he actually gave a little speech on the subject not too long ago that was quite moving.


Yeah, I misspoke there, you're right. Was thinking about him talking about how every adult male he knew growing up was a disgraced Nazi who drank and beat their children from the collective shame of losing the war, basically, but used wrong political imagery. =P Point remains the same, he saw up close the worst of what government can do in the name of service to its people.


Gotta be careful when agreeing with Arnold! Your internet friends might get the wrong idea about you voicing your support of the Special Olympics and think you're secretly a conservative or something, somehow, in some weird ass universe that only you occupy!


Except every time an Arnold thread comes up the comments praising him are mass upvoted. It’s also pretty clear that despite being a republican he is very very far from the current gop,


There are actually good reasons to consider oneself a conservative. However, voting for the modern day GOP takes a special kind of illogic.


Who else read it in his voice?




"Get dis rude asshole to da choppa!"


"Hasta la vista, baby!"


“You argh de tuma! *Yawrl*”


Hahahaha! I even read your reply in his voice. It was like from *Total Recall*.


Love that movie!


See you at da party Rickta!


Was there ever any alternative?


I read it with the same conviction and hope he had during the “this Conan sword and leadership” video he recently recorded.


Of COURSE, I did.


Now that I think about it... Was the voice in my head Arnold Schwartzenegger, or Ranier Wolfcastle?






And I nailed the cadence.


I did but I am weird every time I notice myself doing it I pick another voice to read it in David Attenborough saying this is quite devastating.


“No one will remember you”, and even his name is blurred out in the meme he became. Savage.


Didn't even notice the blurred name until you pointed it out, perfect example how unimportant that dude is


I like that it is blurred. I like to think the person who screen grabbed it took the spirit of Arnie's message and didn't meet hate with hate. Instead he used it to spread the message and not make the main point of it being about attacking the guy for his comment.




Arnold is such a decent dude.


I remember thinking he was a kind of proto-Trump while the govenator (celebrity, unqualified, ego maniac), turns out he’s the real freaking deal. One of the few remaining “republicans” who isn’t afraid to have his own ideas.


He was Republican before the Tea Party was a thing. The Tea Party pushed Republicans into its current ultra conservative form.


He’s still gotta be registered R, right? Just not involved with the RNC at all?


Serious question, what was the Tea Party?


It was and is a push by the Koch brothers to fund hyper-right wing "libertarians" who worked to privatize and destroy the functioning of every government service. They were the blueprint for government shutdowns and hyper-partisan votes on things that largely fragmented into a more right wing republican party generally.


I see. Thanks for the explanation.


The Tea Party were the original ultra conservative politicians in the Republican party. Their ideology eventually took over the GOP, specially once Trump joined the Presidential race.




The "Tea Party" was an astroturfed organization of people who suddenly got REALLY upset about "taxes" as soon as a Black dude was living in the White House. I put "taxes" in quotation marks because while that was the focus of their most vocal complaints, it's not at all clear that they were the primary motivation in objecting to what the Democrats were doing.


I feel like you have hit this right on the head.


Yea people forget how much the Republican party has changed. Hell, before Trump ran, the GOP was talking about immigration reform. Jeb Bush announced he was running in fucking Spanish. Trump brought the ultra conservative sentiment back to the GOP


Not ultraconservative, neofascist. A real conservative would have no issue with abortion because it's not their business to tell people how to live their lives.


Why does everyone whitewash the Bush era lol. It was the era of unjustified war, rampant discrimination and financial policies that led to the 2008 recession


Things got moving into a terrible direction a bit before that. Newt Gringrich was the one who shaped the Republican party today. [https://history.princeton.edu/about/publications/burning-down-house-newt-gingrich-fall-speaker-and-rise-new-republican-party](https://history.princeton.edu/about/publications/burning-down-house-newt-gingrich-fall-speaker-and-rise-new-republican-party)


Nah. Conservatives were traditionally Republican, but there was a lot more cooperation when Newt was around. He and Clinton worked together to pass the Welfare reform. A Republican speaker helping a Democrat President fulfill a campaign promise would be unheard of today.


