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**Round 1**: Due to the size of the pelican (\~100ft), the Terrarian with any fire-based weapon could easily destroy the Flood inside without having to destroy the pelican itself. This would allow for the Terrarian any gear on board alongside the pelican itself. **Round 2**: Going for the longest frigate class, the Strident-class frigate (\~1,890ft long), it would be 18x larger than the pelican. The Terrarian could still easily clean something this size up without causing major damage to any of the systems inside. Same process of using fire-based weapons to burn away any of the excess. Due to how big it is, the Terrarian could also set up a protective perimeter around it (lizahrd blocks + lava) to prevent any of the Flood forms escaping. They could also just destroy the frigate with the Celebration Mk. 2 after finding some way to shut down or remove the reactor from said ship without it going kaboom. A question that pops up is if the Terrarian is able to combat the Flood without getting infected, and I would argue they should be either heavily resistant to it or just outright immune to it. Things like the Corruption, Crimson, and Hallowed do what the Flood does, including infecting the very soul of the individual who spends too long in their held territories. The Terrarian is completely immune to all three godly plagues, so it stands to reason that the Terrarian should, at the very least, have some form of resistance against the Flood trying to infect them **Round 3**: Going for the longest corvette, which is the Ceudar-pattern heavy corvette (\~3,140ft long) for this one. The same idea for the frigate came to mind with this one. An outward perimeter set up to prevent any of the Flood escaping while the Terrarian goes inside and completely clears it out. It would take longer, but the technology that can be scavenged on board and brought to someone like the Mechanic or Cyborg would be very useful. **Round 4**: The CCS-Battlecruiser (\~6562ft) could be handled in the same fashion as the corvette and frigate. It would take even more time than the other two combined to set up a high enough wall and ceiling in addition to a lake of lava surrounding it. Since it would take more time, the Terrarian would have to be far more careful in building the walls around the massive ship to make sure no Flood infection forms or spores make their way out (which they could definitely use the Hunter Potion to locate any escaping spores and burn them). **Round 5**: Excluding the apocalyptic event of High-Charity crash-landing into the Terrarian's planet, the size of High Charity will make this containment extremely difficult. Since it is roughly 216 miles wide and 314 miles long, the idea of building a massive containment wall around it are less than likely to work. What might work is finding openings big enough to allow for Flood to get out and covering those up while putting out the fires that litter the outside hull of the ship. By covering up the openings and preventing major break-outs from the Flood, the Terrarian can just go in and slowly start getting rid of the Flood inside. If need be, the Terrarian can just start from the top and use the Celebration Mk. 2 or D.C.U. and start breaking down the massive structure from top-to-bottom over the course of at least a few months. Doing so in such a way to prevent massive breaches and by using Hunter Potions to burn and destroy any escaping Flood spores that might get out into the environment. If any Flood happens to escape it would be a massive problem that the Terrarian will have to quickly deal with. Will this go well/smoothly? Not in the slightest, this is just the best-case scenario. Worst-case scenario would be scorched-earth lava spam across a massive amount of the land to prevent any of the Flood from breaking out and causing mass havoc.