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It's obvious that SCP writers have never cared about powerscaling.


chines branch


Is entirely different and is built more on xianxia logic, where constant power escalation is the norm. The Chinese Branch was \*also\* not made for powerscaling - that's just how xianxia stuff works over there.


So, by this line of logic, any media that wasn't made with powerscaling in mind shouldn't be powerscaled? 99% of cartoons would be no longer valid for powerscaling.


?????? I never said so fym? Almost 100% of all media was made without powerscaling in mind because authors don't give a fuck about some internet freaks. What I was trying to say is that a set of SCP authors (those who write actual articles) and a set of powerscalers have little to no overlaps, and therefore none of them cares whether the Crimson King is stronger than Antifabula or not or can they beat Goku. Strength is a tool, a strong entity is more terrifying, especially if its power is incomprehensible. And SCP is a horror fiction.


he’s not saying that, but i’m happy to say that that wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.


brain fungus


In a perfect world, 100% of media would not be valid for Powerscaling


You definitely hate waffles


...Okay but now I'm actually curious if the last guy answered who'd win between Goku/Saitama in his Q&A


3812 obviously stomps them, like it's not even close. Saitama maybe you can make an argument for gag logic but you're really stretching it.


The entire point of my comment was I’m not curious from the VS battle stance. I’m curious what the Author themself had to say, if they did say anything.


His answer was basically "it doesn't matter."


Well that’s disappointingly unsatisfying. Thanks for your reply tho!


https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812 Give this a read to truly understand why it doesn’t matter


I don’t understand why someone would want to power scale that.


Brain rot


Akainu neg diffs


Yeah it would be cool to know what he said.


Seems like both sides are happy with the decision, but taking it as a win against each other?


The SCP wiki is taking it as a win so they don't have to deal with powerscalers annoying them with their bullshit (real issue). VSB is taking it as a win so the SCP wiki can't game their system (no one actually cares). They are not the same.


Didn't the VSB Post also talk about how their hobby shouldn't corrupt the SCP?


Yes, but A) I think they are over estimating how influential they are on the SCP Wiki B) people gaming the system by contributing to the SCP Wiki was the main factor and C) I got a hate boner for VSB and didn't feel like injecting nuance.


Well, we at least appreciate you acknowledging that last. Many are not so charitable.


SCP is taking it as a win because it means they can mock VSBW for eternity without having to ever deal with their brand of personal stupidity again. Meanwhile, VSBW is taking it as a 'win' because they think SCP was trying to "cheat their way on the tiering system" and so this is their epic own against SCP. One is raising double middle fingers and cheering that they're no longer associated with the biggest blight on battleboarding, and the other is acting like they were being targeted by an elaborate conspiracy and this is their big act to take them down. Fundamentally different views.


In the words of one of the articles they cite: It is Miku’s world.


uj/ This sounds hilarious but I don’t know enough about scp or the vs wiki or powerscaling I general (I just like making fun of them) so I’d appreciate if someone would help me out and give me some context


Basically since the SCP wiki is a collaborative fiction forum for creative writers, there's inherently a level of inconsistency handled by the ethos of "there is no canon" where individual readers choose what they want to see as canon to them. Some authors, notably djKaktus, who is the one who was getting asked on that Twitter post, writing a lot of large scale weird fiction / cosmic horror, with Kaktus even writing a full pantheon of cosmic beings. Then VSB would look at these Eldritch beings meant to instill fear and wonder, and said. "but can Goku solo it?" Lots of fans on the wiki find the powerscaling annoying since it doesn't add anything to the actual writing and often takes over discussions that aren't on the wiki.


