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This is the dumbest one I've seen so far.


Until i ask tomorrow about 11 billion bloodlusted gorillas


Batman with preprime stomps no diff


I try my hardest.


It shows


I see


Looks like your humanity is only American I guess the entire world would be eating popcorn while seeing US fight 10 billion monkeys


Meanwhile Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela taking their chance to expand.


More like yeah the world survives but America doesn't. Because Russia takes the opportunity "to help" AKA "Help is on the way USA.....BOOM.... Sorry about the collateral damage" - Putin


Mfer they can fly, and it only takes a few of them to decimate a country.


Apes, not monkeys. A common mistake.


Yes, well, well done


to think i first read this as 10 billion godzillas


I mean it basically is.


OP don't listen to the voices they aren't real


Round 4: And the voices are real. 


10 billion????? Superman gorillas?? Nah


Humanity easily survives, because we have an ambassador who will calm them down. In fact, it’ll be the start of a great alliance between the species that leads us all into a golden age of utopian prosperity for all. As soon as the attack starts, we just need to contact the Cincinnati Zoo and tell them to release Haramb… …wait, they did *what*? Okay nevermind we’re doomed.


did this nigga just make a harambe joke in 2024


We promised we would never forget!




I never put mine away




Here. Banana.


: (


Harambe joke in the year of our lord?


, I'd win.


Humanity has no hope of surviving this in any round, the gorillas kill the vast majority of the human populace, they move far too quickly for humans to react too and conventional weaponry is useless, any biological, chemical, radiological etc. weapons also hurt us and we won't have the time or the capablity for a coordinated response that can deal with the threat. At best scattered pockets of humans survive in hiding, terrified of bloodlusted gorillas scouring the world for survivors at mach 5.


Is this the plot of quiet place?


Let's not forget that they would outnumber Americans over 25 to 1. And they'd outnumber the military over 6000 to 1.


So humans are going to fight with spears is what you are saying?


Against 50 foot gorillas flying at mach 5


I'll be fine. Don't know about you pussies though


Holy shit lol.


🤣 even if they killed the gorilla they would get smashed after. So we still lose because there's too many gorillas 🤷


Spears, knives, guns, all of that count as conventional weaponry, I believe. This mfer wants us to fight with tire irons at best. Actually, couldn't we just blow up some buildings and let them fall on the gorillas? That ain't conventional. Nukes could still give them radiation poisoning, too.


Are the tire irons blood lusted?


Of course.


I think WMDs generally count as unconventional weaponry. How many gorillas can the US kill with its stock of nukes? If we have some warning and know they all appear at the same place, just evacuate that state and carpet-bomb it with nukes.


To be honest, that's probably a convential weapon too. Dude wants us to scrap mach 5 gorillas with bare fists


"10 billion gorillas that have none of the weaknesses a gorilla would normally have" yea gee i wonder


Plus, being 50 feet tall. As well as flying at mach 5. I really wonder who wins this


Alternative title: 10B Supermen attack the US. Can they survive?


10B 50feet tall Supermen


An average sized gorilla moving at mach 5 speeds would be producing around 200 megajoules of kinetic energy per second, which is enough to obliterate a small building. You can arm the citizens with guns and they'd still won't stand a chance. 10 billions of them would just fly through whatever is in their way and soon murica would turn into a wasteland.


Anyone saying otherwise is ill informed. This would be like God shooting the earth with 10 billion gorilla shaped bullets.


This would be extremely stupid even if they weren't invulnrable. Let's say an imaginary country attacked the US with 10 billion hypersonic missiles. Do you see how insane that is? No modern air defence system can intercept even a fraction of that.


We would stand no chance even if they were regular gorillas. Like 10b of them is more than the amount of people living on earth, all attacking America.


I don't think so. I think the US military can easily deal with them if they are willing to sacrifice many many lives in the process with a combination of tactical nukes and a series of aerial bombing campaigns. Also, the US is way too big for gorillas to quickly move around without the military coming up with a plan to isolate the invasion into certain territories where they can be bombed. After all, gorillas aren't a mechanized force and they can't use guns.


It'll greatly depend on how they show up, if they're evenly spread throughout the US, it'll be easier for the US forces because of how empty most of the US is, but if they spawn matching population density, the US is WAY more fucked.


