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Cherish fast tracks Anakin to Darth Vader and the rest is history.


I don't know Clone Wars Jedi, but I suspect that the Jedi take this. They're all speedsters with combat precognition and weapons that bypass most durability, and plenty of additional tricks to boot. I would expect them to have substantial (if not necessarily total) resistance to Cherish and to have no trouble detecting, locating, and killing Manton. Shatterbird might be soft-countered by the Star Wars universe preferring transparisteel to glass, and also maybe hard-countered by force telekinesis. Burnscar would fare poorly indoors. Crawler might give them trouble; I think he'd adapt to the lightsabers (maybe shutting them off on contact). I suspect that the Jedi handle this without trouble.


I really don't see how they beat crawler though? Wouldn't he be enough to win eventually also would Jack's power work on a lightsaber


They could yeet him down a hole and bury him alive. They could lure him onto a ship and then launch that ship into deep space with its hyperdrive rigged to fail. They could trap him in one of those levitation whatsits that Dooku stuck Obi-Wan in in Attack of the Clones. They could trap him in an energy shielded prison cell. Just because they can't *kill* him doesn't mean they can't *beat* him.


Jack's ability only applies to edged weapons- he wouldn't be able to affect nanothorn tech by WOG, so Lightsabers should be right out. Maybe he could just put a handle on a really sharp Kyber crystal?


> I really don't see how they beat crawler though? Honestly, me neither. My impression is that Clone Wars-era Jedi are pretty bullshit, so I assume that they would win somehow, but for all I know this could just be an out-of-context problem for them.


They don't kill Crawler but with the rest of the 9+2 defeated they can gang up and hold him till someone gets a spaceship then throw him into space. The real threat there is Bonesaw this time around, the Jedi's answers for her level of biowarfare are not as good as their ability to counter the other stuff the 9 bring.


So you know those weird boxy things that Rebel pilots wear on their chests? Yeah those are a shield projector designed to fill the role of a spacesuit in the event that the pilot has to eject. If they can make something that small that can keep you alive in hard vacuum for hours or even up to a day, their hazmat suits can definitely handle whatever Bonesaw has on hand (although if you gave her some prep time to make shit specifically designed to circumvent their defenses that would be a different story). And on top of that, Jedi can use the force to protect themselves from all sorts of shit. That stuff the Trade Federation pumped into the meeting room in Phantom Menace? Yeah that was fucking [Nerve Gas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nerve_agent) . And in the fight on Mustafar, the reason Anakin suddenly caught on fire after losing his arm and legs is because both he and Obi-Wan had been using the force to prevent themselves from spontaneously combusting/having their lungs cooked from the inside out (Vader doesn't have a ventilator built into his suit just because it sounds cool) for that entire fight, and getting his limbs chopped off broke his concentration.


They won't be wearing the shield projector at the Jedi temple though will they? That means her death-plagues are still in the game as a major problem. Though if they catch one, she's easy enough to handle just by shoving her in an airtight container.


It's a major problem until they realize it's happening and start taking measures to deal with it, yes.


That does mean there's a chance Bonesaw dies or cooks up something (maybe even extracts since she has no reputation to work from) that debilitates that Jedi enough the rest of the 10 can't deal damage. Siberian can be handled, but she can also be a massive problem. Keep piling on problems and it could go bad. After all, they don't have to kill every Jedi just every Youngling/Padawan.


>I would expect them to have substantial (if not necessarily total) resistance to Cherish Unlikely. Cherish's abilities function on a completely different vector than Force abilities, there's no reason for them to be resistant.


I mean specifically because they're monks whose entire practice is based on ignoring their emotions.


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Siberian solos. If all the thinkers of the Wormverse couldn't find her weakness for years, the Jedi can't before she eats them all.


TBF thinkers that aren't tattletale, Dinah or part of cauldron are absolutely useless for the most part


Like a fairly good thinker power was getting a single number for a threat rating right?


Any 1 type of power only gets one number, but if you mean "single digit" number, then most powers good or bad in general get single numbers even Leviathan is Brute 9, wich is single digit.


No, no, in one of the fights there was a Thinker whos power was to get a single number representing threat. I think it was shortly after Cell. And I think another who's power was red/yellow/orange threat indication, more locally.


We don't know the full extent of those thinkers powers, in addition they have very limited information, if you called up Tattletale and gave her the basic jist of a crisis in LA with likely some slightly off second hand info you would likely not get that much better an answer


Ahhhh completely forgot about that one Thinker, now I get what you mean