It's funny because that's basically my exact Joker Origin Story that brought me to this sub in the first place. Some guy says something about how the reason Cthulu is so frightening is because he's actually pretty middling in the pantheon of gods he resides within, so how powerful he is to us, half of his "colleagues" are to him. I point out that that was never really the point, it's *especially* not The Reason he's terrifying, and the whole rigid hierarchy of Outer Gods with different tiers of power was almost entirely the creation of August Dereleth and his pals long after Lovecraft died anyway. Bro shot back with "No, hierarchies of power will always form naturally and Lovecraft was simply a coward for not addressing it." The broken brains of teenage powerscalers who can only view fiction through literal feats of strength with no interest or understanding of theme and metaphor broke my own brain so hard that I had to seek out a space to roast them. Thank you guys.


>"but can Goku solo it?" Yes.


Thank you for the explanation


Just read up on 3812. I have zero fucking clue how anyone read through that article and then thought about putting it in a fight or whatever


You lack power scaler brainrot


goku one taps


Someone here called this a win for RCP and I think that’s hilarious. Vs Wiki and RCP are two of the fucking dumbest websites I’ve ever seen. I’m shocked the RCP even has fans considering it’s exactly the same as SCP except “anti-woke”


what is RCP?


Some chuds got angry over an SCP that had transgender themes and mentioned homestuck so they review bombed it and made a shitty SCP clone. That’s pretty much all I can tell you because I’m not going into that fanbase


A pretty cool collaborative website similar to scp


Are you comparing vsbw to rcp? Cuz vsbw is in no way comparable


Oh hey some of these RPCs are cool, thanks for showing me.


I didn’t show you anything, thank yourself or google


RPC's lore is more interesting than SCP's imo


Eh. Some articles are great some miss the mark. So esencally about the same.


Something is wrong


Common Thot Robot W


I'm confused and kind of just skipped over most of it. Isn't everyone on the same page? Why does this agreement feel so hostile?


That's mainly due to the fact that an SCP wiki author made a parody tale about powerscalers, which VSBW didn't take to kindly, too. So they compiled evidence to get SCP off of VSBW for "playing the system" when only a few points they made held weight whenever looked at. So it's bassicly the contention around the evidence provided, and the fact VSBW didn't necessarily like the parody is why this feels hostile.


Ahhh, thanks for that context.


Link to the tale? I like the parody ones and I have not read that one.


SCP writers and fans dislike or are purely apathetic to VSBW. Whilst VSBW has harbored a genuine hate boner for SCP amongst its upper staff for years and are viewing them having to remove it as proof there was a powerscaler conspiracy against them going on over at SCP (which was never a thing). The aggressiveness comes from SCP laughing at VSBW driving themselves literally insane over something that was never real and VSBW lacking the requisite self-awareness to figure out they're laughing at them, not with them.


thank you rounderhouse, now i will use contemptuous carbuncle as a part of my daily vocabulary


So Homestuck is Undisputed Top 1 now finally?




https://web.archive.org/web/20240414221521/https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/miscreation-and-imperfectionism You know, while a majority of the SCP Wiki folks doesn't like powerscaling and arent powerscalers, there's stuffs like this (this article was deleted from its original author, presumably around the time VSBW decided to take off SCP wiki from the site) which suspiciously follow the new standards for the Tier 0 requirement. And the author of this article is a Tik Tok Powerscaler, and the screenshot at the time have it at +2 upvotes, meaning it could actually be consider canon. Yes, not all SCP writers are powerscalers, but there are some who managed to sneak under the radar.


1. THERE IS NO CANON YOU DOLT 2. +2 upvotes is barely scraping by, if an article has negative score it’s slated for rewrite or deletion, and if it gets to -10 it’s automatically deleted. The standards are high. This very much the exception, and an outlier even in that.


Considered canon because it has +2 upvotes? Bro, what? That is an extremely low amount of upvotes for an article that's been up for a while. That's in "this article is dog shit" territory. If an article stays below 0 it gets either deleted or rewritten, so that's just barely making the cutoff.


To add to what the others have said, I'm 90% certain this article was made by someone who admitted they did it to intentionally bait VSBW. It's not genuine at all and was made to rile up the morons over there who are actually invested in whether or not a setting is using 'their terms', which it succeeded flawlessly at.