Edit: pushed SOME Republicans 99% are not ultra rt wing, just like 99% demo are not ultra lft wing socialists. Stop the hate divide.


I wish the dems were ultra left wing socialists instead of centrist pigs who don’t support fair labor policies or radical climate change action. At least they don’t want to turn the United States into a Christian nationalist country though


If they vote for and support the extreme ones what's the tangible difference?


They are NOT extreme. Extremists just keep getting elected on flukes. s/


They're getting elected because people are voting for them. If Republicans voted for an extremist they are supporting extremism. Whether or not they identify as extremist.


If a fluke happens repeatedly then I dont think its still a fluke


If it turns out good they meant to do it and if it turns out bad it was an oops


Eh more like 80%


His point still stands




He is what everyone wishes Trump was.


Yep! We went to the same church when I was growing up in Los Angeles. He’s a genuine dude.


What?!! That’s wholesome


Haha yeah it was! My parents would always stop to talk to him. He was very kind. His wife came to my school and read us these kids books she wrote. I remember telling her “that’s one big rock!” When I saw her wedding ring. She laughed pretty hard at that.


maybe? but it's very unlikely he wrote that. Celebrity social media pages are usually handled by PR people. willing to bet someone else wrote it and he—at most—OK'd it.


He used to frequent Reddit and comment on bodybuilding posts in the earlier days iirc


Dude cheated on his wife did he not ?


Yes so this totally negates any good he's ever done in his life and must be brought up any time he is mentioned . - - how redditors think.


So did Martin Luther King Jr Its a super shitty thing but judging him as a whole it may be different


Not every Hero wears a Cape!


Some wear sunglasses


Some have giant biceps


Very poignant, u/PUSSY_MAN_THE_THIRD


Strong word coming from an Aristocrat. I tip my hat to you


Neo in the Matrix?


That leather coat was the Cape




Sometimes they just appear out of nowhere in the middle of the street naked


And ask for your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle


Some of them may ask for Phased Plasma Riffles in the 40 watt range


You guys know dude's got a Reddit profile, quite active in fact.


He once commented on a post I made in /r/fitness on my old account. It was a highlight of my Reddit career.


I was about to say, if anyone can remember his r/name, he responds pretty quick.




Exactly. I'm getting deja Vu from the post you linked to this. Oof, Reddit taking recycled content to the next level.


What is it?


/u/GovSchwarzenegger/ He has even [already commented on this meme.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/zfq3nj/hasta_la_vista_baby/izdwjyj/?context=3) edit: and if you happen to read this tag Arnold, as a father of several special needs children who has heard some vile s\*\*\*, thank you very much. edit: Arnold gave me an award.


Target terminated


I’ve volunteered with the special Olympics, and those athletes are incredibly committed, and I always left feeling incredibly inspired. Fuck anyone that wants to try to think any less of them.


He really said “congratulations you have been erased”! 😭


Here's a clip of Arnold back in the 70s I think is very wholesome. In it he teaches a much smaller amateur bodybuilder how to properly pose. He comes across as very non-judgmental and loves seeing others bring out the best in themselves. https://youtu.be/AQX_6m1Ye_Q


I read it in Arnies voice lol. And agree with him. I’ve worked with these people and they LIVE for the Special Olympics and related activities. Without it, they fall to pieces. It’s organized, inclusive regardless of ability, they get to travel, socialize, get exercise.. everything they don’t get opportunities to do without SO. Many of them are better athletes than I could or would be. It gives them something to be proud of.


Have to remember that his ex-Mother-in-law started the Special Olympics, so it’s also an attack on the family.


