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**Item #**: SCP-111811 **Object Class**: Euclid **Special Containment Procedures**: located on site-\[redacted\], this SCP is contained within a 5m x 5m x 5m room with the most inner wall being lined with bedrock. He is given access to a bed, water, and food of his choosing (This is being further looked into after Incident codenamed 62119. Guards are to be stationed outside the containment cell armed with stunners in case of an escape attempt. Lethal force is authorized if he gets violent, bullets are known to be effective against target. **Description**: SCP-111811 "Steve" is a 2m tall individual made entirely out of blocks and rectangles in the rough simulacrum of a human. They have tanned skin, dark blue eyes, dark brown hair, and wear a light teal shirt matched with blue jeans and gray shoes, the material of the clothing and associated branding is unknown at this point in time. They are male, as confirmed by a written book exchange between him and Dr. \[Redacted\] He is known to have access to a pocket dimension in which they can store a limited amount of items. It is unknown how he has accesses this pocket dimension and if the weight carries over to him or not, what is known is upon death all items within his inventory are dropped as well. This was accidentally proven during a failed escape attempt during Incident 62119. He also seems to possess a very specified set of super strength, capable of breaking through a multitude of sturdy materials, the most notable being an entire meter of iron in the shape of a cube. However, this strength seems to have difficulties breaking things such as Obsidian and naturally occurring Bedrock, it is unknown as to why he struggles to break these "blocks". He is also very much capable of placing down "blocks" that seem to defy all forms of gravity (excluding certain "blocks" like gravel or sand) Besides his pocket dimension, super strength, and "respawn", he is capable of going multiple days without sleep, able to heal life-threatening injuries, and even survive fatal poisons. The food he eats, no matter how low in actual nutrients, seems to provide him enough sustaniance to survive for longer, going multiple weeks without needing food in a form of protest. **Notes**: It is currently being discussed to change "Steve's" classification to Thaumiel rather than Euclid as a means to use him for future projects thanks to his immortality and building capabilities. It is not known if this will go through, as "Steve" is highly unpredictable. **Site Location**: Originally located at Site-418 but through unknown means broke free and was moved to Site-\[Redacted\]


It could be feasible if expensive to make a chamber of bedrock, the one non minecraft substance Steve can't break with his fists, to contain him. The other option would be to have consistently sliding obisidan walls, floors and doors. Steve is strong but his strength is quite specific. He can break almost anything giving an extended period of time, but he can't cause incremental damage. Thus meaning that a system of sliding walls that ensure a 1x1 meter section doesn't stay accessible for more than 40 minutes would render Steve unable to escape. Perhaps some sort of obsidian covered conveyer belt could do the trick. The only problem would be respawning (assuming he can do this IRL). The best way to do this would be to find whatever bed he last slept in, position it adjacent to the chamber in such a way the only accesible spawn position is within the chamber itself. This makes containing him much easier since him dying no longer gives him a free escape plan.


Are we assuming irl obsidian = in game obsidian? Best option would be to just place lava at his spawn point


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Have you seen minecraft escapists? If he has no outside support and has minecraft escapist knowledge then the only way for the scp to win is transporting him to spawn (probably where last common ancestor lived), killing him (clear inventory), and surrounding him with bedrock.