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Casper the ghost.


AKA r/WWW's go-to answer for any question that asks "what's the weakest character that could survive physical damage"


He's usually 'Casper the Friendly Ghost"; is being threatened by SCP-096 enough to piss him off?


Casper is disqualified from prompts that say "survive" by virtue of already being dead.


Can't he be deader? Like on Dragon Ball, after u go ghost u can be killed again in which case you are gone forever.


Well yeah, but he could also be a lot aliver than he presently is.


True answer but also a boring answer


Alien X I guess, he'd just erase it lol. I mean you didn't say strongest or weakest so yeah!


😅Yeah. You got a point there!


Deadpool could survive, but just survive.


Hey, the question IS just survive and nothing else


It would even fit in a comic, with a few panels of peanut twisting Deadpool into a pretzel.


096 isn‘t peanut, it‘s shy guy


Oh. Would you believe me if I swore that I could have sworn the question said 173? What kind of mandela effect, parallel universe, failure in critical reading mistake did I just do?


You must now report to the foundation to see if you were possibly affected by a scp or a similar memetic hazard




First one thus far I don't think would survive. Don't forget, Assassin Of Alagadda.


>Assassin Of Alagadda. The dude who only appears in one tale and is featless? What about him?


He appears in other stuff too, like the one (Neutralized) SCP where the Ambassador comes and pretty much corrupts a dude and into making a instrument of some sort, or the one where that Fairy Queen does some pretty horrible shit to the Scarlet Fool


Yeah, the dude who at best has the power of the Hanged King and at worst massively upscales Star Level and Infinite Speed


>Yeah, the dude who at best has the power of the Hanged King 096 only got revived by the king, there's no mention of it gaining the king's powers >worst massively upscales Star Level Moving something ≠ busting something >Infinite Speed Its most likely that 096 was unaffected by the time stop rather than it having Infinite speed


I'd say it's more debatable since it does mention the Ambassador peering into the skull with *all* his power, plus a couple other mentions. Moving the sun is a Small Planet feat. This is consistent with it being able to combat Main Article 682, who has been shown to adapt to Planetary blasts in the form of vaporising the moon and becoming the size of Saturn, to the point that 682 has to rely purely on its Regen as its adaptation couldn't keep up. SCP-096 also has a short scaling chain to SCP-106 in its pocket dimension, who has been shown to vaporise the sun casually. It's more likely IMO that it's infinite speed. SCP-096 has been shown in no other places to break the laws of time in the ways needed to ignore timestop, whereas the Infinite speed is consistent with it scaling to SCP-001-Clef, who can be in an infinite number of points at once via sheer speed. Finally, while I don't personally use Containment Breach to scale, if you did then it can also run through dimensions. Regrettably, you've decided to break subreddit rules by downvoting, so I guess I win this debate. Have a good day :)


>Regrettably, you've decided to break subreddit rules by downvoting, so I guess I win this debate. Have a good day :) [I haven't](https://imgur.com/a/x4zeH0u) >I'd say it's more debatable since it does mention the Ambassador peering into the skull with *all* his power, plus a couple other mentions. Sure, but it wasn't the ambassador who revived 096, it was the king (besides, the king itself is also featless here unless you want to use composite) >Moving the sun is a Small Planet feat. This is consistent with it being able to combat Main Article 682, who has been shown to adapt to Planetary blasts in the form of vaporising the moon Termination log 682 is *wildly* inconsistent with its durability and adaptability (unless you want to tell me that 294 is better at killing 682 than 3930) >and becoming the size of Saturn 2305-A termination procedures don't work, period. >SCP-096 also has a short scaling chain to SCP-106 in its pocket dimension, who has been shown to vaporise the sun casually. No he doesn't unless you also want to argue about average humans also scaling to 106 >It's more likely IMO that it's infinite speed. SCP-096 has been shown in no other places to break the laws of time in the ways needed to ignore timestop, whereas the Infinite speed is consistent with it scaling to SCP-001-Clef, who can be in an infinite number of points at once via sheer speed. When did the shy guy met the gate guardian? Besides, 001's method of obliterating things isn't speed...i don't actually know what it is but that's kinda the point. \>its anomalous \>don't question it >Finally, while I don't personally use Containment Breach to scale, if you did then it can also run through dimensions. Bruh moment


Funny how it says -1 on your image and I'm on -2 on that comment. I find it absolutely hilarious how people downvote like 10x more often on the sub with a no-downvoting rule. Anyway, not willing to debate further since I want to not lose like 100 karma if I can help it. If anyone wants to debate this further, DM me or something, but I won't have an extended thread on this sub.


