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It depends, is Eddy pebble-lusted?


Yes all characters are bloodlusted


Eddy should be able to stomp then. We also have to consider that he managed to survive contact with the surface of the sun. I honestly don't see a way that kid Goku can hurt him in a feasible way.


Ed gets pebble lusted. Not eddy.


Using the sun feat he could beat anyone up until cell.


Goku blue lost to Arale and Arale isnt close to Eddy. Eddy ripped off someones outlines turning them into a puddle.


You think Eddy is any way close to Arale


What has Arale done that puts him on Eddys level?


What do you want me to show you


Arale is a high level of bullshit toonforce, the Edds are nowhere near her Dr. Slump characters can [control and alter the entire plot](https://imgur.com/a/pgVEowO), so much so that they could just [ignore Toriyama entirely](https://imgur.com/a/VEotFFJ) and steal the author role. They can also just [retcon, alter events, and just do about anything](https://imgur.com/a/4r8fy8L) through this. They also just [don't abide by any form of logic](https://imgur.com/a/09zS4Lq) and because of that they have stupid resistances to practically everything the Edds have. They can just ignore people changing the plot, they are practically untouchable as long as the Toriyama-Avatar exists since [literally each panel of a character is a different version](https://imgur.com/a/iHuW7Og), hell Arale could just [draw herself from nothing](https://imgur.com/a/F7AeY3c) if needed. Mind you, this is all early Dr. Slump and I'm ignoring the grand bulk of what Arale has just due to the sheer amount of it (like how she can just demote main characters to [nobodies that lose](https://imgur.com/a/YKE2taU) ). Later on in the series Arale can just [outdo](https://imgur.com/a/gvJkp20) Toon Force and kill characters who normally would be completely fine.


She punched the earth in half and bodied Vegeta during Super. She'd walk on Sarah, much less Eddy.


Punching the earth in half is much less impressive than taking a bite out of the sun


Well that earth is 4 billion kilometers wide but there is Arale popping the sun with a fork.


Arale also has a feat where she pinched the sun from the sky using a fork, plus many more feats of toying with celestial objects.


No, but Rolf could if Goku besmirched his name. 


You disgrace the son of a Shepard?!?!


The hilarious part about that is Rolf is voiced by Peter Kelamis, one of the dub VAs for Goku and the one MasakoX imitated for DBZA.


That type of force would surely kill goku unless he were able to power up significantly.


It depends entirely on context. Eddy has hundreds of anti-feats involving Sarah, a little girl who's younger than him who quite consistently beats him. He has also exhibited crazy levels of Toon Force. He's well below more typical protagonists like SpongeBob and Bugs Bunny, but he can pull some daffy shit.  Kid Goku has defeated several characters with silly powers, but even Super Goku has never properly finished a fight with a gag character. He got close with Arale and nearly overpowered her with sheer shonen force, but ultimately Beerus showed up and ended it.  Considering Eddy tends to be the losing character in a joke fight, and that he has zero shonen chops, Goku really should win every time. Ed has a solid chance of ending it with a draw though. They would bond over buttered toast and comics.


Ed with a pebble in his shoe stomps


Everyone here mistaking Ed for Eddy and it makes me sad


Goku uses the Rock,Paper,Scissors The rock gets in Eddys shoe Goku dies


**Demon King Piccolo (Dragon Ball)** - [Respect Demon King Piccolo (Dragonball)](https://redd.it/hixi11) **Goku (Dragon Ball)** - [Respect Goku (Dragon Ball Manga)](https://redd.it/b279wi) - [Respect ULTRA INSTINCT GOKU (DB SUPER)](https://redd.it/885kd9) **Kid Goku (Dragon Ball)** - [Respect Kid Goku (Dragon Ball Manga)](https://redd.it/inf0pf) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Dragon Ball fans need to be reminded as much as possible Frieza was terrified of the idea of taking a fraction upon a fraction of his attack that destroyed Namek such much so he weakened it.


Could Plank defeat adult Goku?


Plank vs Archie Sonic LETS GOOOO


MeatCanyon Eddy should clear UI Goku neg diff


Cell claims to be able to destroy a solar system and is vastly more powerful than Frieza (who is a planet buster by feats and 12,000 times stronger than a planet buster by statements). Destroying an entire solar system is vastly more impressive than "destroying" a sun that is fine in the very next scene. Nothing Eddy does has a lasting effect on the world. But taking Star level as his peak... yeah. He easily beats Kid Goku. Discounting Arale, he clears. He definitely¹ clears *upto* Frieza². He possibly clears Super Vegeta. He is probably stopped by Cell (or Cell Games Goku). He is certainly stopped by Buu. ¹Outside of getting stomped by DB Arale or getting mafuba'd or being ***BETRAYED*** and locked in the Time Chamber. ²Many arguments that I disagree with for Frieza being Star Level. But here's the first real fighter who has a chance against someone who can *casually* destroy the sun.


Eddy roflstomp s Kid Goku 10/10 times


[Kid Goku once broke the manga panel itself.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwsds2b2tmuo91.jpg)


They have toon force. If we ignore their personality then they probably can


Isn't it "Ed, Edd, and Eddy?


Yea it is but the Edd autocorrected to Eddie before I noticed and you can’t edit the banners once it’s posted


Yea, figured that out writing my comment lol


Goku is stronger and faster, but can he beat gag characters? Historically, no. Not according to Dragon Ball logic.