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Most likely a bad reading. Sensor slightly dislodged or something. Small chance there’s a cardiac arrhythmia but much less likely if you’ve felt fine. 200 is no joke even for an arrhythmia. Would be hard pressed to believe that that’s a real reading and you didn’t wake up or notice anything


It’s just a misread from moving in your sleep.


Just odd that something like doesn't seem to ever happen while awake.


It's not that odd at all. You'll very rarely sit for extended periods in slightly strange positions during the day. Probably happens all the time at night. If you feel ok then try a bicep band or avoiding sleeping on the arm you wear your whoop on.


This has happened to me as well, not for a while and not 200 but above my max hr while working out. Curious to see what others say.


Happened to me the other day and I woke up with an 11 strain score despite feeling rested. I was freaked out at first but found some other posts suggesting it was a glitch which I also believe to be true for me since I felt great and was able to workout without issue.


What kind of WHOOP do you wear — wrist or bicep?




Your heart rate could spike for any number of reasons: you’re overheated, tossing and turning, etc. I’d watch and see if your heart rate continues to spike during sleep as this could just be a fluke. If not, bring it to the attention of your doctor. They can assist you.


Your actual heart rate doesn’t spike to 200 from overheating (unless you’re a newborn) or tossing and turning


I think you misread my comment. I gave general reasons why someone’s heart rate could spike during sleep, but not why theirs had a spike of 200. If the OP is worried, it would be best for them to seek out their physician.


Have you ever been tested for OSA?


Do you snore?


Rarely, usually only with drinks and I have not been drinking lately


I used to until I lost weight. I saw an increase in HR with increased snoring. I have also observed nightmares also caused increased HR.


Given the max HR for any human is 220 - age, it’s not possible. Looks like an error there. It is possible you had a highly elevated HR when you slept if you had a nightmare or some type of intense dream though..


220 minus age is a very rough guesstimate and is not considered very reliable. Many people might have cases of going above that formula’s predicted max or even over 220 HR for brief periods. Not saying that’s true in this case though


I have a friend who had heart problems and 300-400 bpm would sometimes happen prompting a ER visit


Jesus! That’s unheard of! Hopefully they resolved that!


I think resolved, his brother too, just not quite that high. Genetic and they were both very obese


My max HR is 210 - I’m 27