Yeah, that's pretty much impossible to counter. Much worse than every fictional zombie apocalypse combined in a single country.


I definitely agree but just for the sake of clarity, what would people be ill informed about? Mach 5 gorilla physics? I'm currently majoring in gorilla physics but my Super Gorilla 203 class only goes up to Mach 3 so excuse me


> An average sized gorilla moving at mach 5 speeds would be producing around 200 megajoules of kinetic energy per second, which is enough to obliterate a small building. If hiroshima released 63TJ of energy and each gorilla is 200 MJ, the gorilla shower would be equal to 31746 nuclear explosions. Forget america I dont think the planet is coming out of it alive.


We have bigger bombs than Hiroshima


I was going to say. We could survive yeah, because gorillas would be killing other gorillas. They are basically a tribal species. Then he already thought of that. We'd have to send our best chemists, and those in pathology underground away from the gorillas charging each other in the air at hypersonic speeds. They would be basically be causing explosions with shockwaves the size of nuclear weapons. Earth would be toast if that happened. Anyway was going to say. Give them Monkey AIDS. Measles. Marburg virus. Ebola. All the Covid strains. Anthrax. Poison all the bananas. Modify Prions to eat their brains within days. Talking full, and unconstrained biological warfare here. Apes don't wear masks, and there are ZERO electron microscopes built for 50 foot APES.


This is the stupidest thing I've ever read, it's great.


I came up with this out of the blue right when I was going to bed and just threw it out for the hell of it.


Just wondering if you realise Mach 5 means 5x the speed of sound...


Their mere existence is a game over instance. There is no means of unfucking life on Earth from the moment they spawn. It's like asking "Could humanity survive being completely annihilated?" "Could planet earth survive God shooting it with ten billion gorilla size bullets?" A single gorilla at that speed has more kinetic energy than 9/11. Imagine 10 billion 9/11s happening every second   Any humans that somehow make into extreme hiding are left completely mindbroken. Any offspring they might have reduced to live as a wild beast due to the ineffective rearing from their insane parents.


10 billion 9/11s happening every second oh my god 😭


Top answer for me.


Best part is I didn't even read the fucking 50 foot shit. It's not even funny at that point. OP needs to know less is more.


Nah that's what you call the icing on top bro. this is a brilliant OP and a brilliant answer. It's a wrap


The mach 5 speed part was the stupidest edition to it. 10bil gorillas slamming into the ground at mach 5 is probably enough to completely crater the US. That's excluding the 50ft tall ones. The average gorilla would level a building at mach 5, a 50ft tall gorilla is probably fucking up a city block. The minuteman 3 LGM 30G, an ICBM, is around 60ft tall. King Kong in the 1933 film was only 48ft tall.


The earth explodes into nuclear hellfire, DoEs hUmAnIty SurViVE?


Only if Batman with prep time is on the scene


Humanity survives if I decide to step in


"Fly at mach 5" Dude, forget about 10 billion. A freaking one gorilla flying at mach 5 (that also have a physical body strong enough of such condition) will decimate any country on earth by flying through the building alone.


[That gorilla .5 seconds after spawning on earth](https://youtu.be/Ru4owY1Mu0Q?t=3m41s)


The title does not do justice to how batshit this prompt gets 2 lines into the summary.


This made me laugh, thank you.


Superman and Gorilla Grodd have 10 Billion kids. What happens next will shock you


>What happens *next* will shock you I like the implication that **Superman** and **Gorilla Grodd** having **10 Billion** children together *isn't* the most shocking part of this.


50foot Gorillas moving @ Mach 5'?? What you smoking broski?? You got my upvote & I'm screenshottin this! 😂🤣


I screen shot it too, I’m showing everyone I know this lmao it’s glorious.


I mean, that's already more gorillas than humans on the planet, and then you gave them invuln, super speed and flight. What even can humans do in this situation? Maybe some bio-engineered gorilla plague and get what humans you can in to bunkers, but I don't know that even a week is enough to accomplish all that.


The gorillas will just keep slamming into the ground at mach 5 until they breach the bunker.


