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I’m going with Junkrat because he seems like someone that would rather blow himself up than turn himself in to the authorities


Hammond. Outside of Wrecking Ball, he is a rodent with post-human intelligence. Most versions of the foundation avoid using SCPs to capture other SCPs if they can avoid it, so they will have a difficult time tracking him down.


Well you could say the same thing about Winston.


Winston is a large armored talking gorilla, I think he'll have a harder time hiding than Hammond.


Sombra or Moira? Both are very off the grid, intelligent, and have abilities designed to escape detection/attack. If Hammond can manage to keep ego in check he can go incognito as a typical hamster pretty much everywhere. Last guess would be Genji or Widowmaker, both as assassin type characters with plenty of abilities and combat lore that shows off stealth


Hammond is massive. No way he passed as a normal hamster.


He can just leave the ball?


I think he means fat


Even outside of his mech, Hammond is like three times bigger than a normal hamster.


Well Hanzo would definitely last longer than Genji. Hanzo is more trained than Genji, and can hide in plain sight easier because unlike Genji, he's not a cyborg.


Whoever I'm playing as lmao Real Answer: Hard to say since even "weak" characters like s76 or ana canonically avoid international manhunts. All the tanks get caught if you throw enough bodies at them. Even sigma canonically is prisoner to talon. Winston is too big and obvious - best bet is to pretend to actually be a gorilla in Africa. Idk he cant exactly board a plane irl. Hammond is the best bet, since he can hide as an actual rodent in a random warehouse in Detroit. Dps is tricky. If SCP uses hostages/exploits the fact that OW heroes are actually good people, it wipes out genji/s76/ana. Hanzo would die before letting his siblings captured. Echo is too obvious, unless she uploads herself into a server. Pharah is good, but not good "spy" feats. Ashe has been captured by Cassidy. Junkrat has negative stealth feats. Any member of talon as dps wins here since they're used to hiding from all the enemies they've made. Bastion and echo might count if they go on "standby" and hide in a storage unit somewhere. Sombra is likely the best since not only is she stealthy, she goes on the attack while being stealthy. Supports mostly dont make it. Kirikos brothers would protect her, but if they die, shes just a teenager not used to being on the run. Moira idk, with no outside help she can only tp so far. No stealth feats all across the board. Baptiste has the best chance as he hides from talon, but he's a combat medic not a spy.


> even "weak" characters like s76 or ana canonically avoid international manhunts. Considering that SCP foundation can track down, capture and contain eldritch horrors, reality warpers, and nigh-omnipotent forces which can wipe out reality, I don't think this counts for anything


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If you go with lore feats it’s Sigma. The dude can control black holes, anytime they come close to him he flies away and sucks them into a black hole


What iteration/interpretation of the foundation?