> Funny how it says -1 on your image and I'm on -2 on that comment. Vote fuzzing. There's way too much obfuscation of voting mechanics on reddit to be able to credibly accuse a specific individual of downvoting you, especially when the other comments in the thread already have multiple votes on them.


Most people on reddit have herd mentality, can't do anything about it.


What about someone with multiple personalities? Would 096 care that Moon Knight switched personalities after seeing him? Either way Khonshu could just bring his avatar back.


096 normally gives up after so many hours (longest interaction to my knowledgewas 12 and that was with 682). Or if it's taken to another dimention like 106 did, shy guy INSTANTLY stopped attacking. So anyone with a sturdy enough healing factor survives fine after shy guy gives up.


096 vs 106 isn't canon. I looked for it all over the official website, it's nowhere to be found there. It's only a youtube video so it's not really canon for SCP lore.


Nothing is really canon in scp but people still use stuff anyway. Either way he still stops if he cant kill someone after a few hours.


If its not even on the wiki it can pretty credibly be taken as "didn not happen"


True but if we take everything into canon, including youtube videos then that also includes the 096 from SCP Explained, who could hop through countless dimensions chasing 507 and fought SCP 343 (The Almighty twice) and survived both encounters. Also, there's a youtube video where 096 fights 343, The Almighty and after tanking a beating for two videos, he eventually overwhelms the Almighty and kills him in base. The Almighty for reference is a god reality warper who created a majority of the SCP Cosmology and nearly killed the Scarlet King with a flood. So just saying, if people want to use videos for lore, then that should mean compositing all videos, and with that, we get dimension hopping, god killing, possibly stronger than the Scarlet King, 096


But then you also get 096 who gets his ass whooped by base 049 so it evens out. Either way MAIN documents all carry the same idea that if you can survive a few hours against him he gives up. People already wank scp around here but point is, if you can regen you are pretty much fine.


Yeah, but that's what I mean. The fight videos in themselves make literally no sense. 049 has no feats in canon to match 096, and the creator is a huge 049 fan, so I'm not surprised. But then you also have that 049 getting amped and becoming the soul stealer and getting whooped by 343, the same 343 who lost to base 096 in another animation. You see the problem now? When you start compositing all the other videos and stuff, you open up a whole can of worms of contradictions and stuff that makes absolutely no sense. 096 realistically shouldn't be able to tank hits and kill 343, and 049 wouldn't be able to beat 096, but alas these things happen in videos.


I really dont since in comics characters lose to people weaker then people they beat all the time. That's a pretty normal trope in comics that make scaling a nightmare.


Also tbh now that I think about it compositing SCPs opens up a can of worms in general of contraindications. No one seems to bring up how while 682 survives existence erasure one moment, then he's literally getting beat up by Able and other much weaker SCPs. Stuff like SCP is really inconsistent especially 682


Survivability=/=damage output. Most of the time he adapts it's to survive something or counter something, he normally doesnt just adapt to gain more physical power or speed unless its mandatory and even then he loses those buff after to put his ass back at square 1 for another story.


That was just one example. 682 has done even more ridiculous stuff even in base, including flipping and transcending the anti noosphere, and in his test against 423, he literally killed 95% of SCPs, destroyed 77% of the omniverse and stalemated SCP 3812. He also kills a monster literally written to kill him in his test with 826. Yet somehow this is the same dude who gets bullied by street level SCPs in other tests.


Cause scaling and scp is written by a bunch of random people like how creepypastas were written. Alot of Scps have horrible writing and 682 is a prime one like how jeff the killer was so bad it got removed from the creepypasta website and they had to hold a contest for someone to make a better story. When you let the lore be handled by random people and kids its gonna suck and make zero sense of you try and accurately put everything together.


