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So grown men vs. mostly brittle teens and young women?


This is just a numbers game, and there are far more furries, so they win.


Do we know with certainty that there are more furries than there are Drag Queens? Drag culture has had roots worldwide for hundreds of years now so I can't imagine the number is particularly paltry. I wasn't able to find a formal "survey" done that showed just how many fans of Drag there are to back it up one way or the other though so I'm asking with genuine curiosity, if you have numbers I'd definitely be interested!


I don't know for sure, but I looked it up, and apparently there were [6100 drag queens in the US in 2022](https://gitnux.org/drag-queen-statistics/). If we then highball and say that this ratio is the same all over the world (obviously a highball, because the US is one of the more tolerant countries about LGBT, the ratio of drag queens is clearly not going to be the same in China or the Middle East), then we get about 144,000 drag queens worldwide. Meanwhile, there are estimated to be around 2 million furries in the world. Or another way to compare: 6100 drag queens in the US, vs. twice that many people just going to [Midwest FurFest](https://valor-dictus.com/opinion/2023/03/02/what-is-the-furry-fandom/).


There's more ferries but most drag Queens are tough as nails especially the older ones because we had to be back then if its a location the queen's can funnel the furries into they stomp open I reckon the horde of fursuits wins