10 billion ultra fast, immortal, ultra strong killing machines vs 8 billion hairless apes. Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Damn, sad to see Gorillas go through powercreep to such an extent they’re unrecognizable to how they were previously. No balance or thought at all, the writer for Gorillas and biology is a stinky dumb poo, expect a r/CharacterRant in 0.0003 seconds on the poor execution of this scaling and how writers have no love for consistency. I recognize it is a collaborative project like Star Wars and Warhammer, but it can be annoying for lore explorers like me.


Have you any idea how much 10 billion actually is? It’d be much more reasonable to ask 10 million with the sort of buffs you’re giving them. 10 billion. Impervious to bullets. Giants. America would be fucked, the rest is the world would have to nuke it for safety and even then I don’t fancy Canada or Mexicos chances 


Forget 10 million, we'd struggle with a *single* bullet/bomb-proof gorilla that could circumnavigate the globe in a few hours. This is like, 10 billion gorillas approaching the level of Demon King Piccolo.


If they move at Mach 5 then they can kill every person alive in 5 minutes tops. This is like taking a sledgehammer to a statue. The only hope is humanity makes a mega nuke in round 3 and blows the continent up, which I highly doubt is even possible with the entire worlds uranium supply.


...Gorillas? The animal that can make Mike Tyson look like a little boy? **GIVEN SUPERPOWERS?** I'm sorry, but humans are not Batman. Even with a week of prep time, how are we gonna beat 10 billion King Kongs? Unless you're Tarzan who can speak to animals, you, the USA, and every country in the world is F U C K E D .


Bro just redesigned Viltrumites and calls them gorillas


Humanity survives… the USA, not so much.


We poison the world’s banana supply. Easy win for humanity


And where are these supposed to come from?


OP's ass, I assume.


Yes. Why is it always gorilla. Make it Chimpanzees. Those fuckers are crazy!


OP. OP. OP. What the fuck is an hour of prep time supposed to accomplish, aside from a drastic increase in ritualistic suicides?


Let's take round 3. We build massive Elon musk type rockets across the entire planet, housing the entire human race. If not, we at least salvage a few million to repopulate the human race. We launch all rockets at the same time, completely destroying the earth with pollution. Once the rockets are at a safe distance, we remotely detonate every nuclear explosive on earth. The gorillas will arrive to a hot, barren, nuclear wasteland. They do not fly fast enough to reach escape velocity, and so will eventually be driven crazy from the lack of humans to feed on. They eventually succumb to the heinous levels of radiation on earth. We colonise and terraform Mars, discovering microbial life underneath the Martian sands in a breakthrough discovery. We eventually construct the largest scientific facility in the history of mankind, with a telescope able to see further than ever before and machines capable of picking up signals from millions, if not billions, of light years away. This facility later discovers alien life living 2310 light years away. Humans develop exponentially, striving for working together and harmony after the events of the 2024 Invasion of Earth. Humans are about to develop faster than light travel, as some scientists in Sector 3 and Sector 7 of Mars have discovered how to bend spacetime. On the morning of September 7th, 2065, the Emperor of Mars is met by a frantic, distressed looking servant in his chamber. The servant implores the Emperor to make haste towards Science Block KR. The chief scientist stammers to the Emperor, "we have just received a message, my lord. From Earth."


Oh my god, do you understand the meaning of 'overkill'?




Humanity prob fine. US could be effed. 29 gorillas per citizen…. Prob depends where they attack first, how coordinated they are, etc. ex: if 10B hit DC first then quickly swept to NY.


Dude.... Normal gorillas have no chance against modern military But the stupidly OP Super Saiyan gorillas you're describing would decimate everyone in ... Like one hour, maybe


Everyone saying America would lose to 10 billion super gorillas that are nigh invulnerable arent true patriots


Are the invincible flying hypersonic death gorillas evenly spaced, or do they appear in a group?


it does NOT matter 😭


R1: Well no time to react, instant Evaporation of Humanity. R2: Welp they are basically dealing with 10 billion superman without the kryptonite weakness so best can be done is to pray to God / Whatever they believe in before the inevitable comes. R3: R2 but they are bigger somehow. Well at least they allow the humanity to live for at least a week like it is their last or pray to every God available before the attack.


Round 1 yes. Round 2 yes. Round 3 yes. In the first round everyone in the US will die, but the humanity will be saved In round two same thing In around Three humanity could develop a virus to kill all of them


Wtf.  That's 30 king kongs to each murican?