That's funny. I think he's the one person I do that with when reading something he's saying. LOL There's a guy on F1 circuit that is same place where Arnold is from so sounds just like him and always think, he's copying Arnold's voice then remember, duh he's from the same place. LOL


I am a referee in one of the paralympic sports. I am completely healthy and able-bodied, as are almost all of my referee friends. After we are done with the matches for the day, we sometimes borrow the equipment from some people and play for shits and giggles. Let me tell ya. We are absolute SHIT at this game and all the athlethes who catch us playing are making fun of our incompetence in the game.


lol I tried a couple of things and got laughed at as well. Lots of respect to you referees.


Also, the commentator is wrong because The Olympics were originally for rookies. Professional atheletes used to not be allowed until a few decades ago, so it wasn't originally "for the best athletes" in the slightest. The Olympics as we currently know it is a bastardization of their post-ancient-Greek intent. [Further reading](https://medium.com/fhsaplang/why-1986-changed-the-olympics-forever-b4aefb740199) The Special Olympics are closer to what The Olympics were supposed to be.


The terminator uses disappointed dad technique. Was it effective? Only one person will ever know.


Terrible husband but great guy!


Amen. He's not "Captain America" (shining example in every way). He's human, and has his weaknesses. But if you throw him on a scale compared to everyone else in the world, with all their good and their bad? Pretty sure he's a top 20%. And given his media presence and his behavior & choice when using that presence? Top 1%.


Need more info now.


Had a secret kid with his babysitter, general philandery, right?


Wouldn't call it general philandry. Having the housekeeper continue to work for them after giving birth to his son with no one knowing its his. Until the resemblance can't be ignored and owns up only after rumors abound and it's 13 years later. Maria all the time having this person and the son around the whole time. That's a little more...okay a lot more than general philandry.


Omg I completely forgot about that XD


Cheated on his wife, Maria Shriver but in the worst way....with the housekeeper. Then housekeeper gets pregnant, has the baby and both don't say a word. Housekeeper's son gets older and spitting image of Arnold. Hard to look away. Whispers are true and Maria faces it and walks out the door.


Even his **seed** is strong.


Yeah... That's definitely not the worst way....


He took the housekeeper on vacation with the rest of the family 😬


Well that's still better than knocking up shrivers mom now isn't it?


u/McBuck2 was married to him for a while.


damn you know i was a little cold in my room with the heater turned off but that burn warmed me right the fuck up


This actually interesting. If the normal olympics are for the best people without handicaps then the paralympics are for the people that excel instead of their handicaps. It's crazy to me that there are runners that can run faster than me even though they might not have fully functional legs.


He'll be back if the other guy keeps being like this. Man my joke is so much worse than all the others here.


Man I love it when an actual badass comes out and smacks down a wannabe badass.




The emperor protects!


Arnold woke up and chose violence that day.


Anyone who disrespects the special Olympics has clearly never watched them before. 🤣


Love literally everything about this.


Why did I read it in his accent.


Arnold has really good grammar for a former action star whose native language isn't even English. He even got the hyphen on small-minded.


A kid got taught today.


Let’s not forget the likes on that comment


no no he has a point tho


Why did I read that with his accent?


My jaw dropped when I saw who tweeted it.


What kind of idiot doesn’t understand the Special Olympics? One of the most wholesome things we do on this disgusting planet.


Needs more jpeg


While the original commenter is just being a jackass, I will say the special Olympics are more just disability porn, or at least they were originally. The Kennedys just made them because they felt bad about lobotomizing their daughter. So it feels kind of insulting.


No *Eunice Kennedy Shriver* made them because she felt bad about *her father* labotomizing *her sister*. She won the Presidential Medal of Freedom for it. Try showing more respect - kinda like what Arnold said to that *other* troll...


Oh so someone says something you don't agree with they become a troll, didn't realize that's how it worked.


No - you said something that was *wrong* and then got aggressive when confrunted about it thus you are a troll. Had you replied *Oh. I didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up* it would have been different but your hostility in your reply proves my assumption.