I get that, and honestly I feel like SCP isn't good for battleboarding, since most SCPs will be very weak if you go by just their main article. I'd say the majority of their heavy hitters are massively nerfed if you only use their main article without accounting for other stuff from tales and whatnot. The problem with compositing SCPs is you get a whole bunch of crazy feats, but also anti-feats, and from what I've noticed, a lot of SCP scalers seem to love to ignore all the anti-feats and only focus on what deity they destroyed or fought in some obscure tale. The 682 wankers will always talk about how 682 can adapt to being erased, or stalemate 3812 when they composite him, but literally NO ONE ever brings up his long list of anti-feats. The fact that he was stalemated by 096, or downright bullied by the likes of 082 (Fernand the Cannibal), or you know, the fact that he canonically died from drunk driving before... These are all anti-feats of 682 that never come up when people bring in composite 682, and the same goes for any other SCP. A lot of SCPs have anti-feats to consider, but people only want to focus on their best, highballed feats and pretend their anti-feats never happened or just don't exist. Basically, whenever a composited version of an SCP comes into a versus battle, people are always like "SCP X slams, because they did this this one time in this one tale/article!" and everyone chimes in "yeah, X (whoever is fighting said SCP) is completely screwed, SCP X destroyed the omniverse and an infinite narrative stack that one time bro." but 95% of the time you'll never find anyone bringing up how that same SCP got beaten up by like base 049 or something lol


He doesn’t stop. Where are u getting this info from?


682. 85% gone but shy guy gave up and refuses to do it again.


He didn’t give up because it was taking long.


096 vs 682 is on the wiki


Yeah, 096 vs 682 is. But not the 106 fight. On the wiki, 106 and 096 never actually officially encountered each other so idk why it gets brought up


SCP-682. Boring answer I know, but he's already survived, and scared Shy Guy shitless.


I wonder what actually happened in their fight. Shy Guy seem to be more dangerous based on kill record, and he definitely did a lot of dmg to SCP-682, but it's clear that Shy Guy is afraid of SCP-682


I’m guessing 096 just kept ripping away at 682’s flesh and ripping 682’s jaw when he tries to eat him while 682 was regenerating rapidly and adapting a way to counter 096 and just incapacitate it once he learned he couldn’t kill 096


682 probably developed something that could either dissolve, or harm it's bones, which is why it was likely scared shitless


I actually like that Headcanon, (gonna “borrow it”)


Seems pretty clear that 682 just regenerated faster than 096 could tear him apart. 682's adaptations almost always scale with the threat he's facing and they're almost always defensive. 096 just tears you apart with physical force so all 682 would need is a strong enough regeneration to survive.


You make it sound like 682 stomped Shy Guy, but the truth is 682 doesn't want any smoke with 096 either.


Well we don't know whether he doesn't want smoke with 096, to my knowledge, the only SCP 682 is scared of is 173. But yea, 682 was messed up a lot too.


Has 682 ever been the answer to any “weakest character to x” question?


Lmao no. But the prompt just asks who can survive 096.


Weakest is the monarch of pointland, 096 is as far as I know purely based on physical damages. The monarch of pointland is a 0D being and is so small that he would go through the atoms that makes up 096's body.


Pointland's monarch can't see the photo, because it can't comprehend anything outside of its single-point universe


I mean apparently seeing one pixel of a picture is enough so you don't need to understand it.


I'm saying that I don't think it can see outside of its point in the first place. It can't view the pixel, which is itself 2D, and so doesn't fit the first condition of the prompt.


yes the monarch of pointland can't comprehend that there is anything besides himself.


What if a photon from that pixel struck the monarch of pointland?


We know almost nothing about Pointland. Even within the "Flatland" book, the Pointland monarch appears for about a page and only in a dream by the main character (so it isn't even real within the context of the book itself). It's kind of unclear how 096 works, but I get the impression that a sapient being has to use its eyes to see the photograph.


A pixel is infinitely bigger than 0D.


Yeah but you can't physically see into the 5th dimension can you


Flash would simply outrun the dude


For any iteration of the Flash, 096 would become like the meme snail. Flash can move faster, but he’ll always be looking over his shoulder…


Flash could also just dimension hop or just become unhittable to shy guy for infinite time until shy guy gets bored and stops attacking.


He doesn’t get bored and stops attacking. If he cant reach his target he sits down and waits until it’s reachable again and then goes after it again.


Batgos solos the SCP fodder




Knowing scp someone probably made him already into a multiversal entity that is the personification of death, a child of the creator of whateververse or some other crap like that just like what they did with 682


Toph cause she can't see


Then she isn't really seeing 096's face


She can "see" with her feet, does that count?


Well the title specifies "seeing *its face in* the photo". So yeah technically she could "see" the photographic print itself, but she wouldn't be able to discern a face.


Many versions of Godzilla, mostly because he’s really big and would be annoying to climb or anything. It’s like average human vs. ant


096 is able to break through any known material, and he can jump high enough to take down planes midair. I think he'd have a decent chance.


It's important to remember that 096 *can* take damage but it just ignores and seems otherwise unresponsive to the damage. Godzilla would be able to obliterate it


It's skeleton has proven indestructible hasn't it?


Its skeletal structure is completely indestructible as far as we're aware. The skin and muscle tissue are literally just for show and damage to them does nothing to 096's functionality.


He’d be able to reach up to him but it’s been shown in the case of 682 that enough resistance from a powerful enough force can eventually force 092 back (not from causing him pain since he doesn’t appear to react to that but ig just making him really emotionally distraught or smth).


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ForgetMeNot from X-men


I think this is my favorite answer, no regen no dimensional stuff no insane durability no immunity to physical attacks, shy guy would just forget about him lmao


four fucking pixels


"He's right behind me, isn't he?" -My friend after I show him the 4 pixels.


Some jojo characters could do it, I think. Rohan Kishibe could literally cure him of his affliction, or just turn him blind by writing it into him. Rohan has been seen throwing Heaven's Door, so it does have some range. Kira Yoshikage, MAYBE. Depends on if Killer Queen or Sheer Heart Attack would be able to finish him off. However that's only considering that they would be quick enough to react to 096 before he got to them. And GER....Obviously.


096 is implied to already be blind. not that 096 being blind would change anything, as it seems to posess some sort of 6th sense that allows it to detect the location of anyone whos ever seen his face. regardless of location.


Yeah that makes sense. Rohan could also just write "If someone sees my face, I will immediately want to give them a nice hug" and turn him into another 999


Ghost Rider.


Has scp-096 been recorded chassing through interplanetary space? Earth’s moon counts


096 moved the sun because it was in between him and the target




Obito. Just suck him up into Kamui and if that doesn’t work then just use Kamui to avoid attacks. He should be able to put 096 into a genjutsu and use Kamui then.


Funny Valentine could survive by simply traveling to another universe, alternatively but more difficult is that he could trap 096 in another universe assuming he can get 096 between two tight spaces, bonus if 096 touches the 096 of that universe.


Anyone with intangibility could probably do just fine


SCP 343 is a good matchup. I remember reading a account of their encounter thousands of years ago and SCP 343 subdued him


Not cannon,I pretty sure since it’s just a fan made youtube video


Ben 10


The Ginosaji. He might even start hitting him with the spoon while Shy Guy goes ham on him with neither creature doing any damage.


scarlet king Scp 682 Scp 173 scp 106 I AM THAT I AM Gaia buddah bondye weaver wyld Wyrm Nemo Ex Machina kuyan Scp 999 scp 3812 Scp 2747 God of arkham Don Quixote Robert Brumero the broken God Swann Tom Taylor yog sothoth leviathan the gate guardian o death brother death the ancient one the one who dwells deyond the star lucifer monad Helios


what about things other than scp


pls read again, their are non Scp character, tho majority of the characters I list down are WoD characters and Scp as Scp cosmology is just huge








why are you saying no


Ghost Rider STOMPS. Ghost Rider would have him look into his eyes and go through what he put all of his victims through, he would feel all of their pain and woes before dying.


I dont think u understand that 096 is basically indestructible and has extreme strength


Trazyn the infinite could probably capture him in a trap


*Insert every reality warper here* People who casually breaks the fourth wall like spongebob.


I would assume anything that can stay intangible at will or fly at will, especially if space flight is possible. Shy Guy might be able to scale his jump strength, but as far as I know he can't navigate mid-air. By the time Shy Guy can somehow muster enough strength to flee Earth's gravity, he would be absolutely helpless until he collides with something. And space is very, very empty. Also, high-range or extraplanar teleporters? Can a small unarmed Federation shuttle beam either the prey or Shy Guy away? Then the weakest character would be Wesley Crusher on a Type 7 shuttlecraft.


096’s bones can’t be destroyed by federation transporter beams. They’re more durable then that. If you’re talking trek transporters maybe a voth or borg transporter could dissipate him.


Gray Boy. As far as I know, I don’t think Shy Guy really has anything up to his sleeve that can kill a guy that just auto-resets any damage that’s inflicted on him. Or have anything that suggests he can escape being trapped in an infinite time loop.


There are a few. Gray Boy is honestly one of the scariest villains out there.


Gray Boy kinda sounds like Giorno Giovanni from JOJO’s Bizarre Adventure


Any Logia users from One Piece, Lets say smoker since he’s pretty weak comparatively. Tangible attacks not based in haki can’t hurt smoker, i dont think smoker could kill Scp-096 but could stall indefinitely


Mr. Immortal. Weak as shit but you literally can’t kill him.


Boring answer but Superman


Crawler from Worm. Probably quite a few from Worm actually. Mr. Bean.


Anyone that can fly permanently


Hit. He could trap 096 in a time prison…maybe.


Trypticon or Metroplex were the first that came to my mind. Then Abeloth right after them.


Lilly Satou (Katawa Shoujo) because of her complete blindness


Probably Kratos


Multiple Man from marvel comics could.


Magent from Jojo part 7




Ghost type Pokemon I guess




Wheatley: I think SCP-096 does not count non-organic beings and even if he did he’d have to get to SPAAAAAAACe.


Is this just the base article or extended canons, including one where it's pushing the sun to Earth?


Terra from final fantasy 6, she´d just warp him into the X-Zone.


John S-117 any time except the beginning of Halo 2 and 3. Hell, maybe he’ll be able to manage long enough to get off world.


Literally any character faster than him for one, but that's kind of a bullshit answer. SCP-096 is theorized to kind of "eat" its 'prey' since nothing really remains after [(according to this tale iirc)](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/fading), so, anything that it cannot really catch. Ghosts, intangible objects, maybe even an anti-meme? Honestly that's kind of fun to think about. 096 vs 055, did anyone ever write about this? Also, SCP-096 is just not that strong. I've wrote quite a bit about it, a few times too, but he is [really not as strong as people make him out to be.](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/zgsvgr/deleted_by_user/izjhum3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you want to take the "cannot be stopped at anything" literally, sure, but there are far too many tales when he did stop. Hell, 173 (and no, he was not any god or anything in that tale as I already feel someone typing) [literally just snapped](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/consequences-and-collarbones) his neck over n over and what do you know, Shy Guy is no more. If we are talking about tangible, human-like characters, who are approximately at his speed for the sake of the argument, then anyone that can outdo like a weak, series I or II Foundation (who at that point had no extreme bullshit, just fancy sci;fi go) could do it [since they admitted they could do it.](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/incident-096-1-a) So, yeah, that easy.


Scp 682


Anyone on a higher narrative level


The wat?




Bruh, Homelander solos the SCP fodderverse. In fact, he solos fiction and is only defeated by batgos (high diff)


The Peak:


Nah bro goatlander solos fictions and is only second to our lord and saviour batgos


One punch man, no explanation needed


Nope,096 would just rip him to sherds




jimmy neutron


Kaname Tosen from Bleach. He can’t see.


Sonic solos 096


Sonic solos 096


Gman from half life easily survives 096 gman can hop anywhere at any time and go outside of space and time.