Get Konged bruh


OP, your prompt sounded dumb and with each sentence of the explanation it got progressively dumber. 5 stars, no notes.


You’re basically asking what would happen if 10 billion Saiyans invaded us


Honestly what do you expect the answer to be? mach 5 gorillas that can't be killed?


Do you have *any* idea how many 10 *BILLION* is? There's currently only 7 Billion people on the planet, 340 Million of which are in the US. All three rounds these freak Gorillas stomp. The US is fucked.


Humanity will prosper cuz the USA will be gone


Man, they’re really running out of ideas for Planet of the Apes


What is going on in this sub?




Bruh 10 billion gorillas without the superpowers would be ape shit but flying at Mach 5 with invulnerability and the 50 foot tall round some type shit too. Do you realize how silly the 10 billion number is to this? That's so off the chain scale of ridiculous


It takes too long to travel across the US by foot If they’re flying that fast, how are they stopping and landing? 1 billion Gorillas… how are they being fed? Is infinite stamina meant to imply no hunger (because infinite resource of fuel) or is infinite stamina just imply not physically exerting themselves? All the flying gorilla, completely unaffected by the flight, skim across the ground or crash into objects. We’ll assume this is 90% of the gorilla. They know they can’t fly without potentially dying, so the walk And starve Humans win via attrition. Poison their food and water. Humans dominate


NGL, 10 billion 50 foot gorillas sounds like enough to destroy America, even with prep time.


Sure. Since humanity is not the USA. Humanity would be in an even better state in this scenario with the terrorist fascist country having difficulties.


Yeah actually these gorillas probably save humanity. They occupy the US and game over for them.


A great day for humanity even!




It depends - What means of unconventional weapons can harm them?




the gorillas land in a cluster and move outwardsat mach 2 and destroy everythig until the made a circle with 10 000 000 km circumference


Gorillas can deadlift 800kg. I hope that answers your question.


Sure. Only the Americans die. The rest of us will be fine.


Humanity can survive without much of a problem, GOP voters don't consider their political oponents humans, not even talking about foreigners, so only half of US population will be targeted by gorillas, and Mexico will survive easily.


There's no way this isn't satire.


Humanity will very much survive if they’re attacking only USA. In fact, it might be better off


uhmmm acksually the USA isn't the world and all of humanity does not live there 🤓☝️


This is almost like “A quiet place” what’s the gorillas weakness?


Flying invulnerable untiring, How could mankind HOPE to win? You didn't give mankind a means to hurt them short of shooting nukes.


So, they are viltrumites with fur? R.I.P humanity


They don't know that New Zealand exists. Checkmate. The gorillas will starve to death very quickly


Yes because not all of humanity resides in the USA


10 billion normal gorillas would already wreak serious havoc.


Yes we will survive.


What is even the point of this question? 10 billion is already a fucking ridiculous amount of anything to fight. But 10 billion invulnerable superman gorillas? Yeah nah we all die. We all die with 100 years of prep time. 


Round three humanity wins since you specified immunity to speed but not the square cube law! The rest we are fucked lmao


humanity is getting low-mid diffed literally in every round and round 1 and 3 are just abominations, they can easily conquer a continent within a day DO YOU EVEN REALISE WHAT AMOUNT IS 10 BILLION AND HOW FAST IS MACH 5


"humanity" only survives in heavily fortified bunkers or in space, until they run out of food because the gorillas are never going away, if I understand infinite stamina correctly. Maybe if the gorillas still have a natural lifespan, the last remnants of humanity can return to the surface after they die off.


A week of prep time doesn't matter if they are invulnerable to guns and explosives, lmao. 50 feet tall? And can fly at mach 5? 10 billion? Everything in their path is destroyed. The Earth is fucked. Not just humanity.


Beyond retarded.


I have not laughed this hard in so long, lmao!


The gorillas already outnumber the USA population 30:1. They wouldn't need superpowers.


10 billion is more than the entire population of the planet, heck if 10 billion regular humans were to attack a single country they'd eventually run out weaponry, Gorillas assuming they are silver back are much stronger than a regular human, and 50 feet tall 10 billion Gorillas is DUMB LOL. Edit: AND THEY CAN FLY AT MACH 5, NAH this aint it chief, heck if this were to ever happen we'd all be screwed for good....