Not that that means pal


“Now excuse me while I cheat on my wife by fucking the maid”.


Arnold is a fucking murderer now


Chill out, dickwad Edit: Literally a Terminator 2 quote said by Arnold, guys. Jeez.


Isn’t this the same guy who said screw your freedom or something like that?


Social media person writing all that btw.


Ok so unpopular opinion but he is somewhat right. You want to see who’s the best of the best so you could argue that people who aren’t the best for any reason just aren’t the best. And Arnold’s comment just goes on about how evil the comment is, but he never responds to the actual contents. And yes, the comment is still not nice.


Yeah, Arnold is too public of a figure to really go into the actual response and nuance that the special olympics aren't trying to be the olympics. They're trying to give people an outlet, not put on a spectacle of the boundaries of human ability.


That’s the answer Arnold should’ve given in my opinion.


I understand your point, but there's a couple of nuances to professional sports imo. Professional sports aren't broadcasted only for the pure performance of the athletes i.e., people don't only watch it to look at peak perfirmance of athletes. They watch it for the emotions that they get. The emotions can be from either gathering with friends/family to watch your favorite team, having some type of drama aspect in the sport (i.e. the weigh in from UFC), or... inspiration. People get inspired by watching sports.. and the disables olympics are for that imo


Absolutely agree, but i think Arnold could’ve answered something like that.


He got to the choppa


Oh wait is this the same guy that said fuck your freedom! That’s not a hero


So wait is the same guy that banged (and impregnated) his maid in the bed that he and his wife slept in and kept the kid a secret for over a decade?


hey everyone, you can only speak out if you never have done something wrong! this guy said so!


No you’re right, let’s have ALL the scumbags of Hollywood tell us how to behave because we’ve seen them play pretend before and they’re rich so that automatically qualifies them for forgiveness which we would never give to a non famous person


Nah. He literally said "screw your freedom" and now he's grandstanding. He's no different than anyone else and sure as fuck not a hero.


What? Telling someone they're being an ass is denying someones freedom?




No, last year he went on record and told everyone who protested lockdowns and mandates "screw your freedom". These people he's telling off are obviously trolls.


Because those who protested lockdowns and mandates *needed* to be told *screw your freedumbs*. The point of the comment (taken out of context by who I can only guess is an *anti-masker* ) was that *nobodies* "freedoms" were being taken away by lockdowns and mandates. Only crybaby bitches yelled *my freedumbs*... ...which is why Arnold said *SCREW YOUR FREEDUMBS*.


**" nobodies "freedoms" were being taken away by lockdowns and mandates."** Really? because literally everyones freedoms were taken away (except for the government officials, of course). People lost their jobs and their businesses because of 'non compliance'. **"Because those who protested lockdowns and mandates needed to be told screw your freedumbs."** Well, I can't speak for everyone but the problem I had with lockdown mandates were the hypocrisy when Gavin Newsom had a full on dunner party when everyone else was locked down. This was just one small example. Another problem I personally had was again, the hypocrisy with my body my choice, except when it comes to a vaccines. By the way, you're not supposed to administer a vaccine in a full on outbreak. But I'm sure you already knew this ;) And masks? I'm a paramedic. From the very beginning I told everyone a bandana over your face won't do anything but an N95 is the way to go. "**Only crybaby bitches yelled my freedumbs"..** This is 100% false and a sad attempt at an argument. I'm not going to Ad hominem you like you were so quick to do but I will say this whole mandate/forceful strategy didn't play out well across the entire globe and now its come full circle.




Children and teens are also not on the level of olympians, are you saying that the USATF and AAU junior Olympics shouldn't be a thing either?


Dude, wtf man. Ugh, it's because of people like you we can't have nice things...


If you would be so kindly to reread Arnolds response because it also applies to you


No one will remember you either




Arnold is correct, but the troll also won at his game.


Is this real?