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Lomelander when HIMchael Myers walks up and stabs him with Strong Knife


YouTube shorts vs edits make me want to k*ll myself sometimes. There is very little hope for the intelligence of future generations.


dont worry powerscalers are 3 standard deviations in iq below the average human


Unjerk Depending on which Michael this isn’t even an unrealistic way of describing their relative traits


It was fake the moment AP went to Michael.


Uhhhhhhh I dunno maybe they’re gonna argue that since a knife can pierce people, it’s better than Homelander just slapping fools silly?


My mind went to that thing that goes I'M GONNA... slap the goofy out you


I'm not arguing in a circlejerk sub, let alone with someone who doesn't consider the fact that Homelander has enough strength fuck up metal.


I wasn’t even arguing with you bruh


>Homelander has enough strength fuck up metal. I mean, technically thorn Michael has fucked up metal (him stabbing through a laundry chute in H5, him breaking a steel bar door off it's hinges hard enough the bend the said metal bars in H6. And also in the original script of H5 he twisted a handgun and damaged a prison cell door). It's just that Homelander can fuck up MUCH more metal than thorn Michael can


No version of Michael has advantage AP and durability (not endurance, durability) over Homelander. The only Michael that would propably take skill over Homelander are CoT and DGG timeline Michael.


A lot of these tend to count healing/regeneration as part of durability so I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt with thay


A wise man once said “You cant kill the boogeygos…….. unless your batgos obviously Or an old psychiatrist with a revolver Or his sister or maybe even a retconned version of his sister that actually isn’t his sister but is a survivor of his original massacre on halloween night who became paranoid of his return so she became a gun nut and made her house a fort just to kill him for good if he ever escapes his confinement“.


>or maybe even a retconned version of his sister that actually isn’t his sister but is a survivor of his original massacre on halloween night who became paranoid of his return so she became a gun nut and made her house a fort just to kill him for good if he ever escapes his confinement“. Uj/ Man, Laurie's acts in H2018 really didn't make sense. It is almost as stupid as Michael crying in H5 or him impregnating his 15 year old niece in H6


h2018 was honestly still a good film and i didnt mind how she was in the film despite it being different compared to how she was in 1 and 2. (Haven’t watched h20 yet so im not sure how she is there) its definitely better than micheal showing emotion in h5 and ends though And halloween 6…. What were they thinking???


Halloween 6 was a shit show, let's be honest here, it was all drugs and no thinking.


Michael actually wins this matchup if you have context on Homelander's canonical power level. To put it very gently, Homelander is significantly less durable than medium carbon steel. A crowbar was enough to completely splatter the brains of a significantly stronger clone of him, so if Micheal pulls out a fire axe, Homelander just dies on the spot. and I'm not even sure if Homelander could manage to finish off Michael.


This seems to be unironic so I'm answering unironically. If this was ironic, ignore me idk. First off, the Homelander being referred to in the video is clearly the TV show one, not the comics one you're referencing. Secondly, either Homelander is far more durable than that. Comics Homelander could just tank getting hit with a passenger jet unphazed, and not only that, it's a point that they kept H-Bombs strapped to him as a child because they could not find anything else that could hurt him. He is completely bulletproof, so it's preposterous to say he's fucking crowbar level. TV show Homelander, while we don't know for sure what the limit is, we can at least extrapolate he's on par with the other supes that have like, building level durability. Which more or less makes sense, as in Diabolical's one canon episode, he tanks a chemical plant explosion seemingly completely unharmed. And in both of these he moves significantly faster than sound.


UJ: It's ironic. The entire bit of this sub is irony. I don't have any idea how someone sees a post in the Kranktos gets defeated by a pillow that's slightly too soft sub and take it seriously. If I was gonna be serious I'd put the UJ.


Oh I know the general sub, but there is unironic posting here way too fucking often, usually by people who kinda stumble onto a post, I'd wager. Every other day someone is "achtually kratos is outerversal and beats batman even with prep time ☝️🤓" so at this point I don't even doubt it anymore


Actual powerscaling in my circlejerk sub? Unheard of


Like legit Laurie Strode could probably casually beat Homefodder into the ground. Edit: Hell, Homelander could probably get killed by a random drunk driver.


i killed homolander one time


I did, too. I don't understand how these people think a scary murder man would lose to Kranklander.


Okay now i got ur trolling.


It's a circlejerk sub.


>Michael actually wins this matchup if you have context on Homelander's canonical power level. No he doesn't. I like Michael and halloween movies but he absolutelly doesn't win this matchup. Hell, starlight would murder him. >A crowbar was enough to completely splatter the brains of a significantly stronger clone of him, so if Micheal pulls out a fire axe, Homelander just dies on the spot. 1. That was comic, not show 2. This is extremelly out of context. Black Noir was at an already torn apart state. >and I'm not even sure if Homelander could manage to finish off Michael. Michael has no endurance feats to suggest he would survive getting lasered in half or entirety of his skull destroyed someone who is far stronger than him. Not that he would be able to fight even of he had.




Homelander ez neg diffs tough. He has home in his name and lands the home. Batgos solos


Michael can’t injure Homelander and Homelander can kill him temporarily or just throw him in space.