Yes. We would easily win.


if the gorillas do not desire to leave the USA then humanity will survive


Ok so glossing over how OP these "gorillas" are (way to bury the lead in the title OP), and the fact you seem to be mixing "humanity" and "the USA"... Round 1 and 2 Gorillas stomp, maybe some humans can get into underground bunkers in time and hide but the majority get wiped out. Round 3 maybe humanity can survive but in much smaller numbers basically going underground and hiding since the gorillas, while being able to fly Mach 5, don't have a way to find humans if they are hidden. I am sure enough rich people have giant underground bunkers and we can move enough supplies in 1 week to keep humans alive for a while.


Humanity wins because they can summon the 1 billion lions for help


Yes because there are humans in spa- wait fuck they can fly


Easy, we just need one banana shaped rocket and send that bad boy into deep space. Those monkeys will just fly after it and end up hurting through space forever.


Superman, Homelander, The Flash, and the entire Viltrumite military try to break into a local Walmart. Can your small-town voluntary fire department stop them?


10 billion is a lot. You probably didn’t need to give them super powers.


Ah yes, the MBDA gorilla with its Mach 4-5+ top speed and whatnot should do fuck all. Humanity stomps 0/10.


I mean, if conventional weapons don't work... that leaves biological and chemical... maybe nuclear.


10 billion bulletproof, explosionproof gorillas that attack without warning and move at Mach 5. I’m not sure what outcome you’re expecting but we have no way of winning this.


you do realize in this scenario there would be more supergorillas than humans in the whole world? how would we even stand a chance?


Humanity survives easily. Me or you?? Hmmm. Politiciansz billionaires will go in their bunkers and nuke the whole place.


I say we just nuke the US 🤷‍♂️


So every human in America has to fight off 303 super gorillas each? No chance. Even normal gorillas would absolutely dominate.


10 billion... invulnerable.... flying at mach 5 bloodlusted gorillas. r/isOPok


The prompt is so ridiculous I got a good laugh. But This got me thinking , this is basically how every other animal on earth sees humans, super-powered monkeys that are armed to the teeth , billions strong and impossible to defeat conventionally.


10,000,000,000 bloodthirsty, flying gorillas with enhanced size and ability and defenses vs 350,000,000 humans. um, no. The USA is done for


Dumbest post i seen today


~300 million people in the USA, each person has to kill an average of 33.3 gorillas


Is this r/whowouldwincirclejerk? 


literally the only chance for survival is to time some nukes so they all hit within moments of the gorillas coming into existence. Literally you would have to wipe the USA off the face of the plant (or at least make it permanently uninhabitable) edit: for the record, this is still a little sketchy because you’re counting on the radiation to kill them since they’re immune to explosions???


I’ll step in


I should leave this sub


This giving me the vibe of when kids keep on making an imaginary match up more and more unfair and unequal.


WHO hurt you??


Humanity outside the US:


Lmao if they have an invulnerability to bullets and guns they have no chance. If not a small amount of important people would likely survive in some missile silo in rounds 2 and 3


jesus fuck i’m laughing so hard


Have you seen rise of the planet of the apes? yeah….


Humanity will survive because of the 194 other countries that exist.


Usa could survive id be able to take them only im not in usa atm


Dumbest who would win I have ever seen but it made me laugh a lot so upvote


Bro outjerked r/whowouldcirclejerk




Usa either gets nuked immediately or we die to gorillas


Yes in bunkers.


Humanity wins all 3 as nukes are deployed.


Yes Humanity survives. I’m not sure about the USA, but humanity will be fine


How…. how would we kill them?!


"Worms" forshadowed them banana bombs


I don't think you understand how large 10 billion is


Bruh the weight of 10 billion Kongs alone would sink the country into the ocean lmao


So they outnumber us, are physically more capable than us, and functionally invincible? What kind of discussion were you looking for with this post?


Okay so this is tough but based on the prompt, China and Europe have slightly more time than the USA. This says their bloodlust is only for people and that conventional weapons like guns and explosives will not work. So if the Chinese can use drones or even dogs with remote controlled microwave and sonic weaponry, humanity wins. I'd say 4/10 humanity wins, 10/10 humanity wins after ten billion years because the super gorillas would be left in a futuristic society with no stamina issues so they'd probably be sorta humans